8172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 May 15, 2006 third of five children. His father died Dodger Stadium, doused an American Flag Whereas the CCD is widely used in tech- when he was young and he grew up with lighter fluid, and attempted to set the nology, including digital cameras, video re- mostly on a farm. His hunting skills in Flag on fire; corders, space-based telescopes, satellites, his youth provided much of the food for Whereas, once Rick Monday recognized and medical imaging devices; that those individuals were about to publicly Whereas Willard S. Boyle of Halifax, Nova his family and formed the basis of a desecrate the American Flag, he quickly ran Scotia, and George E. Smith of New Bar- great military career. towards those individuals and grabbed the negat, New Jersey, have advanced society Ernest Childers enlisted in the Okla- American Flag from them just as they were through their development of the CCD while homa National Guard in 1937 while at- attempting to place a lit match on to the working at the Murray Hill, New Jersey, Bell tending the Chilocco Indian School in Flag; Labs site in 1969; and north-central Oklahoma. He then went Whereas the patriotic act of Rick Monday Whereas Mr. Boyle and Mr. Smith have to Fort Sill in Lawton, OK, for basic to rescue the American Flag inspired— been awarded the 2006 Charles Stark Draper training before being deployed to Afri- (1) the crowd at Dodger Stadium to stand Prize by the National Academy of Engineer- in ovation and spontaneously begin singing ing and inducted into the Nation Inventors ca in World War II. On September 22, ‘‘God Bless America’’; 1943, despite a broken instep that Hall of Fame for their invention; Now, there- (2) millions of citizens throughout the fore, be it forced him to crawl, 2nd Lieutenant United States, especially those citizens who Resolved, That the Senate commemorates Childers advanced against enemy ma- were serving or had served in the Armed the development of the charge-coupled de- Forces; and chine gun nests in Oliveto, Italy, kill- vice. ing two snipers and capturing an (3) citizens of the United States who today continue look to the Flag as a symbol of lib- f enemy mortar observer in the process. erty and justice; SENATE RESOLUTION 479—SUP- His actions were instrumental in help- Whereas Rick Monday, after reflecting on ing the Americans win the Battle of his act of rescuing the American Flag, said: PORTING THE GOALS AND IDEAS Oliveto and won him the Congressional ‘‘That flag represents all the rights and free- OF A CHILD CARE WORTHY Medal of Honor. He continued his ca- doms that we have in this country. If you WAGE DAY reer in the Army earning several other desecrate the flag, you desecrate the efforts Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. military awards including the Combat of all the people who fought and died to pro- tect those rights and freedoms.’’; LAUTENBERG, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mrs. Infantry Badge, Europe and Africa Whereas the Major League Baseball Hall of BOXER, Mr. KERRY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. Campaign Medals, The Purple Heart, Fame recognizes the actions taken by Rick BINGAMAN, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. INOUYE, The Bronze Star, and the Oklahoma Monday when he saved the American Flag as and Mr. DODD) submitted the following Distinguished Service Cross. He retired 1 of the 100 Classic Moments in the history of resolution; which was considered and from the Army in August of 1965 as a baseball; agreed to: Whereas Rick Monday served the United Lieutenant Colonel in Oklahoma’s 45th S. RES. 479 States honorably and courageously in the Infantry Division. Whereas approximately 13,000,0000 children Ernest Childers passed away on Marine Corps Reserve for over 6 years; Whereas Rick Monday was a 2-time Major are in nonparental care during part or all of March 17, 2005 and was Oklahoma’s last League Baseball All-Star during his distin- the day while their parents work; Congressional Medal of Honor winner guished, 19-year career; and Whereas the early care and education in- still living in the state. He was an hon- Whereas April 25, 2006, marked the 30th an- dustry employs more than 2,000,000 workers; ored guest of many Presidential Inau- niversary of the date that Rick Monday Whereas these workers indirectly add gurations and as a Creek Indian, was saved the American Flag from being dese- $580,000,000,000 to the economy by enabling named Oklahoma’s Most Outstanding crated: Now, therefore, be it millions of parents to perform their own Resolved, That the Senate— jobs; Indian by the Tulsa Chapter of the (1) commemorates the 30th anniversary of Whereas the average salary of early care Council of American Indians in 1966. He the date that Rick Monday heroically res- and education workers is $18,060 per year, once said ‘‘The American Indian has cued the American Flag from being dese- and only 1⁄3 have health insurance and even only one country to defend, and when crated; fewer have a pension plan; you’re picked on, the American Indian (2) recognizes Rick Monday for— Whereas the quality of early care and edu- never turns his back.’’ Mr. President, I (A) his courage and patriotism; cation programs is directly linked to the am proud and believe it is only appro- (B) upholding the noble ideals and free- quality of early childhood educators; doms represented by the American Flag; and priate to introduce a bill to rename the Whereas the turnover rate of early child- (C) honoring the men and women whose hood program staff is roughly 30 percent per Department of Veterans Affairs’ Out- sacrifices have protected those ideals and year, and low wages and lack of benefits, patient Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the freedoms; among other factors, make it difficult to re- Ernest Childers Department of Vet- (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of tain high quality educators who have the erans Affairs Outpatient Clinic to the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of consistent, caring relationships with young honor the enduring legacy of a true this resolution to— children that are important to children’s de- hero and fine soldier. (A) Rick Monday; velopment; (B) the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Whereas the compensation of early child- f Museum in Cooperstown, New York; hood program staff should be commensurate SUBMITTED RESOLUTONS (C) the Commissioner of Major League with the importance of the job of helping the Baseball, Bud Selig; young children of the Nation develop their (D) the owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers social, emotional, physical, and intellectual SENATE RESOLUTION 477—COM- owner, Frank McCourt; and skills, and be ready for school; MEMORATING THE 30TH ANNI- (E) the owner of the Chicago Cubs, the Whereas providing adequate compensation Tribune Company. VERSARY OF THE DATE THAT to early childhood program staff should be a RICK MONDAY HEROICALLY RES- f priority, and resources may be allocated to improve the compensation of early childhood CUED THE AMERICAN FLAG SENATE RESOLUTION 478—COM- educators to ensure that quality care and FROM BEING DESECRATED AND MEMORATING THE DEVELOP- education are accessible to all families; RECOGNIZING RICK MONDAY FOR MENT OF THE CHARGE-COUPLED Whereas additional training and education HIS COURAGE AND PATRIOTISM DEVICE for the child care workforce is critical to en- Mr. LOTT submitted the following Mr. LAUTENBURG submitted the suring high-quality early learning environ- resolution; which was considered and following resolution; which was consid- ments, and whereas child care workers should receive compensation commensurate agreed to: ered and agreed to: with such training and experience; and S. RES. 477 S. RES. 478 Whereas the Center for the Child Care Whereas, on April 25, 1976, Rick Monday Whereas charge-coupled device (commonly Workforce, A Project of the American Fed- played centerfield for the Chicago Cubs in a referred to as ‘‘CCD’’) technology revolution- eration of Teachers Educational Foundation game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at ized imaging equipment and has signifi- and other early childhood organizations rec- Dodger Stadium; cantly affected society by improving quality ognized May 1 as National Child Care Worthy Whereas, during the 4th inning of that of life and the technological capabilities of Wage Day: Now, therefore, be it game, 2 individuals ran onto the outfield of everyday tools and equipment; Resolved, That the Senate— VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:41 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR15MY06.DAT BR15MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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