Ml-Coimty Basketball Team SEESTOBYPAGE14 Sunny and Cold THEDMLY Partly sunny and cold today 4nd tonight. Sunny and cold Bed Bank, Freehold FINAL tomorrow and Sunday. I Long Branch 7 EDITION Monmoutli County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years yOL.93NO.188 RED BANK, 1V.J., FRIDAY, MARCH 26,1971 TEN CENTS Divorce Law Okay Expected The measure was given priority status by Cahill. persons have claimed such zoning laws are discriminatory. The bill permits divorce after a year's voluntary separa- ^fftENflTOJJ^AP) - An amp"ndi?d "no'faiilt" divorce bill -A resolution to ratify a U.S. Constitutional Amendment The vote was 34-26 with 41 votes needed for passage in the 80- tion by a couple and establishes the grounds for divorce, in- tfiat would make it easier to get a divorce in New Jersey has to lower the voting age to 18 in all elections was introduced in member house. cluding homosexuality, sodomy, alcoholism, imprisonment, passed the State; Senate and T>eeh returned to-the Assembly the Senate. Seven states have ratified the amendment since it drug addiction and mental illness. Where backers predicted no trouble in winning final approval was approved in Congress Tuesday. The divorce bill passed the State Assembly Monday and before sending it on to Gov. William T. Cahill. The 1907 law established adultery and desertion as the only -The Assembly approved a bill revising the state's obsce- was amended in the Senate before being*passed The bill, the first state divorce reform since 1923. was ap- Thursday. '; grounds for divorce and the law was last amended in 1923 to proved by a 21-7 vote yesterday in the Senate, giving it the ba- nity and pornography laws to make them more strict. The add extreme cruelty as a basis for divorce. vote on the measure was 59-1 with only Assemblyman Hugo Assemblyman Richard DeKorte, R-Bergen, chief sponsor rest majority required for passage. of the bill, said after the Senate vote that he expected the bill • The Senate amendments would increase from six to 11 The bill would permit divorce after a one-year separation Pfals, R<Union, voting no. The bill would prohibit the sale or months the minimum period for which desertion would be 'display to unmarried persons under age 17 of materials to be brought up in the Assembly on Monday. between marriage partners without requiring either party to DeKorte said he expected the Senate amendments would grounds for divorce. The Senate also increased from one to be found at fault in the marriage. judged pornographic and obscene. two years the minimum period for institutionalization as Bill Defeated strengthen the bill in the Assembly and predicted it would get ' Other Action more than the 45 votes it received there Monday. grounds for divorce. State Sen. Alexander Malturi, R-Essex, a In Other legislative action yesterday: -The Assembly defeated a bill that would have repealed chief opponent of the measure, said it would be harmful to a section of a 1969 law giving non-residents the legal right to The Senate amendments do not affect the main reform in -The Senate voted 310 for a $25 million urban aid pack- the bill, the "no fault" divorce provision. family stability. age destined lo provide financial help to 24 municipalities. challenge zoning laws. Many minority groups and low income ', , SIT-DOWN SCENE AT LANVIN-CHARLES OF THE RITZ—Executives at the sprawling Lanvin-Charles able to snap waving employes from the highway. Calls to the executive offices proved fruitless as one of the Ritz cosmetics factory on Rt. 35, Holmdel, were "in meetings" yesterday, refusing to talk about a secretary announced only "no disturbance and no comment. Everyone is in a meeting. ' The firm, wnicn job action by employes who spent the morning sitting down in the cafeteria. An anonymous phone caller manufactures and ships a variety of perfumes, toiletries and cosmetics from the 25-acre complex, em- advised that employes were taking the action to "protest working conditions." A Register reporter was ploys 400 persons. Lanvin acquired the old Mattel Toy Company plant in 1967 and renovated IT. ordered from the building yesterday morning when he attempted to photograph the job action and was REGISTER STAFF PHOTO Assemblyman Dawes May Not Run Again ByBENVANVLIET devote to my law practice." er than seek the newly sure if he would run again. Should Mr. Coleman decide trict - replacing Mr, Azzo- and a former Essex County last year's- unsuccessful GOP FREEHOLD - Monmouth Mr. Dawes, a former Free- formed "at-large" Assembly Mr. Azzolina, the favorite for to take the offered prose- lina, and Mr. Coleman - and Assemblyman, Jerome V-. congressional candidate. County tAssemblyman John I. hold mayor, was elected to seat. • • •. ' the newly created third state cutor's position, he would not a seat in the western district Burke; Thomas-Barkalow, The 10-member bi-partisan Dawes'of Freehold, says he the Assembly in 1969 to repre- Should Mr. Dawes decide Senate seat, said fhat he seek reelection this Novem- to replace Mr. Dawes. farmer Howell Township apportionment commission, may not seek reelection this sent district 5A, the so-oalled • not to run again, he could, hasn't mads up his mind if he ber. In addition, the. leadership magistrate, and son of the Which devised • the redistrict- year. western county district. He possibly be the third in-, would seek a fourth term. This would then open up must find, a- candidate for the former Assemblyman, the ing plan in line with the Su- Mr. Dawes, one of two represents the district along cumbent whose seat would be Mr. Azzolina's colleague in another seat in the coastal new "at-large" seat. late Clifton T. Barkalow; preme Court's one-man, one- county freshmen Assem- with Joseph E. Robertson of vacant this year. the so-called coastal district, district. Already Running Freehold Mayor William.' vote doctrine, also realigned blymen, said that he may not Spring Lake Heights. Azzollna Unsure Assemblyman James M. Cole- It is thus possible that the Already seeking Assembly Boyle, (also a candidate for the county's legislative dis- seek a second term because Mr. Dawes said that he has Assemblyman Joseph A. man Jr., is in line for the county GOP would have to nominations are former As- the sheriff's nomination); tricts to bring about more of the pressures of his busi- found difficulty in adequately Azzolina, from district 5B, county, prosecutor's job, but is come up with candidates for semblyman Chester Apy of Deal Mayor Daniel J. Kru- equal population between the ness. serving his law firm and at has said that he's also not undecided about taking it. two seats in the coastal dis- Little Silver; his neighbor, . man, and William F. Dowd, two' • Mr. Dawes is a law partner the same time devote suf- in the Freehold firm of Kru- ficient time to his Assembly sen, Dawes & Murphy. chores, "I really haven't decided . If he does decide to seek whether I'll go again," Mr. reelection, Mr. Dawes said he Dawes said, "I just don't would want to run within the Jury Gets Rinaldi Case seem to have enough time to limited western district rath- By IIALLIE SCHRAEGER Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, cluding differing medical York City, world famous in jury, Mr. Frankel pointed to the tough, outermost mem- FREEHOLD - County Me- and Joseph J. Vena Jr., 30, of opinions from four patholo- the fields of pathology and fo- contradictions in the testi- brane surrounding the brain), dical Examiner C. Malcolm 26 Orchard Ave/, Holmdel, gists testifying about two au- rensic medicine, who yes- mony of Dr. Gilman, who at- caused: by "an external series Red Bank A irport B. Gilman came under attack are being tried on a charge of topsies. terday disagreed with Dr. Gil- tributed Mr. Rinaldi's death of blows or any kind of ex- here yesterday by a defense murdering Samuel Rinaldi The last defense witness man's findings and the. de- to massive subdural and epi- ternal application of a force." attorneyin a long-run murder last July 4 after a dance at was Dr. Milton Helpern, chief clared cause of death. dural'hemorrhaging (bleeding Mr. Frankel noted that Dr. trial. the Middletown Swim and medical examiner for New In his summation to.the on the inside and outside of (See Jury page 2) Interests County "If-you live twice again as Tennis .Club. The state is not By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI many years as you are old, seeking the death penalty. FREEHOLD - The county Board of Freeholders will you will never see a more bi- Lived In Lihcroft check into the possibility of acquiring the Red Bank Airport zarre or unusual performance Mr. Rinaldi, 37, lived at 538 but the freeholder director expressed doubts that the county in a courtroom," said Charles Newman Springs Road, .Lin- Daily Register, Writers, would take it over. Frankel, attorney for Anthony croft. Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin said yesterday he G. Burlew, about Dr. Gil- The case was to go to the personally felt that the possibility and probability of the man's testimony. jury today after, eight days of county acquiring the airfield were remote but that the free- Burlew, 28, of 808 Shore conflicting testimony, in- bolders would look into the possibility. Photographer Win Prizes ^ Negotiations for the sale of the 34-acre airport have bro- ken off. The pending sale of the airstrip by Reading Aviation RED BANK- THe-Daily a first place for her feature tion awards in competition "Police; Courts and the Service Inc., Reading, Pa., to the newly formed Golden Gilman Autopsy Register of Red Bank today story, "Asbury Park - A with all newspapers, re- Press" is scheduled this after- Triangle Airlines was officially terminated last Friday.
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