I' WT'.-' THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR AYeniKe Daily Net Press Rnn The Weather m JanrliPBlfr lEttfittag For Ilie Week Boded ft!: June 27, ISM ^ Pleaaaht this afternoon, high in the 80s. Comfortable tonight. Saturday fair and warm, high About Town Helpful Hot Line 15,610 in the 80s. Members .of the public affairs Msinchester residents who Hanche$ter— A City of Village Charm committee of the Manchester don’t know where to turn Junior Women’s Club will meet when they have business with a U.S. Government MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1970 (Olasalfled Advertlalng on Fngie U ) PRICE TEN CENTS tonight at 8;S0 at the home of HURRY IN NOW AND SAVE ON HUNDRB»S OF UIMRER AND l U I I ^ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 244 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Mrs. Adrian Michaud, 26 Arcel- agency now have a “ hot lia Dr. ^ line” to helpful information. MATERML HEMS IN EVERY DEPT.! WrVE SIGHED M ICB O N ^ R By dialing 527-2667, a local SAMPLES, DISCONTINUED LINES, DISPLAY MODELS AND OVERSTOCKS! number, they’ll reach the Robert V. Borello, son of Mr. “ Federal Information Cen­ QUANTmES ON MOST MODELS ARE UMITED SO HURRY! and Mrs. Vincent Borello of 123 ter’’ in New York City, South T o Get National Elks Eldridge St., has been named without any toll charge. Ex­ Bomb Guides to the spuing semester dean’s perts there will tell them Bar Nonwhites list and elected to the academ­ which agency provides the Integration ic honor society at Eastern service they want, and how INVENTORY SAN PRANCISOO fAP) — Connecticut State College. to reach them. The service The national convention of was established to guide the Task Force the 1.5-milllon-member Be­ Flow Freely public to federal govern­ nevolent and Protective Or^ Hie Manchester Historical ment programs and activi­ By KEN W. CIAWSON der of Elks has’ voted over­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators investigating the Society executive committee ties. The Washington Post whelmingly to retain a rule nation’s recent wave of politically-motivated bombings will meet at the Cheney Home­ The nunlber Is listed at the excluding nonwhites from r ; WASHmOTON — Attorney have been told bomb-making instructions are circulating stead, 106 Hartford Rd., Monday membership. head of “ U.S. Government” General John N. Mitchell dis­ widely, even in junior high schools. at 7:30 p.m. Business lAcludes listing on Page 406 of the The hand-show vote, behind closed Thursday that a federal ^ The chief of New York City’s ---------------------------------------------- the making of several impor­ new Hartford telephone di­ closed doors Thursday at the -I task force of more than 100 will police bomb squad told senators begins with bad manners.” tant appointments and inspec­ rectory, and also under end of a five-day convention, CLEARANCE be assigned to the south next Thursday bomb-making plans jjg urged congressional adop- tion of the recently completed “ Federal Information Cen­ was estimated at 1,560-22 by month to assure complete de­ appear In underground newspa- t|on of a series of new federal Society office. ter" in the alphabetical list­ Grand Exalted Ruler Glenn segregation of public schools. pers, magaZines and leaflets laws, including one providing ings which follow. L. Miller, an attorney from “ The Supreme Court has rul­ distributed throughout the city, (or the inclusion of Indestructl- Residents in outlying tele­ Logansport, Ind. * 1 I King David Lodge will meet ed that schools must be deseg­ expeclally among college, high big blU of coded metal inside phone exchanges which do Newsmen were barred tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Odd regated now,” Mitchell said in from the debate and vote on •*l fI K r school and, recently, junior high explosives to enable police to Fellows Hall. not have toll-free calling to an interview. “ Without fervor, Hartford can call the office a resolution by Norman No­ school students. quickly trace their orig;in. without passion, we will enforce Lt. Kenneth O’Neil told the Leafy asked also for laws 11- at the cost of a toll call to PREFINISHED 20x18 CAST IRON lan, exalted ruler of the the law." Senate’s investigations subcom- censing dealers and buyers of Hie Community Amateur En­ Hartford. Madison, Wls., club, which ^ o l o r e 0 Mitchell said he did not an­ ! < mittee the publications range semble of Manchester will re­ would have dropped the ticipate trouble, “ but you never from crude mimeograph flyers (See Page Eight) hearse tonight at 8 at the PAN ELIN G white-only requirement for i k o n can tell. Much depends on how to highly sophisticated manuals Unitarian Meeting House, 466 Full Gospel Christian Fellow­ J^x17 VC members. firmly state and local officials A similar try by Nolan at for constructing explosive de­ Main St.. Hie rehearsal is open ship, Interdenominational, will SPECIALS! uphold the law.” the 1968 convention also fail­ vices. to all musicians pla}ing string­ have a Bible study and open SINKS To protect Justice Depart­ ed. After the devastating explo­ discussion tonight at 7:30 at SINKS ed instruments. 10 SHEETS OP ment lawyers working in the The order also requires sion last spring which destroyed ^Target^ Role Orange Hall. COLORED ONLY field, a deputy U.S. marshal that members be older than an apparent bomb factory In a tss.00 will be assigned to each as a Hie VFW Auxiliary will spon­ AFRICAN KAYA **•9. $14.00 20, believers in God, U.S. cit­ Greenwich Village townhouse; personal escort. izens and have no associa­ he said, leaflets circulated In Irks Firemen sor a baked bean supper tomor- Reg. 19.95 Southern schools, many of hearse tonight at 8 at the Public Records FOR THE tion with subversive organi­ New York warning those who which are under volimtary or zations. might be tempted not to risk Post Home. Dick Lewis and his *20 LOT $ in .o o compulsory orders to desegre­ In Hartford Its four cardinal virtues orchestra will play for dancing Warrantee Deeds dangerous do-it-yourself bomb gate, start opening Aug. 17 and €u-e charity. Justice, brotherly production. Making bombs, the from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Hie event Archie C. Larocheile to Anna $ * f . ^ . 9 9 continue through the day after HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — love and fidelity. anonymous leaflet said, should -'We Fight Fires, Not People,” is open to members and guests. M. White, property at 29-31 Bls- Labor Day. S3. PER SHEET be left to those familiar with jg the theme of a possible boy- Hckets may be purchased at sell St., Conveyance tax $18.15. ONLY Before the first school opens, Anthony G. Plano to Prank (A P Pbotofax) chemistry and laboratory tech- cott being considered by mem- the door. 4x8 SPAN ISH O A K a force of more than 100 feder­ Cambodians wade across a stream as they move in to reinforce troops at the and Judith Morton, property at al officials, equally divided be­ Tim ely M oan niques. bers of a Hartford firefighters 28 Durpnt St., conveyance tax REG. tween the Departments of Jus­ mountain resort of Kiri Rom, which fell to the Viet Cong and North Vietna­ One of the most popular books union, Dennis MacArdle, son of Mr. Panther Trial $19.80." tice and Health, Education and mese last Saturday. Cambodians recaptured the resort city on Thursday. in circulation on high explosives The union president says that and Mrs. J. Walne MacArdle of $5.99 Lillian C. Mather to John J. Welfare, will have set up five Saves Soldier is the Swiss army manual enU- if Increased police protecUon Is 29 Constance Dr., has been nam­ and Mary Foran, property at 48 temporary regional offices. tied “ Total Resistance," a guer- not received the firemen may ed to the dean’s list for the sec­ 5 ONLY Enters Its Benton St., conveyance tax $33. One office will serve North MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) _ warfare guide that Includes not answer alarms in certain ond semester at Providence BRONZE TEAK Wilfred E. and Sharon L. Mil­ and South Carolina; others The Marines were zipping up practical instructions on con- areas of Hartford where they (R.I.) College, where he is a • ODD LOTS! crestwood Cong Retreat as Cambodians ler to Rose R. Hllona, property Georgia and Florida; Alabama; one of the many canvas bags structing bombs and Incendiary have been targets of violence, major in pre-med. He will A R CT IC ELM Fourth Day at 78 Deerfield Dr., conveyance • DISCONTINUED Mississippi - Louisiana - Arkan­ used to send back bodies from O'Neil said. John T. Kelley, president of enter his Junior year in the fall. tax $24.20. PANELS! sas; and Texas. The three- Vietnam when thev heard a Exhibiting a small arsenal of the 600-member Local 270 of the Quit Claim Deed $ 9 0 9 P A l N ^ By DAN HALX. Retake Mountain Resort Area v i^ a m wnen iney neara a international A.tsociatlon of 4x8 ^ state regional center will be in Associated Press Writer Robert C. and Mary H. Hack, It came from Lance Cpl. Rob- Fh-eflghters,’ said there had .Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mc­ • CLOSEOUT Jackson, Miss., with the others NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Carthy of 32 N. Slim St. have trustees for the estate of Dar­ PHNOM PENH, Cambodia the enemy abandoned the litUe of fighter and observation and dynamite bombs linked to been an apparent attempt by SPECIALS! to be chosen later. The defense attorney for (AP) _ Cambodian army resort town before the Cambo- p l^ es patrolled overhead.
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