FBIDAT, JANUARY tT .lm IB iZ ifU S It AtttrbrHtM r Sonitna S m tlft THE WEATHEB AVEEAOB DAILT CIECI11.AT10N Forecast et V. 8. Waaliwr John Edward Oraiel. 30, ton of MlssVarlOB ‘nnker general sec­ MEANEST 18 EO CND for tha Moatli of Daetwiber, I9ZS Ur. and Mrs. Alfred Grezal, 73 Bia- retary of the Y.M.C.A., who has had BE OK TOWN. ezoody sad wai uier tenigkt and A B O U ^ W M wide experience in varioua forma of Over 500 Boys and Girls TO BID FAREWELL DR. GRACE TO SPEAK sel street, was one of the four Con­ Sunday with rain er snow Snnday, necticut youths enlisted In the Unlt- handicraft and weaving at Camp The huD^for the meanest man la ended. Heqhas been found 6.179 W * M>nu«J get-together and I ed States Navyjat New Haven this Terra and In other places, will speak Metabsr el tba AadH marh colder Monday. "yVt]T of Companies No. 1, S and 4 ' week according^ to announcement on "Pennsylvania Crafta and In- Borrow Toys at the Center T0ADJ.ANSC0MBE right here In Manchester. He AT E S. TONIGHT Bareaa at Vtrcnlaneas • f the South Manchester lire depart- duatries," at the meeting of the got In his dirty work on Main MANIHESTERA (ITY OF VILLAGE (HARM by Chief Electriclan'a Mate, Thomaa street loot night nMit will be held at No. I ’s house, Ztboakl, Navy Recruiter In the Fed­ Profeaslonal Women's club, Tuesday evening at the T. building. While clerks wjMs buay ht a • Fine street and Hartford road, at 7 eral Building, Hartford. Immedi­ Ovsr 600 boys and girls vlsltedJ^ time th ebewiag the oerd and ra­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. JANUARY 28.1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS •^dock this evening. The evening's ately after enlistment Oresel was the WPA Toy CenUr at 18 Cheat-, »*>” »*“* the toy given them laat SaiTationisU To Say Good­ Ma*n street store he sneaked up Sixty-Six Ih Gndtttkm Chst (UaselHed Advertlalag oa Page W) Damage done by the fire at the to a counter and pocketed one VOL. LVIIL, NO. 101 program starts n'lth the plajing of transferred to the Naval Training nut street between 8:30 and 5:80 I ■stback between teams representing Station, Newport, Rhode Island. home of Town Cfierk Samuel Turk- toy they were asaiet the 11- of the coin boxes of the Infantile Paralyais fund. ' He got away ' tbs three companies and after a ington on Henry street yesterday yesterday afternoon for the aecond ■ brarlan by giving the toy number bye At Sunday Night’s Exerdtes; Topic Of The morning has been placed at flOO. day the Center has been opca. When and bavtiig tbs neceasary Informa­ undetected. lunch la served the membra will en­ Group S of the Memorial Hospital Clerka In all atom containing She Who Gets “Smacked* gage in tournament games of pool, Auxiliary, Mrs. D. U. (la Id well lead­ they bad mode their aelecUone the tion that la required before a toy Is taken ouL Meeting At The CHadeL coin boxes are advised to watch State OfRdaTs Address. 5 CHILE CITIES | bowling and other indoor sports. er. will be host to all groups, who atocka bad been pratty well de­ all coin boxes remaining In the will meet together Monday after­ pleted. Olrli wanted dolla and when FlgMOverTey YOUTH NOW VICTIM INSURGENTS SEEKING TWO YOUTHS INJURED There wae one fight A boy stores until the Birthday Ball. An Important meeting of the Tall noon St 2 o'clock at the Y.M.C.A. It the last child had left it was found 5 ----------------------------------------- - will be the annual meeting and the that there were only 17 dolls of the wanted a certain toy that he bad At the Salvation Army hail, Sun­ Slxty-slx seniors, comprising the TO BE STRIPPED Cbdars artll he held tonight st 7:30 sharp at the Masonic Temple. Aft- fifth Monday in the month when all 100 left looked a t only to find that another day evening at 7 80, the meeting class of 1939A of Manchester High IN AUTO ACCIDENT boy had already taken It He wanted of the women of the League and all ar the business the members will groups meet together. Every boy and girt vrbo bad taken will be In the nature of a farewell School, will be graduated tonight at OF ADULT PROBLEMS, to punch his bead off, which the boy departments of the corps and said .gartake of a spaghetti dinner, and out a toy last week returned them 8 o'clock In exercises at the school OF pomnoN on time yesterday and all of the who had tbs toy did not think he for Adjutant and Mrs. Georgs E. It was with genuine regret they TO FINISH CONQUEST • good gathering is hoped for. Mr and Mra. O. Mldelachmldt of Hartford Rraldentn Brought could do. He was ao angry that be Anscombe, offtcerE of the corps for ai-dltorium. This Is the fifth mid­ Staten laland are spending a few toys loaned came hack in good con­ were leaving these pleasant associa­ To Local Hospital After promised to "tick four of you kids." the past two years, who with their tions and Manchester. Several made year class at the local school end Children of Mary will meet this days with Mr. and Mra. Wllltam dition, only one of the toys being two more will probably be he avenlng at 7:30 at St. James's Crash In ('o>entry. broken. The boy was ordered from the Cen­ children are leaving next week for remarks and at the elosc of the DR. GRACE DECLARES Chilian, Four Others Mast Cusirk of 171 North Elm street. ter. The Onter park makes a good their new post in Bridgeport. Ad­ fore returning to the single gra^ ichurch, from whenre they wdll pro- Mrs. .Midelschmldt undsr the nams Center Crowded meeting dainty refreshuents were tlon In June. CTharles Steele of Charter Oak A week ago the snow storm kept place to carry on a fight and a Uttle jutant Anscombe succeeds Captain served a' small tablas. i«eed to the Holloran Funeral home of Schmidt, was the runner up In later when the boy who started the Dr. Oraoe To Speak MAHKED BA.NPIT qi'ITK CATALONIAN AREA to pay a final tribute of respect to avenue. Hartford and Martin Deota, many from going to the Onter on Howard Leggett, formerly of this In the evening the Young Peo­ Be Rehoilt; Many Of Dead the New York state women's ama­ the opening day and although the trouble decided that he would go town, who Is being transferred to Tonight’s program ndll be State Commissioner Of Edt-. COMPANION IN' H O LO rr Mrs. Margaret Small Smith who teur trnnia tournament last fall. of 49 Spring slreel, Hartford, were ple's department gave a party tor lighted by an address by Dr. Alonzo brought in the .Manchester Me­ weather was cold yesterday the through with his promise he got a West Haven. ".XI.I’S" ON I10MK ROOF 'died yesterday, and who was the good licking while other boya looked the three children and remembered Grare, state commissioner ot educa­ Philadelphia, Jan. 2S—(A P ) — Boned In Fissorer, Chil­ 'Bra{ president of the Sodality. morial hnspltal this morning at boys and girls packad Into the build­ Adjutant and Mrs. Anscombe and them with gifts. LK WRS BOV MAROONED Pnsh Beyond MatorOr Nortih Chief Albert B. Foy of the South ing. The entire force remained on on and enjoyed It tion. on the subject "(Tharacter la cation, At H. S. Gradution Deilaring, "I'm not going to M .30 by (jiilsh's ambulance follow­ tbelr children, Marjorie, Ruth and Thuraday evening of next week a the Only True Diploma". IxtulaDella CHAMBERLAIN’S Manchester fire department repre­ duty to assist the children in mak­ The Onter will be eloaed until George Jr., have made a boat of have anything to do with thia," Abington, I’a., Jan. 28 (A P ) The school instrumental claases In ing an automobile accident in North Monday, as the hours allowed for welcome will be tendered the Incom­ Fera will deliver the valcdlctarBII^'l a bandit pulM a mask from his ian ETacoation Is Began. Of Barcelona, As L o ig ' ^clarinet will rehearse tomorWiw sented the Manchester firemen at Coventry near the home of ('hrla- ing selectlona. Not a scooter was friends while here. Wednesday after­ ing officers. Major and Mrs. James nilrtrrn yi'ar-oM Walter (Aim- the annual dinner of the Rockville working have been made up. Mlsa Estelle Lemprecht the Exercises, Gires Views race and deserted hie companion '.iBomIng at 10:30 o'clock at the high lopher Glenney In that town. left, these being In big demand by noon the members of the Women s Beech of North Adam^ Maae., form­ eron played that the roof of hts fire department held in Ro<kvllle the boys and every tricycle was tory. The a csppella choir w w V h ^ —also masked—during a holdup SPEECH UKELY ;gChool auditorium. The automobile in which the two Home League In which Mra. Ans- home was the "Alps" and he wae last night. Representing the slate gone. erly of the Meriden corps. They are and the school orchestra will piopK of Daniel Bellnaky'a groTeiy Santiago. CTilIe, .Tan. 38— (A P ) — Lines Of Half*Stonred W young men were travelling, the car combe has been very active, present­ no strengera to Manchester Salva­ Of World Conditioos.
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