A FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (FLP) VALUATION EXAMPLE A FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (FLP) VALUATION EXAMPLE A FAMILYBy: LindaLIMITED B. Trugman,PARTNERSHIP CPA/ABV, (FLP) MCBA, VALUATION ASA, MBA EXAMPLE By: Linda B. Trugman, CPA/ABV, MCBA, ASA, MBA By: Linda B. Trugman, CPA/ABV, MCBA, ASA, MBA Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs) have grown in popularity as an estate planning tool and a way to depress transferFamily Limited tax values. Partnerships Business (FLPs) valuation have grownexperts in popularity should be as aware an estate of the planning issues tool involved and a wayin valuing to depress FLP transferFamily Limited tax values. Partnerships Business (FLPs) valuation have grownexperts in popularity should be as aware an estate of the planning issues tool involved and a wayin valuing to depress FLP transferinterests taxand values. how to prepare Business a report valuation that isexperts less likely should to be be challenged aware of by the the issues Internal involved Revenue in Servicevaluing (IRS)FLP or,interests if challenged, and how will to preparemore likely a report be resolved that is less in favor likely ofto thebe challengedtaxpayer. by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or,interests if challenged, and how will to preparemore likely a report be resolved that is less in favor likely ofto thebe challengedtaxpayer. by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or, if challenged, will more likely be resolved in favor of the taxpayer. Valuation analysts need to do more than focus on what discounts they can use to reduce the value of a FLP Valuation analysts need to do more than focus on what discounts they can use to reduce the value of a FLP Valuationinterest. Theana lystsFLPneed agreement to do more and thanother focus partnership on what documents discounts theymust can be usethoroughly to reduce analyzed the value before of a FLP the valuationinterest. The analyst FLPcan agreement begin to and render other an partnershipopinion of value.documents The finalmust report be thoroughly must at leastanalyzed contain before certain the valuationinterest. Theanalyst FLPcan agreement begin to andrender other an partnershipopinion of value.documents The finalmust report be thoroughly must at leastanalyzed contain before certain the valuationinformation analyst about canthe beginassignment to render- the an nature opinion of ofthe value. interest The being final valued, report must the terms at least of thecontain partnership certain agreement,information andabout the the financial assignment condition - the of naturethe entity. of the interest being valued, the terms of the partnership agreement,information andabout the the financial assignment condition- the of naturethe entity. of the interest being valued, the terms of the partnership agreement, and the financial condition of the entity. This discussion is designed as an overview of the FLP valuation process and the items to consider. It is designedThis discussion to help isyou designed prepare asvaluation an overview reports of more the FLeffectivelyP valuation and processperhaps andminimize the items the opportunity to consider. for It the is designedThis discussion to help isyou designed prepare asvaluation an overview reports of more the FLeffectivelyP valuation and processperhaps andminimize the items the opportunity to consider. for It the is designedIRS to challenge to help you your prepare opinion valuation of value. reports This more discussion effectively also and assumes perhaps minimizethat the thereader opportunity has a forbas theic understandingIRS to challenge about your FLPs. opinion Please of note value. that This FLP isdiscussion being used also as a genericassumes term that in thisthe paper.reader Many has attorneysa basic understandingIRS to challenge about your FLPs. opinionPlease of note value. that This FLP isdiscussion being used also as a genericassumes term that in thisthe paper.reader Many has attorneysa basic understandingare currently using about Limited FLPs. Please Liability note Companies that FLP is(LLC), being usedrather as than a generic Limited term Partnerships, in this paper. butMany the attorneys overall structureare currently of the using transaction Limited and Liability the valuation Companies issues (LLC), are therather same. than Limited Partnerships, but the overall structureare currently of the using transaction Limited and Liability the valuation Companies issues (LLC), are therather same. than Limited Partnerships, but the overall structure of the transaction and the valuation issues are the same. WHAT IS A FLP? A FLP is a nontaxable entity that is created and governed by statute and whose partners (bothWHAT general IS A FLP? and limited)A FLP is and a nontaxable assignees entityconsist thatmainly is createdof family and members. governed by statute and whose partners (bothWHAT general IS A FLP? and limited)A FLP is and a nontaxable assignees entityconsist that mainly is createdof family and members. governed by statute and whose partners (both general and limited) and assignees consist mainly of family members. Many of the issues that arise in appraising FLPs become legal interpretations of the partnership agreement, Many of the issuesA @ that arise in appraising FLPs become legal interpretations of the partnership agreement, Manyrather ofthan the issuesApure@ thatvaluation arise inissues. appraising Although FLPs asbecome a valuation legal interpretations analyst, it is ofimportant the partnership that we agreement, know and rather than Apure@ valuation issues. Although as a valuationA analyst,@ it is important that we know and understandrather than theApure issues,@ valuation it is imperative issues. Althoughthat we leave as athe valuation Alawyering analyst,@ to the itlawyers. is important If there that is any we doubt know in and the understand the issues,= it is imperative that we leave the Alawyering@ to the lawyers. If there is any doubt in the valuationunderstand analyst the issues,=s mind it regardingis imperative the that nature we of leave the assignment the Alawyering or the@ to terms the lawyers. of the partnership If there is any agreement, doubt in the valuation= analyst=s mind regarding the nature of the assignment or the terms of the partnership agreement, the valuationclient=s attorney analyst should=s mind be regarding the one theto explain nature ofit tothe the assignment valuation oranalyst, the terms not ofthe the other partnership way around. agreement, the client=s attorney should be the one to explain it to the valuation analyst, not the other way around. client=s attorney should be the one to explain it to the valuation analyst, not the other way around. PENALTIES: Valuation analysts should be warned that applying discounts too enthusiastically c an backfire. PENALTIES: Valuation analysts should be warned that applying discounts too enthusiasticallyA can backfire. PENALTIESSection 6701: ofValuati the IRCon analysts imposes should civil penalties be warned on thatvaluation applying analysts discounts of $1,000 too enthusiastically for Aaiding and c anabettingbackfire. an Section 6701 of the IRC imposes@ civil penalties on valuation analysts of $1,000 for Aaiding and abetting an Sectionunderstatement 6701 of of the tax IRC liability. imposes@ The civil IRS penalties could also on valuationimpose an analysts administrative of $1,000 sanction for Aaiding barring and the abetting valuation an analystunderstatementfrom submitting of tax liability. probative@ The evidence IRS could in future also IRSimpose proceedings. an administrative For these sanction reasons, barring the report the valuation must be analystunderstatementfrom submitting of tax liability. probative@ The evidence IRS could in future also IRSimpose proceedings. an administrative For these sanction reasons, barring the report the valuation must be analystpreparedfrom judiciously submitting and probative every statement evidence bein future carefully IRS documented proceedings. and For presented these reasons, in such the areport way mustthat the be valuationprepared conclusionjudiciously can and beevery replicated statement and beunderstood carefully documentedby those for whom and presented it is intended. in such a way that the valuationprepared conclusionjudiciously can and beevery replicated statement and beunderstood carefully documentedby those for whom and presented it is intended. in such a way that the valuation conclusion can be replicated and understood by those for whom it is intended. The valuation analyst should also be aware of the new appraiser penalty rules that were described in the The valuation analyst should also be aware of the new appraiser penalty rules that were described in the ThePension valuation Protection analyst Act should of 2006. also Althoughbe aware theseof the penaltiesnew appraiser specifically penalty apply rules to that valuations were described for charitable in the contributionPension Protection purposes, Act many of 2006. believe Although that they these will ultimately penalties be specifically extended to apply appraisals to valuations of property for for charitable income contributionPension Protection purposes, Act many of 2006. believe Although that they these will ultimately penalties be specifically extended to apply appraisals to valuations of property for for charitable income contributionand transfer purposes, tax purposes. many The believe penalties that they fall willinto ultimately two categories, be extended a “gross to appraisals valuation ofmisstatement” property for income
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