Peter Donovan, Chairman____ Nancy Patterson____ Michael Geylin____ Huntley Harrison____ David Owens____ Rene Haas____ JP Vario____ Tim Howard, Airport Manager____ Peter Cocolis, BOS Liaison____ 07/23/18 Airport Commission Meeting Package AGENDA Chatham Airport Commission Monday, July 23, 2018 5 PM EST Town Hall Annex ‐ Small Meeting Room 261 George Ryder Road I. Minutes June 25, 2018 II. New Business: A. Annual Election of Officers B. Airport Manager’s Report – Tim Howard C. Engineer’s Report – Gale Associates D. FAA Consolidated Appropriations Act 2018 E. Fisherman’s Storage Area (continued discussion) ‐ Regulations/Management Items ‐ Hauling Contractor Approach ‐ Camera Addition Proposal ‐ Fencing F. Future Agenda Topics Review III. Public Announcements and Agenda Item Requests I. Minutes June 25, 2018 Minutes Chatham Airport Commission Meeting June 25, 2018 Town Hall Annex‐‐Small Meeting Room 261 George Ryder Road, Chatham, Massachusetts For an audio/video recording of this meeting, visit: http://www.chatham‐ma.gov/channel‐18 Agenda packages available at: http://www.mytowngovernment.org/02633 Commissioners Present: Assistant Chairman, Huntley Harrison, Michael Geylin, Rene Haas, David Owens, Nancy Patterson and Tom Wilson Commissioner Absent: Chairman, Peter Donovan Also Present: Airport Manager Tim Howard, Matthew Caron, Gale Associates, Terry Whalen, Airport Commission Staff Liaison Call to Order: Assistant Chairman Huntley Harrison called the Airport Commission Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. I. Minutes: The Commissioners reviewed the draft meeting minutes of May 21, 2018. The following revision was requested: . Page 1, item B, line 3—after the word “Departments”, insert, “for their comments” and after the word “again” in the same line, add, “with any suggested changes.” MOTION: Tom Wilson moved to accept the May 21, 2018 minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Michael Geylin. VOTE: Unanimous. II. New Business A. Airport Manager’s Report—Tim Howard Airport Manager Tim Howard presented the CQX Airport Manager’s Report dated June 25, 2018 containing “New Updates” as follows below: May and June GARD reports were attached. Indication that a computer issue caused the system to stop recording data between May 4th and 30th. Responding to questions around the issue, Mr. Howard confirmed that they do check the GARD system daily to ensure it’s on, but that to confirm that it is recording takes a bit of time and was not done on a daily basis. He confirmed that they would be both putting it on battery backup and would be double checking for recording a couple of times a week going forward. To arrive at May data, they will extrapolate using last year’s data and 2018 prior and successive month data. Appreciation expressed to all for assistance with the Airport Open House—staff, volunteers, Commissioners, raffle contributors, sponsors, friends, etc. In turn, Commissioner Harrison expressed appreciation to Cape Cod Flying Circus for putting it on as it’s a great deal of work and brings attention both to CQX and the Town. Mr. Howard said that the event had grown successively each year, reaching to over 3,000 people in attendance this year, up from 2,000 last year. Announced would be participating in the July 4th parade this year. Some consideration that parade participation may be every other year going forward as is so proximate to the Open House. In response to a question regarding replacement of the Vehicle Access Gate Operator Unit, Mr. Howard commented that he’d just recently found an interested party and was awaiting quotes. Explained that no one on Cape does motorized vehicle gates. MOTION: Nancy Patterson moved to approve the Airport Manager’s Report. The motion was seconded by Huntley Harrison. VOTE: Unanimous. B. Engineer’s Report—Gale Associates Matthew Caron presented the report on behalf of Gale. 1 SRE purchase will no longer appear in the report after this month as the project has been closed out. FY2018 Airport Master Plan Update—AIP No. 3‐25‐0015‐23‐2018 . Grant offer for Master Plan issued by FAA on June 13, 2018 and must be back to FAA by 7/20/18 with Town Counsel’s certification and the Airport sponsor’s executed signature. Mr. Whalen confirmed that those events had just occurred and that the package would be returned the following day to FAA. In order to begin work, Gale must receive back a copy of the approved draft contract submitted to the Town on April 26, 2018. Upon receipt of a copy of an executed contract by the Town and Gale, Gale can begin work immediately. The executed contract will be used as the basis for contents of the contracts with sub consultants, such as the vendor doing Aerial Mapping. Sub consultants will in turn be bound by the Chatham/Gale contract. In response to a question, Mr. Caron outlined that aerial mapping would identify if and where any obstructions existed that would prohibit the Airport from obtaining an LPV approach (localizer performance with vertical guidance). From there, Gale would put together a plan of action for the Airport to then execute. Once executed and all obstructions removed, the Airport would then be in a position to have the FAA fly the approach and establish whatever approach the Airport was interested in obtaining. There would be an expense associated with it but it could possibly be covered through the non‐primary entitlement. In response to an inquiry regarding the impact on the Town/Revolving Fund of the $25,000 originally set aside for the storm water protection plan which has since become a part of the Master Plan, Mr. Whalen and Mr. Caron explained that effectively there was none. The funds weren’t a part of the Revolving Fund to begin with and because the Master Plan is a planning grant with the FAA, there can’t be an overage in any case. Inquiry and discussion occurred regarding timing to change certain documents, such as the Airport’s Minimum Standards, which are quite aged. Mr. Caron’s recommendation was to wait until the conclusion of the Master Plan before changing existing documents so that what is and isn’t applicable can be seen and help determine what may or may not be changed. It was explained that essentially, FAA was looking to see if Minimum Standards existed, which they do in Chatham, and that they would then make suggestions for potential changes. In answer to an inquiry on Aerial Mapping pricing differential in two locations in documents, Mr. Caron explained that part of the differential had to do with Gale’s work‐‐Gale would need to oversee the process, do analysis and make recommendations. In answer to another question, he also indicated that sub consultants get paid when Gale gets paid. In response to a question about inclusion in the ALP of certain anticipated projects (e.g., solar farm and new admin building), Mr. Caron confirmed that there would be a discussion and a walk through of what should be in the ALP as, “If it’s not in the ALP, it’s not eligible for federal funding.” MOTION: Michael Geylin moved to approve the presented draft agreement on the Master Plan Update for professional engineering services to be provided by Gale. The motion was seconded by Nancy Patterson. VOTE: Unanimous. MOTION: Michael Geylin moved to approve the Engineer’s Report. The motion was seconded by Rene Haas. VOTE: Unanimous. C. Airport Master Plan Update—Gale Associates Covered as a part of the Engineer’s Report D. Fisherman’s Storage Area (continued discussion) Prior to discussion, Mr. Whalen noted that he’d included a number of items in the package (copy of recently amended regulations from 2017, overview, copy of plots, etc.) to help provide a basis for an informed discussion. Commissioner Haas began by saying that he’d like to have responsibility for the cleanliness of the area clearly identified and a baseline for neatness established. Commissioner Patterson responded by saying that she’d like to wait until the Wildlife Hazard Assessment had been completed (reference pg. 9 of 18 of Matt Caron document) so that they could take a look at what existed in the area to determine if in fact it’s a good idea to have the area (e.g., birds attracted and becoming a runway nuisance). Consensus reached that there were some things that could be discussed/addressed at that time. General agreement that there were three primary topics: regulation updating/fee increase, fencing completed and camera installation. Assistant Chairman Harrison suggested that they begin by considering the regulations item by item. Discussion occurred surrounding whether or not the wording in the existing document was strong enough to ensure that it was clear that it was the Harbormaster Department’s responsibility to ensure administration and enforcement of regulations. Mr. Whalen recommended starting with drafting either an MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) or an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to clarify roles/responsibilities. 2 Suggestion made that Commissioners Owens and Patterson approach the Harbormaster with an indication that the Airport Commission would like to assist in moving the cleanup of the area along in some fashion. The request would be that the Harbormaster circulate word that individuals needed to mark items in such a fashion that it became clear what was to be kept and that identification of what was abandoned became easily visible by an agreed upon date. If the ensuing clean‐up task would exceed a vendor fee of $10,000.00, the Commission would then need to solicit three quotes for servicing the removal of the abandoned items. An alternative would be to find out if one of the existing transfer station vendors could perform the service as an add‐on task and quotes for simply the loading of abandoned items would need to be obtained only if the charge for doing so exceeded $10,000.
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