2 Main News Page Concerns over Insecurity Afghanistan Beat Scotland in ODI Match Increases in Herat KABUL - The Afghan bad start when expe- HERAT CITY - Herat pro- the districts, the reality is National Cricket Team rienced opener Kyle vincial council on Friday that the Taliban rule over defeated Scotland in Coetzer fell for a second- raised its concern over the swaths of territory in sev- second One-Day Inter- ball duck when caught increase of insecurity in the eral districts and this is a national (ODI) match in off Dawlat Zadran. province’s districts. major concern,” said Mah- Edinburgh on Wednes- From then on the home The council’s security com- di Hadid Herat provincial day. side lost wickets stead- mittee said that terrorists council security committee In this match, Moham- ily and the match ended have taken control of nu- officer. mad Shahzad’s 84 laid when Scotland were merous areas in districts Herat civil society mean- the groundwork for Af- dismissed for 132 in the and if the security institu- while raised concerns over ghanistan’s 78-run win 8th over when Con de tions do not take action the insecurity in the province’s over Scotland under Lange was caught off security of Herat province city and added that if se- the Duckworth/Lewis Mirwais Ashraf to give will be seriously threat- curity officials do not take method in a rain-affect- Afghanistan a series- ened. any action about the prob- ed ODI. clinching victory. Shindand, Adraskan, Gul- lem Taliban will make their Monday’s first of a two- Afghanistan have ran, Kushki Kuhna and safe haven in the province. match series had been played some quality Farsi districts are the dis- “This is clear that deploy- abandoned due to bad cricket in the World T20 tricts facing serious secu- ments and domination of weather, and rain again and other competitions, rity threats. the Taliban in the villages interrupted proceedings and a quality perfor- The committee officials will create serious prob- at the Grange. mance against these said that Taliban rule most lems for government insti- Opener Shahzad’s 91- two European nations of the villages in the dis- tutions, therefore the pres- ball knock, including will only reinforce the tricts. ence of Taliban in these eight fours and two team’s place as one of “Although the Taliban do areas will threaten the se- sixes off consecutive de- the 38th over before rain Shahzad fell 16 runs Scotland set a revised the Duckworth/Lewis the strong upcoming not focus their attacks on curity of Herat city,” said liveries helped Afghani- halted the tourists’ in- short of a century. victory target of 211 method. teams in cricket world. security compounds and Mahdi Asif civil society stan get to 178 for six in nings. When play resumed, from 36 overs under Their chase got off to a (Tolonews) government buildings in ...(More on P6)...(13) Khost Market Unaffected by Parents of TOLO TV Staff INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Killed By Taliban Share ICB Closure of Pakistan Border Procurement Entity Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) Ordeal in Wake of Eid Funded By MOF KHOST CITY - Despite the KABUL - Six months after vided based on recom- Procurement of Works & Goods in three lots as follows. closure of the Durand Line a Taliban suicide bomber mendations by the Na- Lot #1 : Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Four by Pakistani authorities for attacked a mini-bus car- tional Unity Government. Substations of 110/20kV each at Chesht, Hobai, Karokh & Pashton Zarghoon the past one month, prices rying staff of TOLO TV, The organization urged Project Name Lot #2 : Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV S/C of most commodities re- families who lost their NATO member countries tapping transmission line from Salma (Hydel) to Karokh Substation main steady in Afghan Lot #3 : Supply of Goods for the Electrification of 20/0.4kV network in four districts of Herat loved ones in the bomb- and the Afghan govern- Province markets, businessmen in ing still remember the vic- ment to also put their ef- southeastern Khost prov- tims as the nation marks forts into protecting and NPA/DABS/95/W-1239/ICB: Procurement of Works & Goods in three lots as follows. ince say. the Eid-al-Fitr festival. supporting the freedom Lot #1 : Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Four Substations of 110/20kV each at Chesht, Hobai, Karokh & Pashton Zarghoon Pakistan blocked the bor- move sparked fears prices said they had suffered Meanwhile, Reporters of press and journalists in IFB & The name of der crossings after its the ICB Lot #2 : Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV S/C of a price hike. But except losses as goods-laden Without Borders on Fri- Afghanistan. According to tapping transmission line from Salma (Hydel) to Karokh Substation military began building for oil and sugar, the rates trucks had been stranded day said that any com- the statement, the killing Lot #3 : Supply of Goods for the Electrification of 20/0.4kV network in four districts of Herat installations on the Du- most food items have been on the Pakistani side of the mitment to Afghanistan of TOLO TV staff mem- Province rand Line in Khost, Paktia stable. Inam Rahmani, British-era frontier, which at the NATO Summit in bers clearly indicated the Project ID DABS/95/W-1239/ICB and Paktika provinces. The head of the traders union, ...(More on P6)...(14) Warsaw should be pro- ...(More on P6)...(15) The Bids must be accompanied with Bid Security in the form of a Bank Guarantee provided in the Bidding Documents for the three lots as follows and shall be valid for 4 Dead, 19 Hurt in 148 days after the bids submission deadline. 2 Security Forces Among 18 Dead Lot Lot Description Amount of Bid Samangan Traffic Mishap No. Security US$ Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and 1 Commissioning of Four Substations of 110/20kV each at AIBAK - Four people were killed and in Clashed Countrywide Bid Security 160,000 Chesht, Hobai, Karokh & Pashton Zarghoon 19 others wounded in a traffic accident KABUL - Two security forces in the Hazrat Sultan district of northern and 18 militants have been 2 Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV S/C tapping transmission line 90,000 Samangan province on Thursday, an of- killed in separate clashes in from Salma (Hydel) to Karokh Substation ficial said. parts of the country in past 3 Supply of Goods for the Electrification of 20/0.4kV 86960 Abdul Halim, an official of the provin- 24 hours, the Ministry of De- network in four districts of Herat Province cial police headquarters, told Pajhwok fence (MoD) said on Friday. Afghan News the accident happened Fourteen rebels had been Deadline for Bid 10 August, 2016; 10:00 hours (Kabul Local Time) Electronic submission of Bid is not Submission allowed. Late bid will be reject. before noon in the Dulkhaki locality killed in Giro and Andar Address for Bid Administrative Office of the President, National Procurement Authority, Procurement when a truck carried people from on districts of southern Ghazni th Facilitation Directorate (NPA/PFD) 4 floor, Kabul, Afghanistan. area to another skidded off the road and province while four others Submission overturned. perished in Kot and Achin A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders free of cost by downloading from the NPA website www.npa.gov.af and IFB, from the The reason of the accident was said to districts of eastern Nan- websites of (http://www.dabs.af Or may be obtained in a CD/flash memory from the be high speed. Civil Hospital Director garhar province, a statement Website NPA office (Address given above). In case of any difficulty in downloading from Dr.Shamsuddin said four bodies and 19 from MoD said. to the statement. Two secu- Militants have yet to com- website, interested bidders may contact at e-mail address injured had been evacuated to the hos- Among the dead rebels were rity officials also killed in ment about the incidents. [email protected] and Tel: No. (+93) 0202147557 cc: [email protected]; [email protected] pital.(Pajhwok) Daesh insurgents, according clashes with militants. (Pajhwok) Outlook Horoscope Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20) Cancer (June 21-July 20) Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22) Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19) People are impressed when you show People are encouraging you to speak up Although your friendly nature usually puts You’re no stranger to mapping out an up with your I-can-do-it attitude, but today, but you’re not eager to share your others at ease, much to your surprise it could agenda and then doing whatever it takes they’re not as happy if you don’t de- thoughts until you explore all of your alterna- have the opposite effect now. Don’t try to to achieve your goal. Unfortunately, you liver the goods. You could sweep oth- tives. Although your first reaction might be convince anyone that you’re on their side, es- might feel as if you’re in over your head when you ers off their feet with your positive assessment of a quite enthusiastic, your idealism is more of a pecially if people seem to bristle at your good-natured realize your master plan got a little out of hand. But situation because they want to believe you have all reflection of your state of mind now than the actual circum- attitude today. But a personality conflict is not a good don’t wait until there are others depending upon the answers.
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