hot ozn th Free Press Defense Learue to its many friends on the membership drive which I lmnnllUtlU doses April 20th will be found on the fourth page of this issue. Many of our friends are so-- This It Number 533 Ml in to win some valuable premiums, and since this is the last issue of The Menace in which will be found any reference to the contest, due to the fact that it closes before the next paper will reach you, we are going to ask that you read the announcement on the fourth page of this issue and make up your mind to give us a big lift in this mighty drive. Just as soon aa a good membership is secured in all parts of the country we have a surprise for you that will make you glad that you are a member of the greatest organization in the country devoted to the perpetuity of liberty MACE and the promotion of democracy. It is not too late to get into this contest It is never too late, in fact, to do something for the cause of humanity, and that is just what you are doing when you help Increase the membership of the Free Press Apia u, m Defense League. , AMERICA'S GREATEST EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL IN FURTHERANCE OF FUNDAMENTAL DEMOCRACY After reviewing the life of Plunkett, aijfad (oa est tha afisoiidastsj THE POPE ELEVATES A Migr. O'Riordaa spoke of the re- MULD0OH SAYS PRIEST COURT TAKES GOHROY waa stanmoatd to Aa .saw i TARE THE MEASURE ligion! struggle in the United King- to the mm IM by Kiss Conroy e oa a trunk and dom, tan out a bands of t&oxvsy which Thi Mxnaosj has oa hand sev- OF PAPALP0UTI&1A11S "MARTYRED" TRAITOR pus as a Tacnoa M'CANH IS MARRIED thousand copies of back is- ESTATEFROM PRIEST sha ffid a&a juuaded IS te tha inset, eral senne ttoae An&bishep OHrer Phmkett was sues which contain matter rust wha at the was gfro a tt WM put to deaths the eharce of treason vital and Just as much alive fiwnwtrirtitm Sua. as Con- showed be with FtogtrtM trrf Petlftkr of Approval of Seln Fain Undoubtedly In 16SL He was bora in 1029 in McCain Denies Ho Wed an now as at the time they were PrlettKBttSuf render Property what was to fata It tits County Meath. Ireland. Something must be Witnesses differ a! to what (hen in- Measured by Tbetr Record In of Plun-ke- tt Superior, But Muldoon veyed In Will He Wrote Under Mori Shown Beatification Pope Clement IX appointed him to Srinted. circulation, structions were; tt was not produced stimulate dUtadaut starting Day the archblshoprie of Armagh and Still Wanti to "Can" McCann once. The Suspicious Circumstances at the trial, that a Warning Worth Heeding on St. Patrick's and it must be done at re. primacy of Ireland In 1669. In con only way it can be done Is for he could not find nection with the repressive measures to sfl ewer Cx muAtv rapposedly infallible We are watching the process of the men on the Firing Line Evan oa their death bed Cath rxnoT irtm vxza fatrtt ahetfl Tha present of the English against Roman Cath "canning" seek iota stataeedsots McCann with a great deal do it We have found that one olic! who do not so much as trust Shortly after oafesdaat left, the mft nope. Benedict XV, celebrated tit ollcs, following the adoption of the of interest The play the ways is to distribute tha si anal foffttcal Bcmasdata wla, net is quite unique of best their priests are not Immune from but returned later, bringtflf with him Patrick's day in a manner that test act, Plunkett in 1678 was im in its acsign ana the scenery is as sample copies td people who are only seem to think their right prisoned. ' falling victims to priestly tricks if one Angus Daigle, a leading member it h throws considerable light on the interesting as it is original. not taking the paper. It is a of congregation, went to feed at th publio crib perpetually Accused of complicity in the Irish happen be possessed of any his and both Irish question as now constituted In its later development the plot shame to let all of these extra thev to into the woman's room. What took and wh, after making a record of in branch of the "Popish plot," he was thickens copies go to waste, so next week considerable of this world's tolerance, bigotry undue and promulgated through Ireland's taken to London and in 1681 tried and reproaches and recrim quantity lace there none but these two know, and teal for inations are interchanged we are going to mail a bundle th sovereign on th Tiber, suddenly popish Sinn Feiners. After the on the charge of having conspired to goods. ut subsequently they state that Miss of a half dozen copies to a num- Conroy said she wanted to make a turn around and profess Americao propaganda came into bring a French army to Ireland. Ac- ' various parts The Sentinel, of Toronto, Canada, Sinn Fein We were a loss when trvinar to im ber of friends tin will, leaving all she owned to defend ism, after finding that their seal la counts of the trial by English his- at country request tells how one Priest such te a few months ago it agine the grounds upon which Bishop of the with the for March 7th ant, that Daigle started in to write behalf of the foreign sovereign hast torians say thajb the evidence against they use them to very was the pope was aiuiaoon proposed to that the Conway wrote the will of a Miss the will out, but found he could not worked to their disadvantage. rumored that him was flimsy, but he was convicted "can" McCann, advantage in an effort to hanged, or, in other words to drive him out best Conrov. a few hours before her use the pen, and so defendant him- Massachusetts has recently fro about to excommunicate the organ- and was drawn and quar get new subscribers. Hand them of his church, and deprive him of his with self took it and wrote the will in his nished cases in point which illustrate) ization. This was not looked upon tered. to people who are not taking the death, and now comes forward HIS EXECUTION $4,uuu per year as rector of the St. own language. The woman was this fact and should be kept In mine paper you Can, and if you her purported signature. Interest- as unusual for every time the prop Mary's Catholic church of Elgin, 111., if propped up in bed, and a William by th patriots of that common "The circumstances of the execu have the time try get their about aganda of papal organization! or unless the aforesaid McCann had re- and ing details are given the priest Gallagher called in, who, with Daigle, wealth. W eall to mind bo ofQcf tion of Archbishop Plunkett were subscriptions for a year. .You persons has been traced to marked with the most revolting cruel- fused to divide the spoils with his losing the woman's written instruc- witnessed the woman make her mark seekers among th Irih Romanism lordship bishop, have had a long rest on the cir- to the will. Daigle of th old Bay manisni the Vatican has sought tome ty and brutality," says Cardinal the who it might be tion as to what disposition to make Defendant and Stat, who, when ra inferred would prefer a more tract- culation work and ought to be in then left, but soon after came back office, were mare solicitous about As loop through which to escape. Moran. to act on sugges- of certain money, how he later hole able and easy-goin- g priest to admin- readiness this again, they said, to get a bank book. vmaag political plums to RoraamsUt ONE OF A UNI 0? MABTYBS tion. Look out for YOUR bundle broutrht a leading member of his in face, of the fact that the Ro Archbishop was the great-- ister the affairs of the parish. The evidence went to show that the than John F. FitzgeraM whil nayesf Plunkett next week. sick man Catholic archbishop of Mel- uncle of the present Count Plunkett, We knew that no small peccadillo own congregation into her woman waa in a very excited state Of Bostoa. Fitzgerald Is nothinf t such bourne, the Soman Catholic arch leader of the Sinn Feiners, whose as getting drunk or being caught room, and made dealings about afteT the men left, and kept on re net aa ardent Ramn Catholic smj. two sons were executed in Dublin in in a gambling raid would be cause which nothing is known, except peating, "You will get no more out his tmssrmy raK wbea soare bishop of Dublin, and the Roman for such a summary proceeding. of me. Iler condition rapidly grew which was mad yuhlie hy 1916. The family has given a long the priest and the parishioner a wamlK Catholic archbishop of Quebec, are More flagrant offenses, such aa theft, what worse ana sne aiea nen cay. tee ef busfnws men headed by line of devoted bishops and abbots THE WILL OF and tool of a all found in opposition to conscrip to the church in Ireland. The fam arson or offenses against the person, $528,000 have to say. The priest Defendant shortly afterwards took other Semnist sassed Ids fea tion of Soman Catholics t fight ily residence is at Oldcastle in the would only be cause for a transfer the hierarchy state that Miss Con- possession of the deceased's estate Sine then hewtrer, h ka ttyini County Metth.
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