RRRecommendedRecommended TextTextssss of Department of Chinese Studies Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Application Main Lisa Friedrichsen. Microsoft Access 005.74/FRI-3 E017748(RB) Software : 2007 : Illustrated Complete . E017749 Access Massachusetts : Course Technology, Thomson Learning, 2008. Peter Rob, Elie Semaan. Databases : 005.75/ROB E013719(RB) Design, Development & Deployment Using Microsoft Access . 2nd ed. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2004. Supplementary Shelly, Cashman, Pratt, Last. Microsoft In Process Office Access 2007 : Comprehensive Title: Microsoft Concepts and Techniques . Access 2010 : Massachusetts : Shelly Cashman comprehensive Series, 2007. Application Main Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, 005.3/SHE-5 E020050 外 借 Software Misty E. Vermaat. Microsoft Office E020051 (Word, Excel 2007 : introductory concepts and and Power techniques, premium video edition . point) Boston : Mass. Course Technology/Cengage Learning, 2010. Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, 005.3/SHE-3 E020001(RB) Misty E. Vermaat ; with contributing E020000 Mary Z. Microsoft Office 2007 : advanced concepts and techniques . Boston : Mass. Course Technology/Cengage Learning, 2008. Supplementary Ann Shaffer, Patrick Carey,Kathy T. 005.3/SHA[Pt1] E020099 外借 Finnegan, Joseph J. Adamski, Roy E020101 Ageloff. New perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007 : first course, premium 005.3/SHA[Pt2] E020100 外借 video edition . Boston : Mass.Course E020102 Technology/Cengage Learning, 2010. 1 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Appreciation of Main Luo Guan-zhong. Sanguoyanyi . 857.4523/LGZ-12 C040014(RB) Dynasty Ming Taipei : Huazheng Shuju, 1994. and Qing Novels Cao Xue-qin. Hongloumeng . China : 857.49/CXQ:2-7 S012186(RB) 清明小说选 Beijing Wenhua Yishu, 1991. Supplementary Guo Yu-shi. Lun Hongloumeng jiqi 857.49/GYS C010424(RB) Yanjiu (The Discussion of A Dream of Red Mansions and Its Study) . Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1992. Li Hou-ji, Li Hua. Sanguoyanyi jianshuo 857.4523/LHJ C011212(RB) (the Summary of Romance of The Three Kingdoms). Taipei : Wanjuanlou Tushu, 1993. Li Yan-jie. Sanguoyanyi yu Sanguo 857.4523/LYJ C029137(RB) Shishi (Romance of The Three C051331 Kingdoms and The Historical Facts of The Three Kingdoms). Zhongguo Wenshi, 1999. Tai Yu. Hongloumeng Renwulun (The Not available Comments of The Roles in A Dream of Red Mansions). Shanghai : Shanghai Shudian, 1990. Wang Guan-shi. Hongloumeng Yanjiu 857.4903/WGS C028510(RB) (The study of A Dream of Red Mansions). Taipei : Dongda Tushu, 1992. Xu Zhi-ping, Huang Jin-zhu. Mingqing 820.97/XZP C028397(RB) Xiaoshuo (The Novels in Dynasty Ming 1997 and Qing) . Taipei : Liming Wenhua Shiye, 1996. 2 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Yu Ping-bo. Yu Pingbo Shuo 857.4907/YPB C007513(RB) Hongloumeng (Yu Ping-bo Explains A C011961 Dream of Red Mansions). Shanghai C015425 Ancient Books Publishing House, 1998. Yu Zhen-bang. Sanguo Renwu 782.123/YZB C028398(RB) Congtan (The Discussion of The Roles in Romance of The Three Kingdoms). Taipei : Taiwan Shangwu, 1995. Zheng Tie-sheng. Sanguoyanyi Xushi 827.25/ZTS:5-2 S016532(RB) Yishu (The Art of Narrative of Romance of The Three Kingdoms). Xinhua, 2000. Bahasa Main Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid dan Yap Kim 499.28/AB M008592(RB) Kebangsaan Fatt. Bahasa Kebangsaan: Khas Untuk M008588 (A) IPTS . Petaling Jaya : Longman, 2002. M008589 M008590 M008591 Supplementary Abdullah Hassan. Linguistik Am untuk 410/ABD-2 M003257(RB) Bahasa Malaysia . Petaling Jaya : Fajar M004886 bakti Sdn. Bhd., 1980. Abdullah Hassan. Isu-isu Perancangan 499.28/ABD-4 M001294(RB) Bahasa : Pengintelektualan Bahasa M001295 Malaysia . Kuala Lumpur : Dewan M001293 Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1987. Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid, Yap Kim Fatt. 302.2/AB M005651(RB) Bahasa Melayu : Komunikasi Berkesan M005650 dan Pengucapan Umum . Petaling Jaya : Longman Malaysia, 1995. 3 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid, Hjh. Wan 499.28/AB-2 M005649(RB) Som. Bahasa Melayu : Komunikasi dan M005652 Proses Komunikasi . Petaling Jaya : Longman Malaysia, 1995. Asmah Hj. Omar. Penggunaan Bahasa 499.28/ASM-11 M004435(RB) dalam Surat rasmi : Bahasa dalam M003734 Komunikasi . Dewan Bahasa dan M004436 Pustaka, 1983. Asmah Hj. Omar. Bahasa Laporan . Not available Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan New ed.: Pustaka, 1987. c1988 808/ASM M001847 808/ASMC2 M001848 808/ASMC3 M003543 c1995 808/ASM-3 M003627(RB) Awang Sariyan. Sebutan Baku dan 499.28/AWA-8 M003209(RB) Ejaan Rumi . Kuala Lumpur : M005073 Synerymate Sdn. Bhd., 1995. M005645 Ismail Hussein. Sejarah Pertumbuhan 499.28/ISM M002271(RB) Bahasa Kebangsaan Kita . Kuala c1981 M002272 Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, M002273 1992. Kamal Shukri Abdullah Sani. Bahasa 499.28/KAM-4 M005749(RB) Melayu: Apa Sudah Jadi? Kuala M005750 Lumpur : PTS Professional Publishing Sdn Bhd., 2007. Nik Safiah Karim et. al. Tatabahasa 499.285/SAF-3 M005746(RB) Dewan Edisi Ketiga . Kuala Lumpur : M005747 Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2008. M005748 4 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Sulaiman Masri. Penulisan dalam 499.28/SUL-2 M001697(RB) Bahasa Malaysia Baku . Cetakan 2. M001696 Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990. Za’ ba. Pelita Bahasa Melayu Penggal 499.23/ZAI M004446(RB) I-III . Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa M004445 dan Pustaka, 2000. Chinese Main The teaching materials are prepared by Calligraphy professor. 书法 Supplementary Xiandai Shufa Lunwenxuan (The 942.07/XDS C022983(RB) Selected Papers of Modern 1980 C028781 Calligraphy) . Shanghai Shuhua, 1983. C038786 Xu Fu-guan. Zhongguo Yishu Jingshen 901.92/XFG-2 C020637(RB) (The Spirit of China Art). Xuesheng 1984 Shuju, 1974. Pan Yun-gao. Zhongwantang Wudai 940.924/PYG C029142(RB) Shulun (The Discussion of Calligraphy C051333 in the Mid and End of Tang Dynasty ). Hunan Meishu, 1997. Chinese Main Chen Da-wei, Zhong Yi-wen (ed.). 868.73/CDW C014725(RB) Literature in Chidao Xingsheng (A Malaysian MH003836 Malaysia I Chinese Literature Reader) . Taipei : MH008173 马华文学(一) Wanshenglou, 2000. MS003836 Dai Xiao-hua, You Chuo-tao (ed.). The 868.707/MHW C006266(RB) Collection of Dissertations of the 1st Mahua Literature Global Seminar . Kuala Lumpur : Association of Chinese Language Author in Malaysia, 1998. 5 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Fang Xiu. Mahua Wenxue Jianshi (The 868.79/FX-2 C023323(RB) Brief History of Mahua Literature) . Kuala Lumpur : C011871 Singapura : Shijie Shuju, 1972. Dongzong, 1986. C033163 Supplementary Fang Xiu. Mahua Wenxueshi Bu (The 868.7/FX C014782(RB) Additional Discussion of History of C052424 Mahua) . Singapura : Chunyitushu, 1996. Huang Jin-shu. Mahua Wenxue, Neizai 868/HJS C003534(RB) Zhongguo, Yuyanyu Wenxueshi (Mahua Literature, Internal China, Language and History of Literature) . Kuala Lumpur : Huazi Resource & Research Centre, 1996. Huang Jin-shu. Mahua Wenxue yu 868.707/HJS C006369(RB) Zhongguoxing (Mahua Literature and The Features of China) . Taipei : Yuanzun Wenhua, 1998. Huang Jin-shu. Yishui Tianya (The 868.75711/HJS MH003009(RB) Anthology of Mauha Contemporary MH006490 Short Stories) . Taipei : Jiuge, 1998. MS003009 Huang Wan-hua. Xinma Bainian 868.79/HWH C016566(RB) Huawen Xiaoshuoshi (The History of MH003572 Chinese Novel of Singapore and MH007315 Malaysia in 100 Years) . Jinan : MS003572 Shandong Wenyi, 1999. Ma Lun. Mahua Wenxue Zhi Chuang 868.7/ML C007880(RB) (Windows of Mahua Literature) . C012800 Singapura : Xinya, 1997. C012802 6 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Wen Ren-ping. Fennu de Huigu (The 868/WRP C001837(RB) Modernist Tendency of Mahua C001841 Literature in 21 Years) . Ipoh : C001840 Tianlangxing, 1980. Wu An. Jiushi Niandai Mahua Wenxue 868.72/WA-2 MH003047(RB) Zhanwang (The Prospect of Mahua MS003047 Literature in 90an) . Sarawak : Persatuan Penulis-penulis Bahasa Cina Sarawak, 1995. Chinese Main Chen Da-wei and Zhong Yi-wen (ed.). 868.73/CDW C014725(RB) Literature in Chidao Xingsheng (A Malaysian MH003836 Malaysia II Chinese Literature Reader) . Taipei : MH008173 马华文学(二) Wanshenglou, 2000. MS003836 Fang Xiu. Mahua Wenxue Jianshi (The 868.79/FX-2 C023323(RB) Brief History of Mahua Literature) . Kuala Lumpur : C011871 Singapura : Shijie Shuju, 1972. Dongzong, 1986 C033163 Supplementary Dai Xiao-hua and You Chuo-tao (ed.). 868.707/MHW C006266(RB) The Collection of Dissertations of the 1st Mahua Literature Global Seminar . Kuala Lumpur : Association of Chinese Language Author in Malaysia, 1998. Fang Xiu. Mahua Wenxueshi Bu (The 868.7/FX C014782(RB) Additional Discussion of History of C052424 Mahua) . Singapura : Chunyitushu, 1996. Huang Jin-shu. Mahua Wenxue, Neizai 868/HJS C003534(RB) Zhongguo, Yuyanyu Wenxueshi (Mahua Literature, Internal China, Language and History of Literature) . Kuala Lumpur : Huazi Resource & Research Centre, 1996. 7 Course Name Recommended Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code Text Huang Jin-shu. Mahua Wenxue yu 868.707/HJS C006369(RB) Zhongguoxing (Mahua Literature and The Features of China) . Taipei : Yuanzun Wenhua, 1998. Huang Jin-shu. Yishui Tianya (The 868.75711/HJS MH003009(RB) Anthology of Mauha Contemporary MH006490 Short Stories) . Taipei : Jiuge, 1998. MS003009 Huang Wan-hua. Xinma Bainian 868.79/HWH C016566(RB) Huawen Xiaoshuoshi (The History of MH003572 Chinese Novel of Singapore and MH007315 Malaysia in 100 Years) . Jinan : MS003572 Shandong
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