DOULTING PARISH COUNCIL 209 Minutes of the meeting of Doulting Parish Council held on Thursday 12 th November 2009 at 7.30pm in Doulting Village Hall. PRESENT : Ms P Fidge in the Chair; Mr J Anderson, Mrs R Manship, Mr J Shepherd, Mr A Blaker, Mrs A Crowcombe. In Attendance: Clerk Mrs F White. Mr I Parkman, MDC Environmental Health Officer. 5 members of the public. Apologies were received from Voluntary Footpaths Warden Mr B Newman; the Police; Ward District and County Councillor G Cawood. Declarations of Interests. None. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15 th October 2009 were accepted and signed. PLANNING i. The following Application was considered: Mr M Parsons, Manor Cottage, School Lane, Doulting 2009/1698 TREE;Conservation Area Proposed pruning of trees in a Conservation Area The Clerk apologised for issuing the wrong address initially; notices had been corrected later. Decision: Recommend Approval. ii. Planning Enforcement. 56 Doulting: MDC Solicitor has been instructed to prosecute. MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Members of the public spoke about: i. Hedge cutting at Farm Lane, bus stop, and A361 ii. Footpath from School Lane behind St Aldhelm’s School Speaker Mendip District Council Environmental Health Officer spoke about Dog Control Orders . The Parish Council must formally consult the District Council in order to begin the process. Police – Community Safety Issues of Concern: SPEEDING i. Speeding, Chelynch Road and School approaches; Speeding A361 The Chairman apologised if the Parish Council has in any way appeared to be less than serious about the letter received from a parishioner about speeding, and emphasised that the Parish Council considers this to be a very serious issue. There was a general discussion of recent reports of local speeding problems. ii. Children crossing A361 to School/College Buses Information about School Crossing Patrol was received. Councillors were agreed that: i. The Police do not always appear to take the matter of speeding as seriously as residents do ii. The results so far imply that the current use of SIDs appears to be improving the situation Actions: i. It was agreed to find out the cost of installing a permanent SID (Speed Indicator Device). ii. It was further agreed to seek clarification on the promised installation of a SID on the A361. iii. It was agreed to ask for the installation of a Pelican crossing on the A361; Councillors agreed this is unlikely to be granted but the request may help to raise the profile of the problem. iv. It was agreed to seek more members for the Community Speed Watch Team by advertising in the Parish Magazine and on Notice Boards. A Report from a recent Community Speed Watch Meeting attended by the Clerk was circulated. FINANCE i. The following Payments were proposed and approved: a. J Lees, planting £33 58 b. C Brown, Shepton Mallet Landscapes, grass-cutting + spraying £562.35 c. Mendip Citizens Advice Bureau annual donation: £100 d. Allianz Insurance PLC, additional Premium for Play Equipment £89.58 ii. Quotes for Grass Cutting, Maintenance and Clean-up Contracts. No quotes have been received yet; the list has been sent to 3 local contractors. Mrs Crowcombe reported from a most useful meeting with MDC Street Cleansing Dept., however, they are unlikely to do more than they are already doing. It was agreed to ask MDC if Prestleigh could be put onto the same Maintenance level as Doulting. iii. It was agreed to apply to Somerset Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund for funding towards the cost of the new public Notice Boards. DOULTING PARISH COUNCIL 210 iv. A request was received from Binegar PC to write to the MP about the future of SALSF; it was agreed to write as suggested. iv. Report from SALC Finance Training; actions to be considered: a. Clerk’s Delegated Power for Emergency Expenditure; it was agreed to increase the limit in the Financial Regulations. b. It was agreed to review the Asset Register and Financial Risk Assessment, and to bring the Internal Audit forward during the year. v. The accounts for the half year to 30.09.09 were approved. Arrangements were agreed in preparation for the Budget and Precept process for 2010-11. The Glebeland and Padfield Green i. Annual Inspection, Risk Assessment & Access Audits. All items have been completed except work to the skateboard ramps; it was agreed to contact the manufacturer/installer for their opinion. ii. Boules Court at The Glebeland: Several responses to the Public Consultation had been received and were considered; it was agreed to continue with the Boules Court for the present, making arrangements for it to be kept clear and tidy. iii. Roadside verges at junction of Chelynch Road / Carey Close – report from site meeting. Most of this area belongs to SCC Highways, the Manager is not willing to approve any changes. The strip beside the Glebeland Wall is property of the Parish Council. It was agreed to obtain a quote for providing a level shale or tarmac surface, in the interests of public safety. Mrs Manship declared a Personal Interest as her husband is a potential contractor. iv. To consider condition of Hedge at Padfield Green Play Area The hedge has sprouted up and out, particularly at the A361 end; children are playing behind it, causing damage, and rubbish is accumulating behind it; resulting in a health and safety hazard. Requests were received from parishioners that the hedge should not be removed. After careful consideration the Council agreed to have the hedge cut right back, tidied, and then kept trimmed. Highways and Footpaths i. The following will be reported to SCC Highways for attention: 1. Recent hedge cutting in Farm Lane and down the A361 towards Shepton Mallet: -the top of the "No Parking" notice at the bus stop on the junction has been cut off -large chunks of a thick elder bush near the bus stop were not cut off 2. Please could the two new Grit Bins at Carey Close and Chelynch Park Doulting be filled? ii. The following will be reported to MDC Rights of Way Officer for attention: Signing of Footpath SM7/44 off School Lane, Doulting Doulting i. Sponsorship of the BT Payphone was reviewed; Council was pleased to note there has been a good response from the public on several other issues this month, but no response about the phone box. It was agreed to advertise a further period till the end of the calendar year, after which cancellation of the contract with BT will be considered if no representations have been received. ii. Notice Boards up-date: Permission has been received from the landowner to put the Chelynch board on the wall. Mr Moulding has agreed to replace both boards (Chelynch and Padfield Green). iii. Village Website. It was agreed to ask for a link to be made to the existing Doulting Parish Council page on the MDC Community Website. iv. St Aldhelm’s Well It has not been possible to contact the contractor about the repair work, Mr Lees offered to provide a link number. Correspondence i. MDC Parish Forum 5-8pm Thursday 3 rd December : drop-in session on Rural Housing; members will try to attend before the PC meeting later the same evening. ii. SCC Transport Priorities Consultation was received between meetings; I response has been submitted covering all points put forward by Councillors and by the Parish Council in the past. iii. Information about Somerset Waste Management Strategy Workshops was received. iv. MDC Parish Forum 8 October; a letter was received in response to DPC complaint. Any Other Matters of Report A Nomination to SCC Chairman’s Award 2009 was agreed. Dates of forthcoming Meetings: 3rd December 2009; 14 th January 2010 .
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