NACTO Bike SHARE equity Practitioners’ paper #1 April 2015 walkable Station spacing is key to successful, equitable bike share Across the United States, bike share programs offer While the bike share industry is still in its infancy, new transportation options for people at all income with a number of challenges to address in order to grow levels. Bike share programs extend the reach of and thrive, good system planning can help address existing transit, make one-way bike trips possible, equity concerns by improving the quality of service. and eliminate some barriers to riding such as bike Systems that are designed with a uniformly high ownership, storage, maintenance and concerns station density (approximately 28 stations per square about theft. Since 2010, bike share systems have been mile) across a variety of neighborhood types provide introduced in over 30 U.S. cities and riders have taken a convenient transportation option throughout the over 36 million bike share trips. coverage area and see higher usage across all income brackets.1 To increase ridership among low-income While bike share offers clear financial benefits, low- populations, bike share systems must be designed income people are not proportionally represented to offer a meaningful transportation option. Cities among U.S. bike share users. People use bike share should launch bike share programs that are as big as when it is convenient and serves the trip they are possible, densely covering a large, contiguous area trying to make. However, in many cities, there is that includes low-income neighborhoods, as well as an insufficient number and density of stations in employment centers and other high density areas, neighborhoods where low-income people live, making and has safe, welcoming places to ride.2 As bike share bike share an inconvenient choice for most trips. systems are launched and expanded, protected bike lanes that take people where they want to go must be introduced as well. 1 NICERIDE 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 HUBWAY 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 150 150 Bike share125 ridership increases 125 System Analysis: when stations100 are closer together 100 Rides increase with station density Bike share8075 system design – namely station 8075 nice ride density, program50 area layout and the presence of 50 60 60 Minneapolis area complementary25 protected bike lanes – is a key factor 25 in ridership.3 NACTO’s analysisCABI of recent ridership 400 400 data from an0 array10 20of North30 40 American50 60 bike70 80share 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 systems shows25020 that ridership at a station (defined as 25020 the number of trips that begin or end at the station) 200 200 increases exponentially0 the more stations there are in > to/from station Rides per day 0 410 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 close proximity.150 A recent academic paper similarly 150 other stations WITHIN 15-MIN RIDE > found that150 Vélib’ could increase ridership by almost 150 100 5 100 HUBWAY 30% if station125 density in Paris was increased. 125 Boston Area 50 50 Bike share100 usage is predominantlyDIVVY driven by 100 750 750 convenience.0 Thus,20 having40 more 60options80 of places100 to 0 20 40 60 80 100 go will increase50 ridership overall. Placing bike share 50 250 250 stations uniformly25 close together over a large area is 25 one of the 200best ways to ensure that a city’s bike share 200 0 > to/from station Rides per day system will be0 a 10real transportation20 30 40 50 option60 for70 a wide80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 150 150 other stations WITHIN 15-MIN RIDE > demographic250 of users. Conversely, a low-density 250 system, with100 only a few stations within a walkable 100 CAPITAL BIKE SHARE 200 200 D.C. Area distance, will50 see lower ridership. 50 150 CITIBIKE 150 Research on0 transit users finds that most people will 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 walk no more100 than a ½ mile to get to commuter rail, 100 with a large500 drop-off beyond a ¼ mile.6 The distance 500 50 50 someone will400 walk to use a bike appears to be much 400 0 > to/from station Rides per day smaller – about 1,00020 feet 40or 5 minutes60 walking.80 100 The 20 40 60 80 100 !"#$%&'()*+,-%%,'+,./'bike share 300systems that have the highest ridership – 300 other stations WITHIN 15-MIN RIDE > 250 250 Paris, New200 York, Mexico City – have stations evenly 200 DIVVY spaced an200 easy walking distance apart. Since the 200 Chicago distance that100 people are willing to walk to find a bike 100 150 150 remains the 0same regardless of neighborhood type, the 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 size of the stations100 should be adjusted, not the spacing, 100 7 to address 50neighborhood-specific needs. To increase 50 ridership and system utility, bike share stations should 0 > to/from station Rides per day be placed no0 more 20than 1,00040 feet60 apart80 across100 the 20 40 60 80 100 other stations WITHIN 15-MIN RIDE > entire program area. > 500 500 CITIBIKE “I think the400 basic issue with any bike sharing is 400 New York City density. If300 you look where it is used, there are lots 300 of stations. I am not going to use a system that basically200 only gives me the option to go to one or 200 two places.100 If there are lots of stations east of 100 the river, I bet it would be used more.” Rides per day to/from station to/from station Rides per day 0 > to/from station Rides per day 0 –Greater50 Greater100 Washington150 commentator200 8 50 100 150 200 other stations WITHINnumber 15-MIN RIDE of > stations WITHIN 15-MIN RIDE > 2 To create equitable bike share systems, Bike share users ride when it is convenient meet the service quality needs of The importance of convenience to bike share users low-income riders cannot be overstated. A 2013 survey of Capital Bike Share users found that 9 out of 10 reported the In the United States, however, low-income “ability to get around more easily or more quickly” neighborhoods typically have among the lowest as their primary reason for joining the program.11 density of bike share stations, making bike share an In New York, a 2013 intercept survey found that the inconvenient option for most trips. In addition, low- majority (59%) of Citi Bike users cited “convenience, income areas often have fewer protected bike lanes ready availability, flexibility in travel, saves time” as and less bike infrastructure overall, further restricting the thing they most valued about the program.12 In the pool of possible riders to only the most fearless a 2015 survey of Divvy members, the ability to “get and committed of cyclists.9 around more easily/faster” was the most common While systems around the country have experimented reason why Chicagoans decided to join the system.13 with deeply discounted memberships and options Convenience, or the lack thereof, is likely to be an for low-income residents and the unbanked, less even more important factor to low-income people attention has been paid to ensuring that there are who are deciding if they want to use their city’s bike enough stations in low-income neighborhoods to share system, as they typically have less spare time make bike share a useful transportation option. Bike and less disposable income than higher-wage earners. share trips are overwhelmingly short (less than 15 NACTO’s System Convenience analysis can be used minutes) and local.10 As a result, users need a dense to identify places where bike share is less convenient network of station options from which to pick up and and where station infill is needed to ensure quality return a bike. service. The analysis measures system utility by Cities must carefully select their initial coverage assessing the percent of the program area that is and expansion areas in order to maintain a high within a convenient walking distance (1,000 feet) station density across the entire system. Financial from a bike share station. Overall, NACTO’s analysis limitations and political considerations often lead finds that most U.S. bike share systems provide good cities to create sprawling systems (the “one in each service at the center but that station density decreases, neighborhood” model) with low-density coverage along with the utility of the system and ridership, in low-income areas instead of starting/expanding further out from the core. Station density and service in a geographically tighter area with a higher is often worse in low-income areas. New York’s Citi station density. However, systems that have lower Bike is an exception: while Citi Bike does not cover station density in low-income neighborhoods often the whole city, the areas that are served are evenly exacerbate equity issues as stations are too far apart covered with stations. As a result, bike share in New to provide a real transportation option for low-income York is equally convenient throughout the program riders. Such systems attempt to achieve nominally or area. Notably, the planned Citi Bike expansion will geographically equitable bike share coverage at the further expand coverage outside the Manhattan core expense of service quality and utility. while maintaining the same station density. Cities can increase ridership and provide better service for low-income residents by adding infill stations. WHAT DO YOU fun, recreation 9% value most saves money 11% about bike share? exercise 11% Convenience Citi Bike, 2013 59% 3 NACTO’s system convenience analysis 80–100 60–80 40–60 20–40 0–20 identifies areas for infill Percent of area within 1,000’ of a station DIVVY CITI BIKE Chicago New York City 060% Miles 1 2 3 0100% Miles 1 2 3 CAPITAL HUBWAY BIKESHARE Boston area D.C.
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