• ••••••••••• • • ••••• • • wip" ro")}\: . ·. -- ......•: • • ••••• • •. • •••••• ••••• June 5, 2019 The Manager - Listing BSE Limited (BSE: 507685) The Manager - Listing National Stock Exchange of India Limited. (NSE: WIPRO) Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Newspaper Advertisement- Regulation 47 of SEBI {Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Further to our letter dated June 5, 2019 submitting copy of public announcement and other related documents relating to buyback of equity shares of the Company, please find attached copies of newspaper advertisements containing the public announcement. The same has been made available on the Company's website www.wipro.com. Thanking You, For WIPRO LIMITED t-V~ M Sanaulla Khan Company Secretary ENCL: as above. ~gistered OffiCl<I: .,,, ',J,"!"~;:1•;; ,....••• ·';j~~~1:1'1111l~1~!~i!li:_::!: Wipro Limited T : +91 (80) 2844 0011 Doddakannelli F : +91 (80) 2844 0054 ''! . .",'' ·-·::o· ' Sarjapur Road E : [email protected] Bengaluru 560 035 W: wipro.oom India C : L32102KA1945PlC020800 12 MUMBAI 1 wrnNEsoAv, s rnNE 2019 Business Standard No4I: ••••• 1. Origila/ly niceNBd 840 (Six l'*'11dr8d 8lld Folty) er,Mly BhsreB d Rs. 1lY· ~ T11t1 only) flllCh as gift and ••••• •••••••• •• • subnqUllnlty adJ15119dforlp/lf ntoshal8S <itace valwof Rs. 21· (Rlf»el TIWonl}') each as an the record daA9 en • ..· .·····.··• e Octob8r 14, 1999. WIPRO LIMITED 2. OniJir18ly allotted 9,2fl0 (Mlle Thousand Two Hundred Mid 6g/lly) equily 5hal85 of Rs. 14' ~Ten only) each as bonus s"""8and.subsequenflyadpit9dforep6/1nlo lhalflS tifac8 _,,ofRI. 21- (Rupees TM? only) WIP.f~.~JJ: Corporlll ldlntlllcalon N1111ber (CtN~ L32102KA1945PLC0211800 each as on !he leootdd8'e oo Oc1Dber 14, 1999. • • ••••• • • Rlglltlr9cl Ofllce: Doddakar11elli, Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru. 560 035, India. Phone: +91 80 2844 0011 ; Fu: +91 80 2844 0054; Emll: [email protected]; ll Altllld Azim PNmjl ••••••• W.bllta: www.wipro.com, Com111ny Secretlry and Compll111ce Olllcer: Mr. M Sanaiat Khan ••••• Dall of Nllure of No.of Face Value llMIAcqullltlon Conakllrlllon TrlnllCtlon TllllUc:lon Equ~Shlrw (A&.) Prtce (RI.) {Cuh,OCher PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMEHT FOR THE AMNTION OF EQUITY SHAREHOLDERMtENEFICIAL OWNERS OF QI~ AweQ1i1e shwehokilg ot the Direclors and Key Managerial Peraonnel of the company as on the dale of tile lhancah*-) EQllTY SHARES OF WPRO LllllfED FOR THE BUYBACK OF ~ SHARES THROUGH TENDER OFFER Boeld Mee(ngandthedalaofflePoslal Ballot Nolice, i.e.,April 16, 2019: Auguat24, 2005 Bonus 3,08,000 2 . UNDER lltE 8ECUllTE8 AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF lllXA (BUY-BACK OF 8ECUllTIE8) REQULATIONB, SI. No. tt.n. ofSMreholdlr Dalgnltlon No. of &ply Shnl % SMrehaldng June 17, 2010 Bonus 3,78,866 2 . 2018, AS All ENDED. 1. AzimHPrem~ Chairman and 111&IWlina Director 24,90,81),265 4.1 3 June 16, 2017 Bonus 6.88,688 2 . Thia Piellc Announce•nl (Ille "Publlc Amouncemenl") la being ..cie panulllt tD Ille provlelon• of 2. NVl(jtul lnd81l9ndant Direclor . Marth 8, 2019 Bonus 4,'Sl,m 2 . Regullllon 7(1) ol 1he 8ecu111e8 Ind Erclwlge llollll of 111111 {Buv-Blck ol Secwllel) Regllllllane, 2018, • 3. Dr. Aahok S G"""'llll lnt1ar1Andant Director 4,978 o.oo lllllndld (the "lluybeck Rlgulllions") 11111 contains the dildo81n111 iplCiflld in Schedule II ol lhl lluyblck . Toti! 18,31,108 Regullllona. 4. M KShanna ln<IAMndent Director Iv• Tlllq Azim Prlmjl 5. Wllllam Al1hur Own lndeclendent Director . OFFER FOR BUYBACK OF UP TO 32,30,78,923 (THIRTY 1WO CRORES llilRTY LAKHS SEVENTY SIX . D819 of Nllureaf No. of FaoeYalue llMIAoqullltlon Conakllrlllon Tl'iOUSAND Nit£ HUNDRED AND lWENTY Tlf\EE) FWY PAID UP EQUITY SHARES OF Tt£ COMPANY OF 8. lreena Vitlal Independent Director 1'rlNlctlon Tl'lllaldlon Equ ~Shlra (Ra.) Prfce(RI.) (Cuh,oeher FACE VALUE OF Ra. 21· (RUPEES 1WO ONLY) EACH ("EQtlTY SHARES'1 AT A PRICE Of Ra. '3J!J/· (RUPEES 7. Dr. Patrick Jam Ennis lnelellendenl Director . lllanCllh&) Tl'iREE H~DRED AND TWENTY AVE ONLY) PER EQUITY SHARE ON A PROPORTIONATE BASIS lllROUGH 8. Pa1rick Dupuis Independent Diredor . June 30, 1997 GI\ 2$,!ill'' 2 . Tl'iETEN>EROFFERPROCESS. 9. Arundh81 ln<11m11ndent DilllClor . June 29, 2004 Bonus 53,000 2 . Certatl figures COl'llalned lnlhlS PIJbllcAnnouncemeM, lnducllg ltianc:aJ lnfomlallon, llave beeri subject to rounding.of! 10. Abidal Z Neamuchwala CEO and Executive Dinlc1Dr 4.2UW 0.01 August 24, 2006 Bonus 79,&10 2 . '*91menls. All dacinels have been roundld oft to two decimal poinla. In oertain instances, (i) the 8Ulll or percnage 11. Rillhlld A 1'19mji ExecutiW Dll'lttar and 18,31,109 0.03 June 17, 2010 Bonus 1,06,000 2 . change of such may not conform exactly to the 11*11 figure gMill; ard (I) f1e sum ol the numbera Ina QOfumn or rumen Ch1e1 St-omcer June 15, 2017 Bonus 2,65,000 2 . row lnr.er1aln labl• may net ecnann uacll'/ID the IDlalflgure giYlll for that col1111n or row. 12. Jalfn Pravinchandra Dalal Chief Filanclal Ofloer 23,850 0.00 March 8, 2019 Bonus 1,78,666 2 . 1. DETAILS OFTHEBUYBACICOFFERANDOFFERPRICE 13. M Sanaula Kharl camoe.iv Secretary 18.000 0.00 TOlll 7,116.&&6 1.1 The boent of directors of Wipro Linil9d (the "Companr") (the board ol dirQlra ol the Complliy hMinaller 2S.13 1H IUI refened lo as the "lloerd", which 81p1988iOnd'laJI ine:Uleat'f commitlaeconstilutecl and authorized bythe Boarcl Tolll 4.17 Nafl: toexercl&e 118powers), 1111 lhelr meetlr1g held on Aprl 18,2019 (lie "Boll'll Meellng") ha&, ~10 the &pp'OYlll •Held a1 ADRI ~ eqiM/ent urwfeltying equity slla/l!ll. 1. ~ nlCeiwld 5,300 (FN8Tlklussndand11Hlle Hrlldt'9d) 8tJitt sllBlll9 al Rs. 1lY· (Rlflees Ten only) each of the slwehaklllS Of the Company by way Of a 11P1Clal resoldlon through a postal bib'•vcdng , pursu111t ID Ill• flY) wegale llharas PlJ'Ch89ed or al by lhe Promotllr and Promoter Group, peraons In c:antrol, Direcmra of u gift and subnquenttf adjJsl«i for ep6/ 1nlo lhalflS of face 1lllt'9 al Rs. 21· (Rtfleea Two only) flllCh u on the pnMalon& ol Arllcle 8.2 of lhe ArUdea ol As&oclatlon of the Company, Sections 68, 89 and 70 and am other companiee which are 1 pert Of the Pramolef and Promoter Group and Dhclors ll1d Key Managerial P."°'11111 of fflCOl'ddstsooOclrJbei 14, 1999. applicable prDYiliona, if any, Of the eo,.,,iee kt, 2013, aa amended (the "Compllllel Act"). the Companiea the Company durtng a period ct six months pteOediig the date Of the eo.d Meeting at which the Buyllack was y, Mr. Azim Hllh1111 ,._II Putnlt ~ng Huhlm Tl'ldlrl (Share Capital and Debemlree) Rules, 201 4, lo the extent appbble, and In oompllance with the Eluybllcl< appnMldandthe datlofthe Postal BallolNotlca,l.e., Apd t6, 2019: 1>19of Nlture of No.of Face Value llMIAcqullltlon Conakllrlllon ReglMlonaandaliljedlo 8UCh approval• of 81atutory, regijatoiy or govermienllll autho!lliee 118 may be reqWl!d (a) AwegateofaharesptldlasedorsoldbyhPromotlrandPromolerGroupandperaonswhoareinoontrol: T11nact1on Tl'lllaldlon Equ-She111 (A&.) Prtce(RI.) (Calli, other undllr SAllicable 1-, approved hi buyback by hi Company ol up ID 32,30,76,923 (Thirty Two Crcna Thirty SI. No. Nllnll ol Slmnhaldlr No. al Equity Sh- Nidureot Dllll ol Allallnd lllancah-.) Lakh8 SeYenty Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Tiventf llwee) Equity Sh8l1!S rep18881'11ing up to 5.36% ol lhe Acq'*9d/ Sold TnirlllClon rr-.ctlon Auaust 24, 2005 Bonus 15,34,50,000 2 . tolal i88Ulld and pail-up Eqlily Share capital ol hi company al a price ol Rs. 3251· (Rupees Three lb!dred and 1. Azim H Premji 6,22, 70,065 BonU$ lsaue* March 8, 2019 June 17, 2010 Bonus 21 ,75,06,000 2 . T-.ty Five only) per ECJJily Share (the "Buytieck P!tol")paytb le il caeh for aniwegall c:nidelationof up ID 2. Yaemeen A Pran~ 7,08,444 Bonus leeue' March 8, 2019 June 16, 2017 Bonus 37,09,liB,000 2 . Ra. 105,00,00,00,000'- (Rupaea Ten ThoullWld Ave HundredCrores onf'/) ("Buylieck Sbe"~ whldl la23.03%ot 3, lllhad AZlrn 4.57,m Bonus l&&Ue' March 8, 2019 8, 2019 Bonus 24,73,03,999 2 . the aggregate of the NII'/ ~ Eljlaty Share c:apiBI and free te8ef\'e8 of the Company as per the latest audited PnmJ March standalone balne sheet as at March 31, 2019, on a propol1ionat8 buia tlvolljl lhe "lalder oll8I" JOUie u 4. T811a Ann Pre"* 1,78,888 Bonus 1&8U8" March 8, 2019 TOlll 111.12,1 &,• presafbed 111det lhe Buyback Regulation•. fnlm all al the shareholders of the Company ~o hold E!J!lty Shares 5. Mr. Azim Hashem Premji Partner 24,73,03,999 Bonus Issue" Mardi 8, 2019 vi.. Mr. Azin Hllhem Prlmll Plrtnw R ..• Prclm Trldln asofth1 RllCO!d Dale(asdelined belcw)("BUJbeck"). Rep.-nting Hasl1am Tradeni Date of Nllureof No. of Face Value llMIAcqullltlon Conakllrlllon 1.2 The 1hareholdlrs of lie ~ 8IJPIOY8d Ill Eluybadl, by wry ol a special l'lllOdon, ttmqi postal ballot 6. Mr. Azim Hah1111 Premji f'lrtnar 29,69,37,859 Bonus Issue" March 8, 2019 Tlll!Mdlon Tlllllldlon EqullySblrel (RL) Prtce (RL) (Cuh,oct. Qnducing Holing) puniuant ID the paetal balot noice dallJd Apil 16, 2019 {the "Pollll Biilot Notlce'1, th1 Renretentina Prazin TradeB lhancah-.l reet*olwlttlW111881'1nOll1CldonJune3,2019. 7. Mr. Azim Hlltlam PremJI Partner 30, 10.79,858 BonUl Issue" March 8, 2019 June29, 2004 Bonus 4,89,99,SIVI'" 2 . 1.3 The Buyback Sim doe& not 11'1c:lude any ~Ion coas viz. lln>kelage. applcable talC88 such as &eellrllles Recresentina lull Tradara Augual 24, 2005 Bonus 16,25,08,500 2 . transaction tax, GST, stamp lilly, exp-Incurred or 10 be incurred for lhe Buyback Ilka 1111111) Ila payallle ID 8. Hashim lnves!menl & Trading 3,75,332 Bonus leeue' March 8, 2019 June 17, 2010 Bonus 21 ,88,78.000 2 .
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