creative computing ® the #1 magazine of computer applications and software In-depth Evaluations: Computer Graphics Features: • Zoom Grafix • Gra Forth • Plotting N-Space Cubes • Quest Super Color Board • Half-toning Digital Images • Talking Games • Snake Byte • Graphics Subroutines for Apple • Apple Pilot • Special Effects • Screen Saver • Cyrillic Editor • 4 Hi-Res Text Generators • Turtlegraphics Interpreter • Printing Lo-Res Graphics The Case Against Pilot • Mona Lisa Meets VersaWriter Columns: Computing in Britain 07 • IBM • Letters • TRS-80 • New Products Logo Ideas • Atari • Legal Forum 'U024"U044 • PET • Book Reviews Verse Weaving *r. o ^ <> V> ' INTRODUCING MICROBUFFER. NOW YOU CAN USE YOUR PRINTER WITHOUT WASTING COMPUTER TIME. Your computer is capable of MICROBUFFER ir(picturedonthe sending data at thousands of left-hand page) is a Centronics- characters per second. But the compatible parallel interface for average printer goes no faster the Apple II computer with up to than 80 characters per second. 32K of onboard RAM for data This means your computer is buffering as well as on-board forced to wait for the printer to firmware for text formatting and finish one line before it can advanced graphics dump send the next. routines. A waste of valuable time. SIMPLE TO INSTALL. MICROBUFFER THE NEW Microbuffer MBP-16K and INCREASES YOUR EFFICIENCY. MICROBUFFER MODEL MBP-16K MBS-8K mount easily in the existing auxiliary slot directly Microbuffer allows you to print is a Centronics-compatible inside the Epson printer. and process simultaneously. parallel interface for your Epson Microbuffer II, being slot- No waiting! printer with 16,384 bytes of on- independent, will fit into any slot board RAM for data buffering. MICROBUFFER directly inside the Apple ACCEPTS PRINTING DATA except zero. AS FAST AS YOUR MICROBUFFER COMPUTER CAN SEND IT. FROM PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS. Microbuffer first stores the data When you think of how much in its own memory buffer and then takes control of your printer. time Microbuffer will save, can This frees the computer for more you afford not to have one? productive functions. Additional output may be PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS, INC. dumped to the buffer at any time 31245 LA BAYA DRIVE and it will be printed in turn. WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 MODEL MBS-8K" is a full-featured Microbuffer — a must for any (213) 991-8200 RS-232C serial interface for your program that requires printed Epson printer with both hard- CIRCLE 216 ON READER SERVICE CARD output. ware and software (x-on/x-off) handshaking, baud rates from 300 to 19,200 and a 8,192-byte RAM buffer. The Newest & Most Astounding Arcade Game that TALKS has Just Reached Planet Earth: BEST SELLER CZ) iwiii'haiiVN^Flia Ordering, inl .lines: Super Nova, Galaxy Invasion, Attack Force, Cosmic Fighter, Met. 2, and Robot A' 1 CIRCLE 164 ON READER SERVICE CARD . J * i* I I H/ . " ws & software in this issue 1 00w Half-toning Digital Images Browning A tutorial "| "| A Graphics Package for the Apple Hansen A collection of graphics subroutines 1 20 Cvr""c Anyone? Mangasarian Character editor for the Apple evaluations & profiles 1 36 Prin,in 9 Low-Res Graphics Navarro The uesl Super Color Board Repsher Hturtle -j 2 Q 1 40 Evans Color graphics for S-1 00 computers A turtlegraphics interpreter in Applesoft Snake Byte Pl0,,in N-Space Cubes OT Lubar "j 48 9 Clark Beware the perilous plums Making order out of chaos Oft Talking Games for the TRS-80 Linzmayer 1 62 Screen Saver Gamble w Robot Attack and Forbidden Planet 1 66 Vorse Weaving Denison 35 Zoom QreUx Archibald A challenge for all ages w Blowing up the screen 37 Special Effects Flynn Awaken the artist in your Apple departments 43 Four Hi-Res Text Generators Berentes A comparison 6 Input/Output Readers GraForth Coffey 59 1 1 Notices Fee A graphics language that's downright Forthright Tn* °,ner Slds Kewney A te pl,ot Smith 1 85 62 PP A look at computing in Britain 0utD0St: "| 88 Atori Small & Small Languages for the Atari 1 96 ,BM ,m"068 Fastie articles New products, software submission and more Persona' Electronic Transactions Yob 208** 7Q The Case Against Pilot Merrill PET disks The pros and cons of authoring systems 216 TRS "80 Strings Gray 7g Logo Ideas Lawler TRS-80 repairs, reviews and Screensaver Bugs and variables 224 Sottware Legal Forum Novick 80 Cower Story Wright Politics and patents 83 Loopholes Payack 228 New Products Staples Oft An Art Medium in Lights Miller 232 Book Reviews Gray **° Mona Lisa meets Versawriter Q2 The Graph Paper Lubar Part one: introduction and explanation July, 1982 Art and the Computer Friedman Q7 Volume 8, A computer graphics course Number 7 Creative Computing (ISSN0097-8140I is published monthly by Ahl Computing. Inc . a subsidiary of Ziff-Davis Publishing Company David Ahl. President. Elizabeth B Staples. Vice President. Selwyn Taubman. Treasurer. Bertram A Abrams. Secretary PO Box 789-M Mornstown N J 07960 Second Class postage paid at Lincoln. NE 68501 Copyright ©1982 by Ahl Computing. Inc All rights reserved Editorial the covep offices located at 39 East Hanover Ave . Morns Plains. NJ 07950 Phone (201 ) 540-0445 Domestic Subscriptions 12 issues S24 97. 24 issues J43 97 36 issues $57 97 The cover is a computer graphic design by Walter Wright. Send subscription orders or change of address (PO Form 3579) to Creative Computing. PO Box 5214. Boulder. CO 80321 Call 800-631-8112 toll-free See the Cover Story on page 80 for more information on his (in New Jersey call 201-540-0445) to order a subscription technique Creative Computing is printed by Mid-America Webpress. Lincoln. 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