TTTF. MOTSNTXO OREOOXTAX. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. de- the Spokane amateur, and Ead Cullison, was given free rein to act ss ha one of Kendrlck's veteran shooters, sired. Carlisle's holding out Is at- were high men in the general averages BOXING IS REVISED tributed to trie fact that he did not FOOTBALL ROLES Chingren GENE KRAPP JOINS year. Car-th.- n for the afternoon. Wlllet and go up to the big leagues last were tied with 121 breaks in 125 tar- ttinuffht h should have been gets. Chingren made the exceptional You'll sold, Hogan not receive any but did score of running 103 targets without Hare offer for blm. Then Carlisle wmmea MAKE GAME OPEN missing, while Wlllet's straight score LIST OF HOLDOUTS more money. of 67 was the next longest run. Poston 16 to broke 62 straight, and Cullison broke 61. San Francisco Licenses GREGG WILL FLAT S031EWHERE In addition to Chingren, "Butch" Hurry Woodworth and Tom Barclay, of Spo- Clubs for Bouts. kane, and Charles Green, of Moscow, Holdout Bays He'll Be Xap or Out- accompanied the tourists to Kendrlck. Placed on Keeping The two shot fine scores, register- on of Standard Ex-Beav- Premium first Short Lines er Spurns Nap Con- law or Else Pitch "for Fun." ing better than a 90 per cent average, m I 1. 1 slightly more T PWOTAV JA n 1TK ft i Stl PC Ball Quarterback Given while Green finished with FIGHT ORDINANCE IS NEW tract, Says He Can Make Vean Gregg ileclared today that It Is than 84 per cent. The steady work of Poston In the hla Intention to play oau mis More Plays to Use. brought team will play either with Cleveland, last four meets has his UNDERWEAR More Cigar "I Spo- at Trade. declared Gregg. up the ladder in great style, and as Follows: the outlaws or for fun." at Genuine Reductionst 1 r TfTrtrtl T'n want and kane now has a total of five victories t i n e ii .x o a i.ii " ..inn "The first two know what I Francisco Lewis Mkt. Mercerised Lisle lj now if they do not give It to me I'll against nine for the San Four Organizations Given Permits Union Suits, were J6.50, Suits, were $6.50, My wing has team. now 4.15 Linen Mesh Shirts and Draw- play Just for the fun. 20-Rou-nd $3.50. now J2 aoreness of the latter OF CHANCE LESS The Portland pair are still last with for Matches Clubs Lewis Ecru Cotton Ribbed ers, were gotten over its ELEMENT victories. The scores today Suits, were 82.50. Lewis Gray Wool Shirts and JONES TO BACK UMPIRES part of the past season and I am but two Divided aa Class A and nowUnion $1.65 Drawers, were $2.50, now ?l.s anxious to get Into tha harness again. Heavy Cotton Lewis Ribbed Cotton Shirts re- Vpokane 187 Poston 93. Berger 92. Vassar Ecru were $l.i3, sign with Cleveland I will Rand-le- Class B Fees Large. Ribbed Union Suits, were and Drawers, "If I 180 Wlllet 97, tt S1.55 now ;l-- port McCredle the first of March and San Francisco $2.50. now W to S3. Mixed Cotton Cooper's dray Ribbed ool go south a fortnlftht later. Then watch Opportunity Holo-ha- n Vassar Blue Drawers, were rag. not Spectators Have Better Portland 178 P. Holohan 89, G. Ribbed Union Suits, were Shirts and President Indi- Cleveland grab that If It's $2.00, now 1.S5 $1.60, now Xorthwestrn S7 lots 90. Medium-Weig- ht Cot- Cleveland or the outlaws. Til have to Follow Game Numbering of Lewlston to- Cartwrlght & Warner's Light Ribbed Holder Will Be Kings on of fun trading horses In Canada and The teama will shoot at SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 5. Sixteen Weight Wool and ton Shirts and Drawers, cator Wednes- four-roun- teaching them America's greatest Men as In Coast Baseball Is morrow and at Walla Walla clubs were licensed to hold d Drawers, were Shirts$34)0. now.. 93.15 were $1.25, now 3e Field Harris Sign Many game." day. professional boxing matches today, Latest Suggestion. after the Board of Supervisors had Oa Aak Williams for Job. PIOMBO EAST FOR DEMETRAIi adopted a new prizefight ordinance. "Where CORXTXL TO TRACT HOOLIGANS Each club will pay a license of $1250 you Wash- per annum for the privilege of staging get ington Wrestler Slakes Short Work not more than three fights within that near Coming Back to Beavers BT K.OBCOB FAWCHTT. Greek to the Schmelder many suggestions have been made period, only one club being permitted - Veaa Or fx naa nothing on that So of Who Trie to Quit. put programme of foyr - round best, Fifth.- other Portland pitching contribution to In Camp at Santa Maria. for the "betterment" of football since Italian on a code few 5. bouts each week. MADE-TO-ORDE- B Napa. Krapp, whan It (Spe- the 1911 revision of the that SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. Incensed FINE SHIRTS. the Eurene LOS ANGELES. Cal, F"b. 6. had looked for so of Giovanni Pl- -. The ordinance divides the monthly WE SPECIALIZE IN comas "holding In- of the enthusiasts by the unwillingness nd to out." for tha llttlo the -- cial.) Roger Cornell, one of separation of the grain from i 1. - nrp.fltHnr match- - here fight permits, permitting wild man has ahoTsd hla chin Into tba Los Angeles Athletic radical a urn uo iu aauiok " among clubs, designated as by structors at the the chsff aa that which resulted at ths night William uerannu, i bouts four air at ths salary offered Cleveland Club and who handled the Portland In New last opponent by the Class A clubs. The found-roun- d bouts for 1111 and refuses, res, absolutely season, meeting of the football doctors wrestler, grabbed his B, Beavers the early part of last high In the air. j ara designated as Class and it la scoffs, at all methods of appeasement. "Happy" Hogan's Tigers this York last week. waist and, lifting him provided amateur bouts must be Krapp. In unsigned will train The slmpliripatlon of the oode and threw mm neavuy " that his return of tha yoar. Cornell has trained the Portland. on the of- disappointing to a large held under tne auspices 01 tne facino document from hla Winter homo at De- clubs at the placing of a premium match proved taxpayer Is legally Ban Francisco and Oakland fensive department have been badly crowd. Demetral won the first fall In Athletlo Association. Columbia University. The first Is to whose support the troit, wrot President Somers. of tha various times, the two former each North- by means of second liable and who is entirely dependent Naps: "1 can make mora money at with needed and even the Paclflo 17 minutes of lively work come off Wednesday, and the $200. winning a pennant when he was never been given a and body hold. on Saturday, whichever Is upon the taxpayer. for his support, my trade as dgarmaker in Detroit will not make the north- west, which has a double back struggle, Friday or are only a few provisions of In pitching them. Cornell voice in the overhauling of the rules, The Italian put up a game most convenient to the University. Both These than for Cleveland at that ern trips wjth the Villagers. the of- round had barely PORTLANDYETUNBEATEH Field the proposed bill, and these probably salary. To which Somers replied sar- of the Los Angeles must sit back and admit that but tired after second will be played on the Multnomah over to suit conditions castically: yon can get more money Another member ficials have at last proved their right started He refused to continue where- In all probability, starting at 3 o'clock. will be worked If Athletic Club corps of Instructors will to floor. Associa- here more thoroughly If provision is your trade, by all means get It-- Wi who to sit tn Judgment. upon the Greek tossed him the A meeting of the Portland to at aid the Beavera Frank Schmleder. terminated In a tomorrow-evenin- made to submit such a measure the to to you McCredle-ite- s Enhanced. A preliminary match tion will take place are tickled death think that took Cornell s plsce with the Poesesaloa of Ball rt th wlndun of the voters. can do so well." go to Santa of GOOD at the Multnomah Club to select the things to come up will last year, will north The lncreaalng of the number main contest. Angeleno Napaly quit REVOLVER SHOTS HAVE English and Scotch teams for Among other Tha man will undoubtedly get to help whip the Beajrers into downs to gain ten yards from three i won American, be the question of a mortgage registry Maria after Peter Buzukos had the first international matches, which will meas- for a settlement before the shape. to four. In other words, giving ine CHAXCE FOR TITLES. the ac- tax'; changes in inheritance tax Spring training season rolls up. In tha fall. have to be postponed a week on Legisla- team three chances to gain ten All-Sta- rs ures as submitted at the last Is los- count of the Nationals vs. the meantime. It's a cinch Cleveland CAMP yards Instead of two by rushing with- STORBECK Sunday. ture tq Increase the amount of Inheri- ing more sleep over Greetg than over SHARPE SEEKS TRAINING out resorting to the punt.
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