The University of the Philippines GAZETTE VOLUME XLI, NUMBER 2 April-June 2010 ISSN No. 0115-7450 CONTENTS ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUANCES Page Page Commencement Exercises outside of UP 5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Selection of Faculty Regent 6 ACCESS Conference 6 Administrative Order No. PERR 2010-024: Committee Confucius Institute 6 for the Gawad sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino (Malikhaing Panulat at Orihinal na Pananaliksik) 1 POLICY MATTERS APPROVED Administrative Order No. PERR 10-026: Reconstitution of the U.P. System Disposal Committee 1 Proposal to Amend the Grant of Sick Leave Benefits Administrative Order No. PERR 10-027: Centennial (Cumulative and Commutable) to Members of the Dormitory Oversight Committee 1 Faculty 6 Administrative Order No. PERR 10-029: UP Internet Proposed Guidelines for Research and Extension Fellows and Coordinating Committee 1 Junior Fellows at the Centers 6 Administrative Order No. PERR 10-030: Rice Subsidy/ Proposed Financial Assistance Program for Hospitalization Allowance 1 Expenses (FAPHE) for Faculty, Administrative Staff, and REPS of the University 6 MEMORANDA Establishment of UP Presence in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City 7 Memorandum No. PERR-10-2010: Grant of One-shot Proposed BS Applied Physics Program, College of Arts and “Sagad” Merit Award 2 Sciences, UP Manila 8 Memorandum No. PERR-2010- 006: Faculty and Staff Amendment to the Policy on Study Leave with Pay for Non- Promotion 2 Teaching Personnel 9 Memorandum No. PERR-10-010: Search Committee for the Request for Extension of the Support for the Incentive Package Executive Director, Philippine Genome Center 2 of Dr. Gilda C. Rivero, Chancellor, UP Mindanao from 1 March 2010 to 28 February 2013 10 DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS Request for a Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in Favor of Prof. MICHIYO Y. REYES, Assistant Professor, 1255TH MEETING, 27 MAY 2010 & 02 JUNE 2010 Asian Center, UP Diliman, Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 May 2011 10 MATTERS ARISING FROM Request for a Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS Favor of Dr. DAVIS P. THARAYIL, Associate Professor 1, UP Diliman Extension Program in Pampanga, Formal Protest of Faculty Regent Judy M. Taguiwalo and Staff Effective 1 April 2010 until 31 March 2011 10 Regent Clodualdo Cabrera on Five (5) Decisions of the Request for a Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule Board at its 1254th Meeting on 25 February 2010 3 in Favor of Dr. MA. SHIELA M. SIMAT, Assistant Motion of the Faculty Regent for Reconsideration of Decision Professor, Department of Humanities, College of Arts Removing Dr. Jose Gonzales as PGH Director 3 and Sciences, UP Los Baños, Effective 1 June 2010 until Update on the Search for Director of UP Diliman Extension 31 October 2010 11 Program in Pampanga 4 Request for a Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in Department of Justice Opinion No. 8 s. 2010 on the Contract Favor of Dr. GUILLERMO M. NUESCA, Professor 2, of Lease entered into by and between the University of the Institute of Chemistry, College of Science, UP Diliman, Philippines (Lessor) and the Mercado General Hospital Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 May 2011 11 (Lessee) on the UP-PGH FMAB Project 4 Request for a Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in Favor of Prof. OMAR F. ZUBIA, Assistant Professor, REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Institute of Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, UP Los UP Policy Paper Committee 5 Baños, Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 October 2010 11 Meeting with Governor Gwendolyn Garcia on the UP Cebu College High School 5 The University of the Philippines Gazette is a quarterly publication of the Offi ce of the Secretary of the University. ii UP Gazette Vol. XLI, No. 2 Request for Grant of Extension of Waiver of the Faculty Tenure Realignment of UP Los Baños’ Unexpended Balance of Two Rule in Favor of Prof. RICA P. CAINGLET, Assistant Million One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Professor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Visayas, Fifty Nine Pesos (PhP2,113,359), Chargeable Against the Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 October 31 2010 11 Reprogrammed Fund 18 Request for Grant of Extension of Waiver of the Faculty Reprogramming of UP Los Baños’ Unexpended Obligations Tenure Rule in Favor of Prof. CONCEPCION P. PONCE, Under the General Fund in the amount of PhP50,000,000.00, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Certifi ed as Available by UPLB Chief Accountant and Visayas, Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 October 31 2010 12 Budget Management Offi ce Chief 18 Request for Waiver of the Maximum Age Requirement in Favor Consolidation of the Various Trust Accounts of the University of Prof. NAOMI P. CARNAJE, UP Visayas, to Enable Her Center for Integrative Studies (UCIDS) into a Single to Qualify for Faculty Fellowship/Study Leave with Pay, UCIDS Trust Account 18 Effective School Year 2010-2011 12 Reprogramming of UP Open University’s Unexpended Request for Waiver of the Rule on Study Leave with Pay Obligations under the General Fund in the amount of in Favor of Mr. JEROME GENODEPA, University PhP9,422,061.73, Certified as Available by UP Open Researcher II, UP Visayas 13 University Chief Accountant and Budget Offi ce Chief 18 Request for Waiver on a BOR-Approved Rule on Sabbatical Reprogramming of FIFTY MILLION PESOS (PhP (specifi cally Provision No. 4) in Favor of Dr. LIBORIO 50,000,000.00), Representing Unexpended Balances of S. CABANILLA, Department of Economics, College of the UP System Administration, as Certifi ed Available by Economics and Management, UP Los Baños, Effective 1 the Heads of the System Budget Offi ce and the System June 2010 until 31 May 2011 13 Accounting Offi ce, for Capital Outlay and Equipment Request for Waiver of Tuition and Other Fees of Fourteen Outlay 19 (14) Southeast Asian Students who will Enrol Summer Request of UP Diliman to Allocate 20% of the Undergraduate 2009-2010 in the Asian Emporium Course 2010, at the Tuition Increment to its Various Academic Units 19 UP Center for International Studies 13 Proposal to Collect Laboratory Fees for Selected Physical Proposal of the Offi ce of Scholarships and Student Services Education Courses in the University 19 (OSSS) for Waiver of the Financial Obligation of Deceased Proposal to Institute New Laboratory Fees in BS Computer UP Students under the Student Loan Program 13 Engineering (BS CoE), BS Electrical Engineering (BSEE) Request of Dr. ELIZABETH A. PASTORES-PALFFY for and BS Electronics and Communications Engineering Refund of PhP144,736.74 Representing Overpayment of (BSECE), College of Engineering, UP Diliman 20 the Money Equivalent of her Scholastic Return Service Proposal of the College of Engineering to Revise Laboratory Obligation to the University 13 Fees in the BS Computer Engineering, BS Electrical Request for Temporary Waiver of the Faculty Tenure Rule in Engineering, and BS Electronics and Communications Favor of Dr. GISELA P. CONCEPCION, Professor 5 Engineering 21 (part-time), Marine Science Institute, College of Science, Proposal of the Institute of Chemistry, College of Science, UP UP Diliman, Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 May 2011 14 Diliman for the Institution of Laboratory Fees for the New Request for Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule Integrated Laboratory Course of the New BS Chemistry in Favor of Prof. CHERYL D. AGDACA, Assistant Curriculum 23 Professor, Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts Proposal of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division, UP and Sciences, UP Los Baños, Effective 1 June 2010 until Visayas Cebu College to Increase Laboratory Fees for Seven 31 October 2010 14 (7) Courses under the BS Biology Program 24 Request for Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in Favor Proposal of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division, UP of Prof. EDMUND G. CENTENO, Assistant Professor, Visayas Cebu College to Institute Laboratory Fees for Four College of Development Communication, UP Los Baños, (4) Courses Under the BS Biology Program 25 Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 October 2010 14 Proposal of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division, Request for Temporary Waiver of Faculty Tenure Rule in Favor UP Visayas Cebu College to Increase Laboratory Fees of Prof. MARLO D. MENDOZA, Assistant Professor for STAT 105 and STAT 106 Under the BS Computer 3, Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance, Science Program 26 College of Forestry and Natural Resources, UP Los Baños, Proposal of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division, Effective 1 June 2010 until 31 October 2010 14 UP Visayas Cebu College to Institute a Laboratory Fee of PhP600.00 for STAT 131 Under the BS Mathematics FINANCIAL MATTERS APPROVED Program 26 Proposal of the Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts UP Internal Operating Budget for 2010 14 and Sciences, UP Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo to Institute Budget Proposal for CY 2011 in the amount of P18.5 Billion 15 Laboratory Fees for Five (5) Courses in the BS Biology Grant of the 1st Rice Subsidy/Allowance for 2010 17 Program 26 Authority for the President to Approve Faculty and Staff Promotions 17 APPOINTMENTS Proposed Grant of Cash Award to Employees of the Offi ce of Admissions (OA) 18 University Offi cials 27 Reprogramming of UP Diliman’s Unexpended Obligations Transfer to Permanent Status 28 Under the Revolving Fund in the amount of Extension of Service Beyond Compulsory Retirement PhP19,053,552.08, Certifi ed as Available by UPD Budget Age of 65 28 Offi ce and Accounting Offi ce 18 Original Appointment Beyond Compulsory Retirement Age of 65 28 April-June 2010 UP Gazette iii Renewal of Appointment Beyond Compulsory Letter of Intent between the University of the Philippines and Retirement Age of 65 28 the Northern Foods Corporation (NFC) 36 Reappointment Beyond Compulsory Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Retirement Age of 65 29 Philippines and the UP College of Law 37 Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the GRADUATION OF STUDENTS Philippines Mindanao, Commission on Higher Education Confi rmation of the Graduation of Students from the Different (CHED), and the Offi ce of Speaker Prospero C.
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