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Page 307 Index Abenakee Indians: 13 Audubon Society: 106 “Adventure of a Young English Officer Austin, William: “Peter Rugg, the among the Abenakee Savages,” Missing Man,” 21 13 Aesop: 5 The Bachelor’s Delight:72 Alexie, Sherman: “The Lone Ranger Baker, Josephine: 237 and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven,” Baldwin, James: “Sonny’s Blues,” 50 44 Alvarez, Julia: How the Garcia Girls Battle of Shiloh: 210 Lost Their Accents, 52; “The Bellamy, Thomas: “The Fatal Effects of Blood of the Conquistadors,” 52; Seduction,” 16 “Floor Show,” 52 Bendixen, Alfred: 3 “Amelia; or, The Faithless Briton,” 16 Benet, Stephen Vincent: “John Brown’s American Book Award: 47 Body,” 21 American Dream: 41 Bernard, Claude: An Introduction to American Literature Association: 3 the Study of Experimental Medicine,35 Anderson, Sherwood: “Death in the The Best American Short Stories: 40, Woods,” 38; Winesburg, Ohio, 265 132, 233 Bierce, Ambrose: 210–13; Anecdote: 6, 15 “Chickamauga,” 30; In the Midst The Anglo-African Magazine: 189, of Life, 210; “An Occurrence at 191 Owl Creek Bridge,” 30, 130, Anne, Queen (England):COPYRIGHTED 12 MATERIAL 210–13; Tales of Soldiers and Antigua: 144–49 Civilians, 210, 212 Articles of Confederation: 14 Bildungsroman: 144, 285 Astor, John Jacob: 185 Boccaccio, Giovanni: 165 The Atlantic Monthly: 27, 40, 109, Bonaparte, Napoleon: 182 157, 265 The American Short Story Handbook, First Edition. James Nagel. © 2015 James Nagel. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Trim Size: 152mm x 229mm Nagel sam.tex V1 - 11/20/2014 10:57 A.M. Page 308 308 Bontemps, Arna: “A Summer Tragedy,” Cheever, John: 47; “Clancy in the 44; Tower of Babel,” 47; “The Country Index Boston Conservatory of Music: 227 Husband,” 47; “The Housebreaker The Boston Gazette: 12 of Shady Hill,” 47 Boston Magazine: 16 Chesnutt, Charles: 31, 109–14; The Boston Marriage: 105 Conjure Woman, 31, 109; “The Boston Symphony Hall: 228 Goophered Grapevine,” 109–11; Browning, Robert: “My Last Duchess,” “Her Virginia Mammy,” 112–13; 249 “Po’ Sandy,” 111; “The Sheriff’s Büger, G. A.: “Der wilde Jäger,” 59 Children,” 31–32, 112; “The Wife Butler, Robert Olen: 49; A Good Scent of His Youth,” 32, 112; The Wife from a Strange Mountain, 49; of His Youth and Other Stories, Intercourse, 49; “Open Arms,” 49; 31, 109–14 Severance,49 Chicago: 159 Chicago Board of Trade: 219 Cable, George Washington: 28; Chopin, Kate: 28, 34, 91–95, “Belles Demoiselles Plantation,” 206–09; “Athénaise,” 34, 93; The 28; “Madame Delphine,” 33, 113; Awakening, 31, 92, 93; Bayou Old Creole Days, 33; “‘Tite Folk, 34, 91, 206; “The Bènitous Poulette,” 33 Slave,” 94; “In Sabine,” 93–94; Cahan, Abraham: 43; “A Providential “La Belle Zoraïde,” 34, 92–93; Match,” 33 “Beyond the Bayou,” 94; “The Calamities of War,” 16 “Désirée’s Baby,” 28, 34, 91–92, Carver, Raymond: 47, 265–68; 206–09; “The Father of Désirée’s “Cathedral,” 48, 265–68; “Fat,” Baby,” 91–92, 206; “A Gentleman 47–48, 265; “Why Don’t You of Bayou Têche,” 94; “Madame Dance,” 265 Célestin’s Divorce,” 93; “A Cather, Willa: 115–19, 226–29; No-Account Creole,” 94; “The “The Bohemian Girl,” 31, 115–16; Storm,” 94; A Night in Acadie, 34, “Coming, Aphrodite!” 118; My 91; “A No-Account Creole,” 34; Ántonia, 116, 226, 227; “The Story of an Hour,” 93 “Neighbor Rosicky,” 118–19; O Chin, Frank: “Railroad Standard Pioneers!, 226; Obscure Destinies, Time,” 51 115; “Paul’s Case,” 116–17, 118; Cisneros, Sandra: “The First Job,” “Peter,” 115; “The Sculptor’s 52; The House on Mango Street, Funeral,” 117–18; The Troll 52; “Red Clowns,” 52 Garden, 115, 226; “Uncle Civil Rights Act (1964): 46 Valentine,” 118; “A Wagner Civil War (American): 7, 20, 26, 30, Matinee,” 31, 116, 118, 226–29; 39, 43, 73, 89, 96, 99, 105, 112, Youth and the Bright Medusa, 115, 119, 122, 130, 139, 140, 191, 197, 226 208, 211–13, 254, 255 The Century Magazine: 230 Code Noir: 28, 32, 33, 208 Chancellorsville, Battle of: 99 Cofer, Judith Ortiz: 289–91; “Nada,” Chaucer, Geoffrey: 5 52, 289–91 Trim Size: 152mm x 229mm Nagel sam.tex V1 - 11/20/2014 10:57 A.M. Page 309 309 Colla, Ruri: 168–71; “The Story of the Southern Hemispheres Comprising Captain’s Wife and an Aged Three Voyages Round the World: Index Woman,” 16, 168–71, 175 Together with a Voyage of Survey Collier’s Weekly: 214, 222 and Discovery,23 Columbia Exposition: 189 Depression, Great (American): 7, 44, Columbian Magazine, or Monthly 249, 263 Miscellany:16 Doppelgänger: 88–89 Columbus, Christopher: 285–88 Dramatic Monologue: 249 Communist Party: 261 Dreiser, Theodore: “The Second Congo Square (New Orleans): 92 Choice,” 31, 38 Cooke, Rose Terry: 28; “Cal Culver Dubus, Andre: 47, 53; “Killings,” 47 and the Devil,” 28; “Clary’s Trial,” Dunbar, Paul Lawrence: “The Lynching 28; “Freedom Wheeler’s of Jube Benson,” 33 Controversy with Providence: A Dunbar-Nelson, Alice: 28; “The Story of Old New England,” 28; Goodness of St. Rocque,” 29, 32; Cosmopolitan: 40 The Goodness of St. Rocque and Crane, Stephen: 34, 96–100, 135, Other Stories, 32; “Little Miss 214–17; “The Blue Hotel,” 97, Sophie,” 32; “M’sieu Fortier’s 214–17; Bowery Tales, 37, 96; Violin,” 32; “Sister Josepha,” 32 “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky,” 34, 97–98; “A Dark-Brown Dog,” Edel, Leon: 86 37, 98; “An Episode of War,” 30, Eighteenth Amendment: 40 98–99; “An Experiment in Eliot, T. S.: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Misery,” 37, 98; The Little Prufrock,” 249 Regiment, 96; Maggie: A Girl of Epimenides: 172 the Streets, 31; “The Men in the Erdrich, Louise: 49–50, 156–161, Storm,” 37; “The Monster,” 34, 269–72; The Beet Queen, 156; “A 99; The Monster and Other Stories, Bridge,” 159, 271; “Celestine 214; “A Mystery of Heroism,” 30; James,” 158; “Crown of Thorns,” “The Open Boat,” 34, 96–97; The 159; Love Medicine, 156, 269, Red Badge of Courage, 98, 99; The 270, 271; “The Red Convertible,” Sullivan County Sketches, 96; 49–50, 159–60, 269–72; “Saint “Uncle Jake and the Bell-Handle,” Marie,” 157; “Scales,” 158–59; 96 “The Veteran,” 30, 99; “The World’s Greatest Fisherman,” Whilomville Tales,96 159 Crayon, Geoffrey: 58 Esquire: 150, 281 Crockett, Davy: “Bear Hunting in Everybody’s Magazine: 218, 226 Tennessee,” 21 Darwin, Charles: 74, 231 fable: 4, 8 Defoe, Daniel: “A True Relation of the Far, Sui Sin: Mrs. Spring Fragrance, Apparition of One Mrs. Veal,” 6, 33, 51 12 Fargo, North Dakota: 271 Delano, Amasa: Narrative of Voyages Faulkner, William: 42, 50, 139–43, and Travels in the Northern and 157, 253–56; Absalom, Absalon!, Trim Size: 152mm x 229mm Nagel sam.tex V1 - 11/20/2014 10:57 A.M. Page 310 310 Faulkner, William: (cont.) Freud, Sigmund: 88–89 140; “Barn Burning,” 42, 141, Frost, Robert: 249 Index 253–56; “The Bear,” 43, 72, 142–43; “Delta Autumn,” 142; Go Galaxy: 27 Down, Moses, 141; The Hamlet, Gale, Zona: 29 141; Intruder in the Dust, 141; The Garland, Hamlin: 119, 135, 192–95; Mansion, 141; “An Odor of Main-Travelled Roads, 192–95; Verbena,” 140; “The Old People,” “The Return of a Private,” 31; 142; The Reivers, 141; “A Rose for Rose of Dutcher’s Coolly, 31; Emily,” 42, 140; Sartoris, 140; “Under the Lion’s Paw,” 36, “Skirmish at Sartoris,” 140; The 192–95 Sound and the Fury, 140; “Spotted The General Advertiser: 165 Horses,” 42; “That Evening Sun,” The Gentleman and Ladies Town and 43, 140; The Town, 141; “Was,” Country Magazine: 168 George, Henry: 192; Progress and 141–42 Poverty, 192 Fauset, Jessie: “Emmy,” 33 George III, King (England): 18, 58 Feminist Press: 196 The Georgia Review: 289 Ferraro, Geraldine: 47 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: 196–201; Fields, Annie: 105 The Living of Charlotte Perkins Fields, James T.: 105 Gilman, 196; “The Yellow Fitzgerald, F. Scott: 40, 42, 120–25, Wallpaper,” 31, 196–201 130, 236–40; “Absolution,” 41, Grand Street: 273 121; All the Sad Young Men, 40; Gulney, Louise Imogen: “Peter Rugg, “Babylon Revisited,” 41, 123–25, the Bostonian,” 21 236–40; “Crazy Sunday,” 41; Flappers and Philosophers, 40, Hale, Edward Everett: “Man without a 120; The Great Gatsby, 41, 120, Country,” 21 121–22, 123, 236; “The Ice Harlem Renaissance: 233 Palace,” 122; “The Last of the Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins: 31, Belles,” 122–23; Tales of the Jazz 189–91; Sketches of Southern Life, Age, 40, 120; Tender is the Night, 25; “The Two Offers,” 21, 24–25, 120; “Winter Dreams,” 41, 189–91 120–21 Harper’s Magazine: 40, 245, 253 Flying Dutchman: 21 Harper’s Monthly: 27 Fort Sumter: 20 Harper’s Weekly: 192 Franklin, Benjamin: 12, 14, 165–67; Harris, Joel Chandler: 31, 109 “The Speech of Polly Baker,” 6, Harte, Bret: 24, 82–85; “Brown of 8, 16, 165–67 Calaveras,” 85; “The Idyll of Red Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins: 28; “A Gulch,” 84; “The Luck of Roaring Church Mouse,” 28; “Louisa,” 28; Camp,” 27–28, 82–83; “Miggles,” “The Revolt of Mother,” 28, 31 84–85; “Mr. Thompson’s French and Indian War: 13 Prodigal,” 85; “The Outcasts of French Opera House (New Orleans): Poker Flat,” 27–28, 83–84; 28 “Tennessee’s Partner,” 83–84 Trim Size: 152mm x 229mm Nagel sam.tex V1 - 11/20/2014 10:57 A.M. Page 311 311 Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 22–23, 24, Howells, William Dean: “Editha,” 67–70, 73, 177–79; “The 31; The Great Modern Short Index Birthmark,” 22–23, 69; “Ethan Stories: An Anthology, 200; The Brand,” 70; “Dr.
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