University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 11-21-1996 Hastings Law News Vol.30 No.3 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.30 No.3" (1996). Hastings Law News. Book 227. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/227 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HASTINGS LAW NEWS ,I ( \ 1'111", 1.'/ /t),)() \ ,,111111( '(), \ulIlfi(f 1 Panel Debates Judges, Drugs and Lawyers: Hastings Student FifthAltorneys General Forum Tackles Controversial Issues Runs For State Senate Peter Truman STAFFWmEIl Republican Rau Takes 66,000 Votes Six former attomeys general spoke DC!. 19 in the Louis B. In addition 10 squaring off MayerLoungefortheflfthsuaight Ivo Labar against a well-financed and year,giving swdents, facully and STAf'FWIImlt politically entrenched opponent, alumni insight into Justice the 27 yeat-{)Id Republican law Department policies and federal In an unconventional job student faced the added obstacle inlerbranchrelations. search, one Hastings student tried of seeking a seat in the Senate The anomey! general who getting himsdfelected to office where a Democmtic majority has aaendcdthefiflhannualAaomeys this fall. dominated for the pasl2S years. General Forum, which was Third-yearCuttis Rau madea Winning a seat in the 40- bid for the third district State ~byC-SPAN.included member state senate is always a NiclolasKatzenbach, who served Semue seat this past election. The district encompasses parts of challenge regardless of political inlheJohnsonUninislmDonfrom affiliation. For a sense of Sonoma.MarinandSanFrancisco 1965-1966, William SlUbe who paspccuve, Seaale president pro oounties.RauranasaRepublican. sen-edunderlheNixonandFord appointees were an "all-star team not 10 criticize libel court, and temp Bill Lockyer (D-Hayward) AlIeI" the VOleS were counted, administrations from 1974-1975, oflibera1leniency,ahaJlofshame certainly public officials have a made campaigned for nine months and Griffm Bell who served under of appointees_" Anolher incident responsibility not 10 Iry 10 coerce Rau a respe<:table showing in theheavily-Democraticdistricl spent nearly 510 million in his Caru:r from 1971-1979, Edwin in New York concerned Judge and intimidate the coun," Meese success{ulre-electioobidthisyear. The incumbent John Burton won Meese who served under Reagan Dehr. Dehr was criticized for said. However, Thornburg noted Stateseruw:nserveNloyeartenns with 71~ of the VOles. Raucame from 1985-1988. Richard suppressing eighty pounds of that"frorntimetotirne,weareall and are paid approximately in second with 24%. While lhornburgh who served the cocaine as illegally seized and for called on to go to Capitol Hill to S70,OOO per year. Libertarian candidate John Harte ReaganandBushadministrations making ill remarks about New seek legislation that would Neither the pay nor prestige Ilailed with 6%. from 1988-1991,andWilliamBarr York's law enforcemenl The overrule certain decisions that attracIedRau."I'vchadsomegood Despite the loss, Rau was who sel"led under Bush from ruling drew the disapproval of judges had made, and that is a experiences in the Republican pJeasedwiththetally."lwonmae 1991-1993. Professor Arthur PresidentClintonandotherplblic form of criticism we indulge in party.Mycandidacywasawayof than 66,000 votes in a district Miller moderated lhc di3cussion. offlCials.JudgeBehrtbenreversed regularly". helping out the Party and staying where only 22% of the voters are Tbepaneldiscussedprominc:nl the decision. Katl:enbach pointed On the attorney genera.l's role a part of the Rau said registered Republican," he said. process." issues such as so<alled "judge outthalthisinfluenceofcrilicism inappointingjudges, Thornburgh Hardly a political neophyte, Rau admitted his campaign bashing," controlling !he drug is why "1eadets should not be saidhewasa''processor,"seeking Rau bas been heavily involved in was a David-and-GoJiath-like problem, and the deteriorating involved in criticizing a judge, those qualified according to statcpoliticsfc.-thepastsixyears. struggle. The incumbent John image of lawyers. strongly, for an opinion he has criteria he had been given Hecwrently state chair Bunon is a veteran of the state serves as The issue of "judge bashing" made."Hefurthernotedthatsuc:h "[Presidentl Bush wanted judges of the Young Republicans, an Democratic political or "scape-judging,W MilICf said, criticism tends to be directed at who were qualified, and would organization he helped found establishment and has served in arose because of Pal Buchanan the result, not the actual law intelpret the law, and not make while he a student at UC both the state assembly and was renwt.s that judges are "little involved. Davis. dicaw:n in black robes" and Bob Congress in a political career that "Ingeneral,lhereshoukibean I«AGFORUM,p.s spans twenty years. '"' ELECTION, p.6 Dole's comment lhaI Clinton's obligation on the auomey general ~~---:::::===~ Hastings Disciplinary Process Makes Waves In This Issue ... NEWS lheseprocedW'Cswouldbeagood position rather than an appointed opinion at a campus function. Glenn E. VOli Tench PICAP. ... 2 idea and no one yet has expressed positioo.Thisraisedthequestion Some questions were raised HPILF Auclion .. .. 4 AoVElllUIN!l MA.'iAOO reservations. Third, the ofwhatstudenlSthepocessshouid regarding the way the burden of Osalme .5 administration has provided more default to if there was a problem proof was set in Student hearings, BarrislCrs' Ball ... 7 TheAssociatedStudenlsoflhe information regarding the with ASUCH elections. Also, since the conduct code seems University of California at selection of hearing commitlee students suggested a process in particularly vague in this area. FEATURES Hastingshavestirredthewaten members. which a student participant on the Additionally,theage-oldquestion Unclassifie<b;. ..... , 12 withtheirchallengelOthestudcnt At Ihe open mike session, committee is required unless the ofwhyHastingsdoesnothavean NyalaCafc .13 disciplinaryproccdures. First,an studenu voiced a number of srudentbeingtriedwaivestheright honor code carne up. While the Leflovcr Salmon .... .. 15 openmi.kesessionwithAsJociate concerns and recommendations 10 a student contribution. deans indicated that all of these Horoscope . 16 Academic Dean Eileen ScalJen thatSca11enandMartinezsaidthey The discussion also addressed coocems were valid, they seemed VIEWPOINT andAcademic DeanLeoMartinez the language of the conduct code unimpressed by the idea of an would take back to the faculty. Public R e sJlOn~ibility 8 was held Ocl 22 SO the deans Some of the requests had to do itself.StudcnlSexpressedconcems honor code. Both indicated that I LRevlc\\ 9 crulddiJcusstheprocedureswith with studentpanicipation on the that the language was 100 broad, the impressions they gathered Hasti ngs Myth .. 9 students. Second, mall students hearingcommitL0e8.ForinslarlCe, and that the administralion could from talking 10 people at other Proposition 209 . II expressing an opinion on the students indicated that they effectively discipline a Sludent matter have said that rewriting thought this should be an elected solely for expressing adissenting 6« CONDUCT CODE, pJ PAGI!.2 Il.U'nNGsLAwNns NOVI!JIMA21,l996 Records Releases Admissions Statistics; PICAP Offers Real DiversityIncreasesforOassofl999 Alternative to OCI about the Jro8IlUIl. Robinson also Current First-Years are Younger Than Last Fall RobBoco said that the committte ''reminds !'HaroEmro. the administration that people are Glenn E, Von Tersch ElIII..l22l ~ counting on this prognun." ADVERTISING MA."IAGER 57 104 Rosen conceded thai the Statistics for the current "'''''Black II 26 Students interested in public nwnbers for qualified appljcants second-yearandflfSt-yearclasses -Hispanic 20 42 interest wert but wonied about generally have been good. ''LasI released by the Records Office Native American 7 4 their loan debt should look into the yeareveryonewhoappliedand was show a trend toward greater All Others 320 31" Hastings Public Interest Career qualified received funding." diversity in entering classes at Tow 41' 492 AssistanceProgram(PtCAP).This However, Rosen alluded that the Hastings. loan rcimbwsement program pays qualifying factors should be Thesestatistics,fortheclasses ~ ElIII..l22l ~ back a percentage of a student's reassessed. 'There are 100 many that entered in the falls of 1995 U"",,21 128 267 annual educ.alional debt payment procedural barriers righl now. I and 1996, respectively, confum 25-29 208 160 Eligibility for the program is based know atlorneys who are on the obse..... ations that the entering 30-34 48 41 on several facton such as wcrting fellowshipsor [ofIkiallyJ wcxbng class is much more ethnically 35-39 12 13 full-time in a goveroment agency part-time who do not receive diverse this year than last year's 40-49 18 8 or a public non-profit agency, funding." Additionally, Rosen class.Thedatashows1essdiversity 50-59 2 holding a position that requires a pointed OUI that "some public in the age of this year's class Over 59 I JD. and a limit on eamings. interesljobs do oot requirea J.D."
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