^ ^ r : ' > V-J :■ V- ^ tl'V jL v ia u L 0 a d a il y ictBOti^TioN h‘- > fw tk» MMMi «f.Oelober, IM I 5.255 M«aab«r p t Dm Andtt Bh n m of Ororitatisiia. i^ iU -.1 r>- LrTj PR^taiUiBCBN# .(OtaMwUled Adv<MitDf ob Pag* 10.>, c o n n ^0L.UL,N0.46. SOUTH MANCHESTER^ ;, ^l)NjB8DAY, NOVEMREB 28,1982. BOARD ORDERS A t Executiye M ansion For H istone M eeting. BROADSTREET p r o g r a m HAS JOBFDOSBED GREATVARIEnr SdectaND AnAorize Ezp«- Chveh Senices, Cross- Chief EzeentiTe Gives Ont Cotmlry Races, Soccer Ptestdent Is Sklement Following Con-' oct— To Be Ibnlled By And BasketbaD GamesAs in foironM Fith ConApn- En«r(ency Job Borean. Scbedole. oional London — Inconi' Washington, Nov. 88.—(AP) —<6bave be)d, however, that advantages Prepldent |itov#r today declared to us'could be found by other forms Tb« flrit major work projoot to b« TbanksglvlBg will be observed to­ h lim lf fbiinally opposwl to sus- of tangible copipensatlon than cash, ing Prehdent To Steer morrow morning by neclal servloes pensipp' of DecembM 16 payments such as expan^on of markets for ■pooioroA by tbo MaBohMtor Bmor* products of Amerloan agriculture In several local oburones, in accord­ due on war debts Md yacommended Clear Of ProUom Until He goaey Bmpleymoat Anoolatloa wai that QibllPMi create !%b agdney to and labor. There are other possible authorlaod by tbo Board of Boloot- ance with the old New Entlabd cus­ compensations In economic relations ,v)eufs” wUih debtor na- ■I' moB lu t Bight, whoB tbo Board vot tom first Initiated by the Pilgrim tlOBA’ WCfB " Internationa) financial which might be developed on study Takes Office; which would contribute to recovery od tbo BgbB of 18.000 tc bo oxpoBdod Fathers. Holy Communion be otiigatlms. iB tbo oomplotloB of tbo Bortb oBd held at 8 a. m. In Bt Mary’s Epis­ Zn a lengthy formal statement fol­ of prices and trade. Such compensa­ of tbo Broad otroot OBtoaoloo, wblob copal Church and a special Thanks- lowing his conference today with tions could be made mutually advan- Wasblzigton, Nov. 38—(AP)—Op^ ivlng service will be held in the Congressional leaders of both par­ tsgeous. These things might serve to waa boguB loot yoar by tbo omor< overcome difficulties of exchange in posing extension of the moratoriun^. gOBoy buroau. Zt li oxpootod that at Sobblns room of the Center Congre­ ties, the Pr.isldent declared that “as gational Church at 7:80 a. m. with to the suspension of Installments due some Countries and to meet the President Hoover today proposed ia loaot 60 moB from tbo charity lloti Rev. Watson Woodruff as the speak­ questions eff Ipgblllty of some of will bo glvoB employmoBt boglBnlng on December 15, uo facts have been commission to review w u debts In er. A Thanksgiving mass will be presented by the debtor governments them otherwise to pay.’’ the llgbt of internatioiial ecotiomle MoBday. sung In the Polish National Catholic New wMch would justify such postpone­ “Zt is unthinkable that within the and disarmament problems. Church at 8:80 a. m., Re\. Peter ments.’’ comity of nations and the main­ iB OOBBOOtlOB With tbo IflltlatiOB Latas In charge. Other servlees will tenance of mtemational goodwill,’’ His statement followed a oonfei^ of a work program for the wlater, At the same time, the Chlef^Execu- be held in the Zion Lutheran Church tive declared a commission should be Mr. Hoover said, “that our people ence with Congressional Isadeto, In for wblcb purpose the Bmergeocy at 8:80 a. m. and In the Swedish should refuse to consider the request which both Republleaas and Demo­ group OBd the Park Commlsslooer, created to receive suggestions on the crats voiced objection to such ;• Congregational Church at 7:80 p. war debt problem ‘and to report to of a friendly people to discusr an im­ William a Caieney and Park Super- m. and in the Emanuel Lutheran commission; IntendeBt Horace F. Murphey ap­ Congress such recommendations as portant quesUon In which they and Church a Thanksgiving eve pro­ they deem desirable.’’ we both have a vital Interest, irre­ Secretary Mills carried the Presi­ peared before the Board last night gram will be given. The Emanuel dent’s latest views, after the White and offered plans and suggestions The statement continued: spective of what conclusions might Choir and Children’s Chorus will “Z have stated on many occasions arise from such a discussion.” House parley, to Presldeat-eltot for the Board’s approval, the Select­ Bing and the ’Thanksgiving message Franklin D. Roosevelt men made plans to use the west end my opposition to cancellation. Fur­ will be given by the pastor. A spe­ thermore, Z do not feel that the (Complete text of the President’s There was no. indication that tea apartment In the Knox homestead, cial program vdll be given this eve­ statement will be found In today's incoming executive intended . t o adjoining the Municipal building as While the world waited outside, breathlessly expectant of stirring developments. President-elect Roosevelt American people should be called ning at the Nazarene church. Rev. upon to make further sacrifices. Z Herald on Page Two). abandon his position of aloofness headquarters for the Emergency Stella Crooks will preach. entered the White House grounds, bound for bis precedent-shattering conference with President Hoover. from the problems which press for Emplojrment for the next five Sports Schedule Here you see the car bearing Governor Roosevelt, right, wjth Warren Delano Robbins of the State Depart­ decision between now and March 4, months. The apartment will be As usual, Manchester will furnish ment and Prof. Raymond Moley, Roosevelt advisor, as it passed up the drive, preceded by an automobile con­ Secretary Mills reported tha Bteto vacated at once and made ready for a varied sports program for those taining an eseost of White House aides. Department was. reikiy to reply i t the .use of the Association as soon as who are at heme for the holiday. once to requests of 8oMs& dsbtorPr possible. Among the leading sport attractions BRIEF STATEMENT MADE particularly Great m taln aqd The men to be employed on the will be the annual Recreation Cen­ France, for suspensioo of the Z>ee<* work on Broad street wlU atari un­ ter cross-country run, which will ember Z6 payments, and for rsvlsw der the direction of Town Engineer bring many new runners^ to this GAMBUN6PAUCES of tbs debt field. J. Frank Bowen and Superlatendent town In an attempt to win the Man­ REUGIOUS LEADERS JOIN AFTER HISTORIC P A R O Horace iF. Murphey on the large chester five- mile hin imd dale race. As to next mcnthTSaUmentil' bank at the Intersection of Broad Joseph Mcauskey. Manchester’s ALMOST DESERTED Mr. Hoovsr said no facts “have been and West Middle Turnpike. The larg- Olympic runner, twice winner of the IN MESSAGES OF N O H E R A L D presented by the debtor govern­ er part of the work will b« done by event, will face stiff competition to­ White Henselssnes 40 Word ments” wblcb would justify p o ^ band as was the sectloB completed morrow. ’The race will start at. 11 TOMORROW ponement of the payminti. Re last year from BUsabetb Place to a. m., and will be preceded by a Quarter Is a Big Bet Now In Note Saying That Prog- ■uggeetod that they might be pei<* Midda Turnpike. High School race over a dffferent Protestants, Hebrews And No lisiit ol Tht Horsld wi^ od to pay In foreign eurrefideei OfhdlBg WorK course In '^ c b runnsrp from HF^'' A small amount of grading re­ A ese— MilBens ^ M ndelii ^ * ^ eeWesl Atoted Ms “oppbeu mains to bwdimoen tl>H£otlou u>m- add lft»SsiSFruiu»m -w lU ..*e'en­ (biAefier- EipreA~diepe[ tioh^Ib casoslla^B'* of tos d s ^ i pleted last year, and when .the north tered. end seotlon of the new road Is com­ A benefit soceer game wHl be fea r Ago!.' Debt Disttsiien. AmenosA psom sboifl8 M ^ u ls d pleted, It will be ready for oil and played on the Qbarter Oak ground# For The FutnrV^-Tb Take upofi tornnke lU P t^ Morttess.” gravel as a completed town high­ for -Albert Undsay, old-time' soccer ___ - hewito'^Jsgld, way. A large seotku of land will be player who was badly Injured In the Care Of The Hungry. American,Qrl Who Recently Re^io, Nev., Nov. 88.—(AP) WaiblngtoB, Nov. 88,—(^P) — UlDCONVIRSAnON “that advantofis to Us eomd be available for opening as residential Oambllng palaoee that a ysar ago The poeelbility of an admlnistratleBr found by other forms of tdhfiblo property as soon as the highway has (Continued OB Page Seven) roared with the full boom of tbo iponeered effort to reaeb a ebm- compensation than oasbi sttok as bssB oompletad. The new road will Embraced Hindn Religion, game are all but deserted In Reno, OVERIKHTBEAHS txpanslon of marksts for broducts enable almost dlnot entry Into the - By 014VBB ORAMLING promieo on Burope’i domind for war of Amsripan agrteulturs is q labor." North End seotlon, with a terminus New York, Nov. 28.—(AP)—They divorce oenter. debt roUof aroio today as Preildont Mr. Hoovsr suffgsstodaMt tbo OB Hilliard street. IWTHERJUIDSON came from forest and fort—some Makee Announcement. Then Reno was whooping it up Hoover rsnswsd bis asiault on ths debt oonimleeton he recommended The much discussed matter of barefoot and some not—and near with an abandon reipindful of Uge tanglsd problem by.
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