
SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA lACTA ZOOLOGICA FENNICA 144 Miguel Crusafont Pair6 and Bjorn Kurten: Bears and Bear-Dogs from the Vallesian of the Valles-Penedes Basin, Spain Helstngl Yllopl ton et Aki.das o HELSINKI-HELSINGFORS 1976 ACTA ZOOLOGICA FENNICA 1-45 vide Acta Zoologica Fennica 45-50. 46-59 vide Acta Zoologica Fennica 60-93. 60-99 vide Acta Zoologica Fennica 100-125. 100. MARrA REuTER: Untersuchungen iiber Rassenbildung bei Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela). 32 S. (1961). 101. MARrA REuTER: Index Generalis Seriei Acta Zoologica Fennica 51-100 (194&-- 1961). 63 s. (1964). 102. WALTER HAcKMAN: Studies on the dipterous fauna in burrows of voles (Microtus, Oethrionomys) in Finland. 64 pp. (1963). 103. A. M. ]. EvERS: Dber die Entstehung der Excitatoren und deren Bedeutung fiir die Evolution der Malachiidae (Col.). 24 S. (1963). 104. ]oHAN REUTER: The international concentration in some hypotrichous Ciliates and its dependence on the external concentration. 94 pp. (1963). 105. GoRAN BERGMAN and KAr Ono DoNNER: An analysis of the spring migration of the Common Scoter and the Long-tailed Duck in southern Finland. 59 pp. (1964). 106. HENRrK OsTERHOLM: The significance of distance receptors in the feeding behaviour of the Fox, Vulpes vulpes L. 31 pp. (1964). 107. BJORN KuRTEN: The Carnivora of the Palestine caves. 74 pp. (1965). 108. BJORN KuRTEN: The evolution of the Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus Phipps. 30 pp. (1964). 109. FRANK S. ToMPA: Factors determining the numbers of song sparrows, Melospiza melodia (Wilson), on Mandarte Island, B. C., Canada. 73 pp. (1964). 110. PoNTUS PALMGREN: Die Spinnenfauna der Gegend von Kilpisjiirvi in Lappland. 70 s. (1965). 111. BJ6RN KURTEN: On the evolution of the European Wild Cat, Felis silvestris Schreber. 29 pp. (1965). 112. PAuL KRi.iGER: Dber die Einwirkung der Temperatur auf das Brutgeschaft und das Eierlegen des Rebhuhnes (Perdix perdix 1.) 64 S. (1965). 113. SAMUEL PANELIUS: A revision of the European gall midges of the subfamily Porricondylinae (Diptera: Itonididae). 157 pp. (1965). 114. Bo-]uNGAR P. WrKGREN: The effect of temperature on the cell division cycle in Diphyllobothrid plerocercoids. 27 pp. (1966). 115. BJORN KuRrtN: Pleistocene bears of North America. 1. Genus Tremarctos, spec­ tacled bears. 120 pp. (1966). 116. ToR G. KARLING: On nematocysts and similar structures in Turbellarians. 28 pp. (1966). 117. BJORN KuRTEN: Pleistocene bears of North America. 2. Genus Arctodus, short­ faced bears. 60 pp. (1967). 118. FRANK S. ToMPA: Reproductive success in relation to breeding density in pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas). 28 pp. (1967). 119. ANN-MARIE FoRSTEN: Revision of the Palearctic Hipparion. 134 pp. (1968). 120. CHARLES HrGHAM: Size trends in prehistoric European domestic fauna, and the problem of local domestication. 21 pp. (1968). 121. ANrTA RosENGREN: Experiments in colour discrimination in dogs. 19 pp. (1969). 122. ToM REuTER: Visual pigments and ganglion cell activity in the retinae of tad­ poles and adult frogs (Rana temporaria L.). 64 pp. (1969). 123. GoRAN GYLLENBERG: The energy flow through a Chorthippus parallelus (Zett.) (Orthopera) population on a meadow in Tviirminne, Finland. 74 pp. (1969). 124. PAuL KRiiGER: Zur Rassenfrage der nordeuropiiischen Igel (Erinaceus europaeus L.). 15 S. (1969). 125. BRIT GoosKE ERIKSEN: Rotifers from two tarns in southern Finland, with a description of a new species, and a list of rotifers previously found in Finland. 36 pp. (1969). ACfA ZOOLOGICA FENNICA 144 EDIDIT SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA BEARS AND BEAR-DOGS FROM THE I I V ALLESIAN OF THE V ALLES-PENEDES BASIN, SPAIN Miguel Crusafont Pair6 and Bjorn Kurten Helslngln YUoplston Me Ak rjasto H E LSI KI - H E L I GF OR March 1976 ISB 95·1-661-013-7 ISS 0001-7299 © Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 1976 Abstract CRUSAFONT PAIR6, MiGUEL & KuRTEN, BJOR : Bears and bear-dogs from the Vallesian of the Val!es-Penedes basin, Spain. - Acta Zool. Fennica 144:1- 29. 1976. A revised list of ma=alian fossils from the Vallesian localities Can Uoba­ teres and Can Ponsich (Valles-Penedes basin, Spain) is given and the following species of Carnivora described. Indarctos vireti, validated as the most primitive Indarctos known. Ursavus brevirhinus and U. primaevus as associated but distinct species. Protursus simpsoni n .g., n.sp. as an early member of the Ursinae. Amphicyon cf. maior and Canidae indet. Authors' addresses: M. Crusafont Pair6, Institute Provincial de Paleontologia, Sabadell, Spain; B. Kurten, Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Helsingfors, SF-00170 Helsingfors 17. Finland. Contents Introduction . 3 Prorursus Crusafont & Kurten, n.g. 22 List of species . 4 Protursu simp oni Cru afoot & Kurten, Systematic descriptions . 5 n. sp. 22 Indarctos vireti Villalta & Crusaf.ont . 5 Amphicyon d. major De Blainville . 2 Ursavus brevirhinus (Hofmann) . 15 Canidae indet. 27 Ursavus primaevus (Gaillard) . 16 References ...................... _. 28 otes on the history of Ursavus . 18 Appendix: Abbreviation . _. _....... 29 INTRODUCTION The fossils to be described here come ring about 12.5 m.y. BP (see VA Cou­ from the early Vallesian beds at Can VERrNG, 1972). Although Hipparion and Llobaoeres and C an Ponsich in the Val­ other forms of Oriental origin enoer the ~~~s-Penedes basin (Spain). Both localities Valles-Penedes at this stage, the conti­ are situated in the immediate neighbour­ nuation of ecological conditions essen­ hood of the city of Sabadell; still an­ tially similar to those of the Vindobo­ other fossiliferous exposure of the same nian resulted in a phase of endemism, age is found at nearby Rio Ripoll. Can the Vallesian phase of CRUSAFONT Llobateres is now richer in mammalian (1 958a). Vindobonian relicts are numer­ species than any other locality from the ous in the lower beds but gr adually be­ " Pontian", sensu lato, in all of Eurasia. come more scarce as we ascend through Can Ponsich is the type site of the Val­ the Vallesian beds, which have a maxi­ lesian Land-Mammal Stage. mum thickness of about 400 m. The name Vallesian was introduced The two localities discussed here are by CRUSAFO T (1950) for the lower in the lower Vallesian. The site at Can levels of the "Pontian", characterized Llobateres was discovered in 1926, but by the pre ence of a primitive Hippa­ its Vallesian age was recognized in 1951 rion, giraffids of the genus Palaeotragus, (CRUSA FO T & TRUYOLS, 1951 ). Can and various rel icts surviving from the Ponsich, first discovered in 1946 and preceding Vindobonian stage. Its strati­ described by CRuSAFONT & TRUYOLS graphic posi tion, then, is between the (1947) has yielded the type section of terminal Vindobonian as exemplified by the Vallesian. It has a direct stratigraph­ La Grive aint-Alban, and the upper or ic relationship with the underlying upper "typical" Pontian of Pikermi, the Piker­ Vindobonian beds of Sant Q uirze. mian (CRUSAFO T 1950) or Turolian The Vallesian beds of the Valles­ (CRUSAFO T 1965a). In the Valles-Pene­ Penedes rank with the Siwaliks as the des basin, the late Vindobonian is repres­ main pongid-bearing strata in Eurasia ented by the fossiliferous exposure of the (CRUSAFO T & H tiRZELER 1961; SrMo s railway cut at Sant Quirze, while the & PILB EAM 1965 · CRUSAFO T 1972a). A Turolian is found at Piera; both sites grant from the Wenner-Gren Founda­ have yielded large mammalian faunas. tion for Anthropological Research, as THALER (1966), in his suggested zonation well as the acquisition of the site by a of the continental T e rtiary in Europe, large chemical firm, have greatly furth­ makes an essentially similar arrange­ ered the work at this locality. We grate­ ment his " abadell Zone" corre pond­ fully acknowedge the su pport thus re­ ing to the Vallesian, and his "Teruel ceived. Zone" to the Turolian. Studies of the faunas of Can Llobate­ The Vallesian is an important phase res and Can Ponsich may be found in the in the evolution of the mammalian fau­ papers already referred to; in addition nas: a process of modernization with see CRUSAFO T {1965b, 1972), CRUSA­ the appearance of various new species FO T & CASA OVAS {1973), CRUSAFO T and genera with a datum line provided & HtiRZELER {1969), CRUSAFONT & by the immigration of Hipparion occur- PETTER {1969) GOLPE (1971 ), HARTE - 4 Miguel Crusafont Pair6 and: Bjorn Kurten: Bears and Bear-Dogs BERGER (1965, 1966), P ETTER (1963, natively classified as Canidae, Ursidae, 1967). and Amphicyonidae) from Can Lloba­ The present paper is a S'tudy of the teres and Can Ponsich. ursids and othe r bear-like forms (alter- LIST OF SPECIES An interim list of the species recognized to Can Can date at Can Llobateres and Can Ponsich is pre­ Lloba- Ponsich sented herewith . A comparison with the list teres given for the former locality m CRuSA FONT H. sp. + (1964) wi'il indicate the rate at which the studies Cf. Spermophilus bredai have been progressing. (Meyer 1848) + Citellus sp. + Can Can Miopetaurista aff. grimmi Black + Lloba- Ponsich Cryptopterus crusafonti teres Mein 1970 + + Insecti vora Monosaulax rninutus Postpalerinaceus vireti Crus. & (Meyer 1838) + + ~-1~ + + Steneofiber jaegeri Kaup 1832 + Lantanotherium sanmigueli S. depereti Mayet 1908 + Vill. & Crus. 1944 + + P rogonomys aff. cathalai Galerix socialis Meyer 1865 + + Schaub 1938 + Heterosorex sansaniensis Cricetodon sansaniensis Gaill. 1915 + + Lartet 1851 + Miosorex grivensis Viret & C. (Hispanomys) decedens Zapfe 1951 + Schaub 1925 + Crusafontina endernica Megacricetodon aff. minor Gibert in litt. + (Lartet 1851 ) + + Talpa rninuta Blainv. 1839- 64 + + M. debruijni Plesiodimylus chantrei Gaill. Freudenthal 1968 + 1899 + + M . aff. gregariu (Schaub 1925) + Primates Ruscinomys thaleri Hart. 1965 + + D ryopitbecus piveteaui Crus. & Rotundomys sabadellensis Hlirz. 1962 + + (Hart. 1965) + Hispanopithecus laietanus Crus. R. hartenbergeri Freud. 1%7 + & Vill. 1946 + + Anomalomys cf. gaillarcli Rahonapithecus sabade1lensis Viret & Schaub 1946 + Crus. & HUrz . 1962 + Corimus leemanni Hart. 1965 + Leptodontomys catalunicus Lagomorpha (Hart.
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