The BANKLINE Ltd. Regular Service from U. S. Gulf Ports to Australia and New/ealand ¯ Brisbane ¯ Melbourne ¯ Auckland The Gemini V spacecraft takes another ride following its eight-day orbital flight ¯ Lyttleton as it swings off a Port of Houston wharf at the Long ReachDocks to go aboard the ¯ Sydney S. S. DEL SUDof the Delta Lines. The two-man spacecraft was bound to Rio de Janeiro for public display by the U. S. Information Agency. The MannedSpacecraft ¯ Adelaide Center of N.A.S.A. is located near the Port of Houston industrial complex and is adjacent to the new Bayport Terminal soon to be openedby the Navigation District ¯ Wellington on Galveston Bay. ¯ Dunedin Put yourfreight in Cunard’shands General Agents Fast, regular service be- tween Liverpool, Man- BOYD, WEIR and chester, London, Glasgow and Gulf ports in ships of SEWELL,Inc. the Cunard and Brockle- New York bank fleets. 125years of ibm "Kn0w-hnw" Gulf Agents STRACHAN SHIPPING CO. Houston - Galveston - Mobile Memphis-New Orleans-Dallas CunardLine, NewYork: 25 Broadway Chicago - Atlanta - St. Louis Funch,Edye & Co. Inc., NewOrleans: Gulf GeneralAgents, 442 Canal Street, SanlinBldg. KansasCity - Cincinnati Offices and Agents in all major cities in the U.S. and Canada FEBRUARY,1966 21 GULFLINES Independent Express Service between the Gulf and Rotterdam Hamburg LONE STAR SHIPPING INC. HOUSTON AGENTS GALVESTON ChristmasEve wascold and rainy at the Port of Houston,mo~ing Christmas pros- pects bleak for the hundredsof seamenon ships berthed along the Channel. But U.S. Representative Santa Claus, representedby the HoustonInternational Seamen’sCenter, camedriv- JAN C. UITERWYKCO., INC. ing up in a truck to distribute magazinesand several casesof beer for each ship’s Tampa,Fla. crew. Standingcenter in the picture is JohnMcLendon, plant managerof the Houston plant of Anheuser-Busch,Inc., donorof the beer. On the right is Albert H. Liedts, president of Port HoustonTransport Corp. and treasurer of the Seamen’sCenter, who supervised distribution. The other menare seamenfrom a ship and employees of Port HoustonTransport which madethe deliveries. Liedts quoted one German SHIP VIA HOUSTON ship captain as saying, "Man, I don’t knowwho you are, but Heavenmust have sent you." iastfrequent Deppe Lin elgian Line between the Gulf and North Europe ./~~ ~rJ~ demann, Inc,/Steamship Agents All Cotton Ports and Markets TexasTransport & TerminalCo., Inc. ! Cable Address SteamshipAgents 11th Floor, 711 Fannin St. TERMINAL HOUSTON Houston, Texas 77002 (Established 1895) ," Tel: CA 5-5461 THE TEXPORT$STEVEDORE CO., INC. Contracting Stevedores YAMASHITA-SHINNIHON LINE WESTWIND AFRICA LINE VENEZUELAN LINE HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE To To To (Ysk Line) Venezuelan Ports North European Ports Japanese Ports West African Ports CREOLE LINE BOOTH LINE MEXICAN LINE UNION OF BURMA FIVE STAR LINE To To To To Rangoon Italian Ports West Indies, British Guiana North European Ports and Northern Brazil P. N. DJARKATA LLOYD LINE WYSMUI.LER OCEAN TOWAGE to North African, Red Sea and Indonesian Ports & SALVAGE COMPANY OFFICES Houston,Texas Brownsville,Texas Memphis, Tenn. New Orleans,La. New York, N.Y. CorpusChristi, Texas St. Louis,Mo. Charleston$. C. PhiladelphiaPa. Galveston,Texas Baltimore,’Md. Chicago,Ill. Dallas.Texas Savannai~,Ga, ,~ PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE 22 INDEPENDENT GULF LINE (Vinke & Co., Amsterdam,Managers) REGULARSERVICE to andfrom the CONTINENT Representativesof Central Gulf SteamshipCorp. and Alcoa SteamshipCompany, Inc. recently met in the WorldTrade Club following an agreementbetween the two steamshipcompanies for Alcoa to use Central Gulf’s office facilities in Houston. SHIPPING C 0 P~PO I~AT ION Left to right are E. C. Faerber, branchmanager, Central Gulf, Houston;George T. Leslie, Jr., SouthernDistrict sales manager,Alcoa, NewOrleans; W. J. Toomey,vice General Agent U.S.A. president, WestGulf, Central Gulf, Houston;and WallaceJ. Lagarde,sales repre- Houston¯ Galveston¯ NewYork sentativein Houstonfor Alcoa. Prior to Alcoa’sstarting regular liner service out of NewOrleans ¯ Memphis Houstonin November,1965, Lagardewas sales representative for the companyin Baltimore¯ Philadelphia NewOrleans. Refrigerated Space Available CunardElects FastRegular Cargo Service NewChairman [rorn Houston, Mobile, NewOrleans The Cunard Steam-Ship Companyan- WEEKLY nounced that Sir John Brocklebank has to La Guaira,Puerto Cabello, Curacao and Trinidad retired from the board for reasons of FORTNIGHTLY health, and that Sir Basil Smallpeice has to Maracaibo, Aruba, Guanta, Barbados,Georgetown, been appointed chairman in his place. Paramariboand Ciudad Bolivar Sir John has become honorary presi- EVERY FOUR WEEKS dent of both the Cunard Steam-Ship to St. Vincent,St. Lucia, Dominicaand Antigua Company Limited and Thos. and Jno. Brocklebank Limited, and he will be- Agents: comea consultant to the group, in which Houston, Mobile, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Dallas, Kansas City, Memphis, Atlanta ............................... capacity the companywill continue to STRACHAN SHIPPING COMPANY New York, Detroit ................................. FUNCH, EDYE & CO., INC. have the benefit of his long experience in the shipping industry. Sir Basil Smallpeice joined the Board Ilogallldherlands Sleamship tomang of Cunard in April, 1964 and became a deputy chairman in June. 25 BROADWAY,NEW YORK 4, N. Y. YourVessel will be metat the Bar andPiloted to the Port of Houstonby HOUSTON PILOTS I 6302 GULF FREEWAY HOUSTON 23, TEXAS FEBRUARY,1966 23 AN AMERICAN FLAG FREIGHTER Every 10 Days Fast, efficient cargo handling from Gulf Ports to Panama*, the West Coast of South America GULF & SOUTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. 831 Gravler Street, NewOrleans, Louisiana In other cities contact Lykes or Grace *SouthboundNew Orleans/C. Z. cargo subject to special Booking arrangements. SINCE 1914 Export and Domestic Crating OFFICE MOVING AND STORING SPECIALISTS Mrs. Frank Cartwright was invested with the insignia of a Memberof the Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.) by His Excellency, Sir Patrick Dean, G.C.M.G., British Ambassadorto the United States, in ceremoniesin the office of the Consul General of Great Britain in Houstonrecently. Mrs. Cartwright was born in Liverpool, England, and is the wife of Frank E. TRANSFER& STORAGE COo Cartwright, executive vice president of the Dalton Steamship 81 2-20 Live Oak St. Phone FA 3-2323 Corporation in Houston. The award is in recognition of Mrs. Cartwright’s work in Texas for the Daughters of the British Empire and for her support of British charitable and community activities. C. T. O. LINE CompagnieMaritimes Des Chargeurs Reunis Directfrom U. S. Gulf RegularIndependent Service To HONGKONGmMANILA--AND FAR EAST RegularLiner Service To SINGAPOREmDJAKARTAmBANGKOK PENANG ~r E. S. BINNINGS, INC. Gulf Agents Angel C. Arando, owner’s representative for the Maritime 711 FANNIN, SUITE 906, HOUSTON,TEXAS Companyof the Philippines in NewYork, left, recently visited the Line’s agent in Houston,Captain William Warren,Jr., right, ~r of Ayers Steamship Co., Inc. A tour of the World Trade Club Offices was included in Arando’s Houstonactivities. GALVESTON--NEWORLEANS--DALLAS--MEMPHIS ST LOUIS SERVICE IS RESUMED Nopal Line service from the U. S. Gulf to West Afriea ~r will be resumed in March, announced Oivind Lorentzen, Inc., General Agents for North America and the Caribbean general agents in the U. S. for Nopal. Service will start with BLACK DIAMOND S/S CO., 2 BROADWAY, N. Y. a ship every three weeks covering the range from Dakar to Luanda. Biehl & Company is agent in Gulf ports for Nopal. 24 PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE Three Sailings per JAPANESE PORTS DALTONSTEAMSHIP CORP. Gulf GeneralAgents Cable Address: "Dalship" Offices In Houston ¯ Galveston ¯ Beaumont ¯ Port Arthur ¯ Dallas ¯ New Orleans ¯ Memphis ¯ Mobile W0r,,n,~ar,nerw,, thePort of Houston Helpingdevelop ~ .\~ A newG. & H. Offshore TowingCompany tug, the MANTA, the Houston- wascommissioned in a brief ceremonyrecently. Thelargest ~ i~ tug on the Gulf Coastavailable to the offshore trade, the GulfCoast area I~!~ 3400-horsepowerboat hastwin screwsand measures 118 feet in length. Mrs.E. L. Paysse,wife of the salesmanager, chris- tenedthe boatin Galveston.Watching are, fromthe left, Mrs. J. N. Rayzor,J. N. Rayzor,Captain H. O. Weatherbee,Cecil HOUSTONLIGHTING & POWERCOMPANY Haden,Mrs. Haden,E. L. Paysseand Erie D. Harlan. ShipTL and LTL on the Sea-Land To Market Untouched,Undamaged, Pilterage- Freebecause: A sealedSEA-LAND trailer . becomesa shipping container. goesvia lowwater- wayrates . then completes door-to-doordelivery. SEA-LANDOFFERS TOTAL TRANS- PORTATIONSERVICE: Between New York(Elizabeth, N. J.) and.lackson- ville [] BetweenNew York (Eliza- beth, N. J.) andTexas [] Between NewYork (Elizabeth, N.J.) and LongBeach, Oakland, Portland and Seattle[] BetweenNew York (Eliza. beth, N.J.) andSan Joan, Ponce. Mayaguez[] BetweenBaltimore andSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez [] BetweenJacksonville and San Juan, Ponce,Mayaguez [] BetweenLong Beach,Oakland, Portland and San Juan,Ponce, Mayaguez [] Between Seattle andAnchorage, Kodiak [] FromAnchorage to Kodiak[] From Leon De Pessemier,sub director of the ArmamentDeppe Jacksonvilleto Houston[] From of Antwerp,left, visits with SvendHansen, president of Hansen PuertoRico to Houston. & Tidemannand agentsfor the DeppeLine while on an ex- tendedtour of the UnitedStates discussing Deppe services to SEA-LAND the variousports. SERVICE, INC. AGENTS ELECT OFFICERS Elwood~-. Brent, Texas Transport & Terminal, Inc., Chi- cago, has been elected
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