University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-11-1981 Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 06, September 11, 1981 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 06, September 11, 1981" (1981). Central Florida Future. 442. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/442 UC F LIBRAR A HIVES University of Central Florida Volume ilf Friday, September 11, 1981 · No.6 Choir to accept SGfunds hv Kathleen Foronda l"uture staff Robert Burkett, president of the UGF Gospel Choir, said he will accept $500. from the Student Senate that he refused · after its Sept. 1 meeting. Burkett changed his mind after attending a Sept. 3 gospel c.hoir meeting. According to choir public relations officer, Carla Forehand, "He (Burkett) didn't. want the choir's name smeared anymore," sh~ saici. Wound down Mike Brach/Future The 'cl"10ir ·submitted a bill to the ·senate requesting money to purchase Stairs emphasize the long haul from the fourth to first floor of the Engineering Building. new robes. After almost three and one­ half hours of delibera~ion, the Senate passed the bill with amendments. In­ stead of granting the choir's original Students to pay 25 cents for busride request of $2,011.50, the Senate allot­ ~ · ted $250 from SG's Clubs and Organizations account and $500 from hy Dennis Long the first wee.k of school. That's out of a proposal. the Senate Working Fund. According Future staff total of 905 riders,"Perez said. The new expiration date for the bus to Burkett, the $250 is automatically line is not knpwn yet. According to guaranteed to any campus club. UCF students who previously· rode Student Government paid $9,000 in Murrell Syler, Director of the Division the East Orange Express pusline for March to help subsidize the program of Community Services for Orang~ During the Senate's debates, there free will now have to pay 25 cents a which cost the county $30,000. SC County, the bus line has not officiaily were. suggestions that the Black Stu­ ride after Sept.. 30. wil.l no longer be paying that subsjdy, been extended beyond Sept. 30, pen­ dent Union give a certain amount of ·The bus line, a pilot program of the so students will have to pay their own ding the approv.al of funds fr!)m the money to the choir. Orange County Commission. was due fares. Federal .Highway Administration. to expire Sept. 30, but because of high Burkett said the threat of mandating ridership, the program has been ex­ Perez said SC is disc.ussing a dis­ Asked if the funds would be approv­ how an organization should spend its tended, according to Student Body count ticket program similiar to the ed, Syler said,"Every inquiry we make money, accusations of racism by Vice. President Ti co Perez. , East-West Expressway d iscou,nt indicates we will receive a favorable senators and bill supporters and the. "We had 350 students ride the bus tickets, but has not yet acted on the disposition." fact that the bill had been under discussion in committee and in two Senate .meetings Aug. 5 and Sept. 1 were the main reasons why he original­ 280' sign up for forgiveness policy ly refused the $500 for the choir. Burkett later decided to accept the by Jim Burgess tion) for each course to be completed. needs to be sigi:ied by the department lessor allocation to settle the issue. Forehand said that the Senate had Future staff This form must be completed before chairman or designate of the depart­ registration, so any students wishing to· ment offering the course. This reviewed the bill last summer. Choir treasurer Gwen Mason said: "I feel Approximately 280 students took ad­ take advantage of the policy must now signature may be withheld until the like we (the choir) got· dragged around vantage of the .new grade forgiveness wait until next registration. add/drop period if a space problem ex­ all summer long." .Mason explained policy for the .fall semester. ists. According to Dr. Charles Micarelli, A copy of th~ · co~pleted form ·must Choir,page 4 dean of undergraduate studies, be returned to the Office of Records students were well informed before and Registration by the end of the first ------inside---.._;____ _ registration about the policy. working day followiAg add/drop. Ten thousand copies concerning the policy were made and sent to all col­ Only two courses can be repeated leges, advisors and were posted at under the grade forgiveness policy, and registration," Micarelli said. "There· each course only once. Any courses F·oOtball were also articles printeq in the Future previously taken can be repeated if and the UCF Report." never repeated before. Fever! During the summer quarter, Dr. L<"'slie Ellis, university provost, approv­ All grades will remain on the A bPhind-the-scn1es look at UC.t ed the policy which is the first at UCF students transcript. The original grade foothall_ bP_fore tomorrow's season since l 977. According to the policy. will be annotated with a "T'' to in­ 01u1 11er hPgins on page !:J. undergraduate students will be able to dicate ·.that the course has been r<'peat a course and have 'the repeated repc~ ated, and the la~t attempt is an­ grade computed in their GPA in place notated with irn "R... The original of the original grade. grade wil I not he rnmputed in the Ariy undergraduate student who grade point average. wishes to implement grade forgivenes. must fi~st complete a "Grade Since repeat courst'S should be taken Forgi eness Request Form" (available on a "spa('e available" basis .only, the in thl' OHic<' of R<'('()rds and Rrgistrn- Crade Forgi\'Prl<'ss Heq11t>st .Form Page2 Future-September 11, 19 8 1 ----~--------------~----~~--;;_,,~~--~ Azeem Hairstyling The Scientific Approach to a Total Look At A Glance for Men and Women .. .Includes Hair Analysis OPEN WEA~EHERE Events 9-:5 Tues.-Sat. The United Faculty of Florida is having a legislative reception today from Thurs. eve. ..w ~ "' 3 to 5 p.m. in the President's Dining Room. All are invited. by appt. only CURRY FORD. ROAD .... Cf' "' > ... • l~terested business majors are !lsked to attend the Ifelta Sigma Pi meeting today at 7:30 p.m. Student Union Building Room 143. For more informa­ 7213 Curry Ford Rd. tion call X-2153 or Ivan Trabal at 282-4853. Orlando @REDKEN® ••• 273-1313 There will be an organizational meeting to form a club for divorced peo­ ple and single parents on Sept. 17 in the Administration B_uilding Room 282 from 12 to. 1 p.m, Bring a brown bag lunch. I , ••• UCF's Surfing Club meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. in the Student Organizations Lounge. Those interested in joining are invited to attend. The club competes in a contest tomorrow at Playalinda Beach, · ramp 12, 7:30. a.m. • •• The Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society and UCF' s college of engineering is offering courses for parts I and II of the • state's Professional Engineer exam. \ Course studies cover engineering fundamentals and principles of prac­ tice. Classes will meet on Mondays, beginning Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. in the ' engineering building. The exam is given in October and April. Interested perso~s should call Dr. J. Paul Hartman ~ (305) 275-2 i'56 People Two Orlando students, Susan Marie Houchens llnd Edwin Z. Rodriquez, are among six UCF freshmen to be awarded President's Scholar­ ships for the fall term. Houchenf _graduated from Edgewater High School and plans to maj9r in · computer science. Rodriquez graduated from Oak Ridge High School and also plans on ma­ joring in computer science. The UCF President's Scholarship program is a four-year award pro­ viding $450 in each of the spring and fall semesters. Eligible students must •be enrolled full-time and maintain at least a 3.5 GPA . ••• Dr. Beth Barnes has been appointed assistant dean of Undergraduate · Studies. Barnes is a former director of freshman composition at UCF and a member of the State Level Essential Academic Skills Task Force." She recently received her doctorate at the Univer~ity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, based upon her work in satin· , thr R<'storation, and 18th Century British literature. · Off ICE SUPPLIES SUPPUES~:Baggett's #\ff CE One Two Fingers®Dorm Shi~t .STATIONERS & GIFTS Yours for S695 It'll cover you up. It'll keep you warm. Besides, it says you have good taste when it comes to Tequila. Two Fingers. Order one up ... the Tequila and the Dorm Shirt. Just fill out the coupon below and send along $6.95 for each shirt. The rest is up to you. Send check or money order to: Two Fingers Tequila Merchandise Offer P.O. Box 02609, Detroit, MI 48202 Please send me __ Dorm Shirt(s). I have enclosed $6.95 for each Dorm Shirt ordered. Specify women's size(s): D Small D Medium D Large D Extra Large Name I Welcome To The Address City Wonderful World State Zip Of No purchase required.
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