BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE Sharon (Keller Gray) Weiner Purdue University Libraries West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 496-3128; [email protected] EDUCATION: EdD Vanderbilt University, Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies MLS State University of New York at Buffalo BA State University of New York at Buffalo EMPLOYMENT: 2009- Professor of Library Science and W. Wayne Booker Chair in Information Literacy, Purdue University 2007-2009 Dean of Library Services, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 2002-2007 Director, Peabody Library, Vanderbilt University 1997-2002 Head, Reference and Education Services, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo 1985-1997 Head, Information Services Department, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo 1982-1985 Assistant Librarian, University at Buffalo SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Weiner, S. A., Stephens, G. & Nour, A. Y. M. (2011). Information-seeking behaviors of first-semester veterinary medicine students: A preliminary report. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 38(1):21-32 Collins, J. & Weiner, S. (2010). Proposal for the creation of a subdiscipline: Education informatics. Teachers College Record, 112(10):2523–2536 Carr, J. A., Collins, J., O’Brien, N., Weiner, S. & Wright, C. (2010). Introduction to the Teachers College Record Special Issue on Education Informatics, 112(10):2519-2522 Weiner, S. A. (2010). On information literacy in the library workforce. Serials Review, 36(4):203-4 Weiner, S. A., Doan, T., & Kirkwood, H. (2010). The learning commons as a locus for information literacy. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 17(2-3), 192-212 Weiner, S. (2010). Information literacy: A call to action. College & Research Libraries News, 71(7):356- 7 http://crln.acrl.org/content/71/7/356.full Weiner, J., & Weiner, S. (2010). Using a student-generated survey to inform planning for a user-focused learning commons. Education Libraries, 33(1):10-23 http://units.sla.org/division/ded/educationlibraries/33-1.pdf Weiner, S. (2010). Information literacy: A neglected core competency. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 33(1) http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/Informa tionLiteracyANeglectedC/199382 Weiner, S., & Jackman, L. (2010). Information literacy beyond the library: The National Forum on Information Literacy. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 17(1):114-20 Weiner, S., Breivik, P. S., Clark, D., & Caboni, T. (2009). Positioning libraries to support the goals of higher education institutions: The Peabody Academic Library Leadership Institute. Journal of Library Administration, 49(8):837-46 Weiner, S. A. (2009). Tale of two databases: The history of federally-funded information systems for education and medicine. Government Information Quarterly, 26(3):450-8 Sharon Weiner- 2 Weiner, S. A. (2009). The contribution of the library to the reputation of a university. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(1):3-13 Foutch, L.J., Griffith, B.G., Lannom, L.A., Sommer, D., & Weiner, S.G. (2009). How to embed a librarian. In B. Sietz, et al (ed.), Uncharted Waters: Tapping the Depths of our Community to Enhance Learning: Thirty-Fifth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA, May 3-5, 2007 (p. 51-56). Ypsilanti, MI: LOEX Press. Weiner, S. A. (2007). The relative contribution of selected university and library measures to institutional reputation rating. EdD, Vanderbilt University, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?Ver=1&Exp=08-30- 2013&FMT=7&DID=1472127191&RQT=309&attempt=1&cfc=1 Weiner, Sharon A. (2005). Quality and performance excellence in higher education: Baldrige on campus. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 6(1):80-2 Weiner, S. G. (2005). Library quality and impact: Is there a relationship between new measures and traditional measures? Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5):432-7 Weiner, S. G. (2005). The history of academic libraries in the United States: A review of the literature. Library Philosophy and Practice, 7(2), Spring. http://libr.unl.edu:2000/LPP/lppv7n2.htm Weiner, S. G. (2003). Leadership of academic libraries: A literature review. Education Libraries, 26(2):5-18. http://units.sla.org/division/ded/education_libraries.html Weiner, S. G. (2003). Resistance to change in libraries: An application of communication theories. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 3(1):69-78 Gray, S. & Abaid, T. (2002). Building a multicultural media collection. MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship, 8(2). http://wings.buffalo.edu/publications/mcjrnl/v8n2/multi.pdf Gray, S. A., Brower, S., Munger, H., Start, A., & White, P. (2001). Redefining reference in an academic health sciences library: Planning for change. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 20(3):1-11 Gray, S. A., O'Shea, R., Petty, M. E., & Loonsk, J. (1998). The Western New York Health Resources Project: Developing access to local health information, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 86(3):335-9 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC226379/ Rose, P., Stoklosa, K., & Gray, S. A. (1998). A focus group approach to assessing techno-stress at the reference desk. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 37(4):311-7 Gray, S. A. (1996). Health of Native People of North America: A guide to resources. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Prendergast, N., & Gray, S. A. (1995). A core collection on minority health. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 15(4):23-41 Journal Advisory/Editorial Boards: Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research, 2010- Practical Academic Librarianship, 2009- Column Editor: College and Undergraduate Libraries, Information Literacy beyond Libraries, 2009- Selected Presentations: LILAC (Librarians and Information Literacy Annual Conference), “Institutionalizing Information Literacy,” April 16, 2011, London, England Sharon Weiner- 3 Special Libraries Association, “Information literacy and the workforce,” June 14, 2010, New Orleans, panel presentation Connecticut Library Association/Connecticut Library Consortium Leadership Institute, “Summer Leadership Institute,” August 14, 2009, Hartford, CT, keynote panel on leadership Special Libraries Association, “Do you want to be a doctor?” Washington, DC, June 16, 2009, panel presentation about experiences of pursuing doctorates in mid-career UNESCO/International Federation of Library Associations/National Forum on Information Literacy Training the Trainers in Information Literacy, “Report on recent USA information literacy activities,” Quebec City, August 8-9, 2008 Association of Christian Librarians, “The Academic Commons: Sharing your vision,” Quincy, MA, June 9, 2008, pre-conference, with Jay Schafer and Michael Somers Connecticut Library Association, “The symbolic value of libraries,” Groton, CT, April 29, 2008 Connecticut Council of Academic Library Directors, “Learning academic library leadership,” Hartford, CT, Dec. 7, 2007 Special Libraries Association, “The relative contribution of selected university and library measures to institutional reputation rating, June 2007 Tennessee Theological Librarians Association, “How to integrate your library with your institution,” Nashville, TN, April 20, 2007 Vanderbilt’s Peabody Academic Library Leadership Institute, “The symbolic value of libraries,” with James Hearn, Nashville, TN, July 11, 2006 Florida Library Association Annual Meeting, “Multicultural issues in audiovisual collection development,” Tampa, FL, April 27, 2000 "Developing Electronic Resources: The Western New York Health Database," Annual Meetings, Medical Library Association, June 2, 1996 and Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter/Medical Library Association, Sept. 30, 1996. With Robert O’Shea and John Loonsk HONORS AND AWARDS: Oxford University Higher Education Seminar, selected to attend summer 2007 program Fellow, 2006 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Cooperative System Fellows Program Fellow, 2005 Association of College and Research Libraries/Harvard University Leadership Institute State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 1999 Distinguished Member, Academy of Health Information Professionals, Medical Library Association, 1990- University at Buffalo Service Excellence Award, 2002, for chairing symposium on evidence-based health care PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: National Forum on Information Literacy, Inc., Vice-President American Library Association/Association of College and Research Libraries Medical Library Association Indiana Library Federation, Academic Libraries of Indiana, Information Literacy Committee, June 2011 .
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