PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJAB INDEX to DEBATES (Volumes 1-16) - (18 February 1997 to 20 August 1999) Volume 17 INDEX TO THE DEBATES PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJAB (18 FEBRUARY 1997 to 20 AUGUST 1999) JULY 2002 Published by the Secretariat of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, Lahore Phone. 92-42-9200335-49 Fax Number 92-42-9200330 e-mail: [email protected] Web: http:/// w~w.pap.~ov.~k PREFACE The seventh Provincial Assembly of the Punjab constituted.under the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1973) held it's first meeting on 18 February 1997. It was placed under suspension with effect from 12 October 1999; and, along with that Ch Parvez Elahi (Speaker) and Sardar Hassan Akhtar Mokal (Deputy Speaker) were also placed under suspension. However, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif (Chief Minister) and his Cabinet ceased to hold office.' Later, the Assembly was dissolved with effect from 12 June 2001, and with that the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker also ceased to hold offices2 2 During its actual tenure of less than three years, the Assembly held 16 sessions covering a total session period of 174 days, and had 130 sittings as SesJion Commenced Proroeued Days of Meetiw Pint 18 February 1997 19 February 1997 18-19 February 1997 Second 20 February 1997 20 February 1m 20 February 1997 Third 21 February 1997 21 February 1997 21 February 1997 Fourth 7 April 1997 11 April 1997 7-11 April 1997 Fi 9 June 1997 28 June 1997 9-15. 18-21 & 23-28June 1997 Sixth 13 October 1997 3 November 1997 13-17, 20-24,27-31 October & 3 November 1997 Seventh 22 December 1997 5 January 1998 22-24.26, 29-30 December 1997, 1-2 85 January I998 Eighth . 6 February 1998 9 February 1998 689Pebnwy1998 Ninth 17 .4pril 1998 24 April 1998 17,2024Aptill998 Tenth 12 June 1998 27 June 1998 12, 15, l%aP"C22-27 June 1998 Eleventh 15 September 1998 30 September 1998 15-18,21-25&Z8-30 Septmnba 1998 Twelfth 16 November 1998 30 November 1998 16-20,U-278'30 November 1998 Thirteenth 22 January 1999 5 February 1998 22, 25-29 January & 1-5 February 1999 Foulteenth 30 April 1999 10 May 1999 30 April, 3-7& 10 May 1999 Fifteenth 15 June 1999 26 June 1999 15. 18-26 June 1999 Sixteenth 10 August 1999 20 August 1999 10-13 & 16-20 Aupust 1999 ' See Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Division, Proclamation of Emergency (No. 2-1011999-Min. I, dated 14 October 1999). See Proclamation of Emergency (Amendment) Order 2001. (No. 2-1099-Min 1, dated 20 June 200 1). 8 ii Puniab Assemblv Debates 3. The Assembly adopted the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the -jab 1997 in its sitting held on 25 June 1997~.It disposed of 96 Privilege Motions,l998 Questions, 380 Adjournment Motions and 45 Call Attention Notices. Besides, passing the budget for the f~nancialyears 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000, it also,passed the undermentioned 39 laws- The Punjab Agrrculmral Income Tax Act, 1997 (1 of 1997) The Lahore School of Economrcs Act, 1997 (11 of 1997) The Government College Lahore Act 1997 (Ill of 1997) The Punjab Local Government (Revrval of Law) Act. 1997 (IV of 194T) The Punlab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act, 1997 (V of 1997) The Punjab Government Employees Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 1997 (VI of 1997) The Punjab Government Employees Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 1997 (V11 of 1997) The Bank of hnjab (Amendment) Act, 1997 (VIII of 1997) The hnjab Frnance Act, 3 m(1X of 1997) The Punjab Office of the Ombudsman Act. 1997 0( of 1997) The hnjab Irrlgatron and Dramage Authorrry Act, 1997 (XI of 1997) The Nazana-e-Pakistan Foundation Act. 1997 (XI1 of 1997) The Punjab Undesirable Cooperat~veSoc~etres (Drssolutron) (Amendment) Act, 1997 (XI11 of The Punjab Agricultural Research Board Act. 1997 (XIV of 1997) The Punlab Secretarrat Allowance (Wrthdrawal) Act, I997 (1 of 1998) The Punjab Land Revenue (Abolitron) Act, 1998 (n of 19981 The Lahore Development Author~ty(Amendment) Act. 1998 (I11 of 1998) The Punlab Development of Cities (Amendment) Act. 1998 (IV of 1998) The Punjab Agrrcultural Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1998 C/ of 1998) The Punjab Publlc Serv~ceCommrssron (Amendment) Act, 1998 0'1 of 1998) The Punjab Rnance Act, 1998 (VII of 1998) The hnpb Vocat~onalTrarnlng Councrl Act, 1998 (VIII of 1998) The Punjab Medlcal and Health lnstltutrons Act, 1998 (IX of 1998) The Punjab Prohrbition of Expressing Matters on Walls (Amendment) Act, 1998 (X of 1998) The Punjab Local Government (Second Amendment) Act. 1998 (XI of 1998) The Disposal of Land by Development Authorrtln (Regulatron) Act. 1998 (Xn of 1998) The Punjab Marntenance of Public Order (Amendment) Act. 1998 fl of 1999) The Punjab Shops and Establrshments (Securrty) Act, 1999 (n of 1999) The Lahore Development Authorrty (Amendment) Act. 1999 (HI of 1999) The hnjab F~sher~es(Amendment) Act, 1999 (IV of 1999) The said rules were earlier made by the Governor vide Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat Notification No. PAP-Legis-1(94)96/1l,date 29 January 1997 Preface iii Thc Baha-ud-Din Zakariya University (Amendment) Act, 1999 (V of 1999) The Punjab Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1999 ('41 of 1999) The Punjab Developmm Authorities Laws (Amendment) Act, 1999 (VII of 1999) The Punjab Local Government (Second Amendment) Act, 1999 (VIII of 1999) %e Punjab Finance Act. 1999 (1X of 1999) 6 The Lahore College for Women Act, 1999 (X of 1999) The Punjab Local Government (Th~rdAmendment) Act 1999 (XI of 1999) The Punjab Essential Arucles (Control) (Amendment) Act 1999 (XI1 of 1999) The Cholistan Development Authority (Amendment) Act 1999 (XI11 of 1999) 4. Rule 219 of the rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab (1997) require that the Secretary shall prepare and publish a report of the proceedings of the Assembly at each of its sitting. The reports so published are deemed to be an authentic record of the proceedings of the Assembly and cannot be questioned or challenged on any ground whatsoever. Ordinarily, the said reports are called "Assembly Debates". The proceedings of the 16 sessions of the seventh Assembly have been published in 16 volumes, comprising 130 Issues. 5. For facility of reference, the Assembly Secretariat has prepared a consolidated index of the said Debates. The same is being published as Volume 17. It is hoped that this Index would be of immense assistance to public representatives, researchers as well as general readers. 6. Suggestions, if any, for improving the scheme of Index to Debates for guidance in future would be highly appreciated. DR SYED ABUL HASSAN NAJMEE Secretary Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Volume Issue Page No. No. No. ABDUL GHAFOOR,CHAUDHRY- DISCUSSION on- Annual Budget for 1997 - 98 5 Leave of absence of 13 Leave of absence of 13 Leave of absence of 11 Oath of Office 1 PRNILEGE MOTIONre- Misbehaviour of officers Food department with MPA's 5 REPORT EXTENSIONOF PERIODre- Committee on rivile es on Privilege Motion No. 7 moved by ~bdul~ha&r, Ehaudhry 6 ABDUL HAMEED, MIAN- CONDOLENCEon- Murder of Aman ULlah Khan Babar, MPA 11 Oath of Office 1 QUESTION(S)re- Provision of facilities in BHU Bodumali 6 Steps for extension of construction Period 9 ABDUL MANAN SHEIKH, MR- Oath of Office 5 QUE~ON(S)re- Arrangement of Traffic Control in Lahore 7 Construction of Drain in Wasanpura Scheme I1 9 Constmction of Hospital at Misri Shah, Lahore 13 Detail of Annual Expenditure of General Hospital Kot Khawaja Saeed 13 Killing of wandering dogs and Chalan of Tongas in Lahore 11 Proceedings against SHO Police Station City Lala Musa 12 Steps for Betterment of Residents of Wasanpura Scheme 9 Steps for Provision of Snake Bite Vaccine in Rural 16 Hospital ABDUL RAW MUGIIAL,IMR- DISCUSSIONon- Annual Budget for 1997 - 98 5 Annual Budget for 1998 - 99 10 Annual Budget for 1999 - 2000 15 Law & Order situation 6 Prohibition of Smoking Bill, 1997 4 Supplementary Budget for 1998 - 2000 15 Transport 5 Leave of absence of 13 Oath of Office 1 Volume Issue Page No, No. No. QU~ON(S)re- Construction of Graveyard 11 4 417 Discretionary Funds 4 3 148 Distribution of Plants by the Forest department 5 2 % Implementation on Decision of High Court 11 7 720 Posting of Mr Afghan Javaid Khan in PRTC 11 7 721 Repair of G. T. Road inside Gujranwala 11 3 288 Unauthorize use of owned Area of Education Department 12 8 613 Wrong Transfer of owned land of Education Department 11 10 1012 REPORT PRESENTATIONre- Standing Committee on Industries on the ~isentialArticles Control (Amendment) Bill. 1998 14 1 74 RESOLUTION(S)re- Revision of foreign agreements for setting up of new Units to produce Electricity 5 2 151 BIU- The Land Acquisition Punjab (Amendment) Bill. 1997 9 3 205 Oath of Office 1 1 8 PRIVILEGE MOTION(s) re- Misconduct of Inspector police Motorway with MPA in Sheikhupura 11 1 89 Publication of Insulting cartoon against Member Assembly in Daily "Nawa-i-Waqat" 15 4 2 Qu~molu(s)re- Auction of Vehicles and old Machinery in Irrigation workshop Mughalpura 11 2 131 Completion of Building for College Mustafabad 12 8 622 Construction and repairing of the Street 12 9 764 Construction of Drains for Assembly Quarters Garhi Shahu 11 4 416 Detail Adjushnent of Naven Singn Board in the Boundary wall Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore 16 5 55 Details of Income and Expenditure Irrigation Workshop Mughalpura 11 2 126 Number of Dispensaries in PP - 21 11 4 415 Re-instatement of Dr.
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