32 Pedagogical sciences HUMANIST EDUCATION OF PUPILS ON THE BASIS OF TRADITIONS OF THE SIBERIAN COSSACKS Vizer V.G., Shabalina E.P. Regional State Educational Institution of Primary Professional Education «Vocational School №4», Biysk, e-mail: [email protected]; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution «The Altai State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshin», Biysk, e-mail: [email protected] The article considers the humanistic values of the traditions of the Siberian Cossacks. The main purpose of the publication is to describe the traditions of the Cossacks on the basis of the examined documents and the data of the empirical studies. The work covers the following issues: the main socially signifi cant signs of the Cossacks: the peculiarities of traditions, self-consciousness, means and ways of life activities, social status and social role, social organization, social culture; social functions. The article is relevantl, has a scientifi c and practical novelty. Keywords: humanist education, siberian cossacks, traditions Cossacks are a military estate in the Bobrovskaya turned out to be outside the limits pre-revolutionary Russia of the XVIII early of the Altai province. XX centuries. In the XIV-XVII centuries they Chronological frameworks of the research were independent people, free of taxes, who paper cover the period of 1917-1920. That worked for hire, mostly in various fi sheries, was the time during which there was a process as well as persons who bore a military ser- of liquidation of the Cossacks as a privileged vice on the outskirts of the country, and the military estate and a special group of the Rus- so-called free Cossacks. The service Cos- sian population. This process was initiated sacks were divided into police (regimental) with the October revolution and the decree Cossacks and stanitsa (sentry) Cossacks and from November, 10th, 1917 «About the aboli- were used to protect towns and sentry posts tion of estates and civil ranks». The Cossack respectively, for what they received the land estate had been fi nally eliminated after termi- on terms of local ownership and salaries from nation of the Civil war with the decree from the government. As a social group the Cos- March, 25th, 1920 «About the construction of sacks were close to the Streltsy, gunners, etc. the Soviet power in the Cossack areas». With- In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the most part of out denying the statements of some modern them was transferred in the poll-tax paying historians that the Civil war proceeded up to estate and entered the smallholders’ group. 1921-1922, we consider that, in fact, the Civil The other part joined the composition of the war for the Cossacks of the Biysk line came Cossack armies (Siberia, Orenburg, etc.). to an end late 1919 early 1920. By that time In the time of the Altai province’s forma- the Cossack villages had been occupied by the tion on June 17, 1917, it consisted of Barnaul, partisans all over, they had been also deprived Biysk, Zmeiinogorsk, Kamensk and Slavgorod of territorial and administrative independence districts (uyezdy). Biysk line was within the and had been included in the composition of Biysk and Zmeiinogorsky districts. country volosts. In the composition of the Biysk district In the opinion of V.V. Isaiev, the revolu- (uyezd) the following stanitsas (villages): Tch- tion and the Civil war’s events had a devastat- aryshskaya, Antonievskaya, Moralievskaya, ing effect on the Cossacks of the Biysk line Nickolayevskaya, Sliudenskaya, Terskaya; the [1, p. 179]. Under the infl uence of internal and settlements-Smolensky, Sosnovsky, Tigiret- external circumstances the Cossacks were fac- sky, Tulatinsky, Yarovskoy were included. The ing a diffi cult political choice. On the one hand, Zmeiinogorsky district (uyezd) included the they could not support the Soviet power, which following stanitsa (village): Verkh-Aleiskaya; was affecting their class and property interests the settlements-Andreievsky, Beloretsky, Bo- unequivocally. On the other hand, they were brovsky, Verkh-Ubinsky, Kliuchevsky, Pla- unable to act against the people, and engage in tovsky, Sekisovsky. a civil war. On August 4, 1920 the Siberian revolution- The fi rst decrees of the Soviet government ary committee issued the decree of adding a were aimed at splitting the Cossacks. The Bol- number of volosts of the Zmeinogorsky dis- sheviks who came to power, were doing their trict of the Altai province to the Semipalatinsk main stake on the so-called labour Cossacks – province, with the result that the stanitsas Pla- mostly on the poor Cossacks and the front-line tovskaya, Verkh-Ubinskaya, Sekisovskaya and soldiers. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY №4, 2012 Pedagogical sciences 33 On the Biysk line these social groups could Army. In 1993 the Structure of the Altai depart- not become a strong pillar for the new govern- ment was as follows. The management Board ment. The poor Cossacks were not numerous of the Altai division – the town of Barnaul; the here but the front-line soldiers, representing village (stanitsa) of Novoaltaiskaya; the vil- the average and well-to-do layers of the Cos- lage (stanitsa) of Tcharyshskaya; the village of sacks, when returned home, distanced them- Ust’-Kalmanka, Bikatunskaya Cossack line, selves from politics, plunging in the family and stanitsa Antonievka, stanitsa Altaiskaya, stan- domestic life. itsa Barnaulskaya, stanitsa Vernaya, the Bolsh- The active infl uence on the Biysk line start- aya Alma-Ata village (stanitsa) of a separate ed only in April-May 1918. The Soviet power Siberian sotnia (Cossack squadron). The list became fi rmly and completely strengthened of settlements in its overwhelming majority is in Biysk by that time. And in Omsk the So- conditional, since it is predetermined to a large viet Military Cossack Department developed extent by the historical tradition. The role of violent activities on advancing the Soviet ideas the Cossacks in a modern life has become to into the Cossack stanitsas of the Siberian army. be conceived as a combination of the old tradi- The changes occurred made the movement of tions, the way of life – including the economic the labour Cossacks more active. one – with regard to life realities. The Altai On the line of Biysk it (movement) was rep- Cossacks are seeking to recreate their econom- resented by the front-line soldiers, the Cossack ic lifestyle on the basis of the traditional com- youth, the poor and what was mostly interesting munity Cossack land use, and they borrow the some of the «old men», who were traditionally farming methods of economic management. considered to be the most conservative part of The information containing in the exam- the Cossacks. The labour Cossacks were pur- ined documents and the data of the empirical suing a policy of Cossacks’ oppression, trying studies indicate that the main socially signifi - to deprive the Cossack estate of the privileges cant signs of the modern Cossacks, should which it enjoyed in comparison with the peas- include: the specifi c character of traditions, ant population. The labour Cossacks couldn’t self-consciousness, means and ways of life manage to achieve serious successes and to get activities, social status and social role, social a numerous army of their supporters. Many organization, social culture; social functions. A Cossacks were frightened by the prospect of fundamentally important feature is the degree egalitarian redistribution of land with the peas- of preservation of the Cossack traditions. ants. Cossacks, connected by a military organi- When a little Cossack reached one year zation, discipline, and many other attributes old, he was led to the fi rst communion. The of the Cossack life, didn’t yield to campaign- whole process of development of the Cossack ing. The Civil war became a serious trial for was built in a spiral. Each coil in it is a closed the Cossacks. The political choice was to be cycle, and it took a certain age period. The next done, which was not easy for the main part of round began with the same, but at a new quali- the Cossacks. With the termination of the Civil tative level. Each level included physical, in- war the Cossacks had the opportunity to return tellectual and moral (spiritual) development. A to peaceful life. The settlements and villages little Cossack under 7-8 lived in the woman’s (stanitsas) of the Biysk line, divided between half of the kuren (garrison). At this moment districts (uyezdy) and volosts, deprived of their the upbringing went out both of the female part former independence, began to lose gradually of the family and the male’s. Generally it was its character [2, p. 75]. based on a vizualization. And the main thing At the present time the fate of the Cossacks here was a personal example of the seniors and both in Altai and in the whole Russia to a large the immersion of «the kid» in the appropriate extent is not determined. In the places of the environment. There is father’s or grandfather’s historical settlement of the Cossacks the vari- saber on the kuren’s wall. The stripes on the ous organizations, putting before themselves trousers are a symbol of the Cossack, the saber the purpose – to revive the Cossacks in Rus- is our Cossack weapons and the symbol of the sia began to arise. Out of the numerous Cos- Cossack’s will, the horse is a friend and com- sack communities, including Altai, the Union rade of the Cossack, the crosses and medals on of Siberian Cossacks under the leadership of his grandfather’s, father’s, uncle’s, chest are ataman S.N. Smoliakov was established in the decorations for the part and exploits in the Siberia by 1990. The representative of Altai military companies. colonel Belozertsev Y.A.
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