0MPH1 eeaaswa LEDGER UP and ENTRIES mwwm UeitiK a Collection of Various Topics of Local and FORTY-NINTH YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 23, 1941 No. 24 General Intereat AFTER WAR, DEPRESSION 5o. Boston Resident TV/TANY PEOPLE FEEL It almost B.ofT. Conducts Is Laid to Rest Opportunity For certain that there will be a bad Industrial slump after the war Elmer E. Marshall. 55. well known and after the defense program of South Boston resident, was laid toj TO. ! the United States has been com- Lively Meeting rest Wednesday afternoon In Green- Our Young Men pleted. They can't see how millions wood cemetery. Grand Rapids, fol-j of people now employed In the de- lowing funeral services- which were fense Industries are going to find Timely Subjects Come held in the Roth Chapel here with 1 work. Up for Discussion Jim Fahrnl has moved his barber Grace Walker reading. Mr. Mar-j In U. S. Navy After the war there will be a shop to the Masonic Block, four I LOWELL shall passed away at his home 1p i big demand for goods from those The October meeting of the Low- doorf east of the City Hall. Boston-tp. on Sunday following a|AmbltlOUS YoUIIK Men unable '.o buy now because the de- From long Illness. - _ , By K. K. Vinlng ell Board of Trade held Monday Glendon and Kathryn fense Industries are getting the ma-!evening at the City Hall proved to A building permit was granted I Mr. Marshall had been active in Call Get to the Top to Ralph Townsend at the Council Swarthout terlals. The man who could not buy i be an Interesting affair. The meet- Written especially for the community taking a great in-j Willi Iti* Pov Tulip Bulb Industry a car owing to reduction In auto- ing opened with singing, among meeting Monday evening to erect a| terest in the grange work and farm mill Dig l a> two-story house on North Hudson; reuders of the meetings. He was respecte.l by .. When one thinks of tulips It la mobile production, will be ready to [the selections was the Board of Lowell Ledger th buy that machine. People who Trade song written by S. P. Hicks street. many neighbors and friend. " * of Secretary of generally In connection with Hol- couldn't build houses because prl-|over 25 years ago. Mart Simpson, Surviving are the widow. Edna: ^ ^ G-.Je"er,e? an^ land's Tulip Festival or bright bor- Jeff le8 of ders of this flower In the early orltlcs had taken materials needed,a member of the first quartette that The removal of the so-called bot- [one son. Edwin; two dnughters. u " Jhe Lowell |Lcd cr havc bc n made spring. for defense, will be staking out sang this song rendered the flrat tleneck from the south side of the Eudora at home and Mrs. Arthur » ? Navy Edi- or8, to e Did you know that tulip growing their home lots; So long as the verse Joined by Wes Roth. George new bridge and the straightening of We're Off For South America! 1 Johnson of Detroit; nls parents.j' ^ 'P the Navy in giving people who have work keep spend- the sidewalk by the state highway : Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Marshall of ambitious local young men Informa- may become an industry in our Pappln and W. W. Qumser. The (Editor's note: Mr. and Mrs. Glen- Where would we have to go? What Taylorville. III.; two brothers. John t,on about the opportunities the upper peninsula? A corporation has ing their money, there will be Jobs members who belonged to the Board department Is a 100 r" cent Im- to keep all these people busy. provement for Main Street. don F. Swarthout of Lowell left Oct would we have to do? and Alpha of Taylorville one pis- "Two-Ocean" Navy offers them for been formed up there to grow the of Trade In 1908 Including Frank 10th for Havana. Cuba, via Miami, Well, our Itinerary would be de- ter. Mrs. Leslie Kramer of Palmer, technical training and advancement bulbs. Iney are planting four or That doe» not mean that people CoonBi William Doyle. John Arehart, Florida. This first article Is in- should spend all their money and Henry. R. E. A petition submitted to the termined by what our readers would III. as they serve their country In its five acres In two or three different |Harold Weeke8i M N- tended as an introduction to the wan. to see and do. The people we not save any more If no i Springett, Dr. F. E. WhJte and F. J. Council Monday evening from resi- The sympathy of all Is extended emergency. places. The Michigan State College monC hat dents on Lafayette street to have ensuing series on Central and South knew would drive down through to the bereaved members of the According to an announcement!experiment station at Chatham has in S i^„eo5mf^ i0!, V |McMahon then Joined with the en- America which will appear In this can be loaned for house construc-L. 0f^. fho a street light Installed on the cor- Kentucky and Tennessee across family. made public In Washington, a a planting of five or six acres and tlon, for plant enlargement, and,tire member8hlP ln 8'n^nK the ner of Lafayette and Marsac streets paper weekly for one year.) Geoi'/la to Miami, Florida. Then It limited number of additional men has made experimental plantings general business will be limited. 80ng was referred to the light and water Introduction would be tramp steamer or banana D Fletrk fid between the ages of 17 and 50 will in other localities. It is hoped the Enough money needs to be saved A clarinet quartette from the high committee. boat to the glittering green Islands W. U. neicner, 04 be given a chance, by enlistment In U. P. may become a real tulip Do you mind If we Introduce our- the to finance the Industries. school, Dolores Dolloway, Roberta of the Caribbean, Including French I r,'.A Navy or Naval Reserve, to get bulb producing region. Hahn, Barbara Thome and Marilyn selves? The main thing will be to stop Over 22.0^0.000 people will have tc and English possessions, still as Laid to Kesl Here to the top. with big pay. In Jobs — Kyser played several musical num- When you think how Intimate excessive speculation. The depres- make out federal returns of Income sleepy as they were one hundred Funeral services were held in ^ by 'heir aptitude and as a Called to Army Service sion of 1929 was caused mainly by bers. next year under the new law. and we're going to be for a year....how years ago— but tremendously more t poor Judgment, when people bid President Gumser then took over over 13.000.000 of them will have to far we're going together... .of all Important to our nation today! Th b r 1,n d, 0t prices of securities and real estate the meeting and Introduced the pay taxes to the federal government, the things we'll see together.... Hasn't every one of us wondered "r" W"I"D wh^ZS' ^>v« amoi L ' T' ^ ^, ,' , , h up to high levels. Then when people committee chairmen to report on many of them for the first tlma. well— what it would be like to live on an for nearly six years, will be sorry We certainly should be Intro- attack which he suffered while These include such callings as got scared and demanded payment their summer activity and their Some people will tear their hair In Island paradise for a while and aviation machinist, dental technl- to hear that he has been called of loans. It became neceasary to plans for the fall. Henry Weaver. the endeavor to make a correct duced. beachcomb? We'd do that too. and 1 : ce hvlnK he,d rMem vice president, reported on the work.,.5^0 There are quite a few of you In fell property at great sacrifices. those back In Michigan could i_. p , / cnclalrt and' tMhnlclan. electrician, welder. 1 That led to countless bankrupt- of the board of directors: Bruce Lowell. But there are Just two of beachcomb with us. Shelden qu nc r . storekeeoer and hnkpf? f--r r —-'He 13 located at ' Fort Knox. Ken- us—Just two of us to go eighteen a, de 0akW00d ceme h& cies and almost wrecked business. Walter toid of plans for his com- Every young man should Investl- Next stop would be South Amer- !^ T™r ^ - men may also qualify for commis- ^ ! ^ The taxes to come after the war mittee to advertise the village as a •'ate tne opportunities offered by thousand miles on two suitcases ica—Brazil, the Amazon, Argentina. tery,Arv , TLowell^von . sions as officers 34th Armored Regiment (LK This will be so heavy that such specu- residential town, and to make ef- the U. S. Navy In the recruiting and a portable typewriter! We'd live only In small towns, re- Mr. Fletcher was born near Lowell a k r m e nt nd a Beginning this week, the Navy' * * . ? 1 /^ | 1 * '' fort to welcome newcomers; T. nampa'gn now underway In Mich- We might be the young couple on September 26. 1877 the son of u nit Inc id en lation will be discouraged. The fuse to be Just "tourists," come to plans for a limited time to accept t ' K f ^ '>' they have right around the corner from you, Mr.
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