2021-2022 Pro¡ects Budset Requests 77/t8l2O2O Proiects 26-27 Hishwav 22-23 1) Rt 132 reclaim, pave 1 mile Tw¡n state sand & Gravel budget est¡mãte 2) Beaver Meadow Roåd - Reclaim, Peve Sloo,ooo lncludes s¡dewalk, curb, dra¡nage issues Ma¡n st. to Brieham Hill Rd 4000' eng¡neêr¡ng phase T Mgr scheduled 22-23 3) Beaver Meadow Road - Reclaim, Pave 5431,s00 lncludes sidewalk, curb, dra¡nage ¡ssues Main st, to Br¡gham H¡ll Rd 4000' construction phase T Mgr scheduled 22-23 Twin State est¡mate 4) Beaver Meadow Road - Shim & overlay 5317,000 from Bricham Hill Road 2.5 miles 5) Beaver Meadow Road - shim & Overlay S248,ooo from previous ehd to Sharon townline 6) Pave steep hills cufiently gravel s2s0,000 Tucker Hill Rd, Tilden H¡ll Rd, Blood Hill East Dutton Bowen q411.sfi) s2so-fl)o Sub Total s100.000 3317.0oo s248.000 Bridses 21-22 22-23 7) Bridge lnventory of all bridges/culverts >5' SsT,ooo cost for - Stantec estimate 8) T¡gertown Box Culvert s487,643 e) Rt 132 Br¡dge - construction Stantec estimate - concrete box culvert Vtrans Structures Grãnt Application 10) Chapel H¡ll South Bridge - âbutment repair S36,ooo 11) Elm st. Bridge - design s100,000 12) Elm St, Bridge - construction ss00,00c 13) Beaver tMeadow Road Eridge No. 39 - des¡8n s1s0,000 14) Beaver Meadow Road Bridge No, 39-construction SToo,ooo s36.(x)0 s100.000 ssoo,0o0 s150-OOO s700.000 2627 Euild¡nss & Grounds 23-24 15) Tracy Hall generator replacement S49,o9s 16) Public Works Dept generator replacement s7,67t 17) Tracy Hall underground fuel storâge tank replacement s60,ooo 18) Tracy Hall bo¡ler replacement Sls,ooo 19) Public Works Garage - creãte aggregate storage bins ss,ooo 108 concrete 20) Public Works Garage - break room appurtenances fransfer Station 21) Transfer Statìon building s0 Sub Total s7s,00c So 50 s0 s1,167,409 $211,000 5s31,s00 s817,000 s398,0q) s950,0(X) Detailed Capital Budget Request Form 1. Project Details Project Name CBR #1-- Rt. L32 Road Rehabilitation Life (years) 20 Project Originator L. Wiggins Phone Department Public Works - Highway Desired project timing zOZt - 2022 Completion Date 2O2L 2. Project Description/ustification Rehabilitation approximately 1 mile of RT 132 between Union Village and Bowen Road 3. Project Cost Estimate (Reference Blaktop 70/ 09 /2020 Estimate) Total cost = 5243,000 BLAKTOP, rNC B BUDGETARY PROPOSAL P.O. 8ox 5243, West L€banon, NH 03784 603-298S885 Fax 298{120 r^rww.blâkbp.aqn ßÍ tltnl, Iü. 603.¿9t.8t85 UÌflEf0l, ffi ' 60tdfaa.ttt2 Proposal submitted to: Date: 10/9/2020 Town of Norwich PO Box 376 Nonruich, W 05055 Job Name: Route 132 Road Reconstruction Job Location: Norwich, Vermont Phone: (802) æ9-2209 Attn: Larry Wiggins e-mail: vt.us We hereby Prcþct: Rcconstruction of I m¡lê sÇgment, Routc 132 in Nonrich, Vermont Thls budgetary proposal provides preliminary figures for the reconstruction of a 1 mile segment of Route 132 in Norwich, Vermont. This proposal indudes reclaiming, with a sheepsfoot roller, calcium chloride application, shouldering and asphalt road pav¡ng at 22'width, as outlined below; requisite elements peftinent to peformance of this scope are included, including traffic control, grading and mobilization; total area for thls budgetary proposal is 72,907 square yards (114160 square feet) Blakbp s@pe of work: a Reclaim 1 mile scgment of Route 132 & Gradc $3.89/SY f50r303.¡f0 o Mobilize equipment and reclaim 1 mile of Route 132 o Remix with CaCl2, rate of 1 gallon per sq. yd. o Compact with sheepsfoot roller o Rough grade to form road profile using existing reclaimed subbase material o Fine grade (+/- 1') and æmpact existing subbase material a Shouldering 1 mlle segment of Route 132 132.67lTon ]7,Lt7.45 o Moblllze shouldering equipment and laborer crew to work arca o Supply ¡/¿" twinpack gravel to laydown machine o Place and compact 2'shoulders on each side of 1 mile segment o Sweep loose material from edges of road . Asphe¡t Pavlng 3Vt" c.ompasted tùicknesç $72.25/Ton 11851339,64 o Mobilize paving crew & equipment to work area A¡ph¡lt omsnt orcrlaüon/dc-c¡caþtlon: Påvlng prices æntained in this proposal wlll be adJu*ed, if necessary in relatlon to changes in asphalt cement costs at the Ume the is done. The pavlng prlces contålned in this proposal are based on the cunent month Agency of Transportation Monthly Prices, if accepted, are valld for 202A pavlng season Terms: Fr¡ll Dåvment due within 30 davs of invoice. Submitted bv: Brvan Skard Accepbnce of Pmpsl The above prkes, specifiøtons and condlüons are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorlzed to do $e work speclfied. Payment wlll be made äs outlined in the terms above. This proposal becomes invalid and may be withdrawn if not accepÞd withln 30 days, Date of Aæeptance: Siqnature ïde BLAKTOP, rilC BLAK BUDGETARY PROPOSAL P.O. 8ox 5243, West Lebanon, NH 03784 ......"'.*- 603-29E€885 Fåx 298{120 www,blaRop.cfii le¡T l¡ln, lil. 603.¿¡t4t85 t¡ffl¡td, I[ . 603.taa.Ett2 Proposal submifred to: Date: 10/9/2020 Town of Norwich PO Box 376 Nonrvich, VT 05055 lob Name: Route 132 Road Reconstruction Job Location: Norwich, Vermont Phone: (802) 649-2209 Attn: Larry Wiggins e-mail us o Pave a 2.5" binder course of s/q" hot mix asphalt, 22'width o Apply asphalt emulsion (tack) prior to top course paving o Pave a 1" top course of 318" hot mix asphalt, 22'width Total Prlcc: 12¿21830.49 Arphelt amont crl$on/dc-srcalaüon¡ Paving prlces contalned ln hls proposal will be adjusted, lf necessary in relation to chang€ in asphalt cement costs at ttre üme the pavlng ls done. The paving prices contalned ¡n $ls proposal are based on the cunent month Agency ofTransportatlon Monthly Prlces, lf accepted, are valid for 2020 paving season Terms: full oavment due withln 30 davs of involce. Submitted bv: Accepbnæof fropat The above prlces, specfications änd conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You arc authofzed to do the work sæclfied. Payment wlll be made as outllned ln the terms above. Thls proposal becomes invalid and may be wlthdrawn lf not atcepbd wlthln 30 days, Date of AccepÞnce: SiEnature Tide Detailed Capital Budget Request Form t. Project Details Project Name CBR #2--Beaver Meadow Road Paving, Sidewalk, Drainage Engineering Life (years) 20 Project Originator H. Durfee / L. Wiggins Phone Department Public Works - Highway Desired project timing 2022 - 2023 Completion Date 2022 2. Project Description/Justification Engineering, grant application / administration of Beaver Meadow Road from Main St. to Brigham Hill Road for road and side walk reconstruction drainage improvement. Approximately 4000' New sidewalk to be designed and located as determined by the Beaver Meadow Scoping Study. 3. Project Cost Estimate Approximate cost is S100,000. (LAW estimate) Final estimated cost to be provided by conceptual planning o12Ot9 VTRANS Pedestrian and Bicycle Grant I Beauer Meadow Road Sketch Alternatiues Draft Review October 2020 ïhese slides are intended to provide a cursory overview of the Beaver Meadow Road Sídewatk Scopìng Study alternatives. These alternatives are conceptual in nature, and do not represent finat design directìon. They are presented here to attow for pubtic discourse and weighing of benefits and drawbacks of each. PLEASE NOTE: CONCECEPT COSTS REPRESENT AN OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST, AND ARE FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, After you've reviewed these atternatives, please vote for your preferred alternative at http://tinyurl.com/beavermeadowsidewalk Alternalive 0: No Build Alternativg 1; S-i*{qw4!k West Alternative 2: {"I ATTERIIATIVE Alternative 3: Sidewalk Alternati Sides 4: Mobili Lanes CONCEPTS F t, - -¡r- Êxisting Conditions analysis atong the roadway shows a Major Gonstraint reasonably consistent corridor, bul with three major constraint areas. This presentatìon of atternatives ¡ltustrates how each of the three atternatives would address constraints imposed by each '-bocations areâ. , ...1; .,-4.g.*.'*-*-..,.--."-- I .,.. : eÈ.i:f:.F{a:,rt ""_+,. _,,- (Mid) Ledge and Embankment ./ =\.4r; yrt a (South) Rock wall & Trees north of Alternat $W West A sidewatk prolect on the wesl sìde of Beaver lr,,leadow Road wouLd require ê crossing at the southern end of the roadway to connect with existing sidewatk infrastructure. Requiremenls: ReLocation of overhead uÎìlìties throughout corldor Minor crossings at Bragg Hitt Road inlersection Benef ils: Direct access to Norwìch pizza oven Avoids Bloody Brook adjacencies and potentiat comptications Drawbacks: CrossÌngs al southern and northern end requ red lo access existing sidewatk network. J Planning Level Cost Estimate PotentiaL Crossing Location $840,000 Alternatiue 1: SW West Northerm Gom$raf,mt The site of a former Btoody Brook flood washing out a portion of Beaver Meadow I road is still adjacent to a shored-up section I of wðterway that coutd impact future construction. t , 4.5' S', 3', 12' 12' 5' ì I swate' I travel lane travel lane grass edge shoulder Eristipg Gonditions \t,"', O 5 5' 1z', 12' ) 5' sidewatk swate travel lane travel lane grass Reconstruct drainage swate adjacent to western edge of roadway Euitd sidewatk adjacent to property line Relocate fence to precise prop€rty line. Alternatiue 1: $W West Mnddile G 0 mSrafimt This pinch point jusl north of Hunttey St is bounded by rock tedge immediatety west of the roadway, and steep stopes to Bloody Brook to the east. These physicat constra¡nts [imit construction opportunities here, shoutder t 4.s', r! 8', , tedge 12' 12' travel [ane travet lane shoutder Eristing Conditions I I \- I I 't1' I 6.5' 11', 13' tedge sidewatk, ..travet lane -* --travel lane shoutder curb & gutter Proposed Construct sidewalk, curb and gutter on western side of roadway against toe of slope.
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