HOW TO COOK OCEAN PERCH By Dorothy M. Robey and Rose G. Kerr ,-, Home Economists, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Test Kitchen Series No. 6 United States Department of the Interior, Stewart L. Uda ll, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director Washington • Issued 1952 Reprinted 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1964 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 . Price 20 cents CONTENTS Pall Introduction___ _________ 1 How to Skin Fillet __ ________ ____________ 2 Flaked Ocean Perch ________________________ __ _____ _ Ocean Perch Tomato oup_______ ____ _______________ 3 Ocean Perch Tomato A pic_ _________________________ 3 Ocean Perch Salad____ ______ _______ __ _____ ___ _______ 3 Ocean Perch Mou 'se__________________________ ____ __ 3 Molded Ocean P erch alad____________ ___ ___________ 4 Ocean Perch Bak d in Spani h au e___________ _____ 5 Curried 0 ean Perch________________________________ 5 Deviled Ocean Perch________________ ____ ____________ 5 Ocean Perch Cr ole____________ __ ___________________ 5 Ocean Perch and Eggs__ __ __ ________________________ 5 Ocean Perch Turban ________ __ ____________________ _ Green Peppers tuffed With Oc an P rch______ ____ ___ 7 Ocean P erch and hee um' __ ____ __ __ ________ ____ 7 Ocean Perch Kabob ________________________________ 7 Ocean Perch P otato Puff ___________________________ 7 Creamed Ocean P erch____ ____ ____ ______ ___________ __ 7 Ocean Perch LoaL ______________________ ___ _____ __ _ Ocean P erch au Gratin______________________________ 9 Ocean Perch Pie____________________ __ __ ____ __ ______ 9 Ocean P erch and Vegetable P ie_______________ ___ ____ 9 Ocean Perch Casserole_________________ ____ _________ 9 Ocean Perch Club Sandwiche ____________ __ ___ _____ _ 9 Hot Ocean Perch andwiche __ ________ _____ ___ __ ____ 10 " HOW TO COOK OCEAN PERCH Ocean perch, marketed prlllcipally as freezing ocean pel'eh and found it \\"('11- frozen fillets, is an excellent food fish adapted to this method of pn'paratiOlI with firm fle h. When cooked, the meat and henc'e suitahl(' for ~ hippill g tIl i1lla1ld is white and flaky, with a delicate flavor. ma]'ket~. TlI a few yean.; thp o('pall 11('1'1'11 Ocean perch fill ets are moderately has risen from a ]>Ia('(' of insigll ifi( '(\II('(' to priced and plentiful. They have the ad­ rank fir~t among X e\\" Eng'la 11<1 :-.1 H'(']('~ ditional advantages of being easy to pre­ in volume of (·atc'h. pare, entirely edible, and attractive to This fish ha ~ he(,ll kll()\\"l1 by .. lI d1 lIall\('. sel've. as "1'osefish," "redfi .. h," " l'{'d ]I(·n'h." Since nearly all ocean perch al'e mar­ and "sea perch," but tlw in<1\1 t 1'.\ n" keted as hozen fillets, the consumer ('ently agreed to nse dO('eall 1)(')'(,11" ,\" tIl<' seldom sees the whole fish. Fillets are official trade ]1("l111 e, the sides of the fish Cllt lengthwise away 'rhe hozen fill ets Illay Iw ('ook('d \\'it11- from the barkhone, and are practically out tha\\"ing if additional ('ooki llL!' till\(' i:-; boneless. Most ocean perch fillets are allowed. ' Vhen the fill et~ an' to 1)(, small, about eight to a pound, and can breaded 01' stuffed, the.'" ('all Ill' halldl('<l more easily if tha\Yeel. Th<,.\' !!lay II(' be identified by the mottled reddish or thawed overnight in the r('f1'Ig"('rator: if pink kin that makes them easy to dis­ faster thawing is neeessa1'Y, th('.'" 111ay h tinguish from most other fillets. left at room temperature for :~ to -1 hOllr . The ocean perch is caught by New Ocean pereh fill ets may IH' Tll'p]>a rrd hy England fishermen from Cape Cod to any of the basic ('ook11lL!' llH'thod.. of ea tern N ova Scotia. Although long frying, baking, broiling. hoiling, and familiar to the fisherman, this fi h \Va steaming, or in an ('nelle:.. ya l'ipt.," of practica lly unknown to the consumer combination eli h('~. .\ ,'('I('dion of 1'(>('­ until 1935. At that time, the indlu;try ipe lll"ing o~(>al1 pPl'('h fi ll et: j" giv'1\ began experimenting with filleting and i11 thi. booklet. HOW TO SKIN FILLETS Most ocenn perch fillets will have the skin on. You may skin the fillets if you like. Lay a fill et fiat on the cutting board or table, skin side cl own . Hold the tail end firmly ""ith the fingers of one hand, and with a knife cut th rough the fle sh of the fillet down to the skin (bllt not through it) about half an inch frolll the tail. Flatten the knife against the skin and cut the fl e;;h away from the skill by pushing the knife forward while keeping a firm hold on the free en d of the skin. Skinning a fillet FLAKED OCEAN PERCH 1 pound ocean perch fillets 1 quart ",a ter 1 tablespoon salt Skin fillets and place in boiling salted water. Cover and return to boiling point; simmer 10 minutes or until fi sh flakes easily when tested with a fork. Flake. Can be served hot with a sauce. Serves 6. This recipe wi ll yield 2 cups of flaked ocean perch that ca n be used in recipes calling for flaked fish. Flaking a fillet 2 OCEAN PERCH TOMATO SOUP OCEAN PERCH SALAD 1 pound ocean perch fillets 2 cups flaked ocea n perch (p. 2) 14 cup diced bacon 1 cup diced cucumber 1;2 cup chopped onion :2 table poon chopped pimiento 1;2 cup chopped celery 14 cup chopped onion 2 cups boiling water 1h teaspoon salt 11;2 teaspoons salt Dash peppel' Dash pepper 2 tablespoons lemon JUIce 113 cup uncooked rice 14 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 2 cups tomato juice Lettuce Chopped parsley Combine nil inwedients, except lettuce, being Skin fill ets and cut into I-inch pIeces. Fry ca reful not to break the fish into too-small piece. bacon until crisp and brown. ~\..dd onion and ('hill. Sen·e in lettuce cup. Serves fl. celery; cook until tender and slightly brown. Add water, seasonings, and rice; cook 10 minutes. Add fi sh; cook 10 minutes longer or until rice and fi sh are tender. Add tomato juice; heat. Serve immediately with chopped parsley over the top. Serves 6. OCEAN PERCH MOUSSE OCEAN PER CH TOMATO ASPIC 2 cups flaked ocean perch (p. 2) :2 cups flaked ocean perch (p. ~) 1 tablespoon gelatin 1 tablespoon gelati n 14 cup cold water 14 cup cold water 2 cu ps tomato juice 1% cups boiling water 1h cup chopped cele!"y :2 tablespoons lemon juice % cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon sugar 3 sprigs parsley :2 tables poons chopped onion 2 tablespoons vinegar :2 tablespoons chopped par::;ley 4 whole cloves % Clip chopped celery 2 teaspoons sugar % cup chopped green pepper 11;2 teaspoons salt 1 hard-cooked egg, chopped Dash pepper 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 11;2 cups chopped celery 1;2 teaspoon salt % cup pickle relish Dash pepper 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped Dash paprika Salad greens 1fz cup heavy cream, whipped Mayonnai e or salad dressing Sa lad greens Mayonnaise or salad dres ing Soften gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes. To the tomato juice, add 1;2 cup of celery, and the Soften gelatin in cold water for ;-) minutes ..\..dd onion, parsley, vinegar, clove , sugar, salt, and boiling water. lemon juice, and sugar: stir until pepper; simmer for 15 minutes. Strain. Add dissolved. Cool. Add \"egetables, egg. ~ easollillgs . gelatin and stir until di solved. Cool. Add the and fi h; mix well. Fold in whipp d crealll. P onr remaining celery, relish, egg, and fi h. Pour into into mold and chill until firm. Cnmold on ~alad mold and chill until firm. Unmold on alad greens. green. Garni ~ h and ene with ll1ay onIHlI~e. Garni hand erve with mayonnai e. Sene 6. Serves 6. 3 MOLDED OCEAN PERCH SALAD ~ (' II 1':- flakPd 0('('11 II 1'1'1'('11 (p, ~) 1 la l \(':-POOII /.!I'lat ill I I ('liP ('old \\ at 'I' I:! ('lIP boi I i Ilg \\ ut('1' I,. (,lip IIlUYOIlIl!lI '01' Hlad!ll' IlIg I I ('liP ('at. II!> ~ labl ':- POOIl 1'111011 jlli('p I:! ('liP ('hoppt'd (' ')('I'Y Chopping vegetables ~ ta lJIt' POOII ('hopp{'ci , \\ t'd pi 'k] ~ tulllt':-POOIl, ('hopp'd IliffI'd olin' I I tt'a .... pooll nit , 'u lad /.!rt' II Sofll'lI /.!t'llitill ill 'old \\att')' for '-'lJIinll l 110 iIi Ill! \\ It t 'I' a II Ii til' 11111 Ii d i ....() h- 1. 1. HI(,Tld IIHlyOIlIllU .... '. 'at lip. alld 1t'11H111 jllir . 01- 1))11(' all 11Il!I"ciit'1I1 t'X('t'pt alad JII't'pli. : III1X \\' II. P OIII' 11110 1I10ld alld ('hIlI lIlll II filII!. 1llllOIcl on -.a lad /.!n·PII .... lllld garnl h . 't·I\\,. Ii. Filli ng mold Molded Ocean Perch Salad 4 OCEAN PERCH BAKED IN SPANISH SAUCE DEVILED OCEAN PERCH 2 pounds ocean perch fill ets 2 pounds ocean perch fillets I lh teaspoons salt % cup chopped onion Dash pepper 3 tablespoons butter or other fat, melted 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 2 tablespoons flour % cup chili sauce 2 cups canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons chopped onion % cup chopped green pepper % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon salt 112 teaspoon sugar Skin fillets and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Dash pepper Roll each fillet and fasten with toothpick. Place 1 bay leaf rolls in a well-greased baking dish. Combine 1 whole clove rema ining ingredients and spread on top of fi h rolls.
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