THE NEW HOUSTON FITNESS EXCHANGE OPENING SOON!!! JOIN NOW BEFOREPRICES GO UP!!! RUNNING TRACK rf§)m~ OECK ~XCIHrRn6e AEROBICS AND DALLAS COMPLETE 2615 Oak Lawn FAeILI" #101 at Maple PHONE 526-1220 FOR WOMEN HOUSTON ON 2ND FLOOR 3307 Richmond I "1 10 FOLLOW BY at Buffalo Spwy. WJm . PHONE 524-9932 U-! JAN. 31, 1985 - SPA MECHANICAL ROOM WARM UP • LIFE • CYCLES NAUTILUS MEN ONLY • • • FREE WEIGHTS STAIRS 2900 RICHMOND AVE., HOUSTON! I MEMBERS WaR< OUT FREEIN Dallas. Houston. Los Angeles New YorI<. San Francisco PROUDLY PRESENTS. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,. " '., ,. c: " .', ':NO'" ,COVE'R, 8PM-MIDNIOHT Come followed by , Early $1 well drinks and 10pm-2am Stay For ONLY AUSTIN'S $1 COVER HOTTEST ALL AFTER HOURS NIGHT austin• ~ ~~H~~~ CONTENTS ---------~Vo=lum:-:e 10, Number29 October 5-11,1984 11 TWTNEWS _ Debate in College Station, Banquet in Houston, Politics in Son Antonio. 19 COMMENT _ Letters to the Editor 25 VIEWPOINT---------------------------------------- Mondale or Reagan: the Choice Is Clear by Peter Calkin 31 HIGHLlGHT _ Lloyd Doggett, Phil Gramm and Goy Rights 36 NEWSTALK ----------------------------------------- Don Boker, 21.06 Plaintiff by ChuckPatrick 42 SPECIALAEPOAT _ AIDS Updates 48 HEALTH _ AIDS: Nutrition vs. Disease by Joseph E. Porro, M.T. and DonnyVilla 51 BOOKS _ Amateur City by Katherine V. Forrest Reviewed by David Fields 54 MOVIES _ The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzoi Reviewed by Harry Deutsch Until September and A Soldier's Story Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez 58 INTEAVIEW _ Adolph Caesar, Star of A Soldier's Story by O. FloresAlvarez 60 SHOWBIZ _ Farrah Fawcett, Santo Claus, "The Beaver" .. by Jock Varsi 4:00 62 BACKSTAGE _ La Gran Scena, The Butterfingers Angels, . by Rob Clark TO 66 AAT _ 8:00 English Art in Dailos by MitchellM. Bartlow 69 HOTTEA _ Mr. Capitol City and Other Cruise Camera Photos .. by Chuck 77 SPOATS _ LIQUOR BUST Fall/Winter Bowling Season Warms Up . 80 FEATUAE ~------------------- 00 $5 AIDS: One Man's Odyssey by RichardBerkowitz 82 COVEA/PHOTO ESSAy------------J BEER BUST Riche Mullan and Mascot Albert by Albert Puente $300 COVER:Original Block& White Photo by Albert Puente ColorAirbrushedby Randy Ruhlman 91 STAASCOPE _ October's Harvest Moon by Milton van Stern 97 CLASSIFIED _ Wont Ads and Notices 111 CALENDAA _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events austtn 113 THE GUIDE _ 705 RED RIVER 478-6806 Texas Business / Club Directory 122 CAATOON _ Meat Rock by R. Campbell SUNDAY SHOWTIME 10:30PM OCTOBER 7 TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, inc., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) -STARRING- 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation DION MARTELL, COCO, TINA RENE and SHANEQUA of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year, $40 per half year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1984 by Asylum Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph TUESDAY SHOW OCTOBER 9 from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. ROXIE STARR, SWEET SAVAGE and TIGER LlL TWT OCTOBER 5 - OCTOBER 11 1984 PAGE 7 OUR OPENING ACTS! BETTINA DEVIN 3 Nights Only, October 11-13 ~~3"J~~y, Friday, Saturday The L.A. Vocalist With Pizzaz! A jazzy, bluesy voice combined with mischievous patter-a talent- combination guaranteeing a unique, tast-past act of uptempo numbers from lively showtunes to torchy love songs. The Outrageously Incorrigible ~ RUSTY WARREN Here's 8. blue-print preview of the New Petrtck'a. Friday evening, Oct. 12th DUBto your overwhelming a.cceptance and loyal support of Patrick's' ca.llber of cabaret entertainment and t:??:::;{{8l't'nt!:: Special guest appearance intimate ambiance we're now able to accomplish our always-planned enlarged re-location. We hold you-our valued clientele-directly responetblet The The new Oak Lawn Patrick's will retain the warmly- con tempo atmosphere and eaey-tnnmacy. conunutng to Incomparable offer the moet imaginative of cabaret talent. We'll be near to-but securely apart from the congested crowds. Styling of We'll be offering even more innovative amenities to MARK CARROLL guersntee your Patrick's experience ts the uncommon element of your social-entertainment lifestyle. Sunday, October 14 and each Sincerely, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday through October at 9:30PM ~OK- The added plus of TRELLA HART on Monday and Tuesday evenings. ~l """ • Open daily at 4PM • (Happy Hour 4-8pm) • Valet parking at door \\OtI ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Weekly Circulation: 20.,0.0.0. __-------------NEWS HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 FREE - 220.5 Montrose Houston, Texos 770.0.6 C&W DANCE LESSONS TWT NEWS has assembled in this week's DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 Beginners 8pm·9pm 8·week course AIDS AWARENESS WEEK issue several features, updates, and 3920. Cedar Springs Advanced 9pm·10pm Instructor-Wendell Dallas, Texas 75219 STARTS THIS SUNDAY special reports on AIDS. This week's Play-Safecover and time- PUBLISHER/EDITo.RChuck Patrick HOUSTON - "And now I, Mayor ly health updates are this magazine's FEATURESEDlTo.R/ART DIRECTo.R Blase DiStefano Kathryn Whitmire, hereby proclaim Oc- ASSISTANTSTO. THEART DIRECTo.R way of supporting AIDS Awareness FREE BEER BUST tober 7-13 as AIDS Awareness Week in Rob Clark, Carlos Palma, Fred Hinton THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS Week. TEXASENTERTAINMENTEDITo.R Rob Clark 9PM 2PM Houston," it was confirmed by the KS/ NATlo.NAl SHo.WBIZ EDlTo.R Jack Varsl AIDS Foundation, sponsoring agent of NEWS/SPo.RTSEDITo.R Chuck Patrick PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ART EDlTo.R Mitch Bertlow the week-long event. Po.ETRYEDlTo.R 0. Flores Alvarez In an all-out effort to make the citi- TV WATCH PARTIES Co.NTRIBUTING EDITo.RS zenry more aware of the local danger of 0. Flores Alvarez, Jim Beane, Harry Deutsch AUSTIN - When Ronald Reaganand Bonnie Dombroski, David Fields, Weldon Grahame, AIDS, several key events have been Walter Mondale square off in the first of Tom Greenwell, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrera, scheduled. The most informative of the Hallie HOllister, George Klein, Sara Lindley, their two nationally televised debates Dean Malone, Milton van Stern affairs will be an AIDS Forum at the Sam this Sunday, October 7, Americans ADVERTISING ART DIRECTo.R Mitch Bertlaw SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 Houston Coliseum next Thursday eve- everywhere will be watching closely. GRAPHIC ARTISTS ning; October 11, at 6:30pm. Rob Clark, Fred Hinton, Carlos Palma, LYNN CHRISTOPHER SHOW Among those who are extremely in- Hek Cavazos, Mardi Coleman, Eric Harden Dr. James Haughton, director of the terested in the proceedings are the TYPo.GRAPHERS city's health department, will be a guest Tobi Chapman, Eric Harden BEER BUST EVERY members of the Lesbian/Gay Democrats speaker along with New York health STAFFPHo.To.GRAPHERS MONDAY- TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY of Texas, based in Austin, who have Scott Taylor, Victor Berry, Jim Hamilton, journalist, Nathan Fain, and VirginiaAp- scheduled five TV Watch Parties across Oscor Mendiola, Greg Ollveirc, THURSDAY AND SUNDAY Hollie HOllister, Blose DiStefano puzo, executive director of the National the state in key gay centers: Austin, ACCo.UNTING Doug Felix Gay Task Force. Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San CIRCULATlo.N MANAGER Bebby lamb WED, & FRI. Kicking off the week will be a Mr. Play Antonio. STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTlo.NSteve Miles MALE DANCERS 10PM Safe contest at Rich's this Monday RECEPTlo.NISTAlicia Murphy Most of the parties this Sunday begin night. Winners will be photographed for by 7:30pm and continue after the debate SALES SATURDAY a 1985 Play Safe calendar to be distri- until around 10:00pm. "Beverages and EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER buted this Christmastime. Jim Veteto OCT. 20 E.O.Y. NITE food will be offered; however, there is In a further all-out effort to make the Advertising rates are available on request by tele- adonation at the door in each city," Dale phoning the salesperson In your nearest city, from public's awareness of AIDS sharper, Beverly of UGDT told TWT NEWS. 10.am-5pm, weekdays. DEADLINE Fo.R All ADS: The parties were organized at an Friday, one week prior to publication. UGDT meeting in Dallas on the eve of AUSTIN the Texas Freedom Parade two weeks Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0.253 ago. For a complete, clty-by-city TV CORPUS CHRISTI Greg o.liveira . (512) 993-50.79 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Watch Party Schedule, refer to page 30. DAllAS/FORT WORTH NEW FOR ARLINGTON Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0.622 TEXANS HEADED FOR HOUSTON/GALVESTON Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 WELCOME SAN ANTONIO WICHITA CONFERENCE Tim Ramm. (512) 734-5961 U.T.A. STUDENTS WICHITA - Several key Texans are among the many leaders of various local Gay Pride Week organizations across CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles America, who are heading for the third Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts FREE BEER BUST annual National Pride Coordinators Tuesday. Wednesday. TWT MAGAZINE As a prelude to AIDS Awareness Week In Houston, the Conference to be held in Wichita, Kan- A Division of Thursday & Sunday. Galleon last Sunday night not only raIsed $3,800 for the new ASYLUM ENTERPRISES,INC. KSIAIDS Foundation center which will open on October 15, sas the first weekend in October. The The Corporation but club owner, Jay Allen (r)also donated a $3,000computer three-day gathering will be held at the to vIcepresident/treasurer of the foundat/on, Jim Bob Smith.
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