![Normalia [November 1903]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
St. Cloud State University theRepository at St. Cloud State Normalia Student Publications 11-1903 Normalia [November 1903] St. Cloud State University Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/normalia Recommended Citation St. Cloud State University, "Normalia [November 1903]" (1903). Normalia. 90. https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/normalia/90 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at theRepository at St. Cloud State. It has been accepted for inclusion in Normalia by an authorized administrator of theRepository at St. Cloud State. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (the 1Rormalia 1Rovember, 1903 ... ........•....•....•... ,............................... ·-··-··············································s i Sterling Sll\?erware, .: 'Wle ba\lc at all times a fine line of .: 1Rtcb aut Glass, =: lDtamonbs, 'Wlatcbes, 3eweltl?t l5tc. ! <.tut )'lowers i Sutlable for all occasions Gorman :fSuUNng lSulba, lSulba. lSulba 1Rarctssus, lDaff oMis, Uultps, 1b)2actntb, Sacre~ 1iltes, etc. lfrft3 Gur 'tt will be a pleasure to sbow 'WlatcbmaJter an~ ©pttctan \?isitors tbrougb our green., .. bouses at an)] time. 9'; A A St. llloub .mtnnesota 1kfnbler \floral (to . 'Ro. 21 etb B\lc "Aortb l'bonc 142•5 'l)cnr'I! 'I- 'Riller, :lltlggs, J5\lerett anll llllctor l)ianos. martin Guitars, /IDanbolfns, S.c. 1atcst St. <tlou~, .. mtnnesota ~ in sbect music anb :lloolls. :...................................................... -······························,..····-········-···· -THE- VOUK PHOTO CO. AnderSOll Floral Co. 5u ST. GERMAIN STREET. Removed to Cor. 6th Ave. and 2d St. So. I.teading Photogtraphetrs of the Notrthwest Dealers in photo materials and cameras· Fine photographs from minature to life We are now better prepared than ever to size. supply everything in the line of Special rates to students. punetral Designs, Wedding Bouquets, Bte. The PURITY BAKERY Call and see our new house and beautiful new flow­ Everything fresh and up-to-date. Also ers. A visit will cost you nothing. choice line ol confections. Call and Call or address see us at 105 5th Ave. South, 6th Ave. and 2d St. So. Telephone call J-2 ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA ST. CLOUD, MINN. Bel)sel) Brott,ers YOU CAN DRIVE NOBBY OUTFITS BY HIRING ~irf: Grocert es. YOUR LIVERY AT Goob Goobs anb '.!Low 1'rtces. J. A. McDONALD'S U 7 5tb :a"cnuc Soutb, • = St. IXloull Minn. Prices and treament A-1. For First-Class Shoe Repairing IF. A. HOYT OOTo,--- . 0£:ftTlST r7ZEC\ WIKMAN. Office Hours, 9 to 5. Fith Avenue South. 207_ Fifth Avenue South. THE NORMALIA. 1 Stop At The J.AKE TROSSEN. MINNESOTA HOUSE: ( . ' njtd Sugar Cured Ham and Beacon. Kansi1.s City· Beef a Specialty. Oeutsches Gast und Km,thaus. Tel. 47 103 5th A venue South. 9EO H. OVERBECK Pro~. Rates: $r.oo per day, or $3.So to $5 pe{week.· Special rates by the month made on application. STUDENTS GIVE US A CALL Or. J. H.-BEATY. ;:;::o:i::RY . ·~. ~OnJcopatl]ic: PlJ9sicia~ a~d-Sur- : 1.' .K Will ~iv~ ~ou th~ best ~,f work_ gee~. and make prices to please General practice Nose and throat. · X ray ·and Electro therapy. · stundents. • . OFFICE: RESIDENC8! GIVE US A CALL LADIES AND GENTS. Cor. 1st and 5th Ave.-S . · _ No . .ivo 5th Ave. S. · .• Telephone 14. E.F.MEYER. ' . " . ·.· . , . 1 tr PROPRIETOR . STEAM DYEING AND l_!EPAIRING DONE. lVlany N.ew and Ex.elusive i\' Styles in FIRST NATIONAL BANK~; ST. CLOUD, MINN. :t CAPITAL, $100,00Cf SURPLUS AND PROFITS $40,000 P.P~TRAJ_;rs_ ..,~ "'t~ . : , -, r "'··\.1 ~ .. • : •. .,., !' . 1\lJ -~ps/~.~ \ C on~~ted· w1 th. G:~r,i,et~l;B a,nk-1v; • · .. 1~ 1WllJRece1<:t~ PrompJ A.tten~10n. ,, , ----',l< >. ·-·.,,· DIRECTORS. OFFICERS. H. P. Bell, L. " . Collins, .J. G. ~mith, Presidentr;, J•; B Smith W ·. B .Mi;ttj;tell ,v .L . Collins, Vice- 1-'res, Students, / I · .Tr>hn , Coopi'r, t.('lar~ .J . E. F. Moore. Vice-Pree'. ' Zapr,, .John·Bensent .f;·a. ,v. W. Smith Cashier. 'J Spee::ial Ptriees Smith, C. L. Atwood. ( . BROS. E. S. liillli Make a specialty of fruits and canrlies The Leading Fancy No. 17 5th Ave. 'S". .:.... ::,_ .". '. St. Clouu <Minn:: ·, '. _. .-. _· ,. 2 THE NORMALIA ~.::~~~oooooo~~oo~~:,oo~~~"';,~,~;,eo1;~,~~~~~~~~~8 l g. € ' . ~ I St. CLOUD . SHOE COMP ANY I I C. H. BARDEN, p,.,,p,.;,1o, I Ii The i~ I Popular · I m ~ ~ Store I OLD SHOES ARE WORTH MONEY ' ' loo~~oo~~~~~~oo~~~~ N LIA~-~- VOLUME XIII. ST. CLOUD, NOVEMBER, 1903. NUMBER 1. of our ambition, or disturbed our dreams, still since the task is given us by influences above and beyond our control, we shall en­ deavor to devote ourselves to it earnestly with the intention of doing our best. Published bi-mouthly duriug t he school year at the State Normal School at St. Cloud. Eutered Feb.5.1902, as secondclass matter,post­ office a t St. Cloud, Minnesota, under act of Cougress The purpose of a school journal, as we of March 3, 1879. understand it, is to publish the current events, and to reflect the thought and the spirit of the institution it represents. LYDlA GOil~fAN\ EDI'l'ORS IN CHIEF ZAMA 'l'AYLOH. f ... ....... ....... :···· - -- ' In the Normalia, we will endeavor to do 'l'HOilA SWANSON ......................... ··· ·•····L1TERARY this through several departments . A liter- KATHERINE REID ....... ............... ..... EXCHANGES RUTH HINDLEY·••··• ··· ········" ············ .. ....... ALUMNI ary department will furnish to those whom LEE L. FORD ...... ............ : ...................... A'l'HLETICS the •Muses have favored an opportunity to CLYOE WILKIE } {SOCIAL AND ISABELLE SHOEMAKER ...... .. .. ...... P ERSONAL entertain the rest of the student body, with WILL A. ZIEGLER. ........... ..... BUSINESS MANAGEI< the prouucts of their inspiration. Thus we MISS FRANCE8 CRA YENS} T,'A•·uLTY ADVISERS MISS J T!L[A B00'£H ·····"" ~ trust that the genius of our associates will not be unrevealed. Through the exchange department, an 1 ~~01;;1:r g;~~:~.:.'.e'.·.. ~~·~·~·::::··::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::i~~: effort will be made to keep in touch with some of the other schools whose journals are on our list. NOTICE-Subscribers will receive the Normalia In the · alumni column, we hope to hold uutil notice of discoutinnance is given and all ar­ rearages are paid. in dear remembrance those who have gone A blue mark here ( ) means that your subscrip- tion has expir ed. forth from , our school, but not from our hearts. Our social department will r eport all Jee- In undertaking the management of the tures, concerts, literary exercises, and so­ Normalia for 1903, we beg leave to say to cial gatherings which may occur throughout our student friends, to the members of the the year. It will tell you who comes and ~acuity, to the Alumni, and to all others in- who goes . terested that we do not claim to belong to Not the least of these departments will that class who are born great. But we wish be the one devoted to athletics . In ~this to say that if we interpret correctly the cir- will be proclaimed the many laurel crowns cumstances attending our election to the which we feel sure are in store for our foot­ editorial chair, we are Jed to regard our- ball and basket•ball teams . selves rather as members of that other dis- Likewise we will be pleased to add to tlnguished r.lass who have greatness thrust our columns any articles which the mem­ upon them. bers of the faculty may contribute, thus in- While editing a school 1,aper or a paper creasing the interest of the Normalia to the of any kind hi;.:, uever'been ,,.•ithin the range entire circle of its readers. 4 THE NORMALIA "I once wooed your daughter," he said with LITERARY some pride, "Though love swells like the Solway, it The Story of Lochinvar ebbs liKe the tide; The stories of Lochinvar are taken I have now another I've just left behind from a set of daily themes, .one is· And all I want n'ow is a good cup o·f wine. given from the standpoint of the There are maidens. in Scotland more lovely hero, the parody gives the view of by far Ellen's father. Than the one I once wooed," quuth young Lochinvar. Lochinvar. The bride filled the goblet, the knight took Oh, young Lochinvar, has come out of the it up, west, He quaffed off the wine then threw down Through all the wide border his steed was the cup, the best. He looked down at her with a long weary His face it was handsome, his money was sigh short, As a vision of gold passed by his mind's· His tongue it was smooth and his mind eye. well alert. He took her soft hand ere her mother could He had loved my. fair child, for her acres bar, w0,·e wirle. "Now tread we a measure," said young He had wooed her and won her and askea Lochinvar. for his bride. So tall was his form and so lovely her face My heart swelled· with anger, his suit I de­ That never a hall such a couple did grace. nied. While her mother did fret and the bride­ To think of my darling becoming his groom did fume, bride! Meanwhile he was bobbing and doffing But that wasn't the worst, not the only wee his plume . flaw, And I stood a watching and little I feared To think of his being my son in-law! For I thought that fair Ellen naught now . But he'd come from the west, his .best steed for him cared . he had run, But they went for a walk in the moonlight He had swam the Eske river wher.e ford EO clear there was none. And soon reached the gate where the And when he'd alighted at Netherly gate, charger stood near.
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