JO""'"/ oj Supmne Co"r' Hi5lory (ISSN lO59-4329) is published three times a yea r in March, Jul y, and November by the Supreme Court Hisrorical Society through Blackwell Publishing, Inc., with offices at 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 IjF, UK. Call US I -800-835-6770 Or fax: (781) 388-8232 (-mail: subscrip@ blackwcll pub.coll1. Information for Subscribers For new orders, renewals, sample cory requests, claims. changes of address, and all other subscription correspondences, please contact the jOlll'l1a ls Dcpartmem at the publisher's Malden office at 350 Main Sneet, Malden, MA 02148, USA, Or 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 IjF, UK. Call ( roll free in the US only) 1-800-835-6770, fax: 781-388-8232, or email: [email protected] Subscription Rates for Volume 27, 2002 Institutions, The Americas $85.00, UK/ Rest of World £65.00; Single Issues: Institutions: The Americas $34.00, UK/Rest of World £26.00. C hecks in US dollars must be drawn on a US bank. 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SUPREME COURT HISTORI CAL SOCIETY HONORARY CHAIRMAN William H. Rehnquist HONORARY TRUSTEE Byron R. Whire CHAIRMAN Dwight D. Opperman PRESIDENT Leo n Silverman VI CE PRESIDENTS Vincent C. Burke, Jr. Dorothy Tapper Goldman Frank C. Jones E. Barrett Pretryman. Jr. SECRETARY Virginia Warren Daly TREASURER Sheldon S. Cohen TRUSTEES George R. Adams Charles O. Galvin Gordon O. Pehrson Peter G. Angelos Kenneth S. Geller Leo n Polsky E. Osborne Ayscue, Jr. Frank B. Gilbert Harry M. R.easone r Vi ctor Bartaglia James L. Goldman Charles B. R.en frew Herman Belz Joh n D. Gordan, JJJ William Bradford Re ynolds Barbara A. Black Geoffrey C. Haza rd , Jr. S311 y Rider Hugo L. Black, Jr. Jud ith Richards H ope C~ro l A. Risher Frank Boardman Ruth lnsel Harvey Rishikof V er~ Brown Robb M. Jones Jona th an C. Rose Wade Burger James J. Kilpa tri ck Jerold S. Solovy Patricia Dwinnell Buder Peter A. Know les Kenneth Starr Benjamin R. Civillmi Philip Allen La covara Cathleen Douglas Stone Andrew M. Coo rs Gene W. Lafi tte Seth P. \Vaxman William T. Coleman, .Ir. Ralph I. Lancas ter, Jr. Agnes N. Willi ams Chades J. Cooper Je rome B. Libin Li vely Wilson F. Elwood Davis Maureen E. Mahoney W. Foster \Vollen George Didden JJJ H oward T. Markey Charlron Dietz Mrs. Thurgood Marshall John T . Dolan Thurgood Marshall, Jr. Robert E. Ju ceam James C. Duff Vincenr L. McK usick General CO" rISel Willi am Edlund Francis J. McNamara, J r. John C. EI;1I11 Josep h R. ModCI'ow David T. Pride James D. EJlis James W. Morris, III Execu ti ve Di reelor Migue l A. Esrrada John M. Nannes Kathleen Shurtleff Thomas W. Evans Srephen W. N ea lon Assislant Direelor Wayne Fisher James B. O'Hara JOURNAL OF SUPREME COURT HISTORY 2002 vol. 27 n o. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr. Cbairmall Donald B. Ayer Louis R. Cohen Charles Cooper Kenn eth S. Geller James J. Kilpatrick Melvin 1. UroFsky BOARD OF EDITORS Melvin 1. UroFsky, Cbairman Herma n Belz Dav id J. Bodenhamer Kermit Hall Craig Joyce Laura Kalman Maeva Marcus David O'Brien Michael Parrish EDITORIAL STAFF Clare Cushman, Mal1agillg Edllor Patricia R. Eva ns, Researcber Savi na Lambert, Photo Researcher Blackwell Publi'hing. Bosron. Mlssachu<ms & Oxford. UK GENERAL STATEMENT THE SUPREME COURT HISTORICAL SOCIETY is a private non-profit organization, incorporated in the District of Columbia in '974. The Society is dedicated to the collection and preservation of the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Society seeks to accomplisn its mission by supporting historical research, collecting antiques and artifacts relating to the Court's history, and publisning books and other materials that increase public awareness of the Court's contribution to our nation's 'rich constitutional heritage. Since '975, the Society has been publishing a Quarterly newsletter, distributed to its membership, which contains short historical pieces o n the Court and articles detailing the Society's programs and activities. In '976, the Society began publishing an annual collec­ tion of scholarly articles on the Court's history entitled the Yearbook, which was renamed the Journal oj Supreme Court History in 1990 and became a trimester publication in '999, The Society initiated the Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800 in [977 with a matching grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). The Supreme Court became a cospon­ sor in 1979. Since that time the project has completed six volumes. The Society has also copublished severa l books with CQ Pmss. The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies, 1789-1995 is a 588-page book that was developed by the Society and features biographies of all /08 Justices, as well as rare photographs and other illustrations. In 2000, the Society cosponsored the publication of We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and About Students, a high school textbook written by Jamin B. Raskin. Also in 2000, the Society copublished Supreme Court Decisions and Women's Rights: Milestones to Equality, a guide to gender law cases developed by the Society for use by high school students and undergraduates. In addition to its research/ publications projects, the Society is now cooperating with the Federal Judicial Center on a pilot oral history project on the Supreme Court. The Society is also conducting an active acquisitions program, which has contributed substan­ tially to the complerion of the Court's permanent collection of busts and portraits, as well as period furnishings, private papers, and other artifacts and memorabilia relating to the Court's history. These materials are incorporated into displays prepared by the Court Curator's Office for the benefit of the Court's one million annual visitors. The Society also funds outside research, awards cash prizes to promote scholarship on the Court, and sponsors or cosponsors various lecture series and other educational col­ loquia to further public understanding of the Court and its history. The Society has approximately 5, 100 members whose financial support and volunteer participation in the Society's standing and ad hoc committees enables the organization to function. These committees report to an elected Board of Trustees and an Executi ve Committee, the latter of which is principally responsible for policy decisions and for supervising the Society's permanent staff. Requests for additional information should be directed to the Society's headquarters at 224 East Capitol Street. NE, Washington, D .C. 20003, telephone (202) 543-0400, or to the Society's website at www.supremecourthistory.org. The Society h(l s bee n dncrmincd eligible ro recelve t:1X d cdllcrible gifts under sccrion 50 1 (c) (J ) under rhe Inrcrn:ll Revenue Code. JOURNAl OF SUPREME COURT HISTORY zooz, v o l, z7, no .
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