--~ - ~- 11718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 7, 1isted musicians of Atmy and Navy competing against civilian Also, petition of · Harry H. Williams, of the Words and musicians-to the Committee on Labor. Music Club of America, for amendment of copyright law-to By 1\lr. KAHN: Petition of California Harbor, No. 15, Amer­ the Committee on Patents. ican Association of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, of San Fran­ By Mr. W ALL.A.CE : Paper to accompany bill for relief of cisco, Cal., against the Littlefield pilotage bill, to amend section l\frs. Octava Nutt-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 443 of the Revised Statutes-to the Committee on the 1\Ier­ By Mr. WANGER: Petition of William T . Powell, Depart­ ·chant Marine and Fisheries. ment commander of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, By l\Ir. KELIHER: Petition of Springfield Board of Trade, in behalf of 100,000 pensioners of Pennsyl...-ania, against aboli­ for a parcels-post law if country merchants are fully pro­ tion of the several pension agencies thToughout the United tected-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. States-to the Committee on Appropriations. Also, petition of Massachusetts Board of Trade, for a perma­ By 1\lr. WASHBURN : Papers to accompany bills for relief nent nonpartisan tariff commission-to the Committee on Ways of John Feaghey and ~renzo A. Dodge-to the Committee on and 1\Ieans. Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of Rabbi Isaac Elchano Lodge, against immi­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Isaac H. Daggett­ gTation legislation increasing head tax and providing an educa­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tional test-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ tion. t Also, petition of National Paint and Varnish Association, for HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. a nonpartisan tariff commission-to the Committee on Ways and Means. FRIDAY, February 7, 1908. Also, petition of Massachusetts Association of Sealers of The House met at 12 o'clock m. Weights and Measures, indorsing a bill creating a commission Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. to in\estigate weights and measures-to the Comruittee on The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap· Coinage, Weights, and Measures. pro\ed. By Mr. McKINNEY: Petition of Russell Post, No. 86, Grand NORTHERN JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. Army of the H.epublic, of Hamilton, Ill., for the Sherwood pen­ Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I desire to call up the confer­ sion bill-to· the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ence report on the bill ( S. 4 5), to create a new division for the By Mr. McLAUGHLIN of Michigan: Papers to accompany northern judicial district of Texas and to provide for terms of bills for relief of Omstead Larue and John W. Carr-to the Com- court at Amarillo, Tex., and for a clerk for said court, and for mittee on In\alid Pensions. other purposes. By 1\lr. NEEDHAM: Petition of the Elbell of Los Angeles, The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman desire the statement Cal., for the establishment of laboratories under State, Federal, read? and city governments for scientific study of criminals-to the Mr. JE:I\"'KINS. I ask unanimous consent that the statement Committee on Appropriations. be read in lieu of the report. By 1\fr. NORRIS: Petitions of citizens of Guide Rock, Rus­ Mr. CLARK of 1\Iis ouri. Mr. Speaker, is there not a rule that kin, and Wilsonville, all in the State of Nebraska, against a these conference reports have w be printed in the RECORD? parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Mr. JENKINS. I will say to the gentleman that the rule Roads. was followed, and the conference report printed in the RECORD. By Mr. OVERSTREET: Petition of National German-Amer­ Mr. CLARK of Iissouri. All right. ican Alliance, for forest reservations in White Mountains and The conference report is as follows : Appalachian l\lountains-to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, petition of Indiana State Federation of Clubs, for forest CONFERENCE RErORT. reser...-ations in White Mountains and .Appalachian Mountains­ The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the 1: to the Committee on Agriculture. two Houses on the amendments of the Hou e to the bill ( S. 4 5) By 1\lr. PAYNE: paper to accompany bill for relief of Asapll to create a new division for the northern judicial district of Whiting (H. R. 16474)-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Texas and to pro\ide for terms of court at Amarillo, Tex:., and By 1\Ir. PRAY: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Phoebe for a clerk for said court, and for other purposes, having met, Clark-to the Committee on Claims. after full and free conference ha Ye agreed to recommend and do By 1\Ir. RAINEY : Petitions of R. H. Grann and 51 others, of recommend to their respective Houses as follows: Beardstown; W . S. Camp and G5 others, of Jacksonville; H. F. That the Senate recede from its disagreement to the amend­ Iteason and 18 others, of Mason; J. R. Singleton and 29 others, ment of the House numbered 2, and agree to the same. of White Hall; Robert H. McFadden and 17 others, of Mattoon; Amendment numbered 1: That the Senate recede from its dis­ John R. Kirkman and 17 others, of Jacksonville, and T. A. agreement to the amendment of the Ron e numbered 1, and Smith and 6 others, of White Hall, all in the State of Illinois­ agree to the same with an amendment, as follows : to the Com)Dittee on Military Affairs. "After the word ' Texas,' in line 2, page 2, insert: ' shall be AI~o, petition of Givens Brothers and 101 other merchants held twice each year at the city of Amarillo, in Potter County, li and business men, of Mount Sterling, Ill., against a parcels-post Tex., beginning on the third Monday of April and the fourth law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Monday of September in each year; ' " and the House agree to Also, petition of Public Policy Legion of Illinois, favoring non­ I· the same• . interest-bearing notes for public improvements-to the Com­ JOHN J. JENKI S, mittee on Banking and Currency. C. E. LITTLEFIELD, Bv 1\Ir. RA..l'I"SDELL of Louisiana: Paper to accompany bill R . L. HENRY, for relief of William Nelson-to the Committee on Invalid Pen- Managers on the pa.rt of the House. 8ions. C. D . CLARK, By Mr. RIORDAN: Petition of officers, directors, and trus­ KNUTE NELSON, tees of art museums in the United States, for importation of c. A. CULBERSON, art works duty free-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mana.gers on the pa1·t of the Senate. Also, petition of National German-American Alliance, for forest reservation in White 1\fountains and outhern Appa­ The statement was read, as follows: lachian Mountains-to the Committee on Agriculture. STATEMENT. By l\lr. SLEMP: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Isaac It was the intention of the House to change section 2 of the Q. Barstow-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Senate act so as to provide in the law the time when the By Mr. S"~HTH of Arizona : Paper to accompany bill for relief court was to be held. The . act provided tha t the judges of of 1\Ir . Cornelia H. Keyes (H. R. 4651)-to the Committee the courts should fix the times at which the courts were to be on Invalid Pensions. · held. The House amendment intended to provide for the By Mr. S LZE R: Petition of Utica (N. Y.) Public Library, change by striking out all of lines 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of section again t S. 21)00 and H. R. 11794, denying librarians the priv­ 2 of the Senate act, inserting in lieu thereof: ilege of importing copies of any book duty free-to the Com­ " Beginning on the third Uonday of April and the fourth mittee on Ways and Means. Monday of September in each year." Also, petition of Musical Mutual Protective Union, of New It is agreed that the amendment striking out line 3 was a York, favoring H. R. 103, against competition of Government mistake. In order to correct the mistake and ha \e the act musicians from Army and Navy with civilian musicians-to provide the times when the couTt should be held, it was agreed the Committee on Labor. to by the conferees that the Senate recede from its disagree- 1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE~ 1·719 ment to the· amendment of the House numbered 1, and agree to FORT RILEY MILITARY RESERVATION, the came with amendment, as follows: Mr. ANTHONY. l\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to After the word " Texas " in line 2, section 2, page 2, insert: discharge the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the "shall be held twice each year at the city of Amarillo, in Union from the further consideration of the bill H. R. 12398, to Potter County, Tex., beginni:bg on the third Monday of April authorize the War Department to transfer to the State of Kan~ and the fourth Monday of September in each year." sas certain lands now a part of the Fort Riley l\Iilitary Reserva~ And that the Senate recede from its disagreement to the tion, and that the same be considered in the House. amendment of the House numbered 2, and agree to the same. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Kansas asks unani­ JOHN J.
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