2015 Annual Meeting & Reports St. Andrew’s Annual Parish Meeting Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:30 am in the Parish Hall Service Times for January 25: 8:00 am - Holy Eucharist (Chapel) 9:00 am - Holy Eucharist (Church) 9:00 am - Church School No Forum or 9:15 am Family Eucharist Version 2 - Uploaded 01/26/15 at 10:00 am 1 2015 Annual Reports Table of Contents Vision Statement 3 Parish Statistics 3 Meeting Agenda 4 Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting 5 Report of the Nominating Committee 6 Reports of the St. Andrew’s Vestry 6 St. Andrew’s Vestry and Diocesan Convention Delegates Report of the Senior Warden Report of the Stewardship Committee 8 Report of St. Andrew’s Finances 9 Treasurer’s Report Reports from St. Andrew’s Clergy 10 Priest Associate: The Reverend Sally Webster Priest Associate: The Reverend Charles Witke Report of the Church School at St. Andrew’s 10 Director of Children and Youth Ministry: Carol Andrews-Ferguson Reports of Outreach at St. Andrew’s 13 Episcopal Health Ministries Oasis Outreach Ministry Reports of Parish Life at St. Andrew’s 15 Bible Study Coffee Hour Eucharistic Bread Bakers Funeral Receptions History and Memorials Committee Parish Callers Saint Andrew’s Single Adults Reports of Theatre at St. Andrew’s 17 Director of Theatrical Ministries: Nancy Heusel Reports of Music at St. Andrew’s 18 Director of Music: Dr. Deborah Friauff Sample Ballots 20 2 Vision Statement Approved by the Vestry, January 25, 2011 The mission of St. Andrew’s Church is to embody God’s love for the world through Jesus Christ. St. Andrew’s joyfully and unconditionally welcomes everyone to God’s table as we strive to feed God’s children spiritually and physically. We engage in the world around us, celebrating God’s word and Christ’s love. Steeped in the rich heritage of our liturgy and music, we worship in a beautiful historic building in downtown Ann Arbor. Through challenging sermons, a vibrant church school, and a stimulating adult education program, we seek to fain a deeper understanding of God’s holy mysteries. 2014 Parish Statistics Services Other Holy Eucharist Confi rmations 1 Sundays 155 Received by the Bishop 2 Weekdays 191 Reaffi rmed by the Bishop 0 Private 63 Total confi rmed, received and reaffi rmed 3 Daily Offi ce Burials 13 Sundays 34 Weddings 23 Weekdays 53 Other Offi ces/Private 43 Parish Families Mailing Units 720 Total Services 539 Church School Families 136 Children Enrolled 143 Baptisms Children 8 Adults 0 Total Baptisms 8 3 2015 Annual Meeting Agenda 1. Prayer .........................................................................................The Rev. Sally Webster 2. Organization ...........................................................................................Fr. Alan Gibson -- Certifi cation of Quorum -- Appointments: Secretary, Parliamentarian, Judges of Elections -- Introductions of Clergy and Staff -- Minutes of the 2014 Meeting 3. Elections ................................................................................................Carmela Brown -- Briefi ng on Nomination and Election Procedures -- Nominations to the Vestry, class of 2018 (from the Nominating Committee) -- Nominations for Delegates to 2015 Diocesan Convention and Representative to Huron Valley Deanery (from the Nominating Committee) 4. Balloting -- Elections require a minimum of 50% of the votes. -- Balloting will continue as necessary as the transaction of business proceeds. 5. Report of the Senior Warden ..................................................................Carmela Brown 6. Finance -- Year End Financial Results -- Presentation of the 2015 Budget 7. Acknowledgement of Written Reports 8. Report on Elections 9. Matters Arising 10. Dismissal ....................................................................................The Rev. Sally Webster 4 Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Parish Sunday, January 26, 2014 Parishioners of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Ann Arbor, a new church school director’s job description will be posted met in the Parish Hall for their Annual Meeting on Sunday, before Lent, and that hiring is expected by June. New plans January 26, 2014 after a combined 9:00 a.m. worship ser- and priorities for the future will include a merger of all the vice. age groups. The Rev. Charles Witke offered opening prayers. Treasurer’s Report The Rev. Alan Gibson recognized the presence of a quorum. Treasurer John Riedel presented the annual fi nancial reports He then appointed Norm Richert as parliamentarian for the and the 2014 budget, noting that the parish once again en- meeting and Allan Stillwagon, secretary. George and Norma joyed a strong year-end fi nancial position, without the need Johnston, Ross and Bette Margeson and Frank and Karen for a transfer from invested funds. Gordon served as election judges. The Breakfast at St. Andrews, a separate corporation, also The minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting were accepted, on reported another fi nancially solid year, thanks to the gener- a motion by Norm Richert, seconded by John Riedel. osity of donors and the success of the 2013 Breakfest. The Rev. Gibson then introduced the clergy, staff and re- The congregation unanimously accepted the treasurer’s re- tiring vestry members, thanking them for their dedication ports, and affi rmed the 2014 budget. and contributions. He urged parishioners to read the several Election results ministry reports distributed before and at the meeting. He also introduced Shannon Chase, Director of the St. Andrew’s The ballots having been tallied, the Senior Warden an- Breakfast Program, who commented on the special blessing nounced the election of Robin Berry, Rachel Diem, Flora that the Program had provided during this winter’s brutally Ferrara, Dave Hunsche, and Bob Westveer as members of cold weather, when physical shelter for even an hour has the vestry. Felicity Thompson will serve as Diocesan Del- been particularly welcome. egate and Huron Valley Deanery representative, with Marcia Wilkinson as alternate. Elections The Fifth Annual Breakfast Program Benefi t Concert: Jim Senior Warden Harry McLaughlin also thanked the retiring Cain, once again the producer of the highly successful Break- vestry members. He explained the election balloting pro- fast Program concerts, urged parishioners to buy their tickets cedures and introduced the nominees for vestry (fi ve to be for the Sunday, March 2, 2014 performance. Among others, elected for three-year terms): Robin Berry, Rachel Diem, this year’s event will present guitarist Dakota Dave Hull, Flora Ferrara, Michael Field, David Hunsche, David Kiley, and Grammy award winners Al Petteway and Amy White. Dennis Powers and Robert Westveer. The candidates for Di- ocesan Delegate & Representative to the Huron Valley Area There being no questions or new business to be addressed, Deanery were Felicity Thompson and Marcia Wilkinson. Charles Witke moved for adjournment (John Romani sec- Ballots were cast, and the judges retired for the counting. onding), and the meeting closed at 11:25 a.m. Senior Warden’s Remarks Harry McLaughlin commended his written report to parish- Respectfully, ioners, then reviewed some of the themes of his two years Allan Stillwagon, Secretary in the offi ce of Senior Warden - especially the variety and vitality of the core ministries: Christian Education, Music and Outreach. He praised the generosity of the volunteer clergy, noting their importance to the liturgical and pastoral life of the parish. He thanked the lay volunteers who play important roles in the governance of the church, especially the Stewardship and Finance Committees, He closed his re- marks by reporting that these committees had completed a salary study of the staff and paid clergy, discovering that St. Andrews has not kept pace with the expectations of diocesan policy. A two-year plan of correction will be completed with the 2015 budget. Honoring Nancy Heusel Announcing Nancy Heusel’s intention to retire at the end of June from her position as Director of Christian Education, Alan Gibson turned to the Book of Proverbs, “She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue …” Nancy served as Director for forty-fi ve years; she has agreed to remain as St. Andrew’s Director of Theat- rical Ministries. After an extended standing ovation under- scored the Parish’s affection and appreciation, he added that 5 Report of the Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee, consisting of Steve Jones, Ginger Kinney, Derek Peterson, Norm Richert, Bridgette Skaff, John Wakeen, Robert Westveer and chairperson Carmela Brown wish to submit this list of candidates for the open positions of the Vestry and Convention Delegate/Alternate, to be chosen by the St. Andrew’s parishioners at the Annual Meeting to be held on January 25, 2015. The Committee presents the following as worthy candidates for the Vestry Class of 2018: Patricia Compton, Frank Gordon, Steve Hastings, David Kiley, Sharon MacBride, John McLaughlin, Georgiana Siehl, Allen Woodford And the following as worthy candidates for the Convention Delegate/Alternate: Barbara Mackey-King and Chris Siehl Reports of the St. Andrew’s Vestry St. Andrew’s Vestry and Diocesan Convention Delegates The following members of the Vestry are retiring after three years of service to St. Andrew’s: Ginger Kinney Derek Peterson Norm Richert Bridgette Skaff John Wakeen The following Diocesan Convention Delegate/Huron Valley Deanery Representative is retiring after three years of service to St. Andrew’s: Robert Westveer The thanks of the congregation, the
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