NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O.Box 42-O9O Wainuiomata New Zealand Phone (04)s64€578 Fax (04)s64{578 Mall order and wholeeale stocklsts ol the wldest selectlon of modetn chess literature ln Australasla- and all playing equiPment Chess Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery Distributors ol all leading brands ol chess comPuters and software. Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interest). ESSMEN'STAU NTON' STYLE - CLU B/TOU RNAMENT STAN DARD PLASTIC CH Oflicial magazine of the New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc.) 90mm King, solid, extra weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish) $28.00 felt base (black & white semi-gloss finish) $17.50 95mm King solid, weighted, Vol 23 Number I February 1997 $3.50 (incl GST) Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets $8.00 FOLDING CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 48o x 48omm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $O.oO 450 x 45o mm thick vinyl (dark brown and otf white) $14.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 450 x 470 mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $8.00 440 x 44omm semi-flex and non{olding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $9.00 CHESS MOVE TIMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular win*up club clock, brown plastic $69.00 Standard German-made as above, in imitation wood case $79.00 DGT official FIDE digital chess timer $169.00 SAITEK digital game timer $145.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 2@ loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $Z'oo Bundle of 5oo loose score sheets, 8o moves and diagram $15.00 Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score sheets as above $3.50 Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any pag€, 50 games of 70 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $7'00 Artyta,r peel-anGstick symbols (40O pieces) plus 2O diagram blocks $e.00 MAGNETIC CHESS 19O x 1s0mm (1smm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $19.50 270 x 2OOmm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $15.00 Standing pocket set '125x 125 mm (15mm b & w squares) $5.00 Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squales, 65mm King) $24.50 AUCKI.AND STOCKIST Ortvin Sarapu, S Barrington Road, Auckland 2 Telephone (09P7e3O83 For all club and school staUonery and playlng equlpment Australian grandmaster in the New Zealand Championship EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S NZ Chcss 2 NEWZEALAND CHESS STOP PRESS is the ofhcial journal of the New T,ealand New Zealand Chess Fencible Masters Chess Federation (Inc.), published bimonthly Vol 23 Number I February 1997 Paul Spiller advises that the field for thc (February, April, June, August, October, Fencible Masters toumament December). at the end ot Contents March is : GM Drazen Sermek (Slovenia) AII correspondence, subscription renewals, story - report on the annual Congress, with GM Ian Rogers FIDE rating 2575, IM Stephen Solomon 4 A 1996-97 multiple success changes of address, advertising inquiries, new New Zealand shampion, IM norms for Kulashko AUS 2385, Aleksei Kulashko 2380, Tim dominant, Alexei Kulashko the articles and other copy should be sent to and Garbett, and an administrative anniversary triumph for North Shore. Reilly AUS 2335, IM Vemon Small 2330, Paul New Z.ealand Chess FM Paul Garbett 2300, FM Bob Smith 7 How GM Rogers won the tournament - all his g2mes. P O Box 3130 2300m, FM Ewen Greet 2290, l,eonard 9 Alexei Kulashko is among the annotators of a selection of grm65 which show how others Wellington Mclaren 2215,FM Eddy Levi AUS 2265. fared in the NZ Championship. Opinions expressed in articles, letters and This held would have an average FIDE 14 The NZ Major Opeo scoretable, with report and results to follow in April. other contributions are those of the authors. rating of 2343, maktng it a category 4 Letters to the editor on any chess topic are with 6 points required for an IM I 5 Teresa Sheehan and Colm Hartigan feature in a selection ofjunior g^mes. welcome; limit 150 words, and marked :""HT*t "for 16 How Ian Rogers won and IM Russell Dive took the title in the NZ Rapid Championship. publication." NZ Women's Champlonship l8 A backgrounder shows why NM Peter Stuart fully deserved life membership conferred on EDITORIAL Howick-Pakuranga CC has offered to hold irim byNZCF. Editor, Ted Frost. the 1997 NZ Women's Championship at club championships, some with surprising results, are featured in a jumbo round- I nt ern a t ional e ditor, NM Peter Stuart. Queen's Birth<lay weekend. The offer will be 21 Many considered urgently by NZCF Council. up of New Zealand news. ANNUAL SI'BSCRIPTION RATES 't\e junior championship, New Zealand,$20.00 Kasparov over 2E00 24 best of David Guthrie's 82mes from the Medellin world Sarapu. Australia, South Pacihc , US$12.00 airmail The FIDE update of ratings for Febmary annotated by IM frvitr East Asi4 N America US$l5.00 airmail gives Garry Kasparov RUS an extra I I 26 Kasparov and Short succeed in tournaments recorded in Peter Stuart's overseas news. Europe US$17.50 airmail, US$12.50 points since the start of the year and lifts 30 NZCF Council reports oo preparations for a promotion programme and makes economy him 6ys1' the 2800 milestone, to 2806. appointments for 1997, but is still short of venues for NZCF events. Rest of the world, US$20.00 airmail, Viswanathan Anand IND holds second placc tournament US$15.00 economy at 2772, ahead of Vladimir Iftamnik RUS Coming tn April: Report and games from Howick-Pakuranga's Fencible Masters Back issues available - send for details 2749, who is two points ahead of Anatoly and Latvian Gambit, report and games from the NZ Major Open, gemes from the NZ clubs' ADVERTTSING RATES Karpov RUS 2747. how women and juniors stand in the NZ ratings, and the FIDE president's Chess City plan. Full page NZM5.00 tlalf page or firll column NZ$22.50 Ilelp us celebrate our anniversary! Half column NZ$12.00 Join the Waitemata Chess Club at our 20th anniversary Waitakere Trust Open, Club notices, per classihed NZ$1.50 15 May 3 a'nd 4,1997 words. COVER: There were many notew<lt.llty Over $3000 prize money! 3 separate tournaments COPY DEADLINE fealures of lhe 1996-97 NZ Champi<tnship Congress conducted by North Shore CC, not lst C tourney $200 The deadline for the April issue is Prizes include: lst A tourney $600; lst B tourney $300; leasl among lhem the presene of Australian Don't miss New Zraland's biggest and richest weekender! Saturday, Marcb 22. grandmaster Ian Rogers and his wife Cathy. play (even stay) at our quality venue: Copy should include details of comitrg Rogers is photographed playing againsl one Come and events for this year. of the New Zealand Ims, Russell Dive. the Lincoln Green Motor Hotel, Waitakere City, AucHand IIOME PAGE ON WORLD WIDE WEB Enjoy perfect playing conditions The premium advertislng space And stay for complimentary annivslsary refreshments after the event http: //ourworld.compusele. com/tromepages opposite (09) /nzchesV ls available at $20.00 per lssue. Enquiries to Bob Smith ph 8184113' or by post to 2 Autumn Avenue, Glen Eden, Auckland 7. I'IZAx NZ Chess T 104th New Zealand championship by Ted Frost :Wi8!,lfl::: The New Zealand. Chess Federation, the his FIDE rating of 2380 in the l! .&90,.,,;:,::: 04 .D2,,.,,,03 ,.,..W5.....Wl1 W8,...['Y10W12..'.. 9,5 . ',,,.,.,,,,,.,,.., ,W6 ::W4 North Shore Chess Club, and all the players championship. He added to the stimulating z i,,,,,,,, !292 Ac D13 w1903 w10Dl tr1rf.,w6 lsr::WiaWtt ,0.5 i3 have many reasons to be well satisfied with atmosphere of the tournament by Dive,R.J. "',229i:C1 W14012 02 w4 W5 D1' D0 ,,W8,D7 vlJ1lDlo 8 ,,,70.0,: the l04th New Z,ealand championhip demonstrating care in preparation which congress, which was a success in every way: included close study of his opponents' play - the strength of competition, and variations which dispelled any feelings o [rirtin,a.M.s. nss oT D-isw16D5 Ll *rgw6::D3 u wtJ1l, Pz, o 710' - the quality ofplay, of opening complacency which might have ,,Ll 5.5 62.5 - two IM no[ns, stemmed from meeting the same group of e was'tne14,,s,c zooo GA 05,, 020 D10 w21D7 L6 W9 L3 W18D15 - excellent administration, opponents year after year. 10 Mctarel; 1-3. Z1OS t-g wtZ Og L2 W11L15 WrO W22 [t,,,,,,03,, OZ;O - several inn6y6fie19 which made life After draws in rounds I and 3 (with Tony , NS Ul ,,,9 easier for all concerned, Dowden and IM Russell Dive), Kulashko - and not least, the surroundings and dropped half a point behind Rogers. They general atmosphere. drew in rourd 5, but when Rogers drew with Dive in round 6 Kulashko joined again GM dominates him in the lead. Kulasbko met his match in 019: D20:,,110 D17'018,,D13 ' : 51.5 Australian GM Ian Rogers is slightly built, 16 Guthrie, D;Wi:, '.2012 0I 015::L6:,::o14,D11 W22 5 , losing to FM Anthony Ker in round 9 and but he towered over the championship. He 17 Metge, J.N:,: 20S8 PT L4 L10 LlS W22115 Ott,,,wZt OtO W'!9112 w20 a SO.q dropping back to second equal with Dive. and his wife Cathy brought to the Congress This left Rogers in the clear lead with charming, helpful personalities which tg l-ove,:AJ.:,," ' ,1oo o, oo ,'tz D2rD14 016 L9 ,Wtzotr u7'D21018 1.5 53.5 Kulashko and Dive locked together in the D22 D8 D13 D9 L6, O12'1D7,; L17',.
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