The Boulevard Volume III, ISSUE II Winter 2018-2019 Newspaper Writers: Amber Almonte, Sidrah Ashrafi, Tauba Ashrafi, Anneliese Baum, Max Berger, Aryana Borjas, Rachel Cafaro, Hiral Chavre, Brian Chen, Rachel Chen, Lily Cohen, Emily Elkinyuk, Jesse Glatt, Hayley Goldstein, Tali Goldwasser, Alexander Hassine, Chrissie Hogue, Kayleigh Jamieson, Nocicole Jasmin, Mai ing people with his actions. He is now Karutchi, Simon Kupchik, Rohan Murphy motivating the youth of America with Omer Rana, Mara Riegel, his words. Zoe Rodriguez, Farah Shi Has “No Excuses” All three grades attended the by Sidrah Ashrafi assembly. Rohan Murphy’s parlance Faculty Advisor: was very motivational. He spoke about how crucial it is to never give up and Mrs. Stacy Mauriello During WMS Wellness Week, the school had a very special impressed upon the students that visitor, Rohan Murphy. Murphy is a there are “No Excuses.” He ex- nationally recognized youth speaker plained the struggles he went through who has spoken in over 40 states. He in his own life and how he learned to In This Issue lost his legs at birth and wanted noth- overcome them. Overall, it was a great ing more than to wrestle. With the experience for all grades and it gave School News 1-6 help of friends and family, he began students the inspiration to achieve wrestling in his freshman year of high their own goals and desires. school. After a successful wrestling The response from teachers and students was overwhelming. World News 7-11 career, he went to wrestle at Penn State University. In addition to wres- and Opinions tling, Rohan Murphy is also an ac- complished powerlifter who has rep- resented the United States by com- peting all around the globe. Technology 12-16 Rohan Murphy has starred in many publications such as ABC News, Sports, and Illustrated. He has Entertainment 13-26 also been featured in his own Nike commercial to promote and encour- age healthy lifestyles. Now, Rohan Sports 27-28 Murphy is a professional motivational speaker. He has lived his life motivat- VOLUME III, ISSUE II THE BOULEVARD PAGE 2 School News Although Wellness Week who put their efforts toward some- Wellness Week is always a hit, this year especially, thing some deemed as hopeless. It by Lily Cohen many sixth graders enjoyed Well- was a motivational film that is sure ness Week, for it was a new expe- to be remembered. Wellness Week is a time rience for them since they have The trip to the New York during school to promote a healthy never had this at the elementary Hall of Science was a great learning and active lifestyle. Woodmere schools. opportunity for the 8th graders of Middle School has turned Wellness Hopefully, there will be Woodmere Middle School. Being Week into a huge event. Wellness more events this year to get kids brought to a new environment to Week started in 2000 as one Well- more active, and we definitely can- learn was truly an eye-opening expe- ness Day. Originally, Wellness was not wait for another Wellness rience for many. a single day event where speakers, Week at Woodmere Middle experts on the field of wellness; School! from nutrition, addiction, health and safety, etc., presented to stu- WMS Continues dents in each of their classes from 8th Grade Takes periods one through three. to #GetBooked The students weren't as the New York involved, and it didn't benefit them Reading is a wonderful thing. as much. Although, throughout the Hall of Science It can inspire, entertain and fuel years, Woodmere Middle School by Hiral Chavre your imagination. School teaches has expanded Wellness Day into a you to read, to set you off on a week-long activity. On November 30, 2018, good path for the future. You’ve This year, Wellness Week the eighth-grade students and been reading since pre-kindergarten. had many inclusive activities that teachers of Woodmere Middle But reading doesn’t interest every- many students throughout the School arrived at The New York one. Enter, #GetBooked, which grades enjoyed. Some included pa- Hall of Science in Queens. Little did continues to score points with stu- jama day, an important assembly they know, they had a fun-filled day dents through book tastings, from Rohan Murphy, family feud, awaiting them. Flipgrids, and trivia games. the spirit competition, favorite Upon arrival, after all the One element that students team Tuesday, the homeroom lunches were organized, everyone are excited about is WATCH IT scavenger hunt, and more. As tra- settled into the 3D theater to WEDNESDAY. Each Wednesday, dition, every year there is the so- watch the short film, Flight of the students view a Flipgrid often creat- Butterflies. It was an enthralling called “Wellness Man.” As said by ed by one of our teachers. In each one of the Woodmere Middle experience in which students were video teachers, and sometimes st School gym teachers, Mr. Viggiano, able to learn about the migration dents, present a short review and “Wellness man is a person who journey that most monarch butter- recommendation of a book they always keeps his pulse on the well- flies take each year. Then, the stu- read recently. being of students at WMS.” Also dents were able to wander around the museum to view the variety of said by Mr. Viggiano, “Wellness Week really supports every individ- exhibits they had to offer. There ual to be more healthy and active.” were exhibits on water weight, to Throughout all of the fun interactive activities on microbes. and inclusive activities that WMS After lunch, the students produces, the main reason behind settled back into the theater to it is to get kids to be more physi- watch another film, called Dream cally, emotionally, and mentally Big. It was an inspiring video, show- aware. ing the success stories of people VOLUME III, ISSUE II THE BOULEVARD PAGE 3 School News Grade SIX Concert by Hayley Goldstein “A nation reveals itself not only by After many weeks of re- the people it hearsal, lessons, classes and more, on December 18th, 6th grade mu- produces, but by sicians from Woodmere Middle those it School finally took to the stage. Both excited and nervous, they remembers.” couldn’t wait to perform in either band, orchestra and/or chorus to a ~ Barack Obama packed house of family and friends. Each group performed three differ- ent, but fun songs. The concert lasted about 1-2 hours. The speeches provided by Songs played by Chorus: Celebrating the veterans were inspiring and Kha Kha from Africa,, Shanendo, and powerful; moving, at the very least. last but not least, Dream Keeper. Armistice Day The stories they told were tear Songs played by Band: bringing, and horrific. It only added Slingshot, Playground Parade, and last at WMS to the meaning of this day that they but not least, Distant Journey. would go through such terrible ex- by Max Berger Songs played by Orchestra: periences for the good of our coun- Star Spangled banner, Ode to Joy, and try, even if it meant having to suffer with the terrible consequences, such last but not least, Ninja. Students stood tall, hands A video of the evening’s as PTSD (post traumatic stress dis- over their hearts, gazing at the order), or having limbs blown off in performance can be found on the American Flag hanging in the audi- school website battle. torium, reciting the pledge of alle- They were away from their giance. “I pledge allegiance / to the families for so long, and gave such a flag / of the United States of Ameri- sacrifice for the rest of us. And for ca….” that, we can only do our bests to At the front of the audito- provide for them after they have rium stood a plethora of veterans provided for us. Programs like who fought in wars such as the Vi- “Building Homes for Heroes” helps etnam War and World War II. injured veterans and donates a fin- All of these veterans ished and renovated home for their worked and fought to defend the health and safety. country, so we could all live in a But for the rest of us, who peaceful country without war, can’t start our own organizations, where we can speak our minds, we can only say “thank you” when- marry who we want, and say what ever we see them. It was truly a we want. treat to be able to experience such an amazing presentation. VOLUME III, ISSUE II THE BOULEVARD PAGE 4 School News Chamber Orchestra and Jazz Band by Hiral Chavre As many students walk into the school, they may hear the sound of the Chamber Orches- tra and Jazz Band hard at work, practicing for their Winter Concert. Both groups wake up bright and early at 7:30 AM, ready to rehearse the songs they prepared for. The Jazz Band, lead by Mr. Holford, had a selection of two songs, Deacon Jack’s Gospel Shack and Moondance. Deacon Jack’s Gospel Shack is a very spirited tune that is High School Theater sure to excite, along with Moondance, another lively piece. Department Visits The Chamber Orchestra, lead by Mr. ELA Classes Fund, had a selection of three pieces, including by Farah Shih Blue Fire Fiddler, English Folksong, and Creatures. Blue Fire Fiddler is a very face-paced, English Folk- Did you know that the Theater Sequence at Hewlett song with a calming, slow melody, and Creatures, High School has proudly been named a Program of Excel- which has a spooky, eerie feel. With all the variety lence by the New York State English Council? Well lucky for of songs with the Chamber Orchestra and Jazz Woodmere Middle School students, the high school theater Band, there was surely a piece that everyone club visited each and every ELA class to perform for and loved.
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