ENTERED •T THE l'OSTOFFlCE AT COLVMIIA,~MO,, ASISECONO•CLASS MATTER THE MISSOURI ALVMNVS r f .ii,: The Alumni Luncheon, June 4 Reserve a Plate Now-See Annou.uceroent, Pages 243, 244 Vot. II. No. 8 MAY, 1914 OFFICERS OF ALUM l J ASSOClA'f JONS Affiliate Wit/1 } ·our Local 01ga11ization! ST. LOUIS DENVER E. D. Smith, prrsiclent, Charles H. Talbot, president, 4127 Magnolia avenue. First National Bank Buildi ng. E. R. Evans, secretary, R. A. S mith, secretary, The Republic. 363 South Emerson street. ST. LOUIS ALUMNAE NEW YORK CITY Miss Cornelia P. Brossard, president, Finis E. t\•larshall, preside-in. 240 West Main s1ree1, l<irkwood, Mo. Hotel Marie Antoinette. Mrs. F. W. l{rietemeyer, secretory, G c. Stewart, secretary, 4937 Lansdowne avenue. 529 West Thirty-fourth street. KANSAS CITY UTAH Ed S. North, president, Leo Brandenburger, president, 1127 Scarritt Bu ilding. Care of Telluride Power Company, E. W. Patterson, secretary. Snit Lake City. 310 First National Bank Building. W. J. McMinn, secretary, KANSAS CITY ALUMNAE Temple I lotel, Snit Lake City. Mrs. James S. Summers, president. 1108 East Fortieth street. OKLAHOMA Miss Lucile Phillips, secretary, R. A. J{lein,~h midt, president, 3021 Forest avenue. 509 Pau<'rson Building, Okla horna C ity. CHICAGO Redmond S. Cole, secretary, W. T. Cross, president, Pawnee. 315 Plymouth Court. Miss Nora Edmonds, secretary, BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI 1245 Monon Building. Marshall Gordon, p,·csidcnt, PITTSBURGH Columbia. Frank Thornton, Jr., president, J. S. Rollins, secretary, 123 North Negley avenue. Columbia. W. P. Jesse, secretary, 423 Ross avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa. M M EN T. Lawson Price, president, HANNIBAL Jeffcrson City, Mo. Scott Meyer, president. T. I<. Catron, secretary, Miss Ida A. Jewett, secretary. Columbia, Mo. Please t101ify lhe Secretary of the General Associatiou, Columbia, Mo. , of lhe formatio,. of any new alut1111i o, al1m111ae orga11i1111io11s, givfog names at1d addresses of presidetit amt secretary for publuatio11 ill lhis g11ide. Notice of lhe election of tmu officers sho11ld be promptly sent, so that /he guide may be kepi up.to-dale. THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS 239 COLUMBIA STEPHENS COLLEGE MISSOURI Not a Boarding nor a Finishing School but Ati Accredited Junior College For Women. Three Years of Preparatory and Two Years of Standard College Work. Democratic Atmosphere makes Ideal Home Life. \,Vrite for Catalogue and Illustrated Bulletin. A.B. and B.S. (Univ ersity of Missouri) James M. Wood, A.M. (Columbia Uni\'ersity) President CAMP KECH-U-WA (tJ::a1F::~~~) ON LAKE MICffiGAMME. MICH •• So.. on J ul1 810 Au1uol l O, IOU. FIEALTH TFIE FIRST CONSIDERATION: Dr. and Mrs. Per Neuman, Excelsior Springs, Mo., graduates of th e Swr.dish Gymnastic School, will be in at­ tendance. <I. Camp altitude, 2,000 [eet. <r. Garden and dairy products daily from nearby fa rms. <r. An abundance of pure water. A MISSOURI ALUMNA heads the faculty, which inclu des representatives from several leading Universities. Skilled leaders in all forms of girls' athletic~. Tutoring offered in English, Latin, French and German. HEL8N ROSS A, D. Ml•eourl, Proaldanl. DARDAJtA wOoosoN, MIH Mo.i:ler•, School at Rome, Sec:rel•ry. Write tor ruwtrMecl Oataloguo nttd Mt\p, Addro,t th, Secr,toru. i 14 North Spring S~ .• tndel)eodeoec, Mo. I Unl,~rsity of Wlisconsln SUMMER SESSION, 1914 JUNE 22 to JULY 31 ;? 320 COURSES. 175 INSTRUCTORS. Graduate and undergraduate work in all departments leading to all academic degreea. Letters and Science (including Medici ne), Engineering, Law, and Agriculture (including Home Economics). TEACHERS' COURSES in high-school subjects. Exceptional research facilities. NEWER FEATURES: Agricul­ tural Economics, Business Administration, Community Music, Eugenics, Festivals, Jour· nalism, Manual Arts, Moral Education, Phy­ sical Education and Play. FAVORABLE CLIMATE. LAKESIDE ADVANTAGES. One fee for all courses, $15, except Law (10 weeks), $25. For illustrated bulletin, address. REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY, Madison, Wisconsin. 240 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS Alumni' Business and Proiessional Guide ThlB guido is pu_blished !or tho oonvenien~ or Missouri Alumni of the various professions who ma.y wish ~ obtain reliabl~ corrosponden~s at a d1~t~noe to transact _bmunoss tor them.. Alumru or all proress1ons who are m a pos1t1on to be of serv100 to other alumo1 are ,ov1ted to place their cards in the guide. The charge is 33 cents a month. DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS LAWYERS Sbunnon 0 . Dougl&88, A.B. '70, A.M.. LL.0. '73 s. o. DouglMS, Jr.. LL.B. '10 8 14-817 N. Y. LIie B14t:· B:antao Olt7, Mo . ILLINOIS POWELL, POWELL & KURTZ Judgo Walter A. Po,oell, A.B. '78, Dlcldn8on College WEIGHTSTILL WOODS, A.B.'11 Ehner N. Powell. A. B. ·so. Johnsl'lopklne: LL. a. '06, K. U. J. D., Unlverolty or Ohlcago, '13 John A. Kurtz, A.B.'07, LL.B.'08, M . 0. lits Fl1hor Didi, Ohloago, 111. AU,0rneys nnd Collll.8010MI Sui te eu-eu N. Y. LIie Bldg;. Kan ■ al Olty, !110. KANSAS STROTHER & CAMPBELL Srun B. Strother, LL.B. 'OS W. T. Oaoipboll,'02 E. W. CLAUSEN, LL.B.'10 1011 8<1arrtU Bld1. K anta , Olty, Mo. Atohl1on, E,u.uaa. H. W. TIMMONDS, LL.B.'97 MINNESOTA Lamar, Mo, THOMAS J. NEWMAN, B.L.'97 CARLL. RISTINE, LL.B.'10 Attorney at Law Assoclt>t,ed with Charloe Lyons ttt•& Commerce Bide- St. Paul. Mlnne1ot11. L11lncton, Mo. MISSOURI L. N. KENNEDY, LL.B.'82 General Prnctlco and Collections WALKER & WALKER Ne•ada, Mo. Oht.rloa J. Walker, Di>rtmouth '70 Loo Walker, MJ•sourl A.B. '10, LL.B. ' 12 Badon 814f, Oolumbla, Mo. FALKENHAINER, RUDOLPH & DAVIS Attorneye and Couruolol'II M Law Charles B. Davis, A.n··o2, LL.D.'06 BERLEY S. DAILY, LL.B.'10 Sult 510-5U Tim•• Bldg. 81. Loula, Mo. Attorney and Counselor Guitar Bide. Columbia, Mo. WARWICK HOUGH, A.B.'54, A.M.'57, LL.D.'81 COLE & SHEPHERD Attorney and Counselor Jolm B. Cole, N.O. '7., LL.B. '81 HO Rialto 814,:. St. Looh, Mo. Loo Shepherd, LL.B. '98 Ouuoh:icham Blds- J'oplln, Mo. JAMES F. CONRAN, B.L.'97, LL. B.'00 FRED W. KELSEY, A.B.'04, LL.B.'06 Attorney at Ll>w 308 Merchanl8•L•elodo DldJ. St. Louis, Mo. Roo me 1 a, , Cannlncbam Bld,c. Joplin, Mo. 1 FRANKLIN MILLER, A.B.'01 ,vagner & Miller BRUMBACK & WOODRUFF Praotfoo In all oourte Frank F. Brumback Hobart Colll)f!o '88 Salte SH Ploroo Bldf. St, Loni■, Mo, WIWam F. Woodruir, A.B.'07,LL.B.'09 IOI Rlllto Bide, Kan ■ ao O1t7, Mo. WILFLEY, WILFLEY, McINTYRE & NARDIN L. ,;a. W\Uloy, A.B. Central Oolloge '88, LL:B. Yalo'92: THEOPH. L. CARNS, LL.B.'86 Xenophon P. WWley,. A.I). Oontral '06, LL.B. Waeh­ !ngt,On U. '90: J os. s. McIntyre, ~11ssourl 1.B-'97, LI:.B, Attorney at Law 119 : w. T. N ard.In. MlaaourtA.B. 03, A.M. 04, LL.B. 07. tH If, Y, Lllo 8141, B:an ■at O1t7, Mo. Bullo 326 TlUe Cuaran11 Bldg. St. L ooi ■, M• ► THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS 241 EDWIN W. PATTERSON, A.B.'09, LL.B.'11 C.R. MACFARLANE, M.A.,LL.B.'95 Attorney M Law 105 Alamo Ban.k Bids. San A.ntonJo, Teaa. , 111•111 Flrll Nat'l Bank Bide- B:aota.t Otty, Mo. WYOMING H. A. COLLIBR, LL.B.'05 Attorney at Law VICTOR T. JOHNSON, LL.B.'05 111•1' GuHar Bide. Ootumbta, Mo. County and Pr01ocutlng Attorney. Bot Springs Co. Flut Nan Bani. Bide. Thermopoll1, Wyo. NEW YORK JOSEPH R. CLEVENGER, A.B.'05, LL.B.'07 ENGINEERS WoolWorlh Bide- N ew York OU7 MISSOURI omo H. J. WOBUS, E.E.'10 SNYDER & DICKERSON ELEOTRIO LIGHT PLANTS and WATER SYS TEl\18 ThOrnton n . Snydor, LL.n. ·01 for Olty or Farm ... Mero. Llbr. Bids. Olnclnnatt, Ohio Stor-ago B&ttorlOI, Rydr&ullc Rt>me, Englnoe, Eloct.rlc Maeblnury, Pumps J155 OUte St. St. L.0011, Mo. OKLAHOMA HIRAM PHILLIPS, C.E. ROB'T N. McMILLEN, LL,B.'00, A.B.'04 M. Amor. Soc. o. n:. MoAJ.e1ter, Okla. c. F. PHILLIPS, Assoc. WILSON & TOMERLIN Consulting Englnooro 7U•H Internal'! LIi• Bids. St. Lou.ti, Mo. w. F . WilBon, A.B. '98, A.M., LL.B. ·oo Slt•IO Stale Nat"! Bank Blclr- Oklahoma Olty, Ok. FRANK L. WILCOX G. R. HORNER, LL.B.'07 Oou.-ullJng Engineer Okmuleoe, Okla. WATER WORKS, SEWERS AND PURIFICATION IWORR8 FOR TOWNS Syndtcate Trull Dulldln1 St. Louie, Mo. OREGON H. T. BOTTS, LL.B.'93 CLACK & TIDD TUlamook, Or,e. Oo,uultlng and Contracting En11lneent Jamoe M. Olt>Ck. Aasoc. M. Am. Soc. 0. E. Bru-ry Tidd, 0. E. '13 ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER NoYad•. Mo. G. F. Aloxandor, LL.B. '05 P. o. Aloxandcr, A.B."00. LL.B.' 11 t28 Oh&mber of Oommeroe .Port.land, Ore. J. T. GARRETT, C.E.'89 PN>61dent Mlaoourt Brldgo & Iron Co. 1.000 FuJl ert0lt Dlda. St. Loutt,, Mo. FOSTER & HAMILTON 0. H. FOlten' Admlttod to n,nr 1884 R. 8. · amllton, LL.B. 05 U. S . !fat'l Bani< Bide. Eugene, Oro. REAL ESTATE MISSOURI TEXAS ODON GUITAR, JR., 190 R. P. INGRUM, A.B., Pe.B.'91 Landa Hooro Bids. San Anton.Jo, Teza ■ TIile Guaranty Bids. St. Lout,, ?tto. A /1mmi L 1111c/1eot1 Jtme 4 A THREE-FOLD ATTRACTION Commencement-Stunts-Anniversary Celebration MEET YOUR FRIENDS ON THE CAMPUS. Almm,; L1mcheo11 June 4 242 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS VOLUME II NUMBER 8 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS Publitbed by the Alumni Association of the Univcr,ity of Mis,ouri CHARLES G. Ross, M a naging Editor Subscription Price, $2 a Year OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION O0O!'f GulTAR, JR., St.
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