ANNUAL PLAN PROPOSALS 1 9 8 3 - ’ 8 4 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA TRIVANDRUM NOVEMBER 1982 VOLUM E II ANNUAL PLAN PROPOSALS 1983-84 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA TRIVANDRUM NOVEMBER 1982 NIEPA DC VOLUME—!l D00821 K ttN IBD BY THE S .G ,P . AT THE GOIHEKNMENT PRESff, WVANDBUflf, WSS. CONTENTS V o lu m e I P ages P a r t I Mid-term Review of State Plan 1— 12 P a r t II Annual Plan Proposals 1983-84 (i) Summary Statements of Plan Outlays and Expenditure—GN I 13— 15 (ii) Sectoral Programmes—Scheme-wise Outlays and Expenditure—GN II 19—60 V o lu m e II P a r t III Sectoral Programme—Details of Schemes I. Agriculture and Allied Services 1.1 Agriculture 61—67 1.2 Land Reforms 68 1.3 Minor Irrigation 69 1.4 Soil and W ater Conservation 70—71 1. S Special Area Programme for Rural Development 72 Command Area Development 72 1.6 Animal Husbandry 73— 74 1.7 Dairy Development 75— 76 1.8 Fisheries 77—78 1.9 Forests 79 1.10 Investments in Agricultural Financial Institutions 80 1.11 Gommimity Development and Panchayats 81 II. Ck-operation 85—87 H I. Irrigation^ Flood Control and Anti-sea Erosion and Power 3.1 Major and Medium Irrigation 91—92 3.2 Flood Control and Anti-sea Erosion 93 3.3 Power Development 94—95 IV . Industry and Minerals 4.1 Village and Small Industries 99— 105 4.2 Large and Medium Industries 106--*108 4.3 Mining 109 V. Transport and Communications 5.1 Ports, Light Houses and Shipping 113— 114 5.2 Roads and Bridges 115— 116 5.3 Road Transport 117 5.4 Water Transport 118 5.5 Tourism 119 u VI. Social and Community Services Pages 6.1 General Education 123--129 6.2 Art and Culture 129 130 6.3 Technical Education 131--133 6.4 Scientific Services and Research 134 135 6.5 Health 136--140 6.6 Sewerage and Water Supply • • 141--143 6.7 Housing ■ • 144--146 6.8 Urban Development • • 147 6.9 Information and Publicity 148 6.10 Labour and Labour Welfare • • 149— 150 6.11 Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled^Tribes and Other Backward Classes • • 151--154 6.12 Social Welfare • • 155--156 6.13 Nutrition • • 157--158 VII. Economic Services 7.1 General Economic Services 161--162 7.2 Economic Advice and Statistics 163 7.3 Other General Economic Services •• 164 V III. General Services 8.1 Stationery and Printing ,, 167 8.2 Public Works 168 Part IV Statements 1. GN—3 Targets of Production and Physical Achievements 173--183 2. GN—4 Minimum Needs Programme—Outlay and Expenditure. ,, 184--187 3. GN—5 Minimum Needs Programme- -Targets and Physical Achievements— Physical Programmes 188--189 4. GN—6 Centrally Sponsored Schemes -Outlays 190 197 5. T.S.P.- -1 Tribal Sub-Plan—Outlays 198 199 6. T.S.P.—2 Tribal Sub-Plan—Targets and Achievement 200 7. E.M.P.—1 Employment Statement—Employment Content of Sectoral Programmes— Outlays and Expenditure 201 8. E.M.P.—2 Employment Statement—Target and Achievement 202 9. S.C.P.—1 Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes—Outlays 203--204 10. S.C.P.—2 Special Component Plan—Physical Targets 205 11. T.P.P.—1 20 Point Programme—Outlays and Expenditure 206--207 12. T.P.P.—2 20 Point Programme—Physical Targets and Achievements 208- -209 13. D.P.—1 District Plans^—Outlay and Diseggregated Outlay for Districts 211 14. D.P.—2 District Plans—District-wise Outlays of District Sector Programmes 212--221 15. D.P.—3 District Plans—Physical Performance ,, 221 16. P.S.U.—1 Public Sector Undertakings—Basic Data ., 222--236 PART III AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SERVICES SECTORAL PROGRAME—DETAILS OF SCHEMES 1. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SERVICES 1.1. Agriculture The outlay proposed is for meeting expenditure on staff, training, purchase of vehicles and equip­ 1. (a) Research and Education ment, construction of quarters-cum-office, and all (Outlay Rs. 250.00 lakhs) other expenditures incidental and supplementary to implementing Kerala Agricultural Extension Project Resiarck throughout the state; and also for meeting pay and Shifting of emphasis from single crojD oriented allowances of staff attached to the Planning Cell, reseirch to a multi disciplinary system oriented research Proforma Accounts and Administrative Assistant. and inteniification of research activities will include pi’ojracimes to work out viable crop-livestock -poultry Multiplication and Distribution o f Seeds fishsys:em? to suit different farming situations aimed at ligher net profit par uiiit area and unit time, 3. Production and distribution o f quality Seeds idertifi'ation of location spscific problems and conduct­ ing researcfi for solving such problems, starting of a (Outlay Rs. 33.00 lakhs) new Regional Research Station for high-ranges at Under this scheme the High Yielding Variety Am)al£vay.d, intensification of multi disciplinary studies Paddy seed multiplication and distribution is contem­ on Gooiiut root (wilt) disease, developing technologies plated; suitible for drier regions of the state, intensification ofr«eaich rtn Dairy Technology and Meat Technology, (a) through Registered Seed Growers, and and ar. operational research project for scientific (b) through State Paddy Seed Farms under the cultvaUon (»f pepper. Department of Agriculture I^duaticn The quality of the seeds procured from registered seed growers and produced in the Departmental Seed Apart from streamlining the ongoing education Farms has to be ensured as the standard quality as per progammci the Kerala Agricultural University intends norms laid down in the Seed Act and declared so to organi'.!: separate departments for Home Science before distribution to farmers. For this a quality and Plant I’hysiology. It is also proposed to provide control laboratory for seed testing is being maintained. infr.stnictural facilities, staff etc., for the College of Fisleries shifted to its permanent location at Panangad The outlay is for giving incentives to registered (Cohin). Advditional hostel and class room facilities growers, marketing, improving infrastructural facilities are to be provided to accommodate the increased ad- in State Seed Fanm and Kayamkulam Kayal Farm, laision strength of the faculty of Veterinary and Animal construtcion of a Seed Testing Laboratory, quality Scieicffl. Strengthening of the newly established control works etc. It also includes expenditure on Deiartinent of Co-operation to develop it into a full staff, ec{uipment etc., and incentives to cultivators. fli^djed Department of Co-operation and Rural Organi- Co-operative Agencies and other Agencies dealing satiai is also envisaged. with improved seeds, and subsidised sale of paddy seeds procured from seed grow'ers or purchased from EKtosion Educatioji National Seed Corporation and other National Organi­ Besides continuing the correspondence courses sations, and other contingencies connected with this stcirftd on “Rice cultivation”, “Coconut Cultivation” programme, and “F^rolitable Poultry Farming” new courses on “Fetilizer application”, “Nutrition Garden” etc., will 4. Agricultural Farms alsobe started during 1983-84. The I. C. A. R. has sancioned a Krishi Vigjan Kendra (KVK) at Pattambi. (Ouday Rs. 10.00 lakhs) ’FheKerala Agricultural University proposes to set up In order to meet the increasing demands for quality a sifiilar K .V . K. forthe tribals at Ambalavayal. The planting materials ol horticultural and other perennial shot and mid term insei'vice training programmes crops for the massive rehabilitation, replanting and benfitiag the various departments in the agricultural fresh planting programmes implemented, it is necessary sect-r and Officers of the Bank, and other training to strengthen the infrastructural facilities of the District prorammfis for the farmers and rural women, youth Agricultural Farms and other departmental farms. and tribals conducted by the Kerala Agricultural Development of the Farm site selected for Idukki Uniersity will be continued. The University will district and starting new Farms in Trichur and Wynad alsosupport the T and V programme by providing Districts are also contemplated. regiar tiaining to the Subject Matter Specialists andcondvicting monthly workshops etc. 5. Manures and Fertilizers {b) Crop Hi&sbandry 2. direction and Administration (Ouday Rs. 22.00 lakhs) (Outlay Rs. 231.29 lakhs) Procurement and distribution of green manure The provision is meant mainly for implementation seeds at subsidised cost to rice and coconut growers, of th Wcrl I Bank assisted Kerala Agricultural Exten­ providing soil testing service to the fanners thiougli sion Pi‘oJ;rt (K.A.E.P.). The programme currendy the 10 stationary and 2 mobile soil testing laboratories, innp;mented in thre^ districts of Trivandrum, Qiiilon equipping the Soil Testing Laboratory sanctioned audAlleppey will be extead^H throughout the state. for Idukki District and starting new Soil Testing Laboratories in Wynad and Pathanamthitta Districts, 9. Operational Research for Integrated Pest Control establishing 5 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories, s upply of soil ameliorants at subsidised rate to paddy, (Outlay Rs. 2.00 Jakhis) coconut, groundnut and pulses growers, continuance of the Fertilizer Control Laboratories in Pattambi and (Operational research project for integrated pest Trivandrum and Pesticide Testing Laboratory in control is a joint venture of the Department of Agiri- Trivandrum and to have a separate set of staff in all culture and Kerala Agricultural University with assiis- districts for enforcing the provisions of Fertilizer tance from the I. C. A. R. The programme hias Control Order and Insecticides Act, 1968 to ensure administrative approval by Government of Indiia quality control, etc., are the programmes envisaged till 1984-85. The outlay is for meeting expendituire under this scheme. on staff, adaptive research trials, cost of chemicals ettc. Plant Protection Commercial Crops 6. Control of Brcun Plant Htpfer in Endemic Areas 10. Pulses Development {State share) (Outlay Rs.
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