SPRING 2015 The Official Magazine of the Pacific Northwest Section – AWWA 2015 Annual Conference Schedule and Program Lake Oswego Tigard Water Partnership’s New WTP Committee Reports PNWS-AWWA P.O. Box 872467 Vancouver, WA 98687 Address Service Requested Gray Matters • Message from the Chair • Subsection Reports Prestressed Concrete Storage Tanks Quality never goes out of style Trends come and go but DN Tanks prestressed concrete storage tanks are built to perform for decades — that’s why we’ve been in business for generations. We’re that strong. For more information visit or call. 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Year after year, our customer support and long-term product performance ensure complete satisfaction. To read the case studies and learn more, visit medoraco.com/betterwater Medora Corporation Dickinson, ND 866-437-8076 www.medoraco.com Brands of Medora Corporation FLOW METERS & CONTROLS ,Q6HDWWOH ZHNQRZ DWKLQJRU WZRDERXW ,QWURGXFLQJ 7KHL0$*6HULHV0DJPHWHU ZDWHU ,316))LHOG3URJUDPPDEOH $FFXUDWHDIIRUGDEOHÁRZPHWHUVDQGFRQWUROV GHVLJQHGEXLOWDQGVKLSSHGIURPRXUIDFWRU\QHDU 6HDWWOH:DVKLQJWRQ PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA ZZZVHDPHWULFVFRP The Official Magazine of the Pacific Northwest Section – AWWA VOLUME 12, NUMBER 1 SPRING 2015 Features PNWS-AWWA 2013-2014 2015 PNWS-AWWA Annual Conference: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Water In Action .................................................................... 31 Association Director: BRENDA LENNOX Conference Schedule ...................................................32 Conference Highlights .................................................33 Chair: JASON CANADY Technical Program .......................................................35 Sponsors .......................................................................40 Chair Elect: RANDY BLACK Vendor List/Booth Map ...............................................42 Past Chair: Rewards and Challenges of Constructing CHUCK KINGSTON the Lake Oswego Tigard Water Partnership’s Washington Trustee: JACKI MASTERS New Water Treatment Plant...............................................44 JOHN ROTH Oregon-Idaho Trustee: BRAD TAYLOR TODD HEIDGERKEN Trustees at Large: DAN KEGLEY LACEY GOERES-PRIEST Treasurer: MARSHALL THOMPSON Executive Director: KYLE KIHS Publications Chair: CORIANNE HART FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.pnws-awwa.org Departments Message from the Chair ........................................................................................ 6 Message from the Executive Director ................................................................. 8 Association Director’s Report ............................................................................. 10 Committee Reports.............................................................................................. 12 Published by Subsection Reports ..............................................................................................26 Gray Matters ......................................................................................................... 46 Historian’s Corner ................................................................................................48 Managing Editor: Cole Kelman Professional Directory ......................................................................................... 49 Layout & Design: Daniel Goulet Sales Manager: Darrell Harris Reach our Advertisers .........................................................................................50 Advertising Coordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow 866-985-9780 Cover Photo: A view of the City of Bellevue, home to PNWS-AWWA 2015 Annual Fax: 866-985-9799 Conference. Credit: Colin Walker / City of Bellevue.© E-mail: [email protected] www.kelmanonline.com © 2015 Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd. All rights reserved. This document is printed on paper certifi ed to the No part of this magazine may be standards of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®). This reproduced or reprinted without written magazine is printed with vegetable oil-based inks. Please permission from the PNWS-AWWA. do your part for the environment by reusing and recycling. Message from the Chair Looking Ahead to Bellevue – Water in Action s winter plods along in the from the roots up! It is the efforts of our can better connect to your subsection and Pacifi c Northwest I fi nd myself subsection members that build the ommittee members by utilizing the tools A looking ahead to the Section foundation on which this organization that Pat and his group have created. Conference to be held in Bellevue rests. A special shout out to Corie In addition to all the great training and Washington beginning April 29, 2015. Peterson, Max Woody and whole SAC networking at this winter training we were The LAC, led by Alex Gancheva, has crew for putting on a phenomenal pleased to host two board members from worked exceptionally hard this year winter training! This is the one chance our sister organization on the other side of to bring us all a tremendous program each year for the Board to get in front the pipe PNCWA. Mark Polling, Past Chair and exceptional networking events all of every subsection, provide a forum and Chris Miccolis Oregon Director came set against the backdrop of the great for information sharing and I think it is to see how the other side operates and to city of Bellevue. I feel that I would be one of the best meetings we have each start discussions regarding extension of remiss if I did not remind everyone that year. It is great to see all the up-and- our MOU with the PNCWA in the upcom- conference registration is now open coming leaders and I am already ing year. It was great to see our many and I encourage everyone to register looking forward to seeing you all members reaching out to Mark and Chris early and often for this year’s event! next year! and bridging the gap between our two My personal goal this year is to bring This year’s training included ses- great organizations. one new member to the conference sions on the Structure of the Associa- Reading back though what I have who has never been before and show tion, the Section’s and subsections role written, I notice that I have mentioned our them what a great organization the fulfi lling the mission of the AWWA, website several times. It is one of the fi rst PNWS-AWWA is and I challenge how the Section can provide value resources that I go to when I am looking each of you to do the same. Look for to you and entice more member and to connect to a committee, subsection, the registration link on the Sections Executive Director Kyle Kihs rolled or Section contact. Thank you to all of the website. I guarantee this year’s out the Sections new brand for to the many volunteers who work diligently to conference will be a memorable event! subsections. Look for more informa- keep all the pages that make up our site As we close out the month of tion regarding the rebranding of our updated with the many activities that you February I also want to take a line or subsections in the coming months. are is involved in. Your efforts are greatly two to thank the many representatives We also heard from our membership appreciated and are what make this Section from our 12 subsections for turning out committee chair Pat Van Duser who the leader in the water industry that it is. in Portland to share their successes showed off the many improvements to I look forward to seeing all our and challenges with their peers and the membership database! Be sure to members in Bellevue in April! Thank the Board. It is great to see such check out their committee page on the you again for all that you do to make this energy and vitality driving this Section website for all the details on how you Section great. 6 Spring 2015 CLICK HERE to return to TABLE OF CONTENTS Your Partner from Concept to Completion Reservoir Seismic Retrofits Water Quality and Treatment Water Storage and Distribution Water Planning and Development Energy Efficiency and Vibration Analysis Environmental Compliance and Permitting 800.720.8052 | WWW.RH2.COM NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN IN BEND, OREGON: 541.701.2271 20 BRANCHES IN THE PACIFIC NW SERVICING ALL OF YOUR WATERWORKS SUPPLY & SERVICE NEEDS Contact a Meter Automation Group team member in your Sensus Territory Manager: area for your Reading System and Technology needs: Erik Ongstad - (206) 331-1228 NW Washington [email protected] Tom Erickson - (253) 375-3055 Burlington [email protected] Montana Woodinville Poulsbo Spokane Valley Southern Washington/ Spokane Port Orchard Washington Great Falls 90 90 Seattle 90 Tacoma Columbia Gorge/Northern Idaho 90 90 Olympia Missoula Tammy Rogers - (503) 209-4902 Yakima
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