jpaniJu 7154. The London Gazette. PuMtl&eD ty aut&otftp* From •f5TU:r*sia*? December I p. to &atUtDi*ti* December 23. 1732. T the Court at St. fames's the 21st of in the Service ofthis State, died here last Sa­ A December, 1732. turday. PRESENT, The Right Honourable the Chancellor tf His Ma­ jesty's Exchequer is pleased to give Notice to tbe Per­ The King's most Excellent Majesty in Coun­ son wbo sent bim a Letter subj cribed G. D. dated the cil. iztb of December, 1732, tbat he shall be ready to bear His Majesty in Council was this Day pleased bim on the fubjeB Matter of his said Letter, at his to appoint the following Sheriffs, viz. House, in St. James's Square, on any Morning at Hertford, Thomas Floyer, of Brent-Pel- Eight of tbe Clock. harn, Esq; December zo, 1732. At » Meeting of the Right Honourable the "Lords Stafford, John Dolphin, of Shenston, Esq; Commissioners appointed by His Majesty's Let­ Suffolk, Alexander Bence, of Thorring- ters Patent to take a Survey of the Officers of ton, Esq; the Courts of Justice in England and Wales, and to enquire into theit* Fees, *Petef$bourg, Nov. 15, O.S. Yesterday .Ordeted, That all Perjons claiming to be Officers being theT>utchess of Mecklenburg's Name- or Ministers of or within the Courts of tbe Counties Day, all the Foreign Ministers and Persons Palatine of Chester and Durham, the Courts of Ely, of Distinction went in the Morning to com­ the Marjbalfia or Palace Court, and the Court of pliment her Czarian Majesty, and her High­ Delegates, &o forthwith lay before their Lordships, (by leaving the fame in Writing with Mr. Jo/liua nesi on that Occafion. That Dutchefs- con­ Sharpe, the Secretary to this Commission, at his Cham­ tinues to be in a very indifferent State of bers No 6. in Pump Court, in the Temple) an Account Health. Advices from Moscow lay, that 24. of the Nature of their respeBive offices, and .what tall Men are arrived at that' Place frorn the Service, Charge and Attendance, doth belong unto eacb Ukraine, and are soon expected here. Her of them by Pirtue of their respeBive Offices, and what Majesty designs to fend them as a Present to Fees, Rewards and Wages, every of the faid Officers the iCing of Prussia, to serve in his Regiments Clerks and Ministers, and their Substitutes or Vnder- of Great Grenadiers. Count Wratiflaw, the Clerks have and take for and in RefpejB of tbeir se­ Emperour's Minister, being now laid up with veral Offices and Places. the Gout, it is very uncertain when he will And Notice is hereby given, by Order of tbeir Lordm be able to set out for Vienna. M. le Fort, fliips, That such of the Officers who were direBed by their Lordships Order of the second Day of November Envoy from th6 King of Poland, was taken last, to bring in their List of Fees, and tbat have not very ill some Days ago, and continues very • yet brought theih in, do peremptorily bring in thesame much indisposed. btfore the first Da) of Hilary 'lt*rw next, with ouf fur­ Hague, Dec zo~, N. S. There is at yet no ther Notice. Time fixed for the Assembly ofthe States of Joshua Sharpe, Se cr. Holland, and it is thought they will not meet December 23* 1732. till the 12th or i*5th of next Month. The Tbe Court of Affistants tf tbe Governour and Com­ pany for Smelting down Lead with Pit-Coal and Grand Pensionary, who it was thought was Sea- Coal, do hereby give Notice, That a Court of E- .recovered of his late Fit of the Gout, is again leBion of a Governour, Deputy Governour, and Twelve confined to his Bed by a Relapse of it. The Affistants forthe Tear ensuing sor thesaid Corporation, Greffier Fagel is also indisposed with a violent will be held 'at their House in Tngram C Ourt, Fen- Rheumatism, for which he has been twice church-street, London, on Thursday the Fourth tf Ja- let Blood. A great Number of People are I nuary next, from the Hour of Nine in the Morning seized here With the same Distemper, or a tiU Twelve - and that the Transfer Books will eomu j~~, 1 a. 1 1 • t I-1 -rr-1-1 tT> nue*HJ*> shut/Z*i*a># tillrill 'LtdaiimoWednesday id si HI tber-Ua iotb* f\t-l\ tf*.¥ J-anuary^f. ntttt jtvtA. next.Uaivit Cold attended with a Fever. The States 1 General have delivered to the Resident of Lists tf the Proprietors may be bad at tbe above Place the Bishop of Liege their Answer to the knl\ en the zgtb Instant. T. Uflier, Seer* ' Letter which the Bilhop wrote ; which An­ •Advertisements. s swer contains a long Deduction, in Opposi­ In Scaccario Term' frt' Trinitat" Anno «to 6eo»- tion to the Pretension of the said Bistiop for Ex parte & Rs. gii ldiRs. Sabbati nono die Decem­ establishing the Constitution, at Maestricht bris, i7j a, inter Henricum Whicb- cote, Aimigemm, <^ner' & Edrum without their Consent. Miles & Saram Uxorem ejus, & al' Hague, Dec. 30, N. S. The States Ge­ Defendentes per Billam Anglicanum. Mddjr. T TPon tbe Motion of Mr. Foley,ofCouncel with tbe neral received Yesterday a Letter from the [*J Plaintiff, informing the Coiift that the Plaintiff States- ofthe Province of Zealand, notifying did file his Bill in* this Court ii} Hilary "Term, in the Year their Resolution sor abrogating the Vaflalage One thousand teren hundred and twenty nine, againft Defendants JEdward Miles and Sarah his Wife, and otbers| of Ter Veer and Flushing ; which they will did take out Process of Subpœna againft the laid Edv communicate to them with due Formality by Miles and Sarah his Wife, returnab e the fifteenth Day April, one thousand seven hundred and thirty, to com: a Deputation, as soon as the Weather will them toappear to and answer the said Bill, and that t-he Plal permit. Colonel Cuningham, who com­ tiff batb taken oot fe->eralsublequent Subpœna's against tl manded one ofthe three Scoteh Regiments! said Edward Miles -and Sarah bit Wife for tbt ISjune Furpo' tj .
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