Friday, April 5, 1968 Page 16 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS APA Scores Over Potter, Vote For President In Choice '68 VttttC Voting In the National Collegiate Presidential' Pri­ referenda questions. Because the CHOICE '68 ballot ballot are: Fred Halstead (Soc. Worker), Mark O. Hat­ mary, CHOICE '68 at the University Is scheduled was printed several weeks ago, names of candidates field (Rep.), Lyndon B. Johnson (Dem.), Robert F. Ken­ Cops Commissioner sCup for today, tomorrow and Wednesday, April 22, 23 not now running remain listed. nedy (Dem.), Martin L. King (whose name cannot be SUu and 24. The polls will be open from 10-4 p.m. on all Foreign students are asked to punch the "foreign removed from the computer punch card), John V. Lind­ three days in the Campus Center Lobby and 4:30- by Duncan Nixon With Denny Elkln tossing in IB student" box on the ballot and not to punch any party say (Rep.), Eugene J. McCarthy (Dem.), Richard M. 6 p.m., Monday and Wednesday In the dinner lines on preference. This Identification Is for statistical purposes Sports Editor and Bill Moon 11, APA I roUed Nixon (Rep.), Charles H. Percy (Rep.), Ronald W. Rea­ to a decisive 44-35 win in the all four quads. only. gan (Rep.), Nelson A. Rockefeller (Rep.), Harold E. finals of the Commissioner's cup All students enrolled for credit at the University, Stassen (Rep.), George C. Wallace (Am. Indep.) including graduate .professional and part-time students', The CHOICE '68 ballot, composed by the national The ballot is formulated so that first, second and Tournament last Tuesday. committee, Includes a list of 13 candidates for the Albany State's spring sports schedule this year Is The game was a complete re­ are eligible to vote irregardless of student tax pay- third choices for the Presidency will be recorded. The men' • The student activities and validation card presidency and three referendum questions. really quite Impressive. The baseball team Is faced with versal of the League I champion­ first choice will be tabulated for election purposes and will be punched for identification purposes only. The national CHOICE directors, taking note of the the second and third for statistical analysis. a tough eighteen game schedule, but Coach Burllngame's ship game, which Potter won 44- 28. APA played a harassing man Ballots are computer punch cards and squares next comments of major newspapers professionals on stu­ Of the three referendum questions, two deal with crew promises to be one of the most successful nines to man defense, and on offense, to candidate names and proposition choices must be dent participation in the New Hampshire primary, feel the nation's current Involvement In the Vietnam war, In recent years. Third baseman Andy Chrlstlanwas the moved the ball slowly and de­ punched out with a pen, pencil, or another sharp ob­ that "effective, articulate expression of political opin­ and one with the priorities of government spending In ject. The ballots will be tabulated by the Sperry Rand ion by students, combined with their active participation confronting the urban crisis." only starter to graduate, and last year's freshmen In­ liberately, waiting for good shots. This stategy paid off, as APA division of UNIVAC. in the political process, can significantly affect the The University will receive results for this campus clude some fine prospects. With a seven man pitching jumped into an early lead, and outcome of elections and the shape of American poli­ along with a national summary a few days after vot­ staff of Tom Egelston, Cas Galka, George Webb, Rich maintained a 5-9 point lead Write-ins may be made only for first choice Presi­ tics." ing. Results will be announced nationally the first week dential preference. Write-ins cannot be accepted for Candidates for the Presidency placed on the CHOICE in May, on most all of the major television networks. Patrel, Tom Piotrowskl, and sophomores Rich Barde- throughout the first half. Elkln had ten and Moon 7 as APA schewskl, and Rich Spiers, Burllngame has by far the led 23-14 at Intermission. deepest pitching staff In quite some time. Potter closed the gap to three early in the second half, Elkln's The next Hitting was the team's major weakness last year, but quick baskets gave APA a com­ fortable lead that they held the this department will, hopefully, be Improved consider­ rest of the way. George Webb THE ALBANY regular Issue of ably, by the further development of the returnees, and led Potter with 13, while Gary by the addition of sophomores Jim Sandy, Tom Decker, Torino turned in a fine defensive effort for APA. STUDENT the A.S.P. and Steve Flood. Jack Slnnott, last year's leading hit­ In the consolation game Potter ter, returns, as do Denny Elkln, George Webb, Jim Mur- II gained an early lead and main­ PRESS will be on ley and Paul Leonettl. tained It throughout for a 49- 40 win. Potter used Its bench Tht to full advantage, running subs May 3rd The prospects for golf and tennis, the other two var­ in and out, and wearing down sity level sports, are some what uncertain. The golf their opposition. Ken Wilkes led STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Potter with 15, while Dave ASP team has a fine four man nucleus returning. Craig Luth- Wheeler was high man for the or, Brian Hill, Ray McCloat, and BUI Prendergast are Barons with 12. ALBANY,NEW YORK DAY, APRIL 22, 1968 VOL. LIV. NO. 22 all experienced golfers, but after them the team Is APA In Finals Easily lacking In experience and depth. The tennis team has In order to reach the finals Residences Office top returnees in Ron McDermott, and Marty Bergan, APA has to get past the Fly­ ing Jabones, the League IV but the team is pretty thin overall. Change Plans University Strike champs, and Potter II, who had POTTER'S JOE LAREAU HAD A HOT HAND torly in the surprised KB I In the first round After Protests Besides these sports, Albany State will also be com­ second half, but APA's shooting proved to be too much for of the tourney. Rich Spiers dump­ After receiving mass com­ ed in 21 and Bill Moon contri­ plaints from the student body peting in three club sports, two of which are entirely The Club. buted 10 in APA's 64-26 win over Here This Friday new, and one of which Is In its second year. The track over the two new proposed meal the Flying Js, who simply did plans, the Office of Residences and field club, under the direction of coaches R. Keith not have the tire power to handle has announced a new food plan. by Ed Silver day teach-in to be held from a League team. Munsey and Brian Kelly, Is an expansion of last year's "A" Team Edges Siena, Aside from Individual students, p.m. to midnight on Thursda On Sunday APA rolled over A one day strike by University April 25, and 9 a.m. on Frlda track club. Due to a years head start, and some fine the residence office received students and faculty is planned Potter II by a 58-40 count. APA complaints from LAAC and Cen­ The teach-in will feature two da; cross country runners, it looks like the club will be jumped Into an early lead and for this coming Friday, April of lecture, discussion, and cu Team Falls To RPI tral Council. 26. The strike Is part of an strongest In the track events. The 880, the mile and the Albany State's first team scor­ practice, looked like a well-drill­ was never serious challenged. The new proposed plan will be turally oriented actlvlties(fllm. ed team as they jumped into an Spiers had 15, Moon 12, and international action sponsored by poetry reading, etc.). two-mile look especially strong, with cross-country run­ ed a close 57-55 wtn over Siena brought before these two student the Student MobilizationCommlt- B on Wednesday, while the second early lead on the shooting of Jack Jack Slnnott 11 in leading APA's bodies this week for consider­ Participants shall include ners like the Myers brothers, Mike Attwell, Larry Fred­ Slnnott and George Webb, but balanced attack, while John Rog­ tee(SMC). number of Albany and RPI facull team dropped a 63-54 decision ation. At these times students "International Student Strike their shooting cooled off late In ers had a hot hand for Potter, will lie able to make any members as well as a larg erick, and Paul Roy leading the way and once againBasil to RPI B. „ Against the War In Vietnam, In the Albany A team's game, the half and RPI's Chi Phi team tossing In 25, mostly on outside recommendations concerning the number of outside speaker: Morgan should be outstanding In the sprints. Most of came on strong to edge ahead Jumpers. plan. LAAC meets tomorrow • Racial Oppression, and the These Include such natlonall the start was slow and sluggish Draft" Is the official theme of the field events are still unsettled, but it looks like the as neither team could generate 32-31 at the half. Potter reached the finals by night; Central Council will meet known men asDwlghtMacDonalc outscorlng Potter in 51-27, and Thursday evening. the SMC strike call. critic for New Yorker Magazin broad Jump, and the javelin may be strong points. much of a offense. Albany mov­ In the second half Chi Phi Hundreds of academic com* ed to a brief five point lead, but the Barons 49-47.
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