«l j. a a -4iMA0IS0N MEMOKIAL LIBKAHT - HARRIS0HBUR6, VIB6IWIH. i New Books In Library, page 4 Sixty Students Make Honor Roll Halt The Stampeding, page 2 Election February 4th Z 776 Established 1922 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, January 17, 1941 Volume XVn Number 20 Dingledine And Jefferson Run For Student Head Convention Nominates Lynch, Walker For YW; Sanford Sixty Students Graduates Asked To Fill Schaaf For AA; Kilpatrick, Parks For BREEZE Out Diploma Blanks Survey Of 1940 And Partridge, Shelton For Schoolma'am Make First All students who expect to gradu- Business Grads With Jane Dingledine and Evelyn Jefferson heading the ticket as ate in March in either a two-or four- candidates for president of Student Government association, the electoral Honor Roll year course are asked to come to the Is Complete board has announced the nominees for the major officers for the coming registrar's office as soon as possible year. The election will be held on February 4. to fill out the proper application Second Honor Roll Totals Ruth Lynch and Kathryn Walker were named for presidency of blanks for degrees or diplomas. 93% Return Inquiry Blanks; Y.W.C.A., while Betty Sanford and Lee Schaaf are running for presi- 149 Against Former 166; Twenty Hold Positions; dent of the athletic association. General Decline Indicated Four Continue Education Candidates for editor-in-chief of the Breeze are Julia Kilpatrick and Miss Helen M. Frank announces Dr. Yap Talks The department of business educa- Louise Parks, while Phyllis Partridge the honor roll for the first quarter tion has just completed a survey of and Margaret Shelton have been of the 1940-41 session. This year 60 In Assembly its 1940 graduates. Inquiry blanks nominated for the same positions on students made the first honor or a were returned by twenty-six, or 93 the Schoolma'am. grade of A while 149 are on the sec- Philippine Lecturer Gives per cent, of the twenty-seven grad- Student Government ond honor with a grade of B, which Reasons For Building Up uates who received diplomas or de- Jane Dingledine has been promi- last year 78 were on the first honor U. S. Defense In Pacific grees. nent in campus activities for the roll and 166 on the second. Twenty of the twenty-six grad- past three years. She is now presi- First Honor: Seniors: Curriculum "The United States is so great a uates heard from, or 77 per cent, are dent of the Glee club, vice-president I, Margaret Derrick, Lucy Marshall, country that there is hardly a hap- gainfully employed in stenographic, of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, a Mrs. Harriet Pusey; Curriculum II, pening on the face of the earth in secretarial, and teaching positions. member of Kappa Delta Pi, Bluestone which we are not involved, directly Doris Buhrman, Louise Davis, Vern Four, or 19 per cent, of those stu- Cotillion club, and Page Literary so- Wllkerson; Curriculum III, Margaret or indirectly," stated Dr. D. M. Yap, dents who completed the two-year ciety. Previously she has served as noted Philippine lecturer, in his Dawson, Julia Ann Flohr, Martha programs, have returned to Madison business manager of the freshman McGavock, Anna Jane Pence, Mar- speech in chapel Wednesday on the college to complete four-year cur- class, business manager of the Glee subject "American Defense Program jorie Pitts, Juanita Rhodes, Marie ricula. The remaining two of the club, recording secretary of Tri Sig- Sesze, Frances Wright, Gladys in the Pacific." 1940 graduates heard from, or 7 per ma, and has been a member of the Explaining the reasons why we are Walker; Curriculum IV, Mary J. cent, are married. YW cabinet, Sigma Phi Lambda, and Wright; Curriculum VIII, Catherine building up a defense program in the Average Salary Tabulated the business staff of the Breeze. Pacific, Dr. Yap explained: "Politi- Perkins. Nineteen gainfully employed grad- Evelyn Jefferson is president of Juniors: Curriculum I, Mrs. May- cally these islands are to be pro- Dorothy Nover, president of Stu- uates report full-time annual sal- Sigma Sigma Sigma, a member of the tected by ue at our cost. From the dent Government association, who mle Bowman; Curriculum II, Mar- aries which range from "$600.00 to Pan Hellenic council, the Social com- economic standpoint, our possessions announces the students named by the garet Shelton; Curriculum IV, Ruth $1,440.00. The average annual sal- mittee, Lee Literary society, and in the Pacific are some of our best electoral board as candidates for the Riser, Cora Reams, Dorothy Smith, ary is $836.96. One graduate is em- Bluestone Cotillion club. She has also Lois Williams; Curriculum IX, Mar- customers today." rive major campus offices. ployed on a part-time basis. served as president of the sophomore Ever since 1914, the speaker point- tha Jane 'Draper. The graduates are engaged in the class, secretary of the freshman class, ed out, America has been directly Sophomores: Curriculum I, Mar- following kinds of professional, busi- and has been a member of the Fresh- involved in all the affairs of the garet Bixler, Mrs. Winnie Mauck; ness, and governmental employment: Tresidder Lists man chorus, Frances Sale club, and wprld and from this international Curriculum II, Ann Griffith, Grace teacher in high school; secretary to the editorial staff of the School- standpoint, defense in the Pacific is Richardson; Currriculum IV, Emily doctor, lawyer, minister; hospital x- Tentative Cast ma'am. important. Lewis, Dorothy Pitts; Curriculum ray technician; insurance executive; Y. W. C. A, "We are prepared," the speaker VII, Dorothy Knox; Curriculum VIII, school executive; Tennessee Valley Selection Of Five Will Be Ruth Lynch now holds the position declared, "not that we want to fight Unity Monger; Curriculum XI, Mary Authority officer; civil aeronautics of chairman of the program commit- anybody, however. But there are Made Tonight At First Elizabeth Bright, Dorothy Harp, Bess commission officer, state corporation tee on the YW cabinet. She is a some things in life which we cannot Rehearsal "What A Life" Butler, Roberta Jefferson, Evelyn commission officer; bookkeeper-ac- member of Lee Literary society and give away. And whether any power McCann, Mary Wllstrup. countant for telephone company, A casting list, from which five or the orchestra and band. She was will try to take anything away from Freshmen: Curriculum I, Nina bank, and jewelry firm. more will be selected to take part in chairman of the 1940 Red Cross us will depend upon how strong Brubaker; Curriculum II, Evangeline Promotions Reported Clifford Goldsmith's comedy, "What drive and formerly was a member of Japan is in the next thirty days." Bollinger, Judith Johnson, Jean Four of the twenty gainfully em- A Life," has been announced as fol- the student council, Sigma Phi Lamb- Jones, Jean Nelms, Sarah Walton; ployed graduates, or 20 per cent, lows by Dr. Argus Tresidder, direc- da, and was chairman of the Fresh- Curriculum III, Lois Nicholson; Cur- Local Glee Club, Harvard have obtained Better positions since man commission of YW. tor: Charlotte Weeks, Winnie Mauck, riculum IV, Ora Lee Hotinger, Alma their initial employment, and two, or Kathryn Walker is president of To Give Joint Concert Kay Coupar, Mary Wilstrup, Lois Elizabeth Marable, Mary Elizabeth 10 per cent, report promotions in Aeolian Music club, librarian of the Robertson, Katherine Stokes; Cur- The Madison College Glee club their present positions. Three, or 15 Pritchard, Fanny Hutchenson, Shir- Glee club, and director of the Fresh- riculum V, Dorothy Flnley, Curricu- will present a joint concert with the per cent, of the gainfully employed ley Lewis, Anna Partlow, Marie Sut- man chorus. She is a member of the lum VI, Anne Gemmell; Curriculum Harvard Glee club of Cambridge, graduates are continuing with their tle, Jo Anderson, Jean Barnes, El- YW cabinet, student council, Sigma Massachusetts, in Wilson hall audi- education by attending night school. Sigma Sigma and Lee Literary soci- VII, Josephine Anderson, Nancy Lee eanor Pincus, Jane Draper, Corlnne Throgmorton; Curriculum IX, Mar- torium on Tuesday, April 1. The pro- Typewriting is the most frequently- ety. She has also been a member of Riley, Elizabeth Bailey, and Elizabeth garet Wright, Maggie Wood Brett, gram will be one of the lyceum num- used skill, followed in order by tak- the editorial staff of the Breeae and (See Honor Roll, page 4) bers of the quarter. (See Business Education, page 4) Pranus. Final casting will be done Sigma Phi Lambda. after rehearsals begin next Thursday A. A. night, January 23. Betty Sanford, secretary of the Beatrice Straight, Founder Of Chekhov Theatre Players The play, which will be presented Athletic association, is treasurer of the Junior class, reporter for Page by Stratford Dramatic club on March Reveals Acting Theory, History Of Group Literary society, a member of Sigma By Bo jden Brooks planning but suggestions from any somewhat unusual by those who see 7 in Wilson auditorium, has an un- Sigma Sigma, Bluestone Cotillion "The actress who lives her part to member of the group are always wel- it for the first time, Miss Straight usually large cast of men, about sev- (See Candidates, page 2) o the point where she doesn't know comed. • spoke of their practice of connecting enteen in number, and a small num- what is happening, but is convinced "No one is ever starred in our movement with speech, using both ber of women's parts in comparison the body and the voice in expressing Water Color Exhibit that it is wonderful, may be good, but plays," she said, showing the same with most of the plays given by generally the performance Is lousy," enthusiasm and vigor that was evi- an idea.
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