
May 6, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 8791 I also submit for printing in the CONGRES- These good people and thousands of ligence, briefed Sandy Berger about the SIONAL RECORD an adjusted fiscal year 2000 others are hauling off all of their full extent of Chinese spying. Berger allocation to the House Committee on Appro- worldly possessions in the trunk of a was told that China had stolen W–88 priations to reflect $1,838,000,000 in additional car or even a wheelbarrow. So many nuclear warhead designs and the neu- new budget authority and $1,774,000,000 in more were not that fortunate. tron bomb data. He was told that a spy additional outlays for designated emergency Nothing can contain their will, their might still be passing secrets to China spending. In addition, the outlay effect of the faith, and their fight. God bless Okla- at Los Alamos. He was even told that fiscal year 1999 budget authority of H.R. 1664 homa. Pray for Oklahoma. the theft of neutron bomb data oc- will result in additional outlays of f curred in 1995 under President Clin- $5,243,000,000 for fiscal year 2000. This will ton’s administration. So if he was told CHINA’S THEFTS OF U.S. NUCLEAR increase the allocation to the Appropriations all that, why did he not go right into SECRETS Committee to $538,109,000,000 in budget au- the Oval Office and tell the President? thority and $577,962,000,000 in outlays for fis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Well, I believe he did, and the Presi- cal year 2000. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- dent stated, later on, that he did know The House Committee on Appropriations uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Indi- about these things. submitted the report on H.R. 1664, the Kosovo ana (Mr. BURTON) is recognized for 60 At the end of the briefing, Trulock & Southwest Asia Emergency Supplemental minutes as the designee of the major- referred to a recent intelligence report. Appropriations Act for fiscal year 1999, which ity leader. In the report a Chinese source said that includes $11,109,000,000 in budget authority Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- officials inside China’s intelligence and $2,907,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year er, last week I came to the floor to service were boasting about how they 1999 designated defense and non-defense point out some of the misleading state- had just stolen U.S. secrets and how emergency spending. H.R. 1664 includes ments coming out of the White House those secrets allowed them to improve $1,838,000,000 in budget authority and with respect to China’s thefts of U.S. their neutron bomb. The neutron bomb $7,017,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 2000 nuclear secrets. I said that the White is a weapon that could be launched at designated emergency spending. House had misled the public when it an American city, kill everybody in it These adjustments shall apply while the leg- was said by the President that no one but leave the infrastructure, the build- islation is under consideration and shall take had reported to him about Chinese spy- ings and bridges and the roads intact. effect upon final enactment of the legislation. ing, when in reality National Security The source said that the Chinese Questions may be directed to Art Sauer or Jim Advisor Sandy Berger had made such a agents solved the 1988 design problem Bates at x6–7270. report to him in July of 1997. by coming back to the United States in f The President said on March 19, when 1995 to steal more secrets. asked by a reporter, and the reporter According to one official, the intel- NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER asked this question, ‘‘Can you assure ligence about the neutron bomb was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the American people that under your hot off the press, and it was included in previous order of the House, the gen- watch no valuable secrets were lost?’’ the briefing to warn the White House of tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. LUCAS) is And the President responded, ‘‘Can I the possibility of continued Chinese es- recognized for 5 minutes. tell you there has been no espionage at pionage at Los Alamos and Livermore. Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- the labs since I have been President? I It was a pretty specific briefing, one of- er, today is the National Day of Pray- can tell you that no one has reported ficial said who was present. er. After what my staff and I have ob- to me that they suspect such a thing When Paul Redmund, the CIA’s chief served in our beloved home State of has occurred.’’ spy hunter, was given a similar brief- Oklahoma in the past 21⁄2 days, I would Well, Sandy Berger, the head of the ing from Mr. Trulock a few months ask all of my colleagues and all Ameri- National Security Council, in the fall earlier, he said that China’s spying was cans to lift our friends and neighbors in of 1996 and early 1997 was told by the far more damaging to the United prayer. Department of Energy, their intel- States security than Aldrich Ames, This natural disaster has physically ligence people, their security people, who is now in prison, and would turn impacted virtually every region of our that there had been espionage taking out to be as bad or worse than the State. The super cells that shot from place at the nuclear laboratories, at Rosenbergs, who were executed for giv- the far southwest quadrant of the Los Alamos and others. ing top nuclear information to the So- State to the northeast boundaries Now, he is the head of the National viets back in the 1940s. caused damage and loss in the districts Security Council. He is appointed by Mr. Speaker, contrary to his claims of each of my colleagues in the Okla- the President to inform him about na- on Meet the Press, the fact is that homa delegation. tional security matters. He is the chief Sandy Berger knew who, knew how and But, as is always the case in the his- national security fellow. And yet the really knew what with respect to the tory of our State, no disaster, man- President said he had no knowledge of Chinese spying right then in his April made or natural, can break the resolve any espionage taking place; and he said 19, 1996, Energy Department briefing. or the spirit of our fine people. this in March of 1999 this year, just last So why does the head of the NSC, Pray for the widow and her adult month or so. Sandy Berger, claim that this briefing daughter in Del City who were search- And then again on NBC’s ‘‘Meet the was so general? Why does he claim that ing through the rubble of a home she Press,’’ Sandy Berger, the head of the he did not brief the President until shared with her husband from 1973 NSC, said his first Energy Department July of 1997 only after receiving a sec- until his death 2 years ago. They were briefing with Chinese spying was very ond and supposedly more detailed not searching for diamond rings or general and very preliminary, said he briefing from Trulock? stock certificates. No, all they hoped did not really know about it. He went Now, he admits to briefing the Presi- to find was a keepsake photo of their on to say at that interview, at that dent in 1997, but remember what the late husband and father. stage Mr. Berger said to Mr. Tim President said in March of this year: Pray for their young neighbor boy Russert of NBC, ‘‘We did not really ‘‘Can I tell you there has been no espio- who was so excited to find a single know how and we did not really know nage at the lab since I have been Presi- baseball card on the spot where his what was taking place.’’ dent? I can tell you that no one has re- bedroom once sat. ported to me they suspect such a thing And pray for Oklahomans in all parts b 2015 has occurred.’’ And yet Mr. Berger does of the storm-ravaged State, including These facts are not facts. These as- admit that he briefed the President in the small town of Dover where over sertions do not square with the facts. 1997. half of their community has been de- In April of 1996, Notra Trulock, the So why was the President misleading stroyed. They, too, need uplifting. Energy Department’s Chief of Intel- the American people? I do not know, VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:44 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H06MY9.003 H06MY9.
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