H" 4 l'ME SUN, SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1S99.' . CLEANING UP SANTIAGO. day and leave It without assistance from this RIOTOUS MINERS CONFESS. ItO IXTBRTIBtr lriTll THE KAXHEtt. INVESTIGATIKG or somo other equally powerful government TRUSTS. would dendly property World Tarn rronouneed In Iterlln to De a result In loss of life and Clumsy Invention, uajoii barbour tf.li.b itor that nnd In chaos all oor tho Island. It would rvi.T. sronr or rut: utAlio xiiocnr.EB IXDUHTRtAT, COlltllSSIOS IXVITEM PF.HT-llOL- fprrlal CabU to Tnr St"f. OX SUB.IEVT. E WAS Ol.EAXSED, Imply bo to abandon to tho worst elements xoir con isa out. jic IXroitMATIOX THE the men of moans, energy and Intetllgonco. I) eii UK, Mny 13. Tho Interview Guaranteed 8nld, to Now, He Sny( It ns Clenn nml Healthy foremen of this department Inform mo nough Kvldencn Secured. It Is with tho Kaiser by a. staff correspondent of tho Charles O. Clarke Gives the History of the li "Tho 100 Men Intlnintlon ns Any In World, to-d- Com let More Than New York H'orM embodying n mossago from Various Whiskey Trusts nnd Poole tin Cltr tho thr lleeult of that If the AmoileniiH should withdraw Mur- Idene-On- Thnt Two of the Strikers Were Attempt to Unite Them All, Amnrlrnn e Dentil In Nine Inm thesanitary corps of Santiago would Instantly his Majesty to tlio American peonlo. which that surreitrul Not to give trouble. j dered as Traitors The Dynamite (tang. with 11 Cnpltnl Stock of 8138,000,000. I.mt Month In n 1'opulntlon of 7.1,000. beenmo n political wagon for tho 'Ins and tho paper announces It'will publish Is j?$Hr 1 jealous envy Already t hero aro Hoisk. Idaho, May 13. Tho most Important declared hero to be a clumsy invontlon. Washington, Mayll. A publlo notice Issued Wasihsotos, Mny in, Major (leorso M. of the 'outs.' developments Coeur strike situ- y by Com- Harbour, the Hanltary Commissioner for tne two factious horo.nnd tholrpersonnl bitterness of thn d'Alene tho United Ktutos Industrial sometimes buy thzdu Tho , ation aro the disclosures mado by mombera ESTnitiiAZY' autr.T. mission states that tho commission. In Its In- "DEOPLE city of Hnntl.-iKo- Cuba. In a private letter ton Is qulto astonishing to the Americans, I hnvo roiXTs to jSmBp of Union who formed part vestigation com- frlrVid In city an stated that certain classes of this peoploaro thu Minors' of the trusts nnd Industrial without regard to ttc quality Improved I tills Inlorobtliic neenunt I tilen of tho mob that wont to Wnrdnar and The Figaro fihows How Henry Saved II in binations, wishes to socuru the fullest and $?&5f of tlio In which tho Aineilcnns Jiavo patlont, iloclle and willing, but I recall that his- of roller, are ;! mnniier blew up the Uunkor Hill and Sullivan at the Eipense of Dreyfns. most trustworthy Information on the subjoet, the on which they oleanod out that pcst-hol- o nnJ mnde It possible tory teaches that such kind aro always tho $&? Hartshorn I mijL Hwnyod law- mill. Through stnteraonU niado to the pros- Svrtial CaU 1inaWi le Tnx Bus. and to consider carefully the suggestions of best shades on nn AiiH'rlcnn, A Culmn, or n Spaniard to llvo most easily led nnd Into nets of mounted. The offlkwW . n 'or ecuting ofllcers, enough evidence has boon Pabih. Mar l.l.-T- ho Figmv y continues thoso Interested in securing wise legislation, j u I iSjlE In Hantlniio without of Incurrlnc yellow lessness, nnd that undor certain conditions rollers ;i dancer eocurod to 100 of tho ring lenders, Its summing up of tho ovtilence given In tho To that of Inferior are a source f I i!$ilj fever. Jfiijor Barbour writes: thor naillv become most destructive, unrea- convict end the freest communication fads IfKP If Honio for destruction of property and arson Dreyfus revision proceedings. After recalling and views Is nskud from all persons Interested. of Genu- - WSt, "Thin Is now as clean (ini) ns healthy as any soning, murdorous nnd revengeful. I doubt annoyance. The j have many advantages L nnd others murder of Smith and the evidence given proving tho long acquaint- Communications should bo sont to tho Secro-tar- v ' city In Uio world, tlio of Amcrlvnn Ideas, tho snultnry department would exist for one for tho 'fSr - 'Stf reiult Clisyue. nicortnlnod from theso ance of Honrr with Fjiterhnr.yntidshowlnuthnt of thn United States Industrial Commis- ine Hartshorn Shade Jfy?&mtBr twix u unb"fcble brack- B of conotnnt attention, unrmnlttlni; onerey nnd year for tho purposes for which It was formed It has been ntjr confessions just who the guilty men aro. Tho Henry knew Lstcrhar.y's handwriting well, tlio sion. Washington, D, 0. '; sat- sltifIcaUy OKood heavy Kpaulsli tiding whip frequently If tlio Americans should bo withdrawn Rollers will give - j$r$?'MW k berln8 I polit- mou who will ask Im- paporclorerlyexplnlns why Henry did not Tho to-d- Charles 0. used, As yet no established doflnod but as an unwlsldy, useless machine for turn Stoto's evidence commission hoird Fln8 bodtn !M there li munity punlsbmont as accessories, and the bordereau, Henry.howuver.rosonrce-full- r Clarko of III., formerly member isfaction, because jPS&JkWP I 'ttw on "iIh or ot,l0r specific mattor, simply ical jobbery it would long exist." from Peoria. a 1st fastening on the shade doing . JliV nr that they havo protection from friends of tho counterbalanced this omission br sup- of tho Whiskey Trust, but for pro-- jKSakwW J a sharp military order, on rar request, nnd tncy are UcJb. The !S ' ' orFlCEHS, leaders. plying the false dates of April and Mny to tho thn past flvn years an Indopendcnt dis- &Ca3jMr away with all aaadcwiia jj jlra then, backed by such order, I ahead nnd 1'AT IlKTIKKtt WIT ro Another Important development la Smith bordereau, thus cientlng an nllbl In favor of tiller. Mr. gave history of perly con- - placed wMitayon. As the market la I it jwif exceuto tho work and causoobodlonce by polite that Clarko n the J$r?S,JKtr on Decision Iit Assistant Comptroller Mitchell and perhaps Cherne, also, weso murdered by Estorhazy. who nvalled himself thereof fully various beon mado Jii?W ' requestor by force, as tlio caso and tho person combinations that had structcd. floo,,,w,Iilm,tt,ooR,oreof ' worttl or the Treasury Department. of of shot ac- In his answers court. onlr went to among tho producers of whiskey, beginning jrrto!SmKr t No ' $5 lino nnd costs or ten members the union Insteud totho "I jni&Uc auto-- fts make expedient. upon the manoeuvres In ho "how could the U cautioned to tee that the yet. nn Inspection and a Washington, Mar 13. Tho qusstlon whether cidentally, Smith had been looked June," said: with tho agreement In 1870 bctweon tho distil- AStwKiw here as Aft r p roller Jnm dart' appli- for somo ttmo as n traitor, and throats I glvo Information In April ?" lers north of Ohio to limit produc- j&-4jdEj- graph of Stewart Hartshorn appear on all m second If that l found necessary, nil officers of tho navy retired on tholr own tho River Jill order. been life by his Katerhazr also said It was truo that he had tion. If second order Is oboyed. If cation, under tho terms of section 8 of tho had mado against his This was followed In 1881 br tho JSM, coos well. that Interested himself In regard to covering tho S'flB not, mcasuros. Navy Porsonnol act. aro to be retired on thn associates. The day the mob started to Western Export Association, and this moie drntie go beg oil, the troops, but It wn.s only nftor April that ho hnd In turn by "pools." 1887, J'Njp "Tho population of Bsntlairo Is now very ac- - piesent rates of pay or on tho ratos to Into Wardnor Smith tried to but several until dono so. Ho again declared: plan of 1'eod-er- a' s to 73,000 people, of effect on June 30 next, was rcosntly submitted officers refused to relieve him. When the mob "The when tho Distillers and Cattle curatcly known bo nbout No 13 Ineapablo of being (JO igno- - to tho Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury arrived ho was placed on duty In a certain fortress was known Trust was formed and $.10,000,000 ,M&a'; which about per cent, are extromoly filthy. for ('.coition. Assistant Comptroller Mitchell placo, and noma ono shot him In the back to mo. I was n little Major, quarturod at of trust certificates Issued. Three years later 1 ;. iwm rant, careless, superstitious nnd On Mny. to-d- three-fourth- s aoa pay of at range. was concealed In Itouon. in 1804." tho trust was Incorporated with a capital of i Ml July 2H, 1WB, tho population, consisting, of docided that short The shooter Finally, when tho Court snld: "Thoro Is a $35,000,000. Elghty-on- o ;l WOOD ROLLERS. TIN ROLLERS. Ametlean troops, American civilians, Hed the next higher grade. Including the old grado the brush nearbr. Bmlth bolna sent to certain distilleries wore Ifm by doom. note relative to Madagascar," Estorhazy point- and othorH joined J jfjfi Cross employees (clerks, nursoj, Ac.), Spanish of Commodore, shall bo allowed as flxod later. edly April. l ii mmo jljfS troops, Spanish civilians, not real resldonts. law nt the time of retirement, which must, The State Is preparing a strong case.
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