V26, N17 Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020 Where will Mike Pence be in 2024? The oddest White House pairing in history will face a split screen future By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – At noon on Jan. 20, 2021, America appears set for another Donald Trump-era split screen moment: President-elect Joe Biden takes the oath of office in Washing- ton in a pandemic-induced virtual ceremony attended by people in masks; President Trump in South Florida at a super-spreader MAGA rally declaring for a third presidential run and second term in 2024. Leading up to this moment will be a familiar question: Where is Vice President Mike Pence? And what will his legacy be after four years as the junior member of the oddest POTUS couple since President Adams and Vice President Jefferson? the creation of the Space Force topping the list. But Trump On the former question, it will take time to de- handed off to Pence the chair of the White House Corona- termine Pence’s legacy. He had his policy moments, with virus Task Force in what could be a career-ender. It was Pence steering three U.S. Supreme Court nominees into power, essentially winning the abortion wars, along with Continued on page 4 Most powerful veep By MARK SOUDER FORT WAYNE – Regardless of what happens next in his life, the last four years have been a remarkable experience for Vice President Mike Pence. There have been 48 vice presidents in U.S. history. Former Vice President “Indiana restaurant conditions Joe Biden will become only the third to be elected to the office since Abraham Lincoln continued to deteriorate the past (the other two were Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush). three months without any addi- The others first achieved office tional federal relief. It is impera- through the death of a presi- dent. In other words, being vice tive that the hospitality industry president is not a safe ticket to be considered in a federal relief the presidency. However, Vice President package.” Pence was unique among vice - Patrick Tamm of the Indiana presidents. Most vice presidents had roles similar to the color- Restaurant & Lodging Association Page 2 Howey Politics Indiana WWWHowey Media, LLC c/o Business Office PO Box 6553 Kokomo, IN, 46904 www.howeypolitics.com ful description given the position by of the largest producers of American- Brian A. Howey, Publisher former powerful House Speaker James made transportation vehicles, yet Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Garner that it “wasn’t worth a bucket also the home of worldwide trade of warm spit.” In other words, even leaders Eli Lilly, the orthopedics in- Mary Lou Howey, Editor powerful figures on Capitol Hill like dustry, and in agriculture. Susan E. Joiner, Editor Garner and later Lyndon Baines John- All conservatives believe son, watched that power be sapped lower taxes are good, and all believe Subscriptions away by aggressive presidents with in less regulation of business than clear agendas and a cadre of individu- anyone who credibly calls themselves HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 als who understood government and a liberal. However, positions on the HPI Weekly, $350 how to utilize its power as a team. relative importance of spending con- Lisa Hounchell, Account Manager President Trump had some trols widely vary. In the real world, (765) 452-3936 telephone potential problems from the very be- most conservative voters seldom (765) 452-3973 fax ginning. He was clear on a few things really care about deficits. They do [email protected] he wanted; for example, a wall along generally want to control government the entire southern border, withdrawal spending on social welfare programs Contact HPI from Afghanistan as part of no more (not including such things as Social [email protected] foreign wars, limitations on free trade, Security, Medicare, or student loans Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 and an emphasis on nationalism not which are the largest amounts of so- internationalism. cial spending and debt obligations). Washington: 202.256.5822 As the campaign progressed, Beyond that, disagree- Business Office: 765.452.3936 Trump flip-flopped his social posi- ments dominate issues like defense tions in making a “deal” for the votes spending, highway funding, agricul- © 2020, Howey Politics of social conservatives. Those issues ture support, and almost everything Indiana. All rights reserved. became identified with Trump even else. Trump, beyond an occasional though he had actually previously loud verbal protest so he could Photocopying, Internet forward- been a liberal on most of them. Very switch political blame to Congress, ing, faxing or reproducing in any liberal on key ones, in fact. But he used the veto less than almost form, whole or part, is a violation was malleable on those issues for anyone before him. His battles on of federal law without permission votes. spending were not, in most cases, re- from the publisher. On economic issues, conser- ally about money but trying to build vatism is more divided. For example, a wall or some sort of other special on trade, traditional manufacturing goal of his. He traded debt for his Jack E. Howey interests have long favored a variety special projects. This was his call, not editor emeritus of protectionist positions. Sometimes Mike Pence’s, but Pence did influence 1926-2019 those issues are aligned with military many economic decisions. interests, as we learned that fickle President Trump had a cadre allies or enemies can disrupt our of activist supporters, but they were military security. On the other hand, mostly verbal firebombers, not peo- many businesses are dependent upon ple with any experience about how international trade, including some to accomplish his goals. His “team” manufacturing interests. For example, mostly consisted of crowds riled up in Indiana we are both the largest by simplistic rhetoric that remained producer of American steel and one as simplistic after four years in office Page 3 as it was when Trump ran for office. It was as if he seldom with him in the White House) is that several important read briefing books or absorbed many facts. There was no traits of Mike came into play. He doesn’t like to criticize oth- nuance. ers publicly (which tailored quite nicely with not criticizing Ronald Reagan, at times, used simplistic examples Trump) and secondly, he knows how to manipulate through and even marginal facts to convey a thematic point. So, praise and identifying what another person desires. for that matter, did Presidents Clinton and Obama. Reagan, For example, Pence clearly ran educational policy. however, had a proven track record as a reader and writer. Mike has a vision on the subject, a long consistent vision. And Reagan developed followers committed to the mes- He had allies such as the Education Secretary Betsy DeVos sage principles he delivered over and over. Not to mention who could implement it with an ideological team. It is easy that Reagan had twice been elected governor of America’s to understand how he could win Trump’s support: “Mr. largest state. Reagan understood both the critical impor- president, the teacher’s unions detest you. They are the tance of rhetoric, and the necessity of core of the Democrat Party. We need to trade-offs to advance principles. weaken their monopoly support. Plus your Mike Pence knew all of base will love it.” these things about Trump when he For example, Pence clearly ran sought the vice presidency. He made a health care policy. The president said he deal. Obviously, he did not approve of would get rid of Obamacare. But clearly the president’s tone and style. Actu- Trump didn’t even know what that meant, ally, Donald Trump was the opposite of other than getting rid of the individual almost every moral principle that Mike mandate. The President didn’t like detail. Pence has ever stood for; Mike treated Mike, and more importantly, his allies liked people kindly, he didn’t go around details. Hoosiers like Alex Azar and Seema abusing them. He disagreed agreeably. Verma staffed key positions in the agency. People didn’t like him for his policies, but he was nice. He For example, Pence was the internal advocate was respectful of minorities. He listened reasonably well, of conservative court appointments. Does anyone seriously though also was very principled. think the president knew the Federalist Society well enough Mike Pence was, and is, ambitious. People who to call them up to provide a list of prospective nominees? aren’t ambitious don’t become a congressman, governor Pence could show how this could benefit the president po- and never vice president. But had Mike’s life been pure litically. There were plenty of allies inside the White House ambition, standing reasonably firm on questions related to on this subject, including later scorned AG Jeff Sessions, homosexuality was not smart politics. Or abortion. While but none were vice president and likely few, other than social conservatism as a whole is a solid minority in the former Pence pollster Kellyanne Conway, knew how to sell Republican Party, it is not a “moral majority” nor is it any- the ideas to the president. thing close to a majority of all Americans when taken as a Finally, Pence was clearly influential on most package. Being pro-life is one thing, which is a near major- foreign policy issues, especially on Israel. In fact, Trump ity. But add that to gay rights, pornography, gambling, the reversed his position on Israel and the Palestinians. It was importance of sexual abstinence outside traditional mar- probably easy for a skilled persuader like Mike Pence to riage, and other issues and it is not a great political cause link the president to Prime Minister Netanyahu.
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