*56"];t7PM/Pt/PWFNCFSt 143-163 Learning from the ‘Re-PUBLIC’: Remaking the public space as a medium of knowledge transfer in design education Zeynep GÜNAY1, Handan TÜRKOĞLU2, Burak PAK3, Thomas KNORR- SIEDOW4, Meriç DEMİR KAHRAMAN5, Özge ÇELİK6, Christine FUHRMANN7 1 HVOBZ[!JUVFEVUSt%FQBSUNFOUPG6SCBOBOE3FHJPOBM1MBOOJOH 'BDVMUZPG Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 2 UVSLPHMV!JUVFEVUSt%FQBSUNFOUPG6SCBOBOE3FHJPOBM1MBOOJOH 'BDVMUZPG Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 3CVSBLQBL!LVMFVWFOCFt%FQBSUNFOUPG"SDIJUFDUVSF 'BDVMUZPG"SDIJUFDUVSF KU Leuven, Brussels, Belgium 4 LOPSSTJF!UVDPUUCVTEFt%FQBSUNFOUPG-BOETDBQF"SDIJUFDUVSF 'BDVMUZ of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Planning, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany 5 NFSJDEFNJS!HNBJMDPNt%FQBSUNFOUPG6SCBOBOE3FHJPOBM1MBOOJOH 'BDVMUZPG"SDIJUFDUVSF *TUBOCVM5FDIOJDBM6OJWFSTJUZ *TUBOCVM 5VSLFZ 6 P[HFDFMJL!HNBJMDPNt%FQBSUNFOUPG6SCBOBOE3FHJPOBM1MBOOJOH 'BDVMUZPG"SDIJUFDUVSF *TUBOCVM5FDIOJDBM6OJWFSTJUZ *TUBOCVM 5VSLFZ 7GVISNBOO!UVDPUUCVTEFt%FQBSUNFOUPG-BOETDBQF"SDIJUFDUVSF 'BDVMUZ of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Planning, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany 3FDFJWFE.BZt Final Acceptance: November 2017 Abstract This paper presents the learning outcomes of the international project, ‘RE-PUBLIC: Remaking the Public Space’, funded by European Union Life Long Learning - Erasmus Intensive Programme. It focused on complex and diversi- fied layers of public space within the context of the place-making logic. Istanbul’s Taksim region including the Taksim Square, Gezi Park and Istiklal Street acted as the core problem area with its disintegrated and segregated physical and cultur- al territorial borders. The participants were invited to develop their own under- standing of public space and jointly produce their own place-making strategies on possible alternatives for the process of planning, designing and implementing change in public spaces in accordance to their scope, use and meaning. As a result, the Re-PUBLIC Programme tested a number of innovative research and planning methods to improve teaching in planning and design studies. A major impact was expected from the cross-country approach and joint-learning. It is hoped that the experience of Re-PUBLIC will provide a critical medium of knowledge transfer in design education. Keywords doi: 10.5505/itujfa.2017.07108 doi: Public space, Urban design, Place-making, Design education. 144 1. Introduction Regarding this conceptualisation, Throughout the world’s cities, public ‘The Re-PUBLIC: Remaking the Pub- space is playing an ever more import- lic Space’ focused on complex and di- ant role in the production of places. versified layers of public space within At the same time, it has become the the context of the place-making log- core of contradicting demand. Com- ic. The Workshop, which took place modification, commercialisation and JO*TUBOCVMGSPNUP+VMZJO even militarisation of public space Taskisla – Istanbul Technical Universi- are indicators of its declining quality UZ *56 'BDVMUZPG"SDIJUFDUVSFBTQBSU as a factor of urban identity, culture of European Union Life Long Learning and the freedom of communication. Erasmus Intensive Programme, was a While neglect and deterioration are joint undertaking between four higher among the factors for this withering; education institutions including ITU the transformation into pseudo-public (coordinator), Brandenburg Technical spaces is also effective in conjunction 6OJWFSTJUZ ,6-FVWFO'BDVMUZPG"S- with privatisation and an extension of chitecture and Politecnico di Torino market principles to the provision of with 12 tutors1 and 31 participants2. QVCMJDTQBDF TFF1VOUFS $SBX- The participants of the workshop were ford, 1995; Defilippis, 1997). On the 3rd or 4th year students of the under- one hand, they have come under the graduate programmes and the students influence of a neo-liberal commercial- of graduate programmes in partner isation of the cities, while on the other; institutions. The core idea was to re- they have increasingly been adopted by spond to the above mentioned issues civil society as a space of self-defini- regarding Istanbul’s Taksim region in- tion and cultural action. The old role of cluding the Taksim Square, Gezi Park public space as a set format of the state and Istiklal Street as a core problem and the government’s self-representa- area that has been disintegrated and tion is obsolete and new approaches segregated with specific physical and for a co-production of public space are cultural territorial borders (Adanali, needed to turn contested public space 6[VNLFTJDJ &SLVU 1ITU Department of Urban and into an element of inclusive urbanity. The participants were invited to devel- Regional Planning The relations are manifold and recipro- op their own understanding of public (Coordinator): cal: Public space is designed and made space and jointly produce their own Handan by people and at the same time, public place-making strategies on possible al- Turkoglu (Project space by its design and form influences ternatives for the process of planning, Coordinator), Zeynep Gunay, people in their everyday and political designing and implementing change Meric Demir life. Citizens contribute to the identity in public spaces in accordance to their Kahraman, Ozge of the places and places are influencing scope, use and meaning. Celik; Brandenburg the spatial reality and the social life of Among the key questions the inten- Technical the cities. In this sense, we should de- sive programme intends to respond to University, Department velop a thinking of space with reference are: What role does public space play of Landscape to the different levels of collectivity as in defining the urban cultural, social Planning and EFĕOFE CZ .PSBMFT EFNPDSB- and spatial identity of cities in rapidly Urban Design: DZCZ'SBTFS 1BSLJOTPO transforming societies? How is public Carlo Wolfgang social integration (or disintegration) space transforming cities and citizens Becker, Christine Fuhrmann, and borders as described by Mada- in the interplay of the public and the Thomas Knorr- OJQPVS BOEUFSSJUPSJBMPSHBOJTB- private in cities at a time of increasing Siedow; KU Leuven tion including physical, territorial and marketisation? What is the role of the Department of cultural order by Habraken (1998). citizens in the using and making of Architecture: Place-making is therefore of major im- the public space? How to research and Johan Verbeke, Burak Pak, Livia portance in re-creating interrelations map the various actors and influences de Bethune; between buildings, time and space, shaping public spaces? What are the Politecnico di institutions and people. Regarding the meaning and role of public space in Torino, Department TPDJPTQBUJBM MJUFSBUVSF #VUMFS building democracy, cultural identity of Urban and #BVNBOO 4OPX <> and in reviving city’s image, economy Regional Studies & Planning: we, today, aware that people (and com- and liveability? How can public space Alessandro Fubini, munities) are making place and people be qualified to build a bridge between Emanuela Saporito (and communities) are made by space. the past, the present and the future? as tutors. *56 "]; t 7PM /P t /PWFNCFS t ; (àOBZ ) 5àSLPʓMV # 1BL 5 ,OPSS4ŔFEPX .%FNŔS,BISBNBO ½±FMŔL $'VISNBOO 145 What are the driving and restraining was structured through empirical re- forces in remaking public space? What search and analysis, seminar series, are the characteristics of good quali- mapping-oriented field studies, dis- ty public space? How should design, cussion sessions, studio work, frequent planning process and maintenance of presentation of the findings and the public space respond to the changes preparation of design boards and pow- in society and to the current financial er-point presentations. An intensive crisis of the public sector? How can the programme of seminars was provided theories and concepts of place-making by the tutors of the four participating be utilised to improve the relations in higher education institutions who are the triangle between urban politics and highly involved with public space and planning administration, the econom- place-making. They were thematic and ic realm, and the citizens as owners? methodology-oriented with the target By responding to these questions, of finding evidence and success ori- the Re-PUBLIC tested a number of in- ented methodological innovations in novative research and planning meth- teaching and research, especially with ods to improve teaching in planning regards to a cross-cultural environment studies. A major impact was expect- of an international collaboration. Panel ed from the cross-country approach was organised with the contributions and the joint learning of students and of Ipek Akpinar and Murat Guvenc teachers with the partly diverse back- to help students to gain acknowledge- ground of the professions and experi- ment on recent developments in the ences in the various countries taking Taksim square, Gezi events and their part. Knowledge transfer and manage- relation to general idea of place-mak- ment played an important role and the ing, in contrast to the lectures aiming experience of the Re-PUBLIC filtered at providing thematic and methodolo- 2ITU: Huma Sahin, Sezen Turkoğlu, into the teaching and learning meth- gy-oriented discussion on place-mak- Eda Uraz, Merve odologies of the universities taking ing. The main component of the work- Kadaifci, Gorsev part. This paper presents
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