QUARRY PLAN INCLUDING PROGRESSIVE QUARRY CLOSURE PLAN FOR ROAD METAL & BUILDING STONE Over an extent of Acres 27.00 (10.926 Hectares) in Sy. No. 22; Kudavandapur (V), Raikoda (M), Sangareddy District, T.S. CATEGORY 'A' OTHER THAN FULLY MECHANIZED MINE (Submitted Under Rule 7-B of Telangana State Minor Mineral Concession Rules '1966) District & Extent Ownership of Village Mandal Sy. No. State (Hectares) Occupancy Sangareddy, 10.926 Hectares Kudavandapur Raikode 22 Government Land Telangana (27.00 Acres) Applicant Sri K. CHANDRA SEKHARA REDDY lP\v|TJ o! S/o K. Anki Reddy, H.No. 12-1-51, Vijaya Garden Colony, Nagole, Hyderabad - 500 068. T.S Tel: +91 96036 93279 Prepared By T. LINGA MURTHY Geologist & RQP Regn. RQP/ DMG / HYD / 27 / 2016 H. No. 10-1-92/3/161 A, Janaki Enclave, Karmanghat, Hyderabad - 500 035. T.S. i : +91 9885932426 November, 2017 Scanned by CamScanner 0- * O* v c- ^ SELF CERTIFICATION BY THE APPLICANT C 1 C 3 I K. Chan a Sekhara Reddy S/o K. Anki Reddy being an applicant of Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry over an area of Acres 27.00 or 10.926 Hects., located in Sy. No 22 of Kudavandapur Village, Raikode Mandal, Sangareddy District of Telangana State. I do solemnly certify that the information furnished in the quarry plan is correct and based on the facts to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been t- concealed/suppressed/circumvented/misrepresented during preparation of document * directly or idirectly affect the implementation of the document for execution of the work in the field. I also do hereby certify that all the rules and regulations viz., the Telangana State Minor M leral Concession Rules, 1966 along with Mines Act, 1952, mines rules made there .v.er. Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999, Marble Conservation and Development Rules, 2002, Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 and Meta ferous Mines Regulations, 1961 have been taken into considerate contravention to above referred rules have been furnished in the quar/ & v* rf cr aware that I am solely responsible for implementation of propi nfihffed o document for which the self certification is being signed by me in the o P> responsible and liable to face the consequences, legal or otherwise H\m statutes or any penalty or fine as may be imposed or ordered by the comp^tatairtWjrity C for any kind of breach or failure in implementation of the proposals contained therein. c Place: Hyderabad. (K. CHANDRA SEKHARA REDDY) Date: 13-11-2017 APPLICANT Scanned by CamScanner RECOGNIZED PERSON CERTIFICATE l ho provision of the Telnngana State Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 along w th Mines Act, 1952 rules made there under. Granite Conservation and Development Rules, IhQ- Marble Conservation and Development Rules, 2002, Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 and Matalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 have been observed in the preparation of the Quarry Plan for Road Metal & Building Quarry in Sy. No. 22 over an Ac. 2 ) or 10.926 hects of Sri K. Chandra Sekhara Reddy S/o K. Anki Reddy of Kudavandapur Village, Raikode Mandal, Sangareddy District of Telangana State and whenever specific permissions are required, the applicant will approach the concerned Government authorities as appropriate. e information furnished in the Quarry Plan is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I abide by any order passed by Mines & Geology Department, if any contravention of Act & Rules is found in the matter. Place: Hyderabad. (T. LINGA MURTHY) Date: 13-11-2017 Geologist & RQP Scanned by CamScanner INDEX CHAPTER TITLE No. 1.0 GENERAL 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY 3.0 TECHNICAL DETAILS Introduction ii) Infrastructure & Communication iii) Geology & Exploration iv) Estimation of Geological Reserves v) Mining vi) Market Analysis vii) Waste Management Plan viii) Environmental Management Plan ix) Environmental Impact Assessment *)_ Environment Management xi) Conceptual Plan xii) Financial Assurance Plan xiii) Progressive Quarry Closure Plan FIELD PHOTOGRAPHS Scanned by CamScanner LIST OF PLATES c- * SCALE { PLATE TITLE | 1 LOCATION CUM KEY PLAN (SOI Toposheet No. E43R13) 1:50,000 1A LOCATION CUM KEY PLAN (SOI Toposheet No. 56 G/13) 1:50,000 2 LEASE AREA PLAN 8" = 1 mile c ^ 3 SURFACE CUM GEOLOGICAL PLAN 1:2,000 3A GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTIONS 1:2,000 51 w a 4i) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SECTIONS (l YEAR) 1:2,000 4ii) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SECTIONS (2st YEAR) 1:2,000 4jii) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SECTIONS (3SI YEAR) 1:2,000 4ii) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SECTIONS (4^ YEAR) 1:2,000 4v) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SECTIONS (5th YEAR) 1:2,000 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 1:5,000 6 CONCEPTUAL PLAN WITH CROSS SECTIONS 1:2,000 7 PROGRESSIVE QUARRY CLOSURE PLAN 1:2,000 8 GOOGLE SKETCH SHOWING THE LEASE AREA & h rAv... USTOFANNEXURES Notice NO.1704/QL/SRD/2017, dated: 23-08-2017 from the Deputy ! i Mines & Geology: Nizamabad Region, Telangana State. Mandal Map issued by Assistant Director, Survey & Land Records, Sangareddy n Distrirt, Telangana State. in ETS Survey Report IV Copy of RQP Certificate Scanned by CamScanner quarry plan including progressive quarry closure plan for ROAD METAL & BUILDING STONE OVER AN EXTENT OF Acres 27.00 (10.926 Hects.) Sy. No. 22 of Kudavanandapur (V), Raikode (M), Sangareddy District, Telangana State Category 'A' other than Fully Mechanized Mine Submitted under Rule 7-B of Telangana State Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 and i under Rule 7 B (viii) of TSMMC'1966 read with 23 (B) of MCDR 1988 1.0 GENERAL: i) Name of Applicant: K. CHANDRA SEKHARA REDDY ii) Address: H.No. 12-1-51, Vijaya Garden Colony, Nagole, HYDERABAD-500068. T.S. District HYDERABAD This Quarry plan/Feasibilltv Report Is State TELANGANA scrutinized subject to the c( nditions/ Pin Code 500 068 stipulations indicated in thle Quarry Phone plan/Feasibility Report scutinized Fax Letter d I ^ Mobile No. +91 96036 93279 Email ID [email protected] iii) Status of applicant/Lessee: Individual Private/lndividual/Co-operative Association/Private Company / Public Limited Company / Public Sector Undertaking / Joint Sector Undertaking / Other (Please specify) Mineral(s) which is/are included in Road Metal & Building Stone iv) the prospecting license (For Fresh grant) Mineral (s) which is/are included Road Metal & Building Ston v) in the letter of intent/lease deed Mineral(s) which is the applicant / Road Metal & Building vi) lessee intends to mine S*- <P vii) Name of a person employed under T. Linga Murthy Uw o clause (c) of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 42 .4 O of MCDR, 1988 preparing CK Quarrying Plan <7 H.NO.10-1-92/3/161A, J Address m Karmanghat, Hyderabad-SOOOg Phone No. SCRUTINIZED Mobile No. + 91 9885932426 . Fax No. K. LAXMA^n ^BU Email ID [email protected]> Director of Mines u Geology Designation Geologist & rqp Govt. of Telangana, Ncamabtd. Date of appointment 24 - 08 - 2017 Surveyed on 26-08-2017 with ETS and field Dates of Inspection work carried out on 26-08-2017. 1 Scanned by CamScanner % 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY: * a) Lease/ Applied Area Details; i) Name of Mine/Quarry Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry fi) Lat/Long of any boundary N 17* 47' 36.5° E 77* 51' SO.OO" (0,P. 1) point Hi) Date of grant of lease Grant for AMP Notice issued vide Notice No. 1704/QL/SRD/2017, dated 23-08-2017 Iv) Period/Expiry Date 20 Years from date of execution v) Name of Lessee/Applicant Sri. K. CHANDRA SEKHARA REDDY vi) Postal Address H.No. 12-1-51, Vijaya Garden Colony, Nagole, HYDERABAD-500068. T.S. Telephone No. +91 96036 93279 Fax No. N/A Email ID [email protected] Mobile No. +9196036 93279 b) Details of applied/lease area Applied Area: Acres 27.00. with Precise area demarcation Sy. No. 22 Kudavanandapur (V), Raikode (M), lease sketch duly certified by Sangareddy District, Telangana State. the State Government along S.No. B.P. N Latitude E Longitude with complete demarcation 1 1 17* 47'36.5" 77* 51' 50.00" 2 2 17* 47' 40.38" 77* 51'47.80" report giving co-ordinates of 3 la 17*47' 44,15" 77* 51'30.29" all boundary pillars. 4 lb 17* 47'35.00" 77* 51'33.03" 5 1c 17* 47'35.10" 77* 51'49.30" 5 Id 17* 47'36.50" 77* 51'49.30" 7 ^GCPl 17* 47'35.96" 77* 51'27.73" 8 GCPTi 17* 47'34.57" 77* 51'29.25" * Map Datum WGS-84, Precision + 5m The lease sketch is enclosed as Map Platc-2^ Forest Non-forest Area(Ha) (1) Waste land Forest (Specify) (ii) Grazing land Owsion, Range, NIL (iii) Agriculture land ' ll Beat and (iv) Others Govt. Udd Compartment. (specify) Ac'*7%r4 10.926 » 1) Total lease area/applied area Surveyed and demarcated area is Acres 27 00 or 10 926 Heels 11) District & State Sangareddy District, Telang ma Scanned by CamScanner iii) Taluka Raikode Mandal iv) Village Kudavanadapur v) Whether the area falls under Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)? No If yes, details thereof. vi) Existence of public 1. Public road is existing to the south of road/railway line, if any the proposed QL area. nearby and approximate distance 2. Railway line is Secunderabad - Manmad - Lathur road link of SCR is at a distance of 30 Kms southwest of the proposed quarry lease area. The nearest railway station is at Zaheerabad which is 30 Kms Southwest of the proposed quarry lease area. vii) Topo-sheet No. with latitude & The proposed quarry lease area is falling in SOI longitude of all corner boundary point/pillar Toposheet No.
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