R0SER[1cKk^ETERY POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA ATKINS, Henry L. Son of the late Steve and Ella Reed Atkins Born! June 3, 1920 Polk County, Georria Death! Seotember 11, 1969 Rome, Floyd ounty, Georoia Burialt Seotember 13, 1969 Emoloyee of Marbut Binder Co. Survivors! wife, Mrs. Evelyn Coalson Atkins; mother, P,!rs. Ella Reed Atkins; dauohters, Eloise and Elaine Atkins; son, David Atkins; sisters, Mrs. Theodore Gentry and Mrs. Jim Henry. BARNES, Robert Jack Born: January 31, 1918 Auoust^ Richmond bounty, Georgia Death! June 7, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georcia Burialt June 9, 1969 Relioionl Methodist Survivors! Mother, Mrs. George T. Roberts; sister, Mrs. Mamie L. Nelson BEARDEN, Joe C. Son of the late Saglah and Blanche Dearden Born: Seotember 5, 1909 Pickens County, Ceorg a D°athi May 22, 1969 Rockmart, Polk County, Georgia Buriali May 24, 1969 Survivors! wife, Mrs. EHdie Mae Beardent brothers, Farris, Herbert and Wilmer Bearden; sisters, Mrs. Elton Williams and Mrs. Irene Glisch. BEATTY, Thomas Moke Son of the late Thomas and Maude Freeman Beatty Born: November 11, 1910 Polk Lounty, Georqia Death: October 21, 1969 Rockmart, Polk •'ounty, Georqia Burial! October 25, 1969 Survivors! wife, Mrs. Grace Beatty; sons, Stephen and Larry Beatty; dauohters Mrs. Fred Grivele; brother, W.C. Beatty; sisters; Mrs. Lester Moffitt, Mrs. Joyce Guenza, Mrs. Asa White and Mrs. Nany Haney BROOKS, James Madison Son of the late Joseph and Sara Davis Brooks Born! August 29, 1899 Polk "ounty, Georoia Death! Seotember 30, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia Burial: October 1, 1969 Retired employee of City of Rockmart Survivo s: sisters, Mrs. Ellen Dpan, |,jrs. Clara White and Mrs. Grace "'ilmouth BRUMBELOW, Mittie Johnson Born: July 24, 1884 Polk County, Georoia Death: Auoust 27,1969 Cedartown, Polk Lounty, Georgia Burial: Auoust 28,1969 Survivorsl Nieces! Mrs. E.L. Hulsey, [!irs. Ruby Lee, Mrs. Hoyt Kinney, Mrs. Frank White and Mrs. Zell Smith BRASWELL, Johnnie Bea Rockmart, Ga. Born: Apr. 28, 1893 Polk Co.,Ga. Died: Feb. 2, 1969 At residence Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Rockmart, Ga. F. Harris Funeral HOme, Rockmart, Ga. Son of late Jake and Ella Ezell Braswell; retired freight Ac]6nt 5 Survivors: wife, Mrs. Mattie bell Braswell-Rockmart, Ga.; ty, reoroia sons, Fred Braswell-Rockmart, Ga., and Wheeler Braswell- St. Petersburg, Fla.; daus., Mrs. John Mitchell-Ringgold, r, 45 years Ga.,and Mrs. Donald Murdock-Lindale, Ga.; sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Wyatt-Greensboro, Ga., Mrs. John Huey-Porterdale, Ga.; 10 grandchildren. roia j;y, Georoia 'Survivors! wife, Mrs. Katie Lanoley Castle; son,-£.W. Castle; dauohter, Miss Louise Castle; brother, James R. Castle; 4 granchildren; 1 great rrandch:Id. CHITW00D CHITW00D, Mrs. Winnie Mae Dauohter of the late James and Ardelia Davis Born: May 6, 1898 Bartow county, Georqia Death! May 14, 1969 Rockmart, Polk County, Georoia Burial! May 16, 1969 Relioionl Baotist Survivors! husband, W.H. Chitwood; dauohters, Mrs. Bunyon Core and Mrs. B Clyde Jacobs; brothers; .P., and J.B. Davis; sisters, Mrs. Oscar Towe and Miss Claudia Davis; 4 orandchildren 1 gr. gr-child CHITWOOD, WiUiam Henry Son of the late William and Mary Payne Chitwood Born! October 28, 1S96 ' Gordon County, Georoia Death! December 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk uounty, Georoia Burial! December 26, 1969 Relioionl Baotist Survivors! dauohters, Mrs. Bunyon Gore;and Mrs. Clyde Jacobs; brothers, Joe and Ed Chitwood; sister, '''rs. Callie Evans; 4 orand• children; 1 great orandchilri. CULVER, Robert Bryan Born: February 21, 1928 Jefferson City, Missouri Death! April 20, 1969 Polk County, Georoia Burial! April 22, 1969 Relioi">ni Baotist Survivors! wife, Mrs. Betty Green Bulver; sons, Robert B., and Cha-les Howard Culver; dauo'-ters, Misses Anne and Susan Culver; father, Charles Thomas Culver; brothers, Harvey and B.C. Culver; sister, '''rs. Franklin Statham. CUMMINCS, Mary Christy Born! September 8, 1969 Rome, Floyd county, Georoia Death! Seotember 24, 1969 Atlanta, Georoia Burial! Seotember 25, 1969 Survivors! Parents, Mr. & Mf8, F. Marion Cumminqs FERGUSON, Robert Litcher Son of the late Mill iam and Sarah Kinney Ferouson Borni July 22, 1898 Death! November 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georria BULLOCH, Miss Fannie F, Dauohter of the late John Gray and Rebecca Randall Bulloch Born: Auoust 4, 1884 Polk uounty, Georria Death! July 21, 1969 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georoia Burial! July 22, 1969 Relioion! Methodist—Graduate of Piedmont Institute-teacher, 45 years Survivors! Brother, N»H. Bulloci; sister, Mrs. M.D. Jones CASTLE, Dewey Son of the late James and fcjosie Winn Castle Born I December 3, 1902* Laurens County, Georqia Death! December 19, 1969 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georqia Burial: December 21, 1969 Relioionl Baotist Survivors! wife, Mrs. Katie Lanqley Castle; son,'\G.W, Castle; dauqhter, Miss Louise Castle; brother, James R. Castle; 4 qranchildren; 1 oreat rrandchild. _ CHITWOOD CHITWOOD, Mrs. Winnie Mae Dauohter of the late James and Ardelia Davis Born! May 6, 1898 Bartow ^nunty, Georqia Death! May 14, 1969 Rockmart, Polk County, Georria Burial: May 16, 1969 Reliqioni Baotist Survivors! husband, W.H. Chitwood; dauohters, Mrs. Bunyon Gore and Mrs, Clyde Jacobs; brothers; B.P., and J.B. Davis; sisters, '''rs, Oscar Towe and Miss Claudia Davis; 4 orandchildren 1 gr. qr-chi CHITWOOD, William Henry Bon of the late William and Mary Payne Chitwood Bornt October 28, 1896 ' Gordon County, Georoia Death! December 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk ounty, Georoia Burial! December 26, 1969 Relioionl Baotist Survivors! dauohters, Mrs. Bunyon Gore;and Mrs. Clyde Jacobs; brothers, Joe and Ed Chitwood; sister, '"rs. Callie Evans; 4 orand• children; 1 qreat orandchild. CULVER, Robert Bryan Bornt February 21, 1928 Jefferson City, Missouri Deatht April 20, 1969 Polk County, Georoia Burialt April 22, 1969 Reliai'Tnt Baotist Survivors! wife, Mrs. Betty Green Bulver; sons, Robert B,, and Charles Howard Culver; dauohters, Misses Anne and Susan Culver; father, Charles Thomas Culver; brothers, Harvey and B.C. Culver sister, '''rs. Franklin Statham. CUMMINCS, Mary Christy Born! September 8, 1969 Rome, Floyd Lounty, Georoia Deatht Seotember 24, 1969 Atlanta, Georoia Rurial: Seotember 25, 1969 Survivorst Parents, Mr. & Mrs, F. Marion Cumminqs FERGUSON, Robert Litcher Son of the late William and Sarah Kinney Ferouson Bornt July 22, 1898 Deatht November 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk '-ounty, Georria Rose Hill Cemetery BAINES, Mr. James Daniel,(J.D.),Jr. Rockmart, Ga. Born: May 1, 1915' - Bartow County, Ga. Died: Feb. 1, -.1969 . Rockmart, Ga. Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Rockmart, Ga. F. Harris Funeral Home, Rockmart, Ga. Resided all his life in Rockmart, Ga.' , Mrs. Curtis Survivors: wife, Lena Millholland Gaines- Rockmart, Ga.; Lldren;l gr-or-chilri parents, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Baines; sons, Jackie, Wayne, and Ricky Baines-all of Rockmart, Ga.; daus., Mrs. Shirley Waites, Mrs. Brenda Bowman, Mrs. Patricia Dover, and Miss Nancy Baines-a;; pf Rockmart, Ga.; and Mrs. Cloria Crumbley, Georgia -Aragon, ga.; brothers, Pat Jsnkins-Rockmart, Ga., John srcia W. Baines- Cedartown, Ga.; sosters. tyrs,Aline Hardin,Miss tist LJcille Baines, Mrs. Bessie Mae Davis-all of Rockmart, Ga.,Mrs. Aladean Brown and Mrs. MozelleMcGowen-Jacksonville, Fla. • arner; sister, Mrs. rirht, Mrs. B.L. HENDRICKS, E. Tom Son of the late Rev. E.T. and Georqia Lovinghoori Hendricks Bornt June 25, 1891 Upson County, Georgia Death! July 20, 1969 Rockmart, Polk uounty, Georoia Burialt July 22, 1969 Relioionl Methodist Survivors! brother, Rev. Claude Hendricks; sister, Miss Minnie Hendricks. HOLLADAY, Mrs. Myrtle Gladden Dauohter of the late James and Mary Ann Phil lips Gladden Born! January 15, 1P96 Polk Lounty, Georgia Deatht Aoril 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk ounty, Georgia Burialt April 26, 1969 Relioionl Baptist Survivors! husband, R.R. Holaday; son, R.F". Holdday; daurhter, Mrs. Wayne Phillips; sister, E.B. Strange; 7 orandchildren 19 cr-qr-childree HURT, Mrs. Mary Moore Born! Bibb County, Ceeroia Death! November 18, 1969 Rockmart, Polk _ounty, Georcia Burialt November 20, 1969 Survivors! husband, Paul W. Hurt; sons, Paul W. Jr., and Harold M. Hurt; sister, Mrs. Ethel Ethridoe; 4 orandchildren; 1 gr grandchild WINTZ, rs. Lee Leroy Dauohter of the late N.A. and Fannie Cline White Bornt October 4, 1903 Bartow County, reorgia Deatht June 23, 1969 Out of town hosptial Burialt June 25, 1969 Baotistt Lunchroom Supervisor- Euharlee School Survivors! dauohters, Mrs. E. S. Jacobs, Mrs. J. K. Hudson and Mrs. R. Denny Carner; brothers, R.M., and L.J. White; sisters, Mrs. P.H. Durham and Mrs. J.W. Randall; 10 orandchildren. MOORE, Robert F. Son of the late John T. and Missouri Goss Moore Bornt March 18, 1908 Polk uounty, Georoia Death! July 8, 1969 Rockmart, Polk Lounty, Georcia Burialt July 10, 1969 Reloiont Baotist Survivors! wife, Mrs. Zola Wilson Moore; son, Howard L. Moore;brothers, Russell, Jesse and Thomas Moore; sister, Mrs. Lora Coalson; 3 orandchildren Rose Hill Cometery Ferouson, R,L., coo't Burial I Bevember 26, 1969 Survivorsi wife, Mrs. Lydia Morgan Ferguson; dauohters, Mrs. Curtis Lanier; brother, Walter Ferouson; 3 orandchildren;! gr-gr-child GARNER, C.J. Son of the late Milton and Jennie Bishop Garner Borni February 24, 1901 Haralson Lounty, Georgia Death l December 11, 1969 Polk ""ounty, Georoia Burialt December 13, 1969 Relirioni Baotist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Mary Barrett Garner; dauohters, Mrs. Aladean Brown and Mrs. Ruriell Young; brother, Milton L. Garner; sister, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Vonnie Blanton, Mrs. Stanley Wrioht, Mrs. B.L. Wrioht and Mrs. Floyd Cole; orandchildren HENDRICKS, E. Tom Son of the late Rev. E.T. and Georgia Lovinohood Hendricks Bornt June 25, 1H91 Upson County, Georoia Death! July 20, 1969 Rockmart, Polk '"ounty, eoroia Burialt July 22, 1969 Relioionl Methodist Survivorst brother, Rev. Claude Hendricks; sister, Miss Minnie Hendricks. HOLLADAY, Mrs. Myrtle Gladden Dauohter of the late James and Mary Ann Phiilios rlariden Bornt January 15, 1896 Polk ^ounty, Georgia Death: Aoril 24, 1969 Rockmart, Polk ounty, Georcia Burialt April 26, 1969 Relioionl Baptist Survivors! husband, R.R.
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