14 NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, SATURDAY OCTOBER 17, 1925. Miss Eleanor Lewis of thla town and Mrs. Stanley, who have been and New York la Mrs. Mr. Coho-Ia- SOCIAL NEWS city visiting visiting and Mr. G. M. n ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE Charles P. Pyle at her home .In ot Liberty street, have returned THE HERALD AUTOMOTIVE Baltimore, Maryland. to Washington, D. C, where Captain ' Burial 1M, Mmiinients l Autos and Trucks Tor Sale 9 Auto, and Trucks lor S&la for halo Stanley Is now stationed. The cap- "WANT ADS" Auto autl I'ruik Edward Securest has returned to tain HEW BRITAIN Monumental works, 123 ARB TOU looking for a soutl uaad cart (Continued From Pat Three) recently returned from a tour Alphabetically For Oak St, Monumenta of all New York city after a few of Arranged Quick ala and If so, I have that car, It ia s Wt Bukk spending duty at Fort Kamehamema, and Ready Reference, descriptions. Carving and letter In A- condition. B. C, at In cutting reupe tenlaoa. BUICK. secretary, Mrs. Farmie W. Attwooil, days his home Plalnvllle. Honolulu. I.INB RATES FOR our specialty, Lincoln Bt.. Lity. Fiione SIX COACH. OVERLAND USED CAM DEP'i. i3 iso, FULLY EQUIPPED. BOUGHT AUG. and Mrs, CONSKCUTIVB INSERTIONS BURIAL VAULTS Concrete eteel rein", CLEVELAND, H:4 S door eedan. ths treasurer, Katherlno P. good 1ST. BIG SACRIFICE; ON ACCOUNT 1926 Miss Ruby Andrews, of forced; water proof, hermetically seal new tiree and all Orl. ford coup. In addition, the following daughter Charles Asplnwall of Tasadena, Chats Prepaid conuuion, eitraa, IM. HEALTH. TERMS CAN BB AR- 1933 Ford eedau. Rapely. A. 1 dsy lint ,10 el, will outlaet either wood or metal, final owner. or torme. Tel. Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. John Andrews of bro- ,,,,1 .09 Do not Cah RANGED. BOX NEW BRIT- Ford l.ati new directors were eluded: Cal., who has been visit Ing his 1 day lint ,20 require larger lota. Treasonably lounugi, West week-en- d ..,.1 ,l COLE "I" tourlns rar. Good AIN HERALD. d, Jlaln street spent last 3 priced. N. B. Vault Co., Kenalniton. models, Arthur Harrop, Mm. W, 0, Hunger-for- ther here, left Thursday morning day ..,,1 line .24 ."I car for mechanic. Price 1200. K. M. In N. Y. 4 Tel. t 1923 Overland touring. Mra P. K. Mlsa Troy. for Florida where he will visit for day ....1 line ,33 ,:s Searle & Co., Park Cor. Mcdonough, tin St., Elm, Phone 1921 Ovarlaud touring 878. ( j line ,40 .36 . Mrs. Rap-ly- e .,,,1 norm alio, upen evumtna till toaiietest . Anna Goldsmilh, George a few days before returning home. day Una .43 .38 i Cleveland Miss Frances of ....1 FORD SEDAN 1926 cloeed liu--'- and Mia. He hen Mills of Nevv Pfnn, daughter JO daya Una 11.80 11.(0 CUT FLOWERS Fordor. 19!4 model, prtv Overland deliver, E. ....I potted plants, pleasing vate owner, 1919 Bulck 175, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs, D. Dean of Pitts. Mrs. T. H. of variety. Specialising on luneral work. very food condition. U touring, Britain, Pardon Rickey and Bristoll Corbin Tearly Order Rate Upon Application Hougti at,, pialnMiie. burgh, Pa formerly of this city is Count worde to a Una, Johnaori'a Greenhouse, Ht Church St. GOOD VALUE ' Mrs.' Harold Judd of Berlin. Mrs. avenue ertertalned a number of A-- R. O. RUDOLPH. friends in Hartford. 14 llnaa to an Inch. ROSES 10c." each for CKLANDTOURINCl, 1917- -ln l condl Robert Graham of Sotithington and visiting friends at fer home In epaclal Saturday tlon, new batten-- , sood tlroa. ton and summer, Minimum Spaca. 3 lines. and Sunday. Flower Garden Green- st. PHONE !061-- Mrs. Trumbull of Flalnvllle. Cheshire week. Minimum Book lit cents. house, 1163 St. cunalne. t"t for quick aale. Phone i:j cherry Henry, this Charge, Stanley 16o-- Miss Katheryn Swift, daughter of No Ad 1 after S'p, m. There was no election of officers, Accaptad After P. M, for Lost and Found 6 1 MAIN ST. PHONB 2121. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Swift of Lin- - Classified Page on Sam Day, Sat. 10 FORD tan truck. ICS. new trana. Tour chance to buy a good used Inst sear's Incumbents being certain Mrs, W. W. Brackett of Wethers-fiel- d coin street and Miss Beat Ice Rey- - A. M. BOSTON BULL DOG loat. Reward If million, new emergency brake, rear end Ford, backed by the reputation of nf their posts until the elections to Is the of Mrs. Ada Over th to and etarter. In the In r.al, of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis house guest Accepted Telephone BrMgett'e Cigar Store, tl overhauled., very good largest Ford dealer north. be held at a later date. These off! daughter Frank J. of for convenience of customers. Call C h u rch St. Tel. 1648, condition. Price J1S5 If taken at on e. en Connecticut, Here are a few of street Porter Lexington 925. Aal Ad" A. 160 rials, who v.ere so l.mch responsifolt Reynal Lexington street. for a "Want Operator. D E POSIT BOOK No, 12018 on the jamet splnetta, Main St, Tel specials. Many more to choose motor lo Ben 7 or 1M. v from, ' for the varied and manifold from a trip Trutt So., loat. Finder, kindly RENEWED FORDS nington. Vermont. return to Bank, " FORD, 1:4 J door sedan, rood oondlllon ments of the board throughout tht FORD SPARE food bargain,-- , reaaonable. i Mr. and Mrs, Seymour Holmes TIRE mounted, bit Inquire 1324 1400.00. 1924 Tudoi sedan 12), at year past, are as follons: President, Reward rain'iew sr. Tudor, 57. Dr. and Mrs. and son . who have been at of 4 Thuraday morning. jtf retured. 1924 Tudor, 3360.00. 1924 Uoadster (3), at 8200. McKlnnle: t, George Flanagan visiting Prodigy Age Tel. :7-1- FORD COUPE, 1H25 looks Ilk new; 1923 honornry of Forest street have re Mrs. Holmes' Mr. and Mrs. 1924 Ford, 3388.00. 1923 Koadster (3), at 8100, dents, Ml"s Cornelia Chamberlain, Flanagan parents, Enters at 14 FOX FUR SCARF loat Monday afternoon Ford sedan. Rudolph s Garage, 137 1924 Touring. 82OO.00. 1923 care (3). at 3135. In re-tu- College 3061-- 7 louring turned from a week's stay New I. D. Russell of Grove Hill, will on Arch or Garden 8te. Finder Cherry St. Phone Salesroom. 1928 1178.00 1921 3160. Miss Letty Learned and Mrs. A. 0, 17. P pleaee Main Coupe. Coups at Berkeley, Cal., Oct. return to Mlae 25 Lincoln St. St. Phon 8121. 1922 Six JIOO.00. 1933 6226. t, York city. next week to Miami, Florida. Menarj'. pass. Coupe at McKlnnle .honorary Matthew Marsh, of this city, who Tel. IfSB. HUPMOBILE, 19!! touring car, counter 1923 Six pass. 3125.00, 1923 Tun truck, (stake sidee). s C. Miss Frances Whlttlesley and Mrs. P. Menvin; treasurer, Mrs. at of four was declared GOLD BAR PIN loat. aet with email naiance crank snart and In good condl. 1923 Runabout, 3160.00 8186. Walter Fredericks, ot Miss the age by ' 1923 George Eackllffe; secretary, Mrs. V. formerly Mary Whlttlesley of West and center,' Reward. tlon throughout. ( tires. ' Price J675. Touring, 3126.00. 1924 It tun (pans! budy) at 8175, Dr. Maria Blontessorl, noted edu- pearle aquarmarlne' E. Grove street, this city, spent a part Main street returned on Monday Call 5MJ.J. Terms and trades considered. K. M. Dodge touring, 8128.00. 1923 Ton express at 8200. Attwood. to be "the In Searle A Co., Park St., Cor. Elm. Phone OTHER CARS of the week in this city following his from Beach Bluff, Mass., where cator, brightest boy LADT'S CLOTH valuable Chairman of committees during bag, remaining 3110. Open evenings till . , 1919, 1 t California," has entered the Uni- 304S-4- , Paige, passengei touring return from Melbourne, Australia. they have been the sum- article. Reward. Phone (3 Small down 3150. he year were: Auxiliary committee, spending St. LEXINGTON late 1B23. eport model, payments. He came to New Britain versity of California at 14. Broad aa yon 1919, 5 Mra. W. C, Hungerford; membership accompan mer months. Minute Mas alxv I passenger touring car Psy ide, Rso, touring car, paeaenger, ied his an Australian Marsh is small for his age and LADT'S TAN pocketbook, containing reconditioned and at 11 00. Mrs. K. Tj. nurses' by bride, girl If thoroughly newly committee, Traut; so the O. and money, loat. Reward painted. Six wire wheels and good tires. he married while In the land Mr. Mrs. has been barred from R. 1C 1837-1- committee, Mrs. George T. Kimball; living and Ieaac Black ot to Stanley St. Phone Trades and terms considered. C, A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred- T. C. but otherwise he Is ELMER ACTO CO,, all above cars. committee, Miss Letty "down under." Harrison street will spend next ranks, PERSON aeen Thursday In vicinity of Bene. 81 Main St. Phone 8218, Liberal terms en the supplies New In all the normal ac- Learned; dressing commit- ericks will leave shortly for week In Atlantlo City, leaving the taking part Main and Church Sta., tearing envelope LEXINGTON S passenger, late" 1923 surgical a In celebra- and removing diamond atlck from tee, Mrs. Walter York where Mr. Fredericks will take latter of the week for Cali- tivities of freshman. pin brougham In 'first class mechanical 2! MAIN ST. PHONE 1611, Hart; hospitality part paper faatened. la requeeted to return condition, and are SERVICE C. li- a position with Terke's Flotilla tion of his admission, Marsh re paint upholstery AUTOMOTIVE SALES A CO., committee.
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