Fr. Hugh appointed Assistant to President first ihmg the Manual stales is ihal lhe opinions, problems, .md .idvue. My job By KAY FRY Assistant is lo 'ai() the Presideni in the is lo listen." Auociale News Editor daily performance of his responsibilities FR. Ftugh (<>els ihal living on the and to undertake any assignments to On Tluirsd.iy. Fehru.iry 6. Fr. Hugh fourth floor ot Pl.issman Hall puis him which he may be dire<ie<i.' In other Hines O.f.M.. Assistant Professor of more in touch with ibe students and words, I meet with Fr. Matlh<'w every Religious Studies. w.is officially their needs. 1 hough his t<M( hiiig bonis day and offer assistance for .inylhing he .i|)|)rovcd hy the Board of Trustees, on will be reduced next semestei. he slill may nol have the lime lo do. Special lhe r<"< otuniond.ition ol M.illhcw (il.ins to (onliinie in his role ol assignments usually involve looking inlo (Onlrii O.I.M., College President, .ind I reshm.in Advisor, as well as lo specific mailers which lhe Presideni thereby .issunied the office of Assistant (oniinue in residence in the wishes lo examine more closely. As to the President, fr. Hugh replaces Noel dormiloiies. such, I acl as an advisor. A. Fii/p.itrick, O.F.M., who died in late When (|iiestioned about' his role In September. "In geiiei.il. I .im .1 son ol riiloimalion- policy making, Fr. Hugh explained his g.ilheriiig service lor the Presiilent. I try When interviewed by The INDIAN, position. "As a member of various lo gel sludenl. faculty and staff Fr. Hugh held been in his new [>()siti<)ii committees — Budget, Athletic, reactions to various situations on only 3 days and .idruiited th.il he w.is Financial Aid, and Admissions for campus and then lei the Presideni know still feeling his way around to some example — I can take a role in ()olicy whal lypeof feedback we'r(> gelling. I extent. "However," he slated, "Fr. Noel, making, and being famili.ir with the- guess the best way lo desi ribe il would who was the first Assisl.int to tht- interests of many aspects of the Siena be lo call il '(eeling oul lhe f)ulse' of the Presideni. buill lhe office u(i well, and I communily, I can ac I as ,1 well inlormed (ommunily. This works bolh w.iys as plan lo keep building. There is a K"'ai advisoi: I .im not in ,1 [losition,however, well. I not only helf) represeni the de.il of polenli.il here." lo override anyone's dec ision." sludenls lo lhe Presideni. bul I also Iry Fr. Hugh concluded wilh optimistic When questioned aboul his new lo preseni fi. M.illhew's position lo the duties, Fr. Hugh referred lo lhe hopes for the future of the office and a sludenls. reminder th.il his door is .ilways cipen to "Manual of Administration" and "()in' ihmg I do w.iMl lo stress is this; explained whal the job entailed. "The ihose who wish to c <)nsulr*liim. Rev. Hugh Hines, O.F.M. this otlii (• IS .ilw.iys open .ind I wel< onic The INDIAN Volume XXXVl, No. 10 Siena College, Loudonville N.Y. 12211 lebruary ^\. l'»7'> Indians cruncli Griffins for stunning win By PATTY BRITT Fim Stokes lo score the hoop. Anci. .is in the game and Siena ahead 8-2. Sien.i m.iiiil.lining the lead in lliis Sports Editor usual, il was Din's voice ihat w.is heard Each of the Indian squad gave- 110% dc-|i.irtmerit. ll ,i[)pcMrc-cl il might be too cliiec ting Indian offense and clc"fense. Monday, wilh Steve R.ic/ynski bloc king e.irly for so rn.iny le.im louls. bul In wh.it was undeniably the best Indian flead Coach Kirsch's decision Golden Griffin shots, Dinny C'.ihill ( .inisiiis c]uic kly ec|u.ili/ed the louls, pl.iyed game for the Indians this year, lo replace Tim Welchons in the st.irting [lumping up consistenl lay-ups .iticl •Hid with <»:55 slill lefl in the li.ilf. Sien.i Siena outshot a powerful Division 1 position wilh Steve R.ic/ynski g.ive G.iry Holle pofiping from evc-rywheie led by ten, 22-12. ( anisius team Monday night for a 103- adcfecl height lo the Indi.in Ime-up. K.i/ for his 2)1 pomls of the nigbl. Kiiscli A lillle more than 3 minutes Liter, 88 victory. came in al center, and C.iry Flolle inleic h.ingecl Holle, W.liters, .incI temporary forward Gary Holle w.is Din Cahill, senior co-caplain from played forward for a good p.irl of the" sophomore C liris M.idclen cjiiic kly in fouled on his hoop allempi. m.idc- the LaSalle Institute of Troy, [jowercd his g.ime. lh(> first li.ilf. b.iskel .ind the foul shol wicleriiiig the leam for whal was prob.ibly Co.ich Siena c.ime onto the court. ,incl fiom Nothing ( .iiiisius put up wc-iit in as margin to 13 with bis 3 [loiiit pl.iy. Kirsch's liiggest win ever. Missing only the opening tip-off, look complete evidenced by iheir low 33% field goal Sien.i .ig.iiii scored on ,1 t pointer by Iwo field goals, C.ihill ended up wilh his control of the coud and of mosl of the percentage in the first half. In addition, gii.ircl Din ( .iliill. m.iking it 34-20 .ind Sien.i c.ireer high of 26 poinls while 3200 people jammad inlo the ARC last Canisius was trying lo force the b.ill bringing the p.irtis.in c rowd to .1 ro.ir. notching 6 more assists. If a l.iy-up was Monday. Sieve W.iltPrs put the Indians inside loo much .incI only iiicM with the Sieve W.illers. who finished lhe night the play, inv.iri.ilily il w.is S'10" Din ahead first and for good wilh .1 c]uick hidians' light .iiul often inpenelr.ible with lit points, s.il down with 5 minutes C:.ihill who had squirted belween - basket only 2.5 seconds into the g.ime. defense. lo go ,iiid < person.ll louls .incI w.is former All-American Larry Fogle and The first time-out came wilh 17:04 lefl Al 10:50. te.im fouls stood 0-3, with C<>nlinu<-<l on PAJH^ Kiszka details College's plans Renovation of Gibbons Hall commences Kiszka also e itec) the lad th.it tbe Sludenl Senate and nec>d. loi exam[)le, Ihe Student Seii.itc li.is lieen given By ELLEN PAIGE Chaplain .ire.is (locilecl in the iiortbcMslern ,ind south- [iriority because of the in,ielc-e|ii.ile sp.ic e .iiiel high Staff Writer e.istern corners of Gibbons. res|)ec lively) could be m.iinlenance costs incurred while oecii|)ying llie-ir According lo Donald Kis/k.i, Vice Presideni of oper.ible by the end of the month bee ,iuse o( the preseni home, the Pascal House. WVCR li.is .ilso been Business Affairs, the proposed renovation of Gibbons relatively few [ihysic .il .iller.ilions needed. allotle>el sp.icc in Gibbons bee .mse- of tlieii being Hall has begun and is procc-eding "on schecfule." The Construction and Reb.ibilit.itioh Committee, uprooted Irom Pl.issm.in 11,ill clue lo lesidence looiiis Llowever, the schedule is, for the mosl part, in the which first convened in the fall of 1974, is composed of exfi.insion. hands of the building suppliers, fic" pointed out, "The lruslc>es, adminislr.ilors and students ,inel is the body One of the- firofios.ils before- the- Committee- is for preseni economic conditions make il c-xtremely which has been guiding ,mcl overseeing this proje-c t. lhe possible- insl.ill.ilion of .lir conditioning on the difficult lo spec iil.ite t.irgel dates for its completion Tfieir priorities .iricl siiggeslioiis on the reh.ibilil.ilioii III.iin le-ve-l of (.ibhons 11,ill. Ibis .mel olliei propos.ils since- materi.il delivery cLites are very unpredictable, are investig.itecl by Kis/k.i's office. wheMeu[)C)ri bids, vvill be- e-x.imine-d in me-c-tiiigs to be he-Id in the- ne-.ir lust as the Alumni Rec rc-.ilion ('enler was delayed designs .mel other el.il.i ,ire ex.imiried by the liilure. ll h.is be-en the pr.ictice of the- C^ommitle-e to [i.irlly because of un.iv.iil.ibility of supfilies, so m.iy this Committee for fiii.il .ipprov.il. view the- renovation of the main floor as lop priority project." lhe ( eirnmilte-e h.is been considering the housing of .illhough pl.ms to refurbish other sections of the- old Kis/ka referred to this facl when speaking of the campus oig.mi/.Ilions m (.ibboris I l.ill on the b.isis ol gyiiin.isiurri will be- forthcoming. next major phase which is "schecfuled" lo lake place in two to three weeks — the .irriv.il ol lighlweighl steel supports to begin p.irtitioning off the lounge are.i .md giiiTie rooms. The lounge area will be located in the front half of Gibbons H.ill (south end) where ihere will be colorfully fiarlitionecl sections containing sealing units. Fhese units are groupings of soft-cushioned chairs .iltached lo a carpeted, portable base.
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