AUTOS, AUCTIONS, BARGAINS, BUILDING SUPPLIES, EVENTS, IMPLEMENTS, REAL ESTATE - OVER 85,000 READERS Leading Rocket Member Publications Avoca Journal Herald • 888-343-2154 Oakland Herald Dunlap Reporter • 642-2791 888-343-2154 Harlan PennySaver Missouri Valley Times 800-909-6397 642-2791 Mapleton Press • 881-1101 Harrison County Merchandiser WHERE Covering Charter Oak, Schleswig & Ute 642-2791 Coverage also includes Denison & Crawford County, THE ACTION Manilla, Manning, Woodbine & Logan, IS Pottawattamie County & Council Bluffs rural routes August 11 - 13, 2020 FREE Harlan (IA) Tribune Printing SECTION ★ ★ ★ BIKES ★ MUSIC ★ DRINKS FEATURING: For Latest Details, Check Out Our Facebook Page: BikesonThe100Block Remember To Please Maintain Social Distancing! Circulated every week in the following publications Avoca Harlan Oakland Harrison County WHERE THE Journal Herald PennySaver Herald Merchandiser ACTION IS 888-343-2154 800-909-6397 888-343-2154 712-642-2791 Dunlap Mapleton Press Missouri Valley Reaching Coverage also includes Denison & Crawford County, Manilla, Manning, Reporter Covering Charter Oak, Schleswig & Ute Times-News 44,000 readers Woodbine & Logan, Pottawattamie County & Council Bluffs rural routes 712-642-2791 712-881-1101 712-642-2791 in Western Iowa 08/11/2020 Call 1-888-343-2154 To Place Your Ad In The Rocket Avoca, Iowa WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD! Cover Crop Specials Reward ȏ Wheat Bulk Retail $7.95/Bu 60# ȏ Radishes $1.70/lb ȏ Rye Bulk Retail $10.50/Bu 56# ȏ Turnips $1.52/lb Yourself ȏ Peas 59¢/lb ȏ Rape 94¢/lb SPECIAL BALE TUFF Easy Way Cattle Oilers With a Career SILAGE WRAP & Back Rubbers 30"x5,000', 1 Mil, White, $69.95 Also Cattle Sprays You Love! SILAGE BAGS: ȏ 9x250 AT Films ....................$569.16 PIT COVERS: ȏ 8x100 AT Films ....................$207.61 ȏ 9x300 AT Films ................... $683.00 ȏ 40x100................................. $166.50 ȏ 8x150 AT Films ................... $316.05 ȏ 10x150 Up North ...............$446.68 ȏ 50x100 ................................. $210.06 REM Iowa is expanding their team of ȏ 8x200 Up North ................. $429.49 ȏ 10x200 AT Films ................. $571.95 ȏ 50x150 ..................................$327.78 ȏ 9x150 AT Films ................... $341.49 ȏ 10x250 AT Films ................. $730.46 ȏ 60x100................................. $248.74 ȏ 9x200 AT Films ...................$455.33 ȏ 10x300 AT Films ................. $824.68 SILAGE INOCULANT/50# ..... $29.95 Direct Support FOR RENT - CALF CREEP ȏGrain Bins WANTED FARMER ȏHoop Buildings FEEDERS PORTABLE DOUBLE SEED OATS CLEANED ȏFeed Bunks SIDED 125 & 150 bushel size. AND DELIVERED Professionals/Caregivers ȏSioux Products (JERRY PREFERRED) $1.50 per day with our feed or ȏHorse Stalls & Dog also regular feed oats Your Dealer For: GRAIN BINS Kennels in Shelby, Harlan, Avoca & Atlantic. $2.00 per day with other feed. for winter ȏFree Standing Panels Also sell or rent bulk bins. (3 Brands To Choose From) and spring delivery. Apply Today! Don’t Miss Out - Specializing in Grain Bins • Buildings • Electrical CORNISH ROCK BROILERS STRAIGHT RUN $1.38 FREE DELIVERY Jobs.thementornetwork.com/Iowa-jobs NET PRICING ON THESE CHEMICALS 4-WHEEL LICK TANKS Zimmerman HERBICIDES: FUNGICIDES: with pull skids, ȏ Cobra (gen) 2½ .............. $76.26/gal ȏ Aproach 2½ gal ........... $167.00/gal Sales & Service ȏ Milestone .........................$86.88/qt FOR280 gal.....$441.74 SALE ȏ Picloram D 2½ ...............$23.36/gal ȏ Domark 2½ gal ............$242.00/gal ȏ Crossbow 2½ ................. $40.14/gal ȏ Stratego 2½ gal ........... $157.00/gal New Port. Creep Feeders Neola, IA • 712-485-2677 ȏ Triclopyr 4L 2½..............$54.56/gal ȏ Azoxy Prop .................. $67.85/gal Apache 150bu ..................$3,908.40 ȏ Tordon RTU .....................$12.30/qt King Ag 125bu ..................$2,809.83 or 1-800-377-1685 ȏ 24D LV6 ......................... $16.95/ gal ȏ Delaro ........................ $188.83/gal EOE ȏ Ultra Blazer (Gen) ........$38.24/gal. ȏ Trivapro ..................... $142.10/gal Pond Cleaners ȏ Clethodim ...................... $41.40/gal Citrine Plus Algae Killer/gal. ..$44.28 ȏ GrazonNext HL 2 gal .... $47.95/gal INSECTICIDES: Spectrum Powerful ȏ Crop Oil ...............$7.54/gal in 2.5's ȏ Bifenthrin LFC gal ....... $109.00/gal :DWHU3XULȴFDWLRQJDO ......$88 Rd Up gen. Buccaneer Plus, ȏ Bifenthrin gal ................ $98.00/gal Twine / Net Wrap Poly Twine 20,000/110 ........ $20.88 Gly Star Plus or (Crop Smart ȏ Endigo gal ....................$268.00/gal 50 cents less in totes). Green Sisal TwineU SED16,000.... $43.77 265 gallon totes - $10.90/$10.40/gal ȏ Lambda Cy ................... $46.88/gal Net Wrap 64x7000 ..............$171.95 30 gallon drums - $11.25/gal ȏ TempoFOR 1% Dust 10# SALE ......... $3.55/lb Net9’6” Wrap 67x7000 BOA ..............T-SH$179.95APED 2.5 gallon - $11.75/gal ȏ Tempo 240ml ...................... $53.86 BaleC WrapONFERE 30x5000N ...........CE TABLE$72.95 With 8 Swivel SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXCHANGEStuffed Arm Chairs FEEDERS GRAIN & SUPPLY In Great Shape! USED COPY MACHINE CABINETS WWW.FEEDERSGRAIN.COMwith storage space Jim 712-350-3600 orU email:SED [email protected] ÓäxÓÊÕÌiÀÊ/À>ÊUÊ À}]Ê9’6” BOAT-SHAPED CONFERENCE TABLE FOR SALE With 8 Swivel Stuffed Arm Chairs In GreatFOR Shape! SALE USED COPY MACHINE USED COPY MACHINE24” Tall x 25.5” STORAGE Wide x 21.5” Deep CABINETS $ with storageCABINETS space w/Storage Space50 USED 9’6” BOAT-SHAPED USED 24” Tall x9’6” 25.5” Wide x B21.5”OA Deep T-SH11” Tall x 21.5”A WidePED x 19.5” Deep CONFERENCE TABLE CO$50NFERE NCE TABLE$30 With 8 Swivel With 8 Swivel Stuffed Arm Chairs CallStuffed Don: 402-681-4763 Arm ChairsCall Don In Great Shape! In GreatAVOCA, IOWA 402-681-4763Shape! USED COPY MACHINE USED COPY MACAvoca,H IowaINE CABINETS CABINETS with storage space with storage space 11” Tall x 21.5” Wide x 19.5” Deep NURSES WA$30 NTED: Call Don PT 2nd Shift402-681-4763 LPN/RN Avoca, Iowa FT & PT 1st & 2nd Shift CNAs 24” Tall x 25.5” Wide x 21.5” Deep $50 24” Tall x 25.5” Wide x 21.5” Deep New$50 Starting Wages! 11” Tall x 21.5” Wide x 19.5” Deep $30 Call Don 11” Tall x 21.5” Wide x 19.5” Deep $ 402-681-4763 30 Avoca, Iowa Call Don 402-681-4763 Avoca,SIGN-ON Iowa BONUS Shift CNAs Differential Click on the Special The Rocket is available Find it at Sections Tab that is located near the top online every Monday afternoon of the page Estate SHIRLEY I. CHRISTENSEN ESTATE, OWNER 137.75 TAXABLE ACRES M/L – SHELBY COUNTY AUCTIONSAT. AUGUST 22ND, 2020 @ 11AM 3328 OVERTON AVE, BEEBEETOWN (LOGAN) IOWA FARMLAND This Auction is filled with collectibles, memorabilia, books, glassware and much ABSOLUTE AUCTION much more. This is a partial listing! Come explore with us – you will love this auction! SAT., SEPT. 19, 2020 • 10:00 A.M. SALE LOCATION: Rorbeck Rock Park Area - Marne, IA ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE (Drive 3 miles south of Elk Horn on Hwy. 173 and turn west on 400th St. Drive 3 Wood Crate Dining Room Hutch miles west and Rorbeck Park is located on North side of road. Farm is located Milk Crates Wall Cabinets .25 miles west of Rorbeck on the North side of the road. Watch for Auction Signs) Old Pop Bottles CLAY Township – Section 17. CSR 2 – 76.3 on 127.84 Cropland Acres M/L. Glass Blue Birds Many Games ANTIQUE FURNITURE Closing Attorney: Kate Kohorst – 602 Market St., Harlan, IA – 712-755-3156. Old Fans Attorney Bookcase AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: OSBORN AUCTION LLC, Walnut/Harlan, IA Milk Cans Brass Horse Lamp Mitch Osborn, 712-579-4824 • John Clayton, 712-249-1024 Feed Store Two Wheeler BUILD YOUR HOME WITH Cigar Boxes THE FEATURES YOU WANT… Curtis Osborn, 712-246-8722 • www.osbornauction.com Old Metal Wash Tub and Stand COSTUME AND LADIES JEWELRY A great floorplan, Quality con- Wash TubsEstate Real Estate &Reclaimed Lumber Auction GalvanizedEstate Buckets struction, Low maintenance, Several pieces of Ladies Jewelry, not itemized Old Books Gold Ladies Watch and Jewelry Energy efficienc, Quicker com- 504 Foote St, Farragut, IA Old Pictures Ring Watches th Cedar Chest and Contents pletion time and Affordability!! Monday,August 24 @1pm Lots of Fancy Work Many other pieces not listed Choose from single wide & sec- AuctionHeld on Location Serving Tray tional manufactured homes and Marbles 2.60 acres w/60’x240’ building Former AUCTIONSAT.Old Ball Gloves AUGUST 22ND,ANTIQUE 2020 APPLIANCES @ 11AM ranch and multi-story modular Gavilon Grain Location. Many old records – 78’s, 53’s and 45’s homes. BIG SUMMER SAV- Antique Commercial Dough Mixer from Avoca Bakery Approx. 250k boardfeetofreclaimed lumber. 3328 OVERTON AVE, BEEBEETOWN (LOGAN) IOWA INGS AVAILABLE! Call to- DBar DInvestments, LLC, Owners COLLECTIBLE BOOKS MISCELLANEOUS day for details & your FREE This Auction is filled with collectibles, memorabilia, books, glassware and much information packet. GREEN Contact Ed Spencer 402-510-3276 for moreinformation. Hundreds of Cookbooks! Farms America, INC/Spencer Auction Group muchKitchen Klatter more. Cookbooks This is a partial listing!New Window Come AC explore with us – you will love this auction! ACRES HOMES, Hwy 9 East, New Portable AC 322 E7th St,Logan, IA 51546 Comic Books including World’s finest, Estherville, IA 1-800-397-5545 ANTIQUESLife with Arcie, AND Grant, COLLECTIBLES: Batman, etc WoodLots Crate; of Garden Milk and Crates; Yard Items, Old Shovels, Pop Bottles; Rakes, Etc. Glass Blue Birds; Many Games; Several Boyscout Manuals 1945 Box Traps or www.greenacresnewhomes. www.spencerauctiongroup.com OldGermanANTIQUES Fans; Book Milk ANDCans; COLLECTIBLES Feed Store Two Wheeler;FURNITURE Cigar Boxes; Old Metal Wash Tub and Stand; Wash Tubs; Galva- com. 4 wks Avoca 125 years 1869-1994 THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LIST ALL facebook ed spencer real estate nizedWood Buckets; Crate Old Books; Old Pictures; CedarDining Room Chest Hutch and Contents; Lots of Fancy Work; Serving Tray; Marbles; 0000059150-010000051999-012141639-012114265-012104908-012095971-012090452-012072904-012068386-012057772-01 twitter @edsellsdirt 0000152061-01 Milk Crates ITEMS! MAKEWall Cabinets PLANS TO ATTEND! 2056654-01 0000164756-01 OldTOYOld Ball Pop GUNS BottlesGloves; Many old records – 78’s, 53’s and 45’s.
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