Notice of Meeting _________________________________________ Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub Committee Wednesday 29 August 2012 at 5.30p.m Venue: The Council Chamber, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ ______________________________________________________________ 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of 19 July 2012 To consider approving as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2012 and dealing with any matters arising (Pages 3 to 11). 3. Reference Documents for Members (Standing Orders) 4. Declaration of Interests 5. Representations from Members of the Public (to note representations that have been received from members of the public and local organisations. Each representation will be heard under each agenda item following the MKP Planning Officer presentation to Committee) 6. Progress Report on Planning Applications and Officer Delegation Scheme (Pages 12 to 15) 7. Application 12/01288/MKPCR Reserved Matters Application for Phase 1 Landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission 06/00123/MKPCO, Area 11 Western Expansion Area, land west of Watling Street (V4) and north of Calverton Lane, Milton Keynes. (Pages 16 to 33) 8. Application 12/00968/MKPCR Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for part of Tattenhoe Park Site 1 comprising 16 dwellings, associated garages and play space pursuant to outline planning permission (ref. 06/00602/MKPCO) for residential-led mixed use development of 450 dwellings. And Application 12/00969/MKPCR Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for part of Tattenhoe Park Site 1 comprising 147 dwellings, associated garages and play space pursuant to outline planning 2 permission (ref. 06/00856/MKPCO) for residential-led mixed used development of 1310 dwellings. (Pages 34 to 52) 9. Any Other Business 10. Details of Next Meetings Wednesday 26 September 2012 in the offices of Milton Keynes Council Wednesday 24 October 2012 in the offices of Milton Keynes Council Tuesday 27 November 2012 in the offices of Milton Keynes Council THE DEADLINE FOR REPRESENTATIONS TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS ON THIS AGENDA IS 12 NOON ON THURSDAY 23 AUGUST 2012 2 ITEM 2 Minutes of the Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub-Committee 19 July 2012 at 5.30pm Held in the Offices of Milton Keynes Council Present: Dr Ann Limb, Chair Councillor A Geary MKC, Councillor N Miles MKC, L Roach, A Peck and D Roake Officers: S Keene (Head of Strategic Policy and Planning), R Bovey (Planning Manager), S Gee, (Planning Manager), S Bridglalsingh (Senior Solicitor), A Swannell (Senior Highway Engineer) Nick Fenwick (Assistant Director - Planning, Economy and Development) and S Muir (Committee Manager), Also Present: Councillor B White (MKC DCC), Councillor D Hopkins and 3 Members of the Public 1.0 Apologies 1.1 L Richards 2.0 Minutes 2.1 RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub- Committee held on 19 June 2012 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record. 3.0 Announcements 3.1 The Chair welcomed Councillors Geary and Miles to their first meeting as Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub-Committee Members. 4.0 Declarations of Interests 4.1 The Chair declared an Interest as Board Member of the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) since November 2011. 4.2 D Roake declared an interest as a current employee of HCA as part of the Advisory Team for Large Planning Applications. 4.3 Councillor Geary declared an interest in Item 7 as he had met with A G Barr in his capacity as Leader of Milton Keynes Council and asked that it be noted that he had written to them in January 2012 on the promotion of Economic Development and welcomed them to Milton Keynes, subject to planning permission. 5.0 Representations from Members of the Public 5.1 To be heard at each item. 1 3 6.0 Progress Report The Sub-Committee considered the progress report and noted the following: 6.1 06/00222/MKPCO - Land at the Glebe, EEA - The S106 Agreement was finalised but due to changes in the market, the applicant was not in a position to sign the S106 Agreement and legal advice was being sought from MKC Legal Department. 6.2 11/02316/MKPC - Broughton Gate Community Reserve Sites – Applicant to revise scheme with reference to the mix of use and parking; due to be reported to the Planning Sub-Committee - September 2012. 6.3 12/01091/MKPCR - Plot 240 Crossley Drive Magna Park – Reserved Matters Application pursuant to outline Planning Permission 04/01072MKPCO for the erection of building for the manufacture and distribution of soft drinks (Use classes B2 and B8) with ancillary offices and plant, formation of parking areas, landscaping and extension of Crossley Drive – reported to this Planning Sub- Committee at Item 7. 6.4 12/00677/MKPCR - Land West of Watling Street and North of Dansteed Way (Area 10) Application for approval of reserved matters for Phase 2 Landscaping pursuant to outline planning application 05/00291/MKPCO. Planning permission issued on 20 June 2012. 6.5 12/00968/MKPCR – Land off Hayton Way, Kingsmead South Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for part of Tattenhoe Park Site 1 comprising 16 dwellings, associated garages and playspace pursuant to outline planning permission (ref. 06/00602/MKPCO) for residential-led mixed used development of 450 dwellings – currently out to consultation. 6.6 12/00969/MKPCR - Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for part of Tattenhoe Park Site 1 that comprised 147 dwellings, associated garages and playspace pursuant to outline planning permission (ref. 06/00856/MKPCO) for residential-led mixed used development of 1310 dwellings - currently out to consultation. 6.7 12/01288/MKPCR - Area 11, Land West of Watling St and North of Calverton Lane Application for the approval of reserved matters for Phase 1 Landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission 06/00123/MKPCO Consultation period commenced 22 June 2012. Due for consideration by this Committee in August 2012. 6.8. 11/01340/MKPCO - Extension of time limit for a period of 5 years for commencement of development of outline planning permission 06/00415/MKPCO for 62 dwellings at Broughton Manor Business Park, Section 106 Agreement under consideration. 6.9 12/00956/MKPC - Extension of the time limit of planning permission 07/00119/MKPC for a further period of five years for the construction of a new waterway arm totalling 6.5km in length, including routing through Willen Lake, over the River Ousel, canalisation of Broughton Brook and Waterway Terminus at Eagle Farm North and provision of associated infrastructure including bridges, locks, weirs and structural landscaping at Newlands, Fox Milne, Atterbury, Broughton, Fen Farm and Eagle Farm North. Out for consultation and to be determined under delegated powers. 2 4 7.0 Application Number 12/01091/MKPCR 7.1 Reserved Matters Application pursuant to outline planning permission 04/01072/MKPCO for the erection of building for the manufacture and distribution of soft drinks (Use Classes B2 & B8) with ancillary offices and plant; formation of parking areas, landscaping and extension of Crossley Drive, Milton Keynes 7.2 The Sub-Committee received a presentation from the Planning Manager who summarised the application, and drew attention to the following issues: • Outline planning permissions for all three phases of Magna Park were approved in 2006 and 2010. Since then reserved matters approvals for John Lewis and River Island developments had been approved and implemented. The reserved matters application for AG Barr was the first application since 2009. • The application was for the construction of a drinks manufacturing and distribution unit with a total floor space of 27,536m2. Approximately 100 jobs would be created and the figure would increase over time. The application included an extension to Crossley Drive and the provision of 193 parking spaces. Landscape bunding would be provided between the building and the A421. • The proposed building would achieve BREEAM Excellent including features such as grey water recycling and performances for air tightness, lighting energy, UV value targets, natural ventilation and low energy gas fired hot water generators. • Additional comments received from MKC Development Control Committee (considered the application on 12th July 2012) that the Committee supported the comments already expressed by MKC Officers regarding the proposal. Both Kents Hill and Monkston Parish Council and the Environment Agency had no comment to the application. • No development shall provide parking that exceeds MKC maximum parking standards. The development proposed 193 parking spaces which would not exceed the maximum standards and the level was over and above the requirement of the applicant and would allow for future expansion of the proposed unit. • The access arrangement and extension of Crossley Drive were considered acceptable and details could be conditioned as part of any planning consent. • The development could bring additional employment opportunities and was supported by the Eastern Expansion Area Stakeholders Group. 7.3 Representations from the Public • Councillor White (Chair MKC Development Control Committee) advised the Committee that MKC DCC had considered the application as part of the consultation process and fully supported the Officers’ comments. It was an important development site for Milton Keynes and development should go ahead. There were no problems with the conditions proposed. • Councillor Hopkins (Ward Member for Danesborough) regretted that the Biomass energy plant was not being taken forward at this stage but welcomed the development as part of the economic development of Milton Keynes. He pointed out that there were development sites proposed south of the A421 and that the creation of a prominent gateway at the start of the A421 to Milton Keynes and master planning was important. 3 5 He had concerns on future car parking numbers if the site was sold on and possible drainage issues in light of recent high rainfall levels as this had previously been agricultural land.
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